This is one of the most impressive displays of poz I've ever seen.
This July 4, let's not mince words: American independence in 1776 was a monumental mistake...
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Even if this is just a
dotr cant come soon enough
This uggo needs his face fixed with a fist.
Jew, or Good Goy?
No wonder he wishes he was British, he looks like snaggletoothed limey for sure.
He can fuck off back to Innsmouth.
Holla Forums in a nutshell
Meme it!
fuck no, we at least have proper self defense laws here.
however on the topic of the OP it could be good since directly tying ourselves to our european basis will invariably lead to ethno-nationalist social policies being enacted. this guy is a typical useful idiot who has no idea of the implications of what he is saying. he could bleat on endlessly about the "racist" past of the US, but acknowledging the european basis of the US in law would be the ultimate fuck up for the anti-white coalition
Since this is how most leftists think, we should have used this sentiment to trick Hillary into coming out and bashing US today since she does whatever he leftist handlers tell her to do.
brits stopped slavery in 1833, only 23 year earlier than America, aka negligible difference.
jews started bringing niggers to colonial America in 1620, they had been taking slaves to the americas way before since 1502 to central and south america, colonial America was the last market they opened up to shill their nasty wares. Staining the americas with niggers was one of the top shitiest things jews have done in their history of doing shitty things.
Who cares and even then wrong, much of America was claimed by the Spanish and French, they would have likely retained control with no America, so no reprieve for your ignoble savages and indians were dead meat regardless since they mostly died from disease, it didn't matter who eventually would introduce the americas to the rest of the world, the indians were going to die in mass.
Hell no, America system is way better since always. Brits or so fucking pozzed, as bad as it is in America, it's worse in the UK.
take a look at his shitposting career, total cuck and probably a canadian too
scratch that he is from Washington DC
Aren't we supposed to execute people for treason?
The CSA was great for natives tbh fam, we had cotton plantations and negro slaves just like the white man, was a breddy good deal.
Eldritch Kek.
Yeah right, if America had remained British territory, this cunt would be out with his fellow snobby, holier-than-though Marxists demanding "American Independence From Racist Britain."
Also, only old white history and science professors can wear a bow-tie properly.
I hope this cunt steps on a land mine.
Second point: he has the fish mouth.
Holla Forums was right again.
Must be a Communist/Socialist, because you can't get much more authoritarian unless you go somewhere like North Korea or Venezuela.
Is that guy inbred?
do you think so
Fat seems to enable doublethink.
I swear I read this same article two years ago.
This is actually a lot more interesting than we are giving it credit. I get that a lot of Americans are butthurt by the blatant treason (kind of amusing considering they commited treason against Britain but not important!), however if America had remained British then the British Empire would have been a lot more powerful. Assuming the US continued to grow as it had, which is fairly likely considering that even when it was independent the majority of its populace and immigrants were English, Scottish, Irish or Welsh; they would have been essentially untouchable in WW1 and WW2. The entire world might well have been united in a British Empire.
Just imagine if British Imperialism had never ended? Africa would still be a land of bounty, communism would have been crushed into the dirt.
Obviously the jews would still have been trying to undermine the Empire at every turn as they always had, but without the advent of US, Nazism and the subsequent cries for 'freedom' and 'equality' from every colony; it is very likely that they would have been unable to destroy the Empire. Without nationalism being stoked by the Nazis, and without communism being allowed to grow to rival the Anglosphere; Gandhi would never have been able to fight for 'independence', nor would Mugabe, nor would Mandela.
It could well have been the 'white utopia' that many of you dream of. Instead we have a whole world of broken down people, and traitors (like the guy in the OP) allowed to speak their filth openly.
Nu-males honestly disgust me. I wish I could gather every one of them in the world and throw them into a trash compactor.
This is the same cuck that did the "expose" on Holla Forums being the evil nazis memeing trump into power. I would be unsurprised if he posted this here himself just for the attention.
America was a massive mistake and their "independence" was nothing more than the spasmodic lurch of a bunch of spoiled, traitorous Englishmen who resented having to pay for the crown protection they were receiving (the poor babies). They weren't even capable of winning their own "war" without the French (who lost half their navy, military corps and plunged their country into famine for the sake of spiting the Brits) pretty much fighting for them, and the Americoons kindly repaid them by reneging on their billion dollar debt when the French king asked for help. What noble people!
Garbage American ideas have been absolute cancer for the rest of the planet and Americunt faggots have not only rolled back and destroyed European hegemony across the planet but they've also brought Europe to her knees in her homelands. The world would've been immeasurably improved without America.
The fact this guy is a faggot doesn't change anything.
No ill will against individual Americans but the country itself and everything it stands for is 110% ass, take your "based" niggers and your civil rights and your civic mongrelised trash and shove them up your fucking shithole.
That would be NatSoc, you waste of oxygen.
Half of fucking Europe fled to the US to escape the claws of the kikes.
It was very much about independence indeed; free from the jewish banking cartel. You uninformed worthless fuck.
ik blijk mijn lach niet in te kunnen houden voor jouw finse miem
trashed faggot
i believe a colony being able to a fight off the mother country, even with the help of another nation, is a good litmus test for a country deserving it's independence.
That thing is genetic garbage if I've ever seen it.
Call of Schlomo: Dark Corners of The Holocaust
Britain is where the kikes first rose to power over a country you fucking tit.
Just globalist shilling. The past only exists to reinforce your current goal, and can be rewritten if need be.
I thought this was going to be a "those of the same blood belong in the same kingdom" type of thing. I can get behind that.
Unfortunately, it's just cuckoldry.
It was simultaneously Prussia, France and Britain; and do not pretend that they were entirely controlled by foreign interests. It took a long time to gain complete control, and by the time they managed it they also had entire control over the US.
What an anti-semite wanting to stop the honest men of Israel from making their hard earned money by employing the poor immigrants from Africa.
Fish-faced motherfucker, you're the first to go.
Praise the Outer Gods.
Nigger, I'm like 1/4 English possibly, but I'm more Irish, German and Injun. The largest ethnicities in America are Irish and German, English comes in third.
And secondly, Trump's more German with some scottish. But he's a civic and cultural Nationalist who just sees himself as American, he's been talking about Americanism lately as well.
Thirdly, you could call the average American Anglo for the fact they speak English. Anglo also doesn't refer solely to ethnicity.
Funny considering English are heavily mixed
There's Celts, Angles, Saxons, Normans, Gauls, and others mixed in the general pop. Doesn't much matter as they're all European.
The crown, however, was infiltrated by kikes centuries okay. They have significant kike blood in them. It's not tinfoil or covered up, nothing is done to hide his fact, but it is not promoted or taught as standard and few are aware.
Seeing as how I've got some Irish and English in me, I might have "celtic" in me. My brother's also mixed, but he has the pale skin of the stereotype of Irish people. People generally consider the pale Irish to have the celtic skin tone, not sure if that's true or not. Eeeeh, I'm mixed either way, but I enjoy the cultures I was born with. I'm 3/4 white anyway, I typically pass off as white or Semitic.
Eh, I've kind of thought that a couple times myself. Only because it would be much more clear cut that this is a white country built on biritish values so things like "muh nation of immigrants" and "it's time for white people to step aside" would sound retarded.
Kill yourself, Cohen.
But I'm not semitic.