
The SJWs are at again on twitter by signaling how America was never great. Any ideas how to ruin their fun?

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They are such buzzkills for every holiday

The wrong side won the Civil War. #AmericaWasNeverGreat
We fought on the wrong side of World War 2 #AmericaWasNeverGreat

Tell them they're nazi sympathizers? Use their own buzzwords against them

Turn this into a movement to get people to get people to immigrate back to where their ancestors came from. Say that our ancestors came to America to seek out better lives, but since America was never great people should go back to where they came from. And since blacks were forced to come here, to a nation that has never been great, they should abandon America and go back where they truly belong, Africa.


America actually believed those Enlightenment memes LOL #AmericaWasNeverGreat

Awww did the big bad SJWs trigger you?

I told you guys we should have another independence day invasion

America invented human rights

America freed the niggers

America has always been a democracy

Why ruin their fun? Screencap them and document their identities. They are your enemies and you should know their identities, so should the general public. Don't let them escape their past.

America is getting greater since we have equality for LGBT. We can make it greater by expanding LGBT agenda, legalizing MDMA, and legalizing weed. This fag does not care for the BLM people.

They were obviously to young or to stupid to remember

Screencap, save, share. These are traitors, they will sabotage our plans at every step, we need to identify them.


America passed the Immigration Act of 1965.

America believed all men are created equal #AmericaWasNeverGreat

prove them wrong?

How does Cloudy Thoughts expect her socialist programs to get funded?


Screencap, save, share.

America gave women the right to vote so they would help populate the western territories

Do you want to redpill people? Because that's how you redpill people.


Screencap, save, share.

Holy fuck, this.

Spread this.

Nice subversion. Reported.

Way to take the subversion like a bluepilled betacuck.

Honestly, just let them run with it. It's a pretty self defeating concept to begin with. Nothing we really need to do.

Way to combine 3 buzzwords into two words.

How is it a subversion? At least explain yourself before spouting buzzwords like a retard.

reopening of Siberian gulags for libkikes when?

because all the nomadic natives going around beating each other to death with sticks or shooting each other with arrows and raping each other at knife point totally didnt happen
because living in a wooden shack or a buffalo hide yurt and shitting in a bush beats living in a brick and mortar house and shitting in a toilet
I dont even like america but the insanity of american liberals is plain to see for anyone

I BTFO someone using this line last week.
Just remember their idea of greatness is not yours, use that to your advantage.

It's well known even on Holla Forums that those two events were controlled to destroy America.

That isn't relevant because they happened and weren't the points at which America started down the shit path.

That happened at two points: federal reserve and it's related laws; female suffrage.

Correct. America was always a worthless pile of shit.

You must identify them before you can jail them. Once Trump becomes president and public perception shifts they will try to pretend they were never like this.

Don't let them forget, screencap, save, share.

I don't see anything wrong in this tweet. It is 100% correct.

You patriotards need to die already.

Tell them slavery and killing injuns was SO WORTH IT TO MAKE THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD. Say you don't mourn dead niggers and redskins because their deaths contributed to progress.

That'll trigger them about as hard as possible.

#AmericaWasNeverGreat #MakeAmericaGreat #DeportAllShitskins

Why contain it? This is the last thing they should be doing during an election year. It'll burn every bridge they have- you aren't going to get support by telling regular Joes and Jills that they were never any good.

You need to understand and experience the inclusivity of gay life. Seriously! Go out tonight to a gay bar and hang out with some gay poeple. You'll find we are really good people and we are very understanding. You may even meet someone special. If you want to be lavished with attention, try it. Everyone will play nice. I promise you that will have a great time and walk away realizing how much you have been missing out.

You know what… I'm going to go out tonight and do just that. I've been living a sheltered life, I admit. After reading your post here, I am compelled to step out of my comfort zone and go to a gay bar. I'm even reevaluating voting for Donald Trump. Maybe Hillary isn't so bad after all. What an enlightening moment for me. Thank you so, so much.

only affirmative action for shitskin minorities
slavery, holohoax, white guilt in general
feeling the squeeze, white America?

it's a clever Holla Forumstard posting.

You die first, Chaim.

I guess since America was never great the only duty I have is to my family and fellow white people. All those things we did to make everyone equal were just wasted, pearls among swine.

Tolerance and diversity = replace your majority with ours

what the shit is a "intersectional feminist"?

That came from the shitty "Enlightenment".

2nd post in, absolute truth.

This is a perfect time to trigger democracy minded normalfags and lolbergs

It's a way for feminists, gender theorist, race agitators, the LGBTQ and mestizos to combine all their grievances into one giant grievance (kyriarchy) against Western norms and traditions.
It used to be called solidarity but that was too rayciss so they came up with a new term.

I saw that faggot on there earlier, he's been shitting up that hashtag all day

No, archive their tweets.


It can be argued that screenshots are photoshopped.

this, make no apologies

Hillary is a criminal, it's no wonder she has surrounded herself with other degenerates. I get it now Omar, I get it.


Quite frankly fuck all these footsoldiers for the jews.

That's a Latin word
Couldn't we meme this into being racist too?


Considering America fought against Germany in WW2, calling them Nazi sympathizers for this has actual sting.

Then why are they here?

Yeah, make them want to kill us even more. Great idea. You're doing the kikes' job for them.

Let them go through with it. This hashtag sounds stupid and it won't resonate with average citizens who are celebrating july 4 and the soldiers who died fighting in wars. It'll only anger people.

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

There is no need to do anything, they've found a great way to destroy Hillary's campaign. Trump for his part no doubt specifically chose MAGA because he knew this would happen, and he knew how the general public would respond in turn.

sjw history is an amazing thing, perhaps they came from the berenstoin universe