Why do Libtards hate DC movies?

Why do Libtards hate DC movies?


Anyone have the screenshot of that series if posts of an user autistically analyzing BvS as to why libtards hate it?

Because they are redpilled. Batman v Superman points out how dishonest the media is, how corrupt Washington is, and its hero is rich white man who fucks up spics and nigger criminals. Suicide Squad is the same in different ways, I've posted about this before, but I'm honestly sick of saying the same things over and over again.

While they are still capeshit films, they are capeshit with good messages, and the marxists can't have that.

Batman's fight scene is against "Russian mobsters" you apologist faggot. As if Ben "criticizing Islam is Racist" Affleck would let it slip that the most violent criminals are minorities.

The guys Batman fights in that scene are a diversity gang led by a Russian working for Luthor.

The human traffickers in the beginning aren't white, and there's the prison scene where the niggers stab the spic.

Keep in mind that Cisbusters wasn't nominated for a single razzie award. Not one.

The Razzies are political, just like the Oscars. Only an idiot wouldn't realize that.

It's a god damn shame even the Razzies are so sensitive to the moods of Hollywood & feminists.

You'd think an award show that exists to point out shit films would be endlessly aware of Hollywood's constant stream of bullshit.

they gave a lifetime achievement award to ronald reagan in 1981

salty af

Check out Holla Forums.
Marvel has been pandering to Tumblr and the left because no one else wanted to buy their comics.
Only leftists read Marvel now, they have gender and race swapped every single superhero for diversity purposes.
Marvel is only SJWs inside and out now.



That's not how you spell "Conservative Intellectual who writes for National Review and makes the most TopKek of all TopKek posts on eight chan"

Factually wrong. Leftists don't read comics, they're for nerds. Marvel currently has no readers and is planning a reboot to return characters to their original way to get views back.

Movies get a pass for race realism in prison scenes because the left has already framed that reality in their narrative so it's deemed safe. The leftist indoctrinated within the audience have been given the guidance of "non-Whites just have to go to prison because of racist White cops" so seeing the reality of race in prison depicted in a film actually reinforces their conditioning. One of the clever moments of the marxist hivemind.


Leftists just look at the cover and encourage people to buy it but even they don't buy them.

Batman in BvS is a fascist and I remember reading a Youtube comment a while back where some fag was triggered by this scene in particular, saying it reminded him too much of Trump.

What? Literally only you see some redpill in this shit movie. If anything how humans hate aliens but we can become friends.