How do I get a girl who likes memes (she browses Holla Forums), video games (she browses Holla Forums all the time too), is pretty cute like a 6.5-7/10, and likes chans. She lives right next-door to me. Have some funny shit.
Please help
How do I get a girl who likes memes (she browses Holla Forums), video games (she browses Holla Forums all the time too)...
d r o p p e d
and if she browses this Holla Forums tell her to post tits
she doesn't exist on Holla Forums. she may on cuckchan, but if she does she's automatically shit tier on account of browsing there
is the first gif a dude or a gyal?
post her tits or GTFO.
I'll give you 24 hour
she may be shit-tier but she is milk-tier to me.
ill get back to on that chump.
Get her to rape you with a strap-on and upload the webm.
she doesnt have one
How do you know?
good question
Improvise you faggot!
Only a girl would say she likes memes, you are the girl aren't you.
Tits or GTFO, then we will tell you how we would break into your house and rape you.
When did we become Europe Rapefugees?
Because we already took over europe, and are posting from our victims phones.
I guess it's time we culturally enriched OP then.
you might as well get a waifu and hope she becomes real because you have a much higher chance of that happening
I dont want 2D though.
she is the semi-tomoko, looks wise. Dark black hair, sleepy eyes, pale skin, and other shit.
ill think about it though.
I have a vision of OP's future…
this made me so angry when I read about the backstory
A roastie Stacy called her beta friend over to tweeze her pubic hairs so she can get ready for that night when she was inviting a Chad over
The beta graciously accepted because he is just "helping a friend" even though you know it is killing him inside to do that
But at least he gets to see & smell pussy up close. I kinda………kinda….wouldn't mind being a beta in the "friendzone" if it allowed me to see a naked female IRL up close
Why would anyone want to even do that for literally nothing in return? This has to be fake.
What do you mean? He gets to see a female completely naked and touch her vagina
I don't know about you but I've never seen a naked female in my whole life. I'd be willing to tweeze a female friend's vagina for the pleasure of sniffing her lovelies & asshole and spreading her labia
im pretty sure she likes me, and I like her, just need to know what other games to introduce her to, how to get her over to my house to play vidya.
Have more self respect you fucking degenerate filth, faggots like you give reserved men a bad name.
Get a load of this cuck.
If she is real, then she's only into that shit cuz she wants to attract spurglords like yourself since she can't get a regular Chad to notice her. Give it up mate
She will go out with a Chad sooner or later IF she isn't already
Its a trap Op.
that guy sounds like a little bitch. "o-ok sure, hey at least i get to see her pussy, r-right?"
Look mate. Even if you GF ever asked you to do this, you say no.
You can either get used by people, or use people. Be the guy she's plucking the box for, not the little bitch who's plucking it.
Shit, I don't know now why im tell in a 14 year old betamaster about this. Too late for pussy like you anyway
I really hate people.
LOL i'm going to be 30yo in like a month
I'm on Holla Forums. I'm not going to pretend like you actually give a shit about me or that I have to pretend I'm something I'm not
I don't get girls. I never have. I never will. I'm just saying that, as someone in my situation, I'd find it ideal to be in close proximity with a naked female from time to time. And if I had to do something I didn't want to do - in order to get into a situation like that - I'd gladly do it.
Because I can't get into a situation like that in any other way normally
Go to her house with a hammer and wooden post. Hammer the post into the ground right in front of her door. Put your asscheeks in between the post and proceed to shit all over it.
Most important, write "Will you go out with me?" with the poo, on the post.
why do you feel sorry for the beta? He has brought this fate on himself.
Are you at least a rich wizard?
id do it just to make an elf out of chad *grin*
the wooden post will have to be pretty big though, right?
who the fuck is that?
Alright here is what you do.
Walk up to her and ask in a non autisric way "hey wanna go to this arcade i know and hangout (or something else she is interested in and If all else fails take her to the mall… God have mercy on your soul if the latter is chosen)"
Dont act like a faggot, just make playful non insulting jabs at her if you get into a competition. Keep it friendly. Tell her shes beautiful to you at some point without prompting but make it seem like an action thats natural.
No walking to thw arcade and turning to her and saying "you are hot"
While you are playing a game or walking around, slowly look at her a bit with increasing frequency but not too fast.
When she asks you what you say "Its just, you are beautiful you know that?"
You cant overplay your hand nor play it too fast.
Women wnat nothing else than to love and be loved. It is every one of thems highest ideal.
Feed romantic love and attention to thwm slowly or else thwy will either get bored or think its not worth much.
Why wouldn't you want a girl degenerate enough to browse chans?
Any creature of the flesh is not to be wanted. They're ugly useless flesh prions. Go for 2d, atleast in your mind they're not as worthless
Who do you feel anger towards? The dude or the "roastie"? Personally, I think if you allow yourself to be trampled upon by women, you deserve it. Grow some balls, man.
She uses memes to fill the void that is her lack of personality. OP you have shit taste.
pussy not much better than jacking of, save ur time and just jack it broski