i really really love this picture
I really really love this picture
Looks like someone was cucked into oblivion
Reminds me of this coupleā¦
I see nothing wrong with it
& i thought we were homies jeebus, wtf.
The real dad is on the left, of course.
I don't know bout you guys, but I'd much rather see my (hypothetical of course) gf get fucked by a dog than a nigger.
Neither is acceptable, but in my opinion, race mixing is multitiudes more destructive than human-beast bestiality. Microchimerist and epigenetic infuences from males of a different race are harmful to potential offspring, and I doubt human-animal bestiality can have effect.
A disadvantage in the human-animal side; dogs have gonorrhea, and (I just remembered) it ruins animal behavior, even it's offspring, making it so you must kill it; maybe it does effect humans.
human-beast bestiality with animals and humans in a zoophilic way
faggot op
the fuck is the difference?
A dog can't your gf preggers, won't give her aids, isn't a nigger and won't try to rob and murder you both post coitus.
100% would choose to watch my chick take a dog, then her ever be with a nigger.
I'd still respect her.
Although she was fucking a Jew after highschool.
I've red pilled her into hating all those filthy mongrels, & she know her duty is to have, & raise beautiful pure white children.
She's always hated niggers, so I didn't have to train her on that.
maybe that is her brother
fuck I hope so
nigger babies
Nothing wrong with that.
I'm guessing that this is aftereffects of in vitro pregnancy, rather than cuckoldry.
Triplets are uncommon normally, but with in vitro fertilization and ovulatory drugs, they are more common.
I'm guessing he is infertile and the sperm came from an anonymous donor.
Or she could fuck nigs, whatever
why is the headband photoshopped on the nigglet?
How nice of the zoo to let those people hold the baby chimpanzees
My wifes sons