I often see 'Europeans' and 'Americans' calling each other names, trolling and spreading hate towards each other. I am fairly certain that it is not purely random trolling and banter. It is too systematic, it has been described as 'like clockwork' in cuckchans /o/. It is nearly always a supposed European who starts shit for no reason. How can it be proven that it is d&c shills who are behind this?
D&C Evropeans vs Muricans caused by shills?
Some of it is D&C but there has been a brewing political animosity. The US goverment has profited it's global empire greatly at the expense of European nation states it cultural, military and economic influence can almost be found everywhere. Every time a McDonald's goes up or an advertisement in English is placed a little bit of thier culture dies. Also the military wing of this globalist world is the US to escape would mean a war with them.
it's probably 85% D&C shills and 15% euros/burgers trying to shitfling or as they put it "'ss jus banta m8"
This what I hate about Americans here the most.
Europeans are inferior to us Americans.
So we're clearly justified in calling them names.
Sometimes they throw the word "Americuck" or "Burger" around as an insult, and it's pretty cute. Or they may say
But it's all just jealousy.
There was even a study recently that showed American whites are far more white than Europeans, so they might just be salty they have shitskin and kike blood in their lineage.
What does white even mean?
Heritagless mongrel with a pale, or atleast only slightly brown, skin.
Fuck you. We spend as much on our military as the rest of the world combined, in order to protect you. While you had it made with the most generous welfare state and most prosperous peaceful and equal society the world has ever known, the US has been a war zone.
It's this sort of bullshit that gets the d&c started every time. Go fuck yourself.
Kill yourself
Holy shit grow up and learn to handle the banter, bitch.
working the lateshift, moishe?
I looked into the thread you are referencing and I can't find any source for the comparison you are making.
Where does it say European whites are less white?
Yeah I didn't ask for your protection or your nigger troops in my country faggot the majority of people were against you coming and the majority are against it still. You bought threatened and killed politicians to make everyone your vassal state. AMERGA GOOD BOI DEY DIN DU NUFFIN WE WAS BRINGIN YO FREEDOMZ DOG. The primary reason we can't have a revolution is your soldiers would put it down.
Nah, I preach against the globalist scheme of "white" "nationalism" for no compensation.
Chilean here.
I don't give a fuck.
Fuck our feelings.
Spain for Spaniards.
Chile for Chileans.
PD: I know some Chileans sudacas who went looking for easy cash in Spain. Fuckers were stupids who had no talent and could barely keep a job. Europe did the right thing by sending them back: they don't belong there.
yeah, whatever you say moishe
If Americlap government could stop trying to vassalize Europe and any other place it sets foot in, there would be less shitflinging against them.
Yet pro-US propaganda forced in American schools makes the burgers scream USA is the best ever, fuck Europe every time this is brought up, even though modern burgerland is really JewSSA.
I never thought I would miss those times.
Maybe I should have clarified that I am from Europe/DK.
Checked. It is not about bants and teasing, or hurt feelings, it is about what seems to be systematic shit flinging between the greatest and whitest allies. White Europeans and Americans need each other, we are the same people. We have plenty of enemies without turning against each other.
It is just bantz. We all know we are all volk in this struggle together.
Europeans are mostly mad that America touted itself as the natural enemy of collectivism, globalization and leftism in general, while you are infact the biggest proponent of those things.
You pushed for reliance on Jewish banking and a globalized consumerist economy and opposed our autarchic, self-sufficient national socialism.
It ended up robotizing society and people way more than communism ever did, and let (((private banks))) build big corps that have monopoly on everything.
You fueled European guilt with your holocaust propaganda, your Israel-firsting mental illness, and replacing the European war and colonialism model with idealistic "self-determination" sewage which yet somehow doesn't apply to white nations.
You turned the focus on the West from morality to consumerism which is inherently collectivist and degenerate.
You led 12 unsuccessful invasions that created debt and let terrorism proliferate.
You decided, against all nature and centuries of evidence, that niggers and women must be "equals" to us.
Your left wing is communism and your right wing is kike supremacy.
I hope Trump follows up on his words to drop out of our business and finally turns America into the fascist state it should have become a century ago, but reading his last pro-jew tweets I doubt it.
Europeans are just naturally unkind and vicious. Most of all to other whites.
The jewry is out of the charts with this post
There's been many D&C threads lately, to stir shit between Americans and Europeans, and Yankees and Dixie.
Just hide them and report them.
I'm an American, I point out how I don't like it here/how bad the demographic situation is and get accused of being European. Anons need to stop being so overly sensitive
Well said, both of you.
To the Burgers, look I have no problem with the average American on the street. Absolutely none. Nor do I have a problem with American cultural staples such as country music, baseball, apple pie or the like.
But it is an undeniable fact that almost every single problem plaguing the world, and Europe in particular, comes directly from the United States.
Free trade.
Open borders and mass immigration.
Nigger "culture".
Gangs and gangsta "culture".
Human rights.
White guilt.
Trash TV.
Drug legalization advocacy.
Fast food.
etc etc etc
All of it comes from the US, is pushed by successive US governments and always under the banner of muh freedom and muh equality.
Now I'm not blaming the average Burger for it as I know full well who calls the shots in America, but still. You guys REALLY need to clean up your country and above all learn to leave the rest of the world alone. Failing to do that, I'm afraid we Europeans will have no choice but to treat you as enemies.
The nation itself is irrelevant. If the US were to disappear one day out of magic nothing would change because the Jews naturally seek out the number 1 nation and use it as a staging ground.
this basically
I always point out the distinction between the US and its citizens, Europeans aren't that different when it comes to being manipulated and generally be anti-western, but the difference is that while being politically stupid in, I don't know, Denmark, doesn't really have global consequences, being so in the US has since the latter is the police of the world and so Americans have a much greater responsability in their hands
and before someone accuses us of doing it ourselves or even try to say it's us who are influencing the US, keep in mind who won WW2 is who drives the narrative, not the losers, especially Germany
No, it's caused by the fact that America is anti-European and always has been.
Yes but some nations are just more compatible to political judaism than others.
America with it's rather judeophile liberal and messianic populace, capitalism and free speech was the perfect, absolutely perfect staging ground for jews.
Jews are already starting to infiltrate China but they will never be as powerful in China as in they are in the US for the reasons I just explained. The chinese people are rather anti-semitic by nature, there is no free speech with which jews can freely peddle their filth, there is no capitalism etc.
Culturally, I mean. Which is the primary avenue of Jewish influence.
Yeah, America is the Jewish paradise. They couldn't ask for a better place.
Most of those things are Frankfurt's fault.
Nigger shitloads of European countries have legal drugs, and the US doesn't. (except for at a state level)
Yes. What, do you think a new Hollywood couldnt be made? Are you that foolish?
Both of these are false. I suppose USA went from 92% white to 60% white in two generations because they kept their border locked up tight, huh?
What a waste of amazing dubs
What other country besides Holland has "legal drugs? There are a few other country's that decriminalized but not that many. And what's so bad about that, having 25% of the worlds prison population is hardly a good thing?
Do you think it could be made overnight, do you think the sudden absence of TV, films and music wouldn't be noticed? It would cause major change it would probably end up with the Jewish controlled UK media trying to take center stage but Japan could probably see it as chance for a big economic boom, maybe China too and some of the other wealthy European country's would try to get in on it as well. The point is not having a single monolithic cultural Babylon would be a huge change for the world.
It can't really be proven, but it doesn't need to be. Anybody who belongs here can clearly see that they're D&C shills. There's surely a small fraction of anons who take the bait and start doing it for free, but they're going to be low content posters in the first place and having them is no worse than having a few extra paid shills on the clock.
You are far to naive about the Jew. They are not called the "International Jew" for nothing. The specific nation does not matter. The Jews themselves need to be rid of.
Find me some Jewish names in a anime ED. I just told you most of the film and music production in the UK is Jewish as fuck, but the entire world isn't producing Bella and Bulldogs tier media. You are naive about human nature if you think people will just keep prodding along if the circus suddenly vanishes.
Fuck off with your anime, if you don't consume western medias you are a race traitor.
I was serious. Everyone who ever left for America was a traitor to Europe. America was founded as a rebellion against Europe.
Of course its D&C.
At this very moment, i genuinelly believe we have ZOG pretty worried.
European people (no matter the continent) are actually becoming more and more (slowly) racially aware, as well as aware of ZOG. A large number (yet small fraction atm) of European Youth are honestly so fucking racially aware, and ZOG aware its not even funny. I have observed this 1st hand.
BUT, it wont be as scary if they can manage, once again, to pit us ALL AT EACH OTHERS THRAOTS. (see WW1/WW2 type scenario)
Dont doubt their ability to do this for a single second. The Zionist Machine NEVER SLEEPS, and is organized.
The only unfortunate thing honestly is; is that WE AS EUROPEANS EVERYWHERE, are up against NATIONALISTIC (lines on a map) propaganda.
Europeans, Look at Americans and fail to understand the genetics are what matter. Americans are Europeans. Scientifically, and biologically. (Ofc there are some who mixed with Natives, or South Americans or Africans they ofc have given up their European Identity)
I would says (as an American) that Americans look at Europeans more favorably when it comes to recognizing their ancestral, and genetic greater family. Europeans how ever I find, typically dont look at a German US citizen and make that connection. Sadly.
THIS IS A OBSTACLE THAT IS USED TO D&C. This needs to be understood.
We are literally genetic, and biological family. And for a successful resurgence of our entire people, we MUST come to understand this. And anyone who says otherwise should be considered nothing more than a TRAITOR to our people, and treated with nothing but harsh contempt.
How is the weather in Tel Aviv Avraham?
fucking weebs go away
I have to question: do people understand that Europe free will be a massive hinder for Americans and their way of life or the dollar supremacy,your welfare,etc.?
Can't believe that you fuckers would rather consume jew made comic books and shows rather than something jew free
I've always been in favor of cutting off all military aid to Europe, closing American military bases abroad, and letting the Europeans defend themselves at their own expense. Why should the US keep sending gibs to other, primarily white, first-world nations? It makes no sense. Let them maintain their own defenses and pay for them themselves.
Wow, OP wasn't wrong, the D&C is real.
The US defending Europe is exactly what the US needs to control Europe, don't be so blue pilled now.
An autonomous Europe who is able to defend itself from the (((supposed))) Russian boogeyman is a nono for the American empire, not because we're enemies of American peoples, who I generally consider to be good at heart, by itself but because of contrasting interests among the (((elites))).
Well they should still be really easy to spot with how small japs noses are. Find me one.
All D and C follows the same pattern.
They post one liners. There is never anything thought behind it. Just simple one sentence consensus building posts, because that's how they get paid.
The sooner someone makes an inforgraph about it the better.
They even do it with topics. They will frame a topic from an obviously Holla Forums standpoint, but will then steer towards and obviously not/pol/ conclusion.
They are attempting to bend the Overton window. They are going to break the damn thing
The (((elites))) clearly want a shitload of American money lining their pockets or Europe would pay for its own defense.
Well said.
Power projection to maintain the petrodollar alive.Thanks to Nixon and the block of convertibility of money to gold,the dollar became FIAT money,if you lose the forces you are going to get fucked pretty fucking hard.Not only you,of course,Federal Reserve lose power too,so the other banks,Israel stops being an impenetrable fortress but has to look around for itself:Egypt,Syria,Iraq,Iran,even the Saudi will probably jump ship.
It rise nationalism too:being undefended it's a bold move and you need to have nationalist and birth rates up to defend your nations and keep your pwoer.
You win the award for Dumbest Post In This Thread
Fuck your European empire, which abuses the military might of and drains resources out of America. We've been nothing but pay to to arm and protect you lazy shits from the commies during the cold war and you repay us by spitting in our faces. Tbh the entire continent should have fallen, the soviet rape train should have ran all the way to the atlantic.
see this is exactly the reason why we sometimes hate you, bluepilled rants filled with mindless patriotism, only confirming that anti-atlantism is a necessity in Europe if the latter wants to survive
Europhilia is a curse upon this nation. We jumped into two world wars just to "join the cause" of our "brethren" in Europe, the same "brethren" we protected from communism, and the same ones who now hate us for it.
I say we pull out of Europe tomorrow, let our friends in Moscow do as they will in the east, and Merkel the whore can do she whatever she wants in collusion with Brussels beurocrats. Don't beg for American arms when Turkey enters the schengen zone you plebs
Its a TOR poster and you fell for it.
I do dislike European snobbishness, though. Ironically its those living in the most cucked countries (Sweden, Germany) who are the most anti-American, as if we forced them to be fags
putting huge amounts of resources into the USSR so that they can defeat Nazi Germany sure sounds like help!! thanks!!
I get it, your trolling, no one can be deliberately this stupid, should've looked at your ID first.
wot m8. the whole point of our massive front in the west was to help the allies snag as most of Europe as we could before the soviets raped it all
we nuked japan twice just to prevent the soviets from invading them, and tbh they should thank us for it
here's your free (You) sir
look what happened to Romania. Germany would be Romania tier today if we hadn't helped you cucks
Op, Columbus as a Jew.
If he actually was… that would explain a lot.
It's pretty simple, confront them with the fact that it's caused by Jews. If they try and fight you over that fact, then they're shills.
Read up on the Rimland Theory.
America "defending" and maintaining a military presence in Europe (and Asia) is a fundamental pillar of US geostrategy hence why the US mil will most likely not pack up and leave on their own volition.
Actually, that's quite exactly what happened. You forced western euros to be fags.
Here's one of (((them))) now, complete with furry porn.
And another one of (((them))).
And (((another)))!
And yet (((another)))!
We just call it CIA. Do you put "the" before god?
No shit.
Its definitely picked up pace in the last week or so, though. ((((they)))) must be freaked out about the Brexit thing.
It meant European so as to distinguish us from the lowly Negroes in the U.S. I'm sure it's used far less in Europe as it is (was) homogeneous. I look at it as being synonymous with European. The line between Arab and 'white' gets pretty blurred around the Mediterranean. Just look at Bashar al-Assad. If I didn't know who he was and someone told me he was slavic from South Eastern Europe, I'd believe it.
Fucking politicians backstabbed us in 1965. A lot of Jews and good goyim worked together for this.
Name any group more kind and less vicious.
Are you kidding? You deliberately held back just so the reds could take Czechoslovakia for themselves.
But to be fair, your government was at the time full of jews, commies, and jew commies. So that's to be expected when the guys making deals on behalf of your nation at Yalta are secretly working for the other side. And you did eventually wise up and begin rolling communism back after they'd mostly been kicked out by McCarthy.
And as for Romania, at least they were strong enough to throw off the chains of communism through force. Plus they don't have Germany's (American written) constitution holding them down saying that NATO effectively dictates their foreign policy and anyone who says the wrong thing about the jews or raises their arm in a certain way goes to jail for five years.
Whites shitting on other whites is kike D&C shit, whether you intend it or not. Nationalism is rising. Don't be fucking idiots and demoralize yourselves.
They think they've found a fracture point with which they can strike and hammer a wedge between us. What they don't know is we thrive on harsh bants and shitposting. It is at best only a very mildly effective slide. We are not Reddit we are immune to most of there bullshit.
It's gotta be frustrating being a shill on a Chan site.
We joined the wrong side in both world wars. We got cucked.
The subhuman mixed spic RETARDS need to be reminded again I see.
Nobody forced you to join the wars. Enjoy the outcome you have brought out though.
fucking Catholics god damn
Burgers just can't handle the banter. You guys are just too insecure about your culture and place in the world.
the same could be said of europeans who chafe under the boot of the americans and resent his superiority like a woman
The real joke here is that both posters are inbred.
It's because amerikikes are the cause of so much bad thing for us Europeans.
The USA is everything a country should not be and it shows in its population.
It's because American culture prioritizes muh freedoms, while European traditionalists will larp about monarchy and divine right of Kings under Catholicism. If you think it's shills starting quarrels here, you're an idiot.
And you're a hugbox retard if you don't think two friends and cooperating sides can't fight. Have you ever had a friend you exchanged blows with or antagonized in good fun? If not, top cuck. Kill yourself, man.
Also white nationalists greatly irritate a big number of europeans. Yes, there's one white race in America, maybe. But in Europe there is the nordic race, mediterranean, russian etc. We don't want to mix among each other no more than you want to mix with spics. And as long as alt-right continues with muh white homeland and shuts down anyone who disagrees, European animosity towards Americans will increase.
Go ahead user, name a better one.
I'm waiting.
wtf am i reading
No OP its purely a coincidence :^)
go back to suck jew's cocks, shill