Holla Forums client

Hi there Holla Forums

I made a 4chan Android client a while back, as an university project.

It was originally meant to be a 4chan client, but I wanted to made it a Holla Forums client (since Clover already exists and it's awesome).

Since I have no time or chance whatsoever to continue this project, if someone is interested to fork it, it's here

Other urls found in this thread:


Another pic related, catalog view

Where's that guy from the /asciipunk/ thread with the CLI Holla Forums client?

I hate all the padding and the way everything looks like recipe cards. Everychan destroys this But sometimes it will never post my fucking posts


I can't ever fucking post through Everychan.
It fixed the image problem but ever since they modified the captcha system I have to use my mobile browser

I followed the material design guidelines, that's all

u wot m8


And one of the companies that buys the data:

c'mon dude, I don't need to be redpilled, everywhere you look you could see someone who sells/tries to sell you personal data
just give up


Who are you describing as "he"? I've personally never used social media (it goes against the old views of don't put your information all over the internet), I have a dumb phone that I leave off all the time and only keep for emergencies, and don't use a browser that tracks me. None of those are hard to do.

dude you're going so much OT
I would love to discuss all about personal data paranoia, but that's not the place to do it at all, sry m8


Isn't material design supposed to be flat.

I don't see your point dude

Isn't a question meant to have a question mark at the end of the sentence.

It didn't even fix the image problem properly.
Some random user told them how to do it properly, by overriding in the Infinity module, and the street shitters at NT Technology fucked it up anyways.

So where did they change it? Would it detect 64-char tims on other sites that don't run Infinity the way it works now?

"Material Design Guidelines" is plural, for "DURR FLAT RECTANGL" see Windows 10

Please put it on F-Droid if you can.

I'm right here, it wasn't an Holla Forums client, it was an NNTPchan client. I'm literally working on it right now.


It's far from complete, but if you want to try it there's a release APK into the "progettoSAM.zip" archive, feel free to download it and try it yourself

Yeah, I already have carpal tunnel, no thanks.

yeah, sure m8

Then there's literally no difference and you're complaining about nothing.

yeah, probably
I just can't stand tabs, I'm basically a reversed Richard Hendricks

Yeah but the reason Richard Hendricks hates spaces is because you have to press space multiple times for each indent, I doubt he'd care if the editor did it for him.

Or he would...

Oh, cool. Is there a repo yet?

You might want to consider line wrapping and not naming variables ii, iii, iiii. Just a tip.

No, not yet, I'm going to make a repo when I'm happy with it (almost there, just cleaning up code, adding settings & theming and a download function for attached files now).

Line wrapping is something I'm definetly going to do later, fixing variable names is a maybe (old habit of naming iterator variables like that).

This is the wrong thing to do.
Normally, you'd do this:for word in splitText:If you also need the index number for something, do it like this:for index, word in enumerate(splitText)
Python has foreach loops, not syntactic sugar around while loops like C. Don't fight that.


Yes. They changed it in the vichan module, which is the incorrect way to do it.

Oh, I didn't know about that, thanks.

If what you hate about tabs is the width, many editors have a setting to adjust it.

In nano, edit your ~/.nanorc or /etc/nanorc file, and add "set tabsize 4"

Reverse image search gives no hits. What anime is this? I'd love to see an anime about ancient Rome.

t. Italian

Nevermind, I'm a fucking Guido.

Thermae Romae

Hope somebody picks this up. It's pretty sleek, and both Overchan and now the shitty Everychan fork are broken.

Isnt material design the bottom android navigation buttons in his screenshot? That looks good. But the app looks like Pinterest; a woman's site.

Why prefer this over Ourobouros? What does your client do better?

Nothing, but it's a fresh start for making a new one

ey paesano

The anime is shit compared to the manga. read the manga.

fucking weeaboos, just fucking go the fuck out pls

Hey, that's actually kinda cool. What's the license, though?

Do you even know where you are or where it came from?

It says GPLv3 in the files. Including a license file is highly recommended and better for everyone involved, but not strictly necessary I think.

Thanks dude.
It's GPLv3, but I was thinking migrating to MIT.

For what purpose?

Because of the license inheritance into a derived project, if you distributed said project.

I mean, I would always like to see open source projects, especially the ones derived from my personal projects.
But I must admit that I don't really like how GPLv3 handles distribution.

MIT license is a weaker form of GPL license, which is good I suppose.

When would it be a problem for someone to release the source code?

Are you talking about the license inheritance here or something else?

I'm not gonna shit on the MIT license, but it's more like a BSD license than a GPL license. More so, MIT actually allows sublicensing, so in some way it is less restrictive than BSD-likes, which only allows relicensing if the project is forked and modified. You can technically grab any project with MIT and instantly relicense it without modifying jack shit about it. Furthermore, MIT doesn't have a non-endorsement clause, which may be dangerous.

If you don't like the way GPL goes viral, use LGPL instead. It is like GPL, but only forces to release changes done on the main program, thus it allows linking to proprietary programs as if your program was a library. It is the closer you can get to avoid people closing your code while allowing them to close their additions.

Got it, thanks dude
Licensing is kinda messy, I've never liked all these stuff, too much distracting from the real deal (which is coding).
I'll think about it, but anyway nobody is forking the project, so no problem for now

Why the fuck would you use a smartphone as a phone? (ironic as that is)


Do you know what the real problem is?

As someone who actually developed something based on vichan engine, you can "feel" how shitty that engine really is.

The technology used is so obsolete, the API is messy and resource models are somewhat 'dumb'. BUT that's ok if you developed this shit 10 years ago and who did it actually didn't attend all his DB or Backend development classes.


I like Holla Forums, don't get me wrong, but hot-midget-weelz should have made a real modern backend and a "old style looking" frontend, not forking an almost 20 years old chan engine.

Nice OP, hope somebody pick this up

does it work on froyo?

Nope, Ice Cream and above, but targetAPIlevel can be easily changed, I used mostly Compat classes

Break your code out into functions. Instead of commenting "#Draw the text in the post [....]", throw the code there into a function and call it something like drawPostText.
Don't. Find another way.
Use a variable.
Use enumerate.
Discipline yourself.

Bullshit. Holla Forums's raison de etre is paranoia.

Yep, sure, but this wasn't meant to be a Snowden-like paranoia thread

why dont you guys use dashchan?