When's the last time a comic made you say vid related

When's the last time a comic made you say vid related

Yesterday, when I finished reading 3rd volume of Casanova. It's pretty much Cuhrayzee: The Comic and probably not everyone's cup of tea.

I picked up the trade for pic related, and it's pretty nifty so far.

memes make me say it every meme

That was my initial reaction to most of rebirth, actually.


I thought that comic made you say "HAHA SO WACKY BETTER FALL IN LINE AND PRETEND I READ IT SO Holla Forums WON'T BULLY ME"

You brought this story-time upon yourself.


You better do both issues, faggot.


What kind of faggot saves only one finger lickin' good issue?

It's the details that always kill me.



Remember, Holla Forums, HEROES DO IT THE HARD WAY.


I'm fairly sure that in the rebirth run of the flash, there has been maybe one page so far that didn't feature blue and white.

Hope and Imagination.


Whenever I see him rip off his suit to reveal a clean suit under it, I feel better about the world.

God I love this. I think this was the last legitimately good comic DC made.

Nah, m8. Superdad

oh yeah that one was pretty good dude. Also I read renew your vows. That was pretty good too. Finally get to see Peter Parker with Mary Jane in a happy relationship with a daughter.

The Flintstones comic that they just started releasing.

I'm not even kidding.

Okay.. I enjoyed the fuck out of this.

It's a solid hustle.

the new Flintstones and "Finger lickin' fool" KFC ad by DC.

I enjoyed it heavily

Why don't you put your shit opinion in a bottle, superman?

I laughed harder than I should've.

I can't believe they couldn't come up with a better name for the speed force than "the speed force"


Kinetic force
THE Force
Locomotion force
Sanic force

Flintstones new comic book
Ultimates by Al Ewing.
Vision by King.
Harrow County.