ITT: We make a list of the things that Holla Forums has "uncovered" and didn't go big.
ITT: We make a list of the things that Holla Forums has "uncovered" and didn't go big
A black man's penis
stuff that they found that they thought would be massive breaking news/start a war
Muh shmita
Anything they have stickied right now
1. "Jews"
This tbh
Holla Forums is always right
Funfact: "Holla Forums is always right" means "right winged" It never meant "we're always correct". Anyone who says otherwise is a new
Holla Forums is always right.
They are just right.
Holla Forums is always wrong.
They are too stupid to get anything right.
Hence Holla Forums is right.
Let me fix that for you.
Holla Forums is always right.
Holla Forums is always left.
Stay outside east europe and enjoy the beating.
I don't get it, you didn't change anything
but you are left sir
you're the new one. fuck off animekike
I'll leave your mom's fat ass off the list, then.
At least come up with a believable lie, you fucking tard.
yeah the shemitah is always a favorite
>>>Holla Forums
This was never the meme, you fucking poser.
Go back to Facebook.
best answer.. (It didn't get big)
literally every happening thread.
4U just to save time. and posts.
Okay OP :D
literally fucking nothing
cool meme Holla Forumsro
fuck off kike, your time is over
Fuck off Holla Forums, you never had time
Nothing because Holla Forums never uncovered anything.