Microsoft patents collecting absolutely everything off your computer

This is just getting silly now:

Other urls found in this thread:

every time


They haven't started with the bundled updates for Windows 7 yet. I'm willing to bet that they'll start porting the botnet features back to Windows 7 not long after they start with their bundled updates.

At this point, what is the excuse for using Windows10?

How did we even get here? Sure there were jokes about dystopian futures with Windows (though they generally involved things like plains crashing due to BSoDs) and that Bill Gates was the devil/Antichrist since at least the early 2000s, but did Microsoft seriously mistake that for suggestions as to what their customers really wanted? So much has changed over this decade that it almost seems like some sort of sick joke.

Who the fuck uses Windows 7 and hasn't completely shut down updates by now?

Even security updates?

Not only do I disable ALL updates, my PC blocks known update server IP routes by fucking with the netmask.

route -p add MASK -p add MASK -p add MASK -p add MASK -p add MASK -p add MASK -p add MASK

That brings back painful memories.

Back when I was in high school we had Pentium 2 machines built for win98. That was bad enough, but the retarded Microsoft-bribed local government had decided everything should be upgraded to this new hot shit windows 2000, plus about half a dozen different "security" programs, without any hardware upgrades to compensate for the added bloat. Despite all that shit running the entire network got infected by the Blaster worm.

A cold boot was 5 minutes, assuming the machine worked at all. Most of them ended up stuck at 640x480 and the security theater bullshit blocked any way to fix it. Getting from the login screen to the desktop was 5-10 minutes because everyone's data lived on a single windows server. Starting a single program took another 10-15 minutes of disk thrashing. Switching between windows took 30 seconds of disk thrashing. Multitasking was out of the question. In other words, Microsoft and its cronyism was quite literally robbing us of any chance at computer literacy in school.

To rub it in, the same building also had rooms full of RISC and 512K Mac machines. Those all started up in seconds. The productivity software on them started up in seconds, from floppies. The screens weren't a blurry mess. They even let us play games on them outside class time, something the Windows network physically couldn't do. And those resources sat unused 99% of the time, then the same year I left the incompetent bastards trashed them all.

That was a long time ago and these days the local economy is in the shitter, because unsurprisingly they can't find enough people with computer skills.

My university first had Debian then upgraded to Ubuntu on all school computers. Most laptops students used was with GNU/Linux or OS X. Felt very good going there.

why can they patent this shit? it's a very canonical idea

All I know is that those IP addresses are un-pingable now and the OS hasn't made one single peep, not even so much as a notification flag about updates ever since.

If you're using the internet with Windows 7 and aren't installing security updates you're literally a normie and don't deserve to browse Holla Forums.

If this is the case, pack your bags. You're fired.



muh gaymes

Someone sounds salty. Have a smug anime girl too.

No, you're a faggot and I was being smug. A shame you can't tell the difference with that severe autism of yours.

here's a face this time :^)

That's fucking creepy. Replace Bing with anyone's name to get an idea of how creepy that is.

Even more creepy.



Fuck off, Microsoft parasite. We consent to GMail use. We don't consent to you spying on what we do on our own Desktops you creepy fucking asshole.

And if you use MS products, you consent to whatever is in their EULA, including massive info gathering.

No I do not. I expressly do not. Microsoft constantly takes liberties using their monopoly position in the Desktop Operating System environment to do this surveillance. I have far more overt control over what I send over GMail than what I do on my own Desktop.

I despise you with every fiber of my being you disgusting parasite. Kill yourself. The world will be a better place for it.

Why oh why does linux have to suck so badly? C'mon nerds try harder.

That's why we call it rape, user...

hang on, did Microsoft just cuck Google out of their business model?

normies btfo tbh


They might as well just go back to 8-bit computers with ROM BASIC at this point. Boots up in a second and no botnet.


This sounds like some next-level profiling shit. They don't just want to record every site you visit, but also how and what you type, to get a very precise signature of every individual. Then they can eventually use that to figure out who typed an "anonymous" document.

Which is why I don't use gmail either. It's shit. I suspect soon Google will attempt to force people to use it's shit too for everything.

I don't think GMail itself is shit, just Google's practices. As someone who uses it but is thinking of moving away from it, what do you use at the moment?

I'm not him, but I use Openmailbox and

Did you verify it by looking at the data passing through some hardware router which was made before (((Windows))) 10 came out?

But that's isn't an excuse.
All the few windows 10 exclusive games are fucking shit. You can just use Win7

Show evidence for that claim.

Fucking shit Microsoft. Why are you forcing me into a junkyard challenge OS like Linux?

That OS where all the real developers claim to be, but strangely enough none of the good software is.

Aren't you worried they'll get shutdown like ghostmail was?

The worst thing about GMail is that if you communicate with a GMail user even if you don't have an account, the messages to and from you still get datamined. While Google is nice enough to outline this cancer in the terms of service to GMail users, the privacy of non-GMail users is violated with no consent from them.

You obey the EULA in both cases. If you don't consent then don't use windows.

I don't acknowledge legitimacy in exploitive actions taken by companies against a captive market.

Again, fuck the hell off, Microsoft shill. There's a goddamn reason people trust you far less than Google.


You sound as retarded as the people posting their privacy and "non consent" statements on their facebook.

Your acknowledgement is irrelevant.

Putting @gmail in the email field or any address that redirects email to them and hitting send is a form of consent. You're sending data to their servers of your own volition, they're not a charity or have any legal obligation to treat that data any differently. What they're doing isn't even unethical as they explain it on their site, what is violated in this case?

Sites that use gmail's email service for technical support and pretend to protect users from google's spying, like duckduckgo, got shit for using it. The fault lies with those that use gmail not gmail itself.

Fuck off, Google shill.

You can't find a way to refute me so you strawman instead. Nice try, Microsoft shill.

There's far more usable alternatives available for email hosts than Gmail. Email is hardly a captive market. Additionally, I explicitly choose what to share over email versus what to share over other online mediums.

That kind of selectivity isn't an option when it comes to desktop Operating Systems. If I use Debian or OSX, I'm locking myself out of an enormous amount of software that only works on Windows.

Choice matters. Microsoft has shown to be actively hostile to user choices to disable pieces of Windows-based tracking.

The post office does not read the content of mail that I receive. FedEx doesn't open packages they deliver to me that the sender sent with USPS.

You paint a false reality to discourage users from being angry by trying to shame them into submission. The tactics are so common as to be trite by this point.

Kill yourself, agitprop shill.

You haven't made a valid point to refute you dip.

It's like signing a loan agreement and then saying "I don't consent to these terms that I haven't read" when they call it in.

If you're using the software then you're consenting to their terms because it is THEIR property.

But you're just going to respond with your feelings and how they're somehow going to overpower the legality and rights of the company, whether they're moral or immoral is irrelevant.

You also don't write mail and the destination address on the same piece of paper. PGP isn't new, you normie tard

So what if a contract was implicitly agreed to? At no point does a contract say people are not allowed to voice objection to Microsoft's abuse of their monopoly.

I don't understand people who hold Intellectual Property and contract law on a pedestal but are actively hostile to any exercise of free speech. It's almost as if those people don't actually care about the Constitution or the law and instead pick and choose what values they want to uphold and which to hold in contempt. What kind of person finds Microsoft's contractual right to spy on you to be so absolute and morally just as to find any criticism of it completely beyond the pale?

Wincucks deserve every violation of their privacy they get.

Oh, yeah. Grandma definitely deserves to have all her e-mail read. That's her fault for not installing GNU/Linux and for not using GPG.

So using a tool that gets you profiled by spooks and law enforcement as a potential troublemaker is akin to using a normal paper and pencil letter. Right.

Because the recipient of a letter totally needs to have specialized tools and knowledge to open it.

I r8 your b8 4/8, m8.

It's your fault for not installing for her and teaching her the GNU/Basics like a good grandson

Criticism is fine but what's the point if you continue to use the software? You can criticize until you're blue in the face but none of it is going to convince Microsoft to change their policies until they start losing business and users. I have plenty of criticism of Microsoft and disagree with them on many issues so I stopped using their products because I don't consent to the fucked up shit they do to their users.

Stop deflecting. You're getting shit on because you said

No one cares that you criticize it, that you act like a sovereign citizen sperg about it is the annoying thing.

Criticism has gotten Microsoft to change terms of service before. Their original terms of service for Windows 10 was far more hostile to privacy than the current iteration. Criticism on its hostility to user privacy was primary driver for Microsoft to change it to its current iteration.

Many users are stuck with Windows in some form because of limited software and driver support on Debian or other Linux distros. It's not like Microsoft is innocent in that being the case, what with the deals they strike with OEMs to effectively degrade the experience of competitor OS' or to depreciate their older OS' in a way that a fix can't be patched in by external devs.

So you're comparing me stating my lack of explicit consent for a given surveillance tactic from Microsoft to people who claim the law doesn't apply to them.

2/8 you got me to reply.

Gmail is not comparable to any post office where laws protect the content of your mail. They could publish every email that goes through them to the public tomorrow if they slightly change their terms of service.

This is the reality. The false reality is expecting privacy from a corporation offering a free service that is designed to read user's email. And explicitly states it.

You're the one making those that actually care about privacy issues look like morons. "hurr google reads email that is sent to them' oh wow, let's get the EFF working on this pronto! How could they possibly have gotten away with this for almost decade?

Your thoughts are short and shallow enough to fit on that postcard you send your tax returns on.

I wouldn't be holding my breath on that one m8. If that's how you feel then I guess we're done here.

You've only validated the previous user's claims. I mean you realize that, right?

By using windows you give consent. You're exactly like those sovereign citizen spergs, who are happy to use government services until they don't want to be ticketed, and so sperg out about consent or freedom or whatever. But autistic spergs can't do introspection so I don't except you to realize this.

Talking about historical record, m8.

So if their privacy policy was changed, they'd legally be allowed to publish emails in Gmail to the public.

Somehow I doubt Gmail as a service would survive after that, not to mention all the HIPAA violations it'd create.

You're conflating implicit consent with explicit consent. I never once asserted Microsoft didn't have the legal right to do what they do, but I sure as hell do not explicitly consent to their collection and use of my personal info. Since I have no choice in many cases but to use Windows or else not participate in modern society, claiming I could simply move away from Windows to an alternative is a false choice.

Your conflation of 1st Amendment Protected speech with lawless gangs of extremists that willfully violate the law is retarded at its face.

Microsoft's cock must be absolutely delicious for you to deep throat it so much, user.

Like I said, you're just a sovereign citizen sperg who thinks shouting buzzwords is all the argument you need.
You're going for the gold.



This can only work in the users favor, right goys?

And I wouldn't have expected there to be

again, lol

You're never going to get freedom using Microsoft products because their business model would collapse

Are you even trying?

Yeah, it's still cancer :/. It's better than the "we will directly inform law enforcement for any infringing hashes we find on your system" ToS, but that's not saying much.

The users who put their private medical records on a service that publishes it publicly don't have a strong case. And at worst it's a $1.5 million fine.

When AOL released all those search queries a awhile back nothing happened to it. People are still using it as they'd still use gmail even after it made their email public.

This is what you sound like.

Given the size of Gmail and the public and legislator outrage publicization of everyone's emails would cause, it's unlikely they'd be let off with a handslap.


If people are ever going to adopt Linux or other open source operating systems en-mass, the elitism has to end.

You can thank the rise of iPhones, social networks, and companies getting the message that "it's okay to spy on your customers".

Slaughtering gaymers is the stuff our dreams are made of.

Pajeet happened.

Help! Help! Ahh!!
me in pic
Fort Macleod CyberPatrol


- Jason A. Matthews

Christ, The new recruit 'Buzunis' is proving a handful.

He's already gone through three cases of 'Cyberhacking' in the new System Shock. He's been crazy about that fucking game ever since he got in the station, He specifically worked hard enough in his life to be able to catch the game detective role without a hitch.

Fucking crazy.

Streetshitter detected. Take precautions.

It can't end user. Don't you believe in the one true stallman? All leisure activities which do not conform to His will must be removed.

TBQH, I am pretty sure the faggots who are the most vocal against games are the chirstcucks, which is some seriously funny irony if you think about it

Nah, I rip on them because games have gone to shit now days and I think it's retarded that that's the reason why people won't use an OS that doesn't spy on them in every way possible. If they need the shit that passes as "good" games now days then they really aren't worth saving.

MS is the Dark Knight ;-;

What did you mean by this?

MS patents this -> Other companies can't use it -> Users are free as MS takes the bullet

That's not how it works. Microsoft patented gathering data about everything you do and sending it to a search engine. Simply gathering all data about you is not new and not patentable.

Why not use a better operating system?

It's obviously a joke you sperg

>"why won't you accept your rapefugee neighbors in your country? be more tolerant, you bigot, oy veyyyy"
this is what you sound like


You replied to an obvious joke you sperg

Because you act like a sandnigger I'm somehow a jew "tolerating" you? Denied.

Surely you're not a Christcuck, just a stallmanite. I'm not sure which is worse.

win98 was great. win2k was even better (Dave Cutler is a legend)

However, Windows now sucks, and continuing to use it is about as degenerate as voting for Shillary. Enjoy you're botnet.

What good games exist now days that are even worth what they're sold for? Completely ignoring the problem of needing an OS that spies on you for the moment.


Ever look up any Microsoft executives?


To answer your question: all of them

I like the Linux, just not Stallman's dick parasites.


You deserve everything you get from using Window.

If you couldn't tell, I was being cheeky. You don't have to like the gaming industry as it is now to understand why other people use it or to not hold against them their desire to play video games

wew I wish I didn't have to spell that out just now.

You have things backwards.

The ones acting as sandniggers are the winbabbies who want everyone to bend to their every whim and have everything spoonfed to them. The kind who won't try anything beyond hitting next on installers and can't be assed to look up or learn anything, and adapt. Fittingly enough, that is how actual sandniggers act.