How do you go about living as a full-time NEET, without relying on your family/friends for food or shelter?
How do you go about living as a full-time NEET, without relying on your family/friends for food or shelter?
Well…..being a loner NEET is pretty hard. It is semi easy for women as they can attach themselves onto a beta male to care for them
But as a male (which you are)?
Only thing I can think of (and this isn't full NEET)
Is to either start a small time channel on YouTube about your NEET life (I know of a person who lives out of his truck and is a nomad and posts YouTube videos. Doesn't make a lot but it is enough for gas and food while he travels)
Or start doing clinical trials. You can do a few every month and some of them aren't even hard. Take a few pills a day for a week or two to see how they react to your body
All you have to do is be reasonably healthy and not have any pre-existing medical conditions (which you can lie about anyway)
If you are young you can always join the army. Its a semi NEET life. You just follow orders and do what you are told like a child
Or if you are older (like me) you can just do a petty crime and go to jail. Let the gov't take care of you. If I ever am down on my luck I plan to just do something that will get me sent to jail. If I ever get fired from my current job I'm fucked. I have no skills
how much does that pay? lel
Just showing you an example from my area
$3,200 for one month of work for this particular one
does ADHD count as a medical condition? I'm a shit tier lier, so…
I think it does
But I've seen studies where they specifically want ADHD people as their test subjects. Try going for those I guess
unemployment benefits are more than enough to live on
This is true but you have to first either have a job before you collect and even then it goes by your PREVIOUS jobs wage
Or you have to be a govt bitch and go to school or training or interviews where they try & get you hired to get you off unemployment
Unless you have a condition or disability it is quite rare to just get unemployment without doing anything (i.e. being lazy)
Sool Btory Cro
Success rates are pretty high if you plan these right. If you get caught you go to a comfy jail in norway
I would imagine with adhd he'd still be eligible for some of them. just go to the website of the big universities near you with medical schools.
I used to do some of the fun ones, shit was cash.
Pretty sure they'd deport you back to America and you'd serve your sentence in an American jail. USA and Norway have strong bilateral relations.
buttcoin millionaire living the good life
atm i have a house and savings and i am thinking of downsizing and living off of the remainder
more viable?
Buy a bus ticket to a town where you have no family, stay in a homeless shelter and eat at a soup kitchen, get a social worker.
You will end up on housing and bux, possibly even a private apartment depending on luck/where you live in the world.
Worked for me anyways, I wasn't originally planning on becoming NEET when I first moved but that's how it happened.
Ask Ozzy Osborn!
Usually they just make you see an employment councillor once every two weeks. I would just read a book while she sent out resumes for me for an hour or so, then about a year ago I missed an appointment and it never got rescheduled, no one has yet noticed.
homeless & food stamps
fuck iiiiit
how much would you need to do this?
I know this is exactly NOT what you asked, but if you can, mooch off someone else. Things more in line with your requirements would include "accidentally" permanently injuring yourself and collecting disability. If you're NEET, you're probably not using your legs much anyway. You could also get a horrible, life changing, but ultimately non-fatal disease. Are you black? You can literally just get money for being black. These things can stack, too. A crippled black person with AIDS would get more money than just a black, crippled or AIDS infected person. Any mental illnesses? Those'll get you money, too. I have crippling depression. If you don't really have a mental illness, fake it. I don't know where you live, so I don't know the exact laws, but do some research online and see what you can do to get a fat check from the government every month, find what works best for you.
A demon worshipping friend of mine lives in a spare room that an old couple has, so they don't charge much rent, and he aquires that by going out one or two nights a weeks and looting unlocked cars.
Is there a way to get government monies while still working? Like rent or utility assistance, also food and shit like that.
Nice dubs.
So I got some grandparents that got a reverse mortgage on their house, they will let me stay there for cheap, and said they have considered leaving the house to me.
Good deal or bad?
you could get hired somewhere officially as part time but unofficially payed in cash full time