Lost my virginity to a man

Yesterday I went to my gay friends house. We got drunk. He started kissine and I let him do it even though I said I was straight and like big tits. I than texted my childhood friend who still live on my street, and who blocked me on Facebook. To call her a nigger, a kyke a dyke and a nignogge.t again. (She is not even black) and that her bf was hot.
I than proceeded to call several guy that go to my college and yell ==Nigger!== in their voicemail (none of the are blackskinned) at 3 am
Than proceeded to call one of my ex gf at 4 am yell nigga and told her I kissed a man, she told ne she was fucking a dude and just pickup the phone.
Than one thing led to an other, we started saying racists and transphobic things and as we agreed with each other we started kissing more and more. He eventually started jerking my dick and than he asked if I wanted to fuck his butt. I why not, he put a condom on me and proceeded.

I woke at his house disgusted at my self he wanted to offer me a ride and I just needed a walk and fresh air. WTF do I Do now beside killing myself. Im not even gay.

Facebook is more for you


Thanks captain obvious as if I didn't knoe puting my penis in a man buthole was a homosexual activity.

At least you hate niggers and faggots

I'm not actually racist on top of that.

OP is a fag

Well then, continue sucking cocks and being a faggot

You are now.

Hell is forever, sodomite!

If your friend isn't Milo, kill yourself!

this, by his own admission

Belongs in the bog too tbh.


What the fuck did you drink?

t. a gay guy

Yeah, wtf, I second his question

is pretty much a nigger toilet. a convenient, affordable and legal place to leave their muck.

7 suspicious beer bottles I can't remember the name. A shot of absynte and some apple cider.

I'm not really a tuff guy when it comes to alcohol either.

Fagatross Pale Aleā„¢

Wait, you were top?

That's not gay. Prison rules.

Well technically I was sitting on the couch and he was ridding my dick on top of me. But I was the one fucking his butt yes.

Where did you blow the load?


I didn't.


Did you like it?

I mostly didn't care it was just something hapening to me and i gave no fuck.

you better check'em

you're a faggot


Who's Miyagi?


I forgott to mention I was watching webcam videos of naked girls woth big tities.

Well your dad fucked your mom and he isn't less of a Fagottini like you.

medium kek

I'm looking forward to your nignog calls to come back on you.

Please report back in with the fallout of that.

I will. In fact i've I have, already appologiesed by text. My ex think I should get cheked for stds.
One of my friend told me it was funny to hear nigger on his phone.
My neighbour and I don't even talk to eachother anymore, I know I should apologize but at this point I'm too afraid.
There a guy who won't reply but I called him so many Times whilr drunk on previous night's to tell him I love his sister and how hot she is. That I'm afraid he not going to want to talk to me neither.
I'm still waiting for other answers.

Why are you considering suicide over a typical Tuesday evening.

Quit being a faggot OP.

Clever one.

Are you a high schooler? You talk like you're still a child.

Ass or GTFO!

thanks for the compliment.

I might be 11 and an half but I get way mire pussy than you'll ever see outside of porns. You pedo freak.

Go back to play pokemon go every day.

At least it wasn't a nigger.

I just fapped to a shemale.

Kill yourself faggot

You were in the closet?

You could've put in more effort.

you let him put a condom on you? what a faggot

>I just fapped to a shemale woman of transgender experience

Yeah, nah, that's not how it works.

You knever fucked your friend in the butt, while drunk?
You most be a fagott who love niggers.

Ok guy's stop bumping that thread, it's embarrassing enough.