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The terrorism they export has come home to roost

No surprise, medina is the woman's mecca. ISIS has a pretty poor track record with women.


take a day off from the internet and lighten up


My heart jumped a little at the title. I'm a little on edge expecting happenings for Independence Day.

Isis biting the hand that feeds them?
The last weapon delivery must have been late.

This is the second holiest site in Islam, on the holiest day. You can expect all-out Middle Eastern war now.

ISIS is against all idol worship. Its what happens when any religion seeks ultimate purity, it becomes a cult.

Ramadan is winding down and will be over soon. I expect happenings

I bet it was hillary.
And I bet it was financial jews.

Fucking waste
Why can't they just set off a nuke in Mecca instead?

This, all the higher up saudis are Semite kikes.

US Consulate in Jeddah also just got bombed
Shiite mosque in Qatif also just got bombed
Today's gonna be a fun day.

Bet this was to cover up the Clinton foundation.

Congress will now spend 6 gorillion years investigating

Oh no! The link is half an inch farther down the page!

You know youre a lazy neckbeard when looking slightly farther down the page causes you such agony that you feel the need to bitch about it like a little pussy.

what's the score?

Seems like they dropped the bomb too early and blew up a parking lot instead.

At the US consulate, only two wounded aside from the dead bomber.
At Medina, unknown so far, but there are certainly several dead judging from the reports of body parts in the area.

Not released yet. But now word is coming in about two other bombings including one at the US consulate.

Saudi Arabia is run by Salafists, same ideology as IS. They've been diligently destroying every site significant to Islam that they can get away with for a hundred years. Mecca's and Medina's main mosques are only kept open and not bulldozed because they produce lots of tourist shekels and give Saudi Arabia a claim of supremacy in the religion.

i don't know. sunni had been pretty shits to shi(i)t(e)s.

maybe it's a genuine action.

Why would they attack their second holiest place Is it because of the green shrine?

First video is out from the bombing in Qatif, severed body parts clearly visible. Someone rip it before Jewtube takes the video down.

Do Muslims even have any logic as to who they bomb? This is like Catholics burning down the Vatican.

Muslim extremists do not like the green shrine that was latter added to it.

It's like you aren't part of a death cult or something.



Yes, part of Wahhabism/Salafism is destroying historical artifacts, officially to prevent idolatry.

what is the difference between a religion and a cult?


yes, each sect of islam will happily bomb the shit out of the other sects for not being "real" muslims

Holy fuck, what is wrong with these people.

It could be the same idea that Communists have, to make sure nothing remains of tradition. It could be to erase evidence of Islam's history being different than is generally accepted. The doctrinal explanation is that idolatry is a threat to Islam.

Get a load of this jabroni.

Pretty much this

I wonder how much chaos would envelop Saudi Arabia if Trump's America were to tell them to fuck off and stopped paying/protecting them


The main difference is you have a very low risk of being executed for trying to join a religion.

What a disaster.

The only difference is the size of the group.

It was a joke you fucking cucks.

That's it? Weak as fuck, fucking kebabs can't do anything right.

greentext somethign something pretending retard

Seems to be pretty low energy overall lads.

I think the next few days should be more interesting.


No, you can try to join a religion without being killed. If you try to join a cult and you fail you may be executed.

This is the final straw for me, good image. Its absolutely clear that the Wahhabis are kikes and as such eager to destroy all historical remnants to prepare the way for Luciferian and moloch doctrines (kike religion)

Many religions will kill you for leaving, not for joining. That's the same for cults. They always want more in their ranks.

Can you help me calculate ballistics?

That clock tower has a huge observatory below the clock. It would be the perfect position for shooting from, particularly onto large crowds.

i can see saudi's sending a few more airliners your way

Yes, but you were asking about the difference. The difference is that a cult will very likely kill you for trying to join but failing. This is a huge difference.

How about I eat your leg instead?

you seem to have some kind of video game tier understanding or definition of cults

Sorry, I don't have much knowledge on that topic. Honestly, with such a mass of people there, its probably best to handle this with more effective means anyway.

I've never heard of this, do you have examples?

How does this not fit Islam?

They can't accomplish anything without Israel's help

I can see the US defense industry loving that idea.

^ jew

and actually when i checked the definition its basically just religion but a derogatory term

so there is no real difference

ISIS, Al Qaeda, some 60s cults, drug gangs (which typically have a deity system of a crude sort), various types of satanism / wicca

^ jew

nice argument

This "meme" needs to go.

These are not cults, just paramilitary incarnations of a religion. Drug gangs aren't cults. You seem to grasping at straws.

ISIS seem to be destroying a lot of buildings/art important to Islam for an alleged "Islamic" terrorist group. Not that I care, but just an observation

I have never heard of such a thing happening. Cults are just non-mainstream religious groups.

they destroy just as much pre islam stuff

You're too smart for your own good goy.

asking him to elaborate on our disagreement is a fucking meme now?
this is some carl the cuck tier shit right now

All that destruction of archaeological sites in Mesopotamia was non-Islamic stuff anyway, but this is normal behavior for Wahhabist/Salafists.

Now this is the kind of fireworks that make this day great

I don't get reddit




I don't care who did it just give me the numbers! High, high numbers! Make them gorillion!


Trips confirm Kek did it again

GOAT 4th of July.

Let the Kebab self-destruction begin.

praise kek!



I bet you getting to the observatory is way easier than smuggling of illicit items onto the main area. So if not guns, mortars. But the ballistics would be just as difficult - down a lot.

Not fair, America got a bitrhday present from Kek.
Lucky bastards!

What the numbers? I want high count! Give me the numbers!

Meanwhile CNN is having non-stop coverage of sheriffgate

Things might just happen tonight; the most vulnerable time will be when the fireworks go off and people think explosions and gunfire are just that.

4 killed according to CNN

kek has blessed you with numbers

its the will of god


also not archiving should be bannable

A nice cap to a wonderful Ramadan Rampage.

Weird attack, shelled and not suicide bombers?


cut out this lying bullshit

Gee, a liberal echochamber is excusing Muslims, who would've thought? Fuck off you mong.


Are you a saujew?

They're iconoclasts. There are branches of Christianity and Buddhism that do the same to religious relics, too.

regular updates of attacks

Could be ISIS.


It appears to be dubbs

Some audio/video wizard please mix in some "Allauh Ackbar" shouts into those videos to spicy it up a bit. Thank you in advance.


You look stupid.

No news coming from the Arabs. Must've been a gag order imposed.

Can you believe how antisemetic she's the sheriff was?

Sheriffgate? I must have missed something.

In summary:

Oh, I knew about that; I just didn't know anyone was calling it Sheriffgate.
I was wondering there was some sort of new controversy over racist police.

So… after all the shit that has gone down the last week, who is on their way out to massive fire work demonstrations tonight?

Actually, my very first thought on seeing that shape was the sheriff's badge. Star of David just doesn't jump out at me unless I see the internal lines too.

Gag orders are only needed when the media is free to start with. Judging by past attacks / accidents, it's Saudi SOP to state the lowest casualty figures they think they can get away with.

It's from the notorious neo-nazi hate software 'mspaint'

I've not watched the newsnthis week.

How many Ramadan bombings/slayings have there been?

so they're Iconoclasts?


Everybody knows now, Schlomo.

No more blaming "muh Saudi oppresive Islam hang homos from cranes support Israel muh only democracy".

The game is up.

It's over.

I ain't seen shit on this other than that tweet, sure its true?

Loving the 4th of July fireworks.

This is probably it.


a lot of sunni extremists are full "mythic dawn" tier anti-materialists who want to destroy this world and all its graven images so that the end of the world can come and so-forth


someone told achmed to attack Burgerland on the prophet's birthday in their holiest place, a mcdonalds.

one eye on the streets, one eye on the infidels



How is this news?

since it's murrica-day for a few more hours, have a re-coloured version.

got to be honest, looks more like a car fire, tbh…

They are Donmeh crpyto kikes just like the ones who took over Turkey after the end of the Ottoman empire

My first thought as well.


About 400 years.

It's actually very good. It causes kikes to do the following:
1. Claim Trump is anti-kike
2. Support the claim with an example (other than a picture)
The problem with (2) is everything Trump espouses enough Americans are on board with for him to win.


Why does this anger me? It's shitskin, Arab-Turk architecture that's being smashed, but I'm still perturbed by it. Why? Is it because we're not the ones destroying it?

I'd ask if you're some kind of fucking idiot, but we both know the answer to that.

Idolatry is absolutely fucking base untermensch-tier though.

Might as well become full-LARPagan.

No one cares about your desert god or one of it's many tentacles kike.

Fuck off you tree-hugging hippie.

I still don't get it. ISIS has money, weapons, support from major powers, yet…

Go blow yourself up for yahweh you wannabe sandnigger

Idolatry is for savage niggers, you LARPagan reject.

I hope a yellow jacket flies into your throat while you're hugging a tree, you LARPing homo.

christcuck, muslim, kike, there is no difference, you all worship the same nonwhite god.

A cult is a religion with no political power.

;) and is in a neighboring country.

I think you need to learn about cults from someplace OTHER than your D&D books.

Nope. Not that either.

Because here you are, on Holla Forums, base for the cult of Kek, which has political power.

You faggots who are trying to make this complicated are so fucking dumb.

Outed yourself.

Burn in hell you nose demon.

In the meantime, fuck off back to Something Awful.

You're a fucking retard.

Yeah you're a fucking retard.

Kek accepts your tithe of salt.

Because Israel is a Jewish fascist state with tightly controlled borders and a racist government. They deal with terrorism daily but the terrorists in question are of a differing religion/ideology than ISIS.

The logic in these are just baffling, it's like a dada painting come to life


Fuck off you LARPing cancer.

Unfortunately it has come to this indeed.

Fuck off Yahweh lover, the time of jewish war gods is over

Get cancer Holla Forums.

ISIS are the new bolsheviks

Back to /christian/, nigger, Kek is our god. The demiurge can get fucked

Gas yourself you filthy jew.


You are not one of us.

Now get, OUT.

back to cuckchan you go

Hey, don't blame me that christians worship the god of jews. I didn't write your bible, the catholics did that.

Now tell me how catholics aren't christians, that's always good for a laugh.

Christians don't worship the God of the Jews. The Jews worship Satan, not God. That's why they were repeatedly called the Synagogue of Satan in the New Testament. Jesus Himself had many things to say about their ancestors, the Pharisees, and none of them were kind.

It is good that KEK is now giving these devils a taste of their own medicine, let the burn in hellfire where they belong.


Because it's not expedient to them. Right now they are attacking Iran's allies, who are Israel's enemies, so Israel leaves them alone and they do the same.