Why? thread

You're an attractive women with a nice body. What do you do? Cover yourself with hideous tattoos.


She looks like a whore regardless of the tattoos. It isn't like she's some cute innocent looking girl with ugly tattoos. She looks like shes taken 1000s of dicks


Yeah, you're right. Tattoos aren't distracting at all.

I never implied any such thing.

She looks like a whore very much in part because of the tattoos, but the silver hair and stripper makeup don't help either.

Wow, I was literally just thinking about making a rant thread about women's tattoos within the past hour. I come back and there's a thread about it. We must be getting close to the singularity with this new year.

Too many young White women are ruining their bodies by falling for the tattoo meme. They're getting them at 14,15,16 years old.

Tattoos on a woman, no matter what they depict, are really a branding that reads "damaged goods".

We need to make chastity/purity popular again. I don't know if it will happen in our lifetime, but it must take place or we will have nothing but a bunch of whores running around.

I'd think she was a whore just based on her face and hair even if she didn't have tattoos. She has that damaged look of a woman whose father was a useless degenerate

theres no going back

Yeah, I'm gonna have to go ahead and mostly agree with you. I have a theory that the dumber someone is, the more (and larger) tattoos they have. Having a full chest tattoo pretty much puts someone in the below average IQ dept. So, either damaged goods OR just dumb as a rock.

I mostly agree with this, but I know a girl that seems to be an exception to the rule. All she really does is stay at home and study for the degree she's working on. Her sister is the major problem. She loves her sister, and kinda looks up to her. Her sister has a bunch of tattoos: chest, foot, arm, back. So she ended up getting one on her upper back.

It sucks she got that tattoo, but other than that she's probably the smartest girl I've met(not saying much given most girls are retards). I could be biased because I'm trying to hook up with her, but outside of her sister being kind of a degenerate I can't find any other major flaws. I would be her first boyfriend if it happens. I only met her because her sister is my friend's girlfriend. The tattoo isn't terrible, but I'd rather it didn't exist

I think there's definitely an IQ gap between people with tattoos and those without. I know a few smart people with them, but they're outliers.

With women it's a little more difficult to gauge, because even the smart ones will sheepishly follow stupid fads. Women are driven by emotion, not logic.

Your story confirms what I said in exactly.

Here you have a smart woman doing a stupid thing for the sake of peer acceptance.

It always happens this way. One in the circle gets a tattoo, then another, and then the rest of them follow suit, either to fit in, or to outdo the others.


tatoos are disgusting tbh

Just because you're attractive and have a nice body doesn't' mean you don't have mental issue.

Happy to be a man, comfortable in my own shoes.

she looks fugly tbh fam

Because you want attention/hate how you look and this is an easy answer.

Forget getting a personality or losing weight, that's hard work!

You're a tranny faggot and you decide to cut your hair short and look like a guy.


Isn't this kind of contradictory? I agree that most women are driven by emotion and not logic. However, there are some that are really fucking smart and are basically autists. Most of them don't have tattoos.

If all women are driven by emotion, like you say, how could they even be smart in the first place?

Let's not get distracted by the exceptions here. There are always exceptions to the rule.

That's true. I see middle aged and even older women with tattoos all the time now. It's very much a fad for many women even though they like to claim they get "body art" to express themselves, hahaha. Fucking "body art."

I've always thought the girl in vid-related would be cute and innocent looking if she didn't have tats and hadn't volunteered for the most degrading porn in the universe

What gets me is you start with these great genes that you're lucky enough to inherit from your parents and you go and ruin yourself with tattoos. It's like putting highways all over the Serengeti plains or something.

Of course there will always be exceptions. I still think it is a good thing to talk about the exceptions, so the discussion isn't an echo chamber. I agree though, in general tattoos are completely degenerate and a good indication that the woman that has the tattoo is damaged goods.

I have to disagree. She doesn't have any sort of innocent look to me. Completely damaged in my opinion.

you have to imagine her without the tats.

Yeah, it's art like graffiti is art.

Even without the tats. My definition of innocent may be completely different than yours though. She looks pretty degenerate regardless to me

I have a sort of friend that works at Tattoo pallor, and he has a entire notebook full of ugly tattoos that he nicknamed, "Generic Slut Tattoos". So funny because most of these tats are the ones you see on tumblr/ etc.


Just reinforces the idea of how fucking silly women are in general. I never believed in anything enough to feel compelled to get a semi-permanent mark on my body. They get the stupidest shit imaginable. I know a chick who has a Tenacious D tattoo. Well, she has half of one and her friend has the other half. Talk about fucking stupid.

i have a single blue dot on my knuckle. i did it when i was ~14 to see if it was possible to create a lasting tattoo with a sewing needle and biro ink. turns out it is.

It would take your support to make that happen.. chastity is not unilateral. When young men start acting like old school gentlemen and turning down beaver to wait for marriage you'll get your wish, but I've found the guys that make the most noise about marrying an unspoiled virgin do the most spoiling.

That would be pretty cool and it would put pressure on the ladies to stop acting like skanks.

Women are stupid op nothing you say or do will force them to make educated decisions in life

The woman in your pic is not attractive. A lot of girls do the colored hait/tattoos/piercings routine as a kind of camouflage.

She looks like she's had silicone injections in her lips. Take away that, the fake eyelashes, the heavy makeup, and return her hair to its natural color, and you have a 5/10. Maybe 6/10 on a good day.

It's rare for a girl 7/10 or above to get tattoos. It's mostly brainless 4/10 and below redneck girls, or 5-6/10 girls with poor self-esteem and poorly developed self-image who want to buy some personality (and the aforementioned camouflage) with a few hundred dollars worth of ink and some hair dye and piercings.

Every once in a while, I see a genuinely naturally attractive woman with tattoos, and I find it baffling. That's only happened a handful of times in my life, though, including images online. Again, that's very rare.

I'm judging her by bone structure and skin quality. Based on that, she's attractive. You can rationalize how she isn't all you want but the truth is, she more than likely attracts many men. Is she my type, or your type? Maybe not, but regardless - she's got a nice face and a nice body and I'd guess that without the tattoos, 85 out of a hundred hetero men would react favorably to her appearance.

I think there's different grades of attractiveness. There's "attractive" "cute" "handsome" but then there's "beautiful," and yeah, I rarely see a beautiful woman covered with tattoos. I saw a stunning thin young woman at a movie premier once wearing a backless dress and I wanted to walk up and thank her for not having any tattoos.

I was surprised how many girls had tattoos during my grad. I noticed a few in the school year, but at grad when you could see arms, backs, ect. I noticed a lot more. And it's all stupid shit, like a cross on the back, or a map below the neck, or fucking compasses, everyone has a fucking compass. There is no point to a tattoo, either it's because it: looks cool, or is something important to them. If the former, tastes change and permanently adding something to your body because it looks "cool" now is beyond retarded. for the latter, if it's so important then you should remember it without a fucking tattoo. So many times people have said "it's something my grandpa said, or my mom's death day and I want to remember it, or I want to keep it them close to me"
Fuck current year, fuck modern society, this is why escapism keeps fucking me up.

different women have different emotions, jealousy of a sibling or just being a suck up bitch, can cause a women to study their ass off to outdo someone, or for bragging rights. Which can make it seem like they are studying to do well and actually interested. There was a girl in my high school, now in uni, who would always complain that she did bad on a test because she would get a 85% or something. She would always try to get attention by pulling that shit. And then when peopled asked her for help, you could always see her relish the opportunity to show how much more intelligent then you she was. It has nothing to do with succeeding for women, just to surpass others, and then brag about it.

Often people who cover themselves with tattoos like that or become drug addicts have messed up childhoods.

because fuck you. it's my body and my choice!

I have no doubts that people covered with tattoos are mostly fucked in the head. Of course, there ARE exceptions but if you need to differentiate yourself that badly from the rest of us, why? It's funny that women I've noticed tend to be a bit gaga about tattoos. Especially tattoos on men.

I had a friend give me the rundown on how her large shoulder tat came about and it was a combination of those two things. Very often, it's something family related at least loosely. I'm not sure I understand why they have to wear their personal story on the outside of their bodies. Seems like they REALLY want people to know their personal story, like tattoos are a conversation piece in addition to a form of adornment.

Also, for fugs, it's a way to be cool and counter-culture and to stand out. I see a LOT of fugs covered with tattoos. I assume they think "Hey, "I'm fug, may as well get a bunch of tattoos, can't hurt."

Imagine if you won a really nice car and there's you or the average joe can afford such a nice car. Of course the first thing you think about is lowering the suspension so it scratch by the first tiny rock on the road. Taking a piece of muffler out so it make more annoying noise and draw flame on it with a permanent marker. I mean what else eould you do?

*there no way you or an average joe

Because she doesn't give a shit about what you've got to say behind your screen faggot

And stupid shit that doesn't warrant a tattoo. I used to work with a guy who got "Unstoppable" written in some gay font on his bicep. I asked why, and he said because his grandpa recently died and said he was unstoppable once, or something.

So… just out of curiosity, what does warrant a tattoo?

Nothing that I can think of



Absolutely disgusting.

So, there's no pleasing you? It's practically your way or "muh degeneracy".

I myself hate shitty tattoos, boring tattoos, badly made tattoos and those that are nothing but clichés, but if I see one that has some interesting visuals, is made professionally or looks like a piece of art or looks original, I'll appreciate it as a piece of art just like I would a drawing or a piece of music.

It's a pretty sad mindset to have, to say "be like me, or you're indulging in stupid shit".
I mean, having implacable views as to what others are supposed to do with their skin, is just another form of narcissism, isn't it?

Granted, I've got a bit of that myself as I hate shitty tattoos, but I give people a chance to win.

sounds like you need to git gud


Her bone structure is meh and her skin quality is indiscernible, as her skin is covered with hair, makeup, and tattoos in this photo, which is out of focus or low quality anyway.

What the fuck is this weaselly phrase supposed to mean? "React favorably to her appearance"? I'd guess that without the tattoos, 100 out of 100 hetero men would fuck her, because men will fuck anything. That doesn't mean she's attractive. It means that men are evolutionarily selected to spread their seed as far and wide as possible.


I think all tattoos look bad, that's just my opinion, I have never seen a tattoo that really stands out in quality (lots that stand out in retardation) or originality. No one with tattoos has ever given me even a decent reason for them having one, not saying everything one does must have a good reason, but mutilating your body seems like something you should have a good reason for. Also tattoos aren't art


"I pity people with no tattoos, because they don't believe in anything strongly enough to put it permanently on their body."
-Charles Montgomery "CM" Punk

What does that say about him and most people with tattoos then? That they believe strongly in skulls ejecting green goo, and large serpents and colourful doodles?

Lot's of stuff to believe in there

"I pity people with no cars, because they don't believe in transportation enough, to transport themselves."
-Charles Montgomery "CM" Cuck

"I pity people with glasses, because they don't believe anything they can't see strongly enough to not correct their misshapen cornea."
-Charles Montgomery "CUM" Cuck

"I pity people with all their limbs, because they don't believe in anything strongly enough to cut off, permanently, part of their body."
-Charles Montgomery "CM" Punk

why so upset? did Punk steal your girlfriend or something?

Yeah, I didn't believe in G.I. Joe strongly enough, and she left me for him.

Ah you're one of those…
Getting a tattoo doesn't worsen your skin, it doesn't impair any of the functions your skin have (in fact, it protects against skin-cancer, if not slow the irradiation process due to the Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) in the ink), it's not a form of dismemberment as you don't lose anything except from the outer-most epidermal skin-layer (stratum corneum) which naturally falls off all the time anyways (which creates those little dust-poarticles and is also the skin that you occasionally bite off of your lip), and it doesn't present any serious or irreparable damage to the skin itself, so the only way you'd be able to call it mutilation, would be to say that it's a form of disfigurement and then we get into some boring, semantic nonsense, because disfigurement basically relies on something being ruined or spoiled appearance-wise, and there's not really any use in arguing taste.

Whether or not you think a building is disfigured or defaced relies on you being of the opinion that whatever change it underwent (like being painted) worsened the appearance, whereas you wouldn't be able to call it disfigurement/defacement if it had a positive impact, so that pretty much means that you call it mutilation because it in your opinion looks worse and sure, you're entitled to your opinion.

But who are you to say that they aren't art? Please explain that to me, where does a craft go from "art" to "not art at all".
Many tattoo artists are extremely good painters, so at what point, does the tides change? when does painting a picture go from art to non-art? I'd argue that just because the canvas is skin rather than a cotton/linen canvas, the artistic aspect of drawing the thing, still remains the same.

I don't like music like Daft Punk or alike, but I'll still call it an art, as art is practically just a craft, and I won't deny it being that despite me not liking it.


You're right; art is subjective. I should have used fine art, tattoos aren't fine art.

Aposematism, google it.

At least you still strongly believe in Santa, and that wrestling is real. That's something. Thank you tattoos.

where did that come from?

And then the cycle is completed.

For an example in european academic traditions, fine art is art developed primarily for its aesthetics, as opposed to applied art which serve some function like pottery, metalwork or woodcraft.

So, are tattoos created for their visual elements and aesthetics, or are they in the same group as pottery and woodcraft?

If you answered the former, then to be intellectually honest, you'd have to agree that they are fine art. -Art that you dislike, but art never the less.

How can people have this much of a language-barrier?

Tattoos aren't intellectual and aesthetics are subjective. Applied arts don't serve a function, they improve an existing design (which serves a function) to add aesthetic.




Fucking moron.

excellent retort

what's wrong with believing in Pepsi?

I dunno what u guys are even discussing but i must say that picture is rustling my jimmies. i feel like i could hit hole to my monitor when i see that pic.

Pick one faggot

they're not mutually exclusive

I for one (OP) am not saying anything like that. I just think it's stupid and feel like commenting on it, just the same as I would about any "body mod." It's not liked the tattooed are hurting anyone, but I liken the tattoo fad to the low hanging pants fad of the Great American Dindu. Both practices are ludicrous and point to an underlying deficiency of sorts.

And look, a spider web on the elbow which is a prison tat that means he's been in prison and/or murdered someone. What a strong and vital individual he is. He must crush pussy left and right.

you bet. he's married to this semen demon

That's a pretty bold statement to make.
I can agree that a lot of people with tattoos like some of the bimbos in the pictures of this thread, CM punk or the like, don't seem to be all that bright, but that doesn't mean that tattoo's can't be intellectual.
For an example, if you chose to get a very intricate tattoo of something clever or something widely regarded as intellectual or artistic, then I'd consider that just about as intellectual as you could justifiably regard any other painting as intellectual.

If you think that the painting "The death of Socrates" is a piece of fine, intellectual art, then getting that same thing as a tattoo is again merely changing out the canvas for a piece of skin, making the tattoo equally as fine and intellectual. If you like the ancient Greek sculptures, then what makes those different from something like pic related?

Yes, applied arts do serve some practical function. because there are more than one way to define "applied art", one way is to impose a visually pleasing aesthetic onto an object serving a practical function, another is "a craft as in creating a thing that serves a function".


Geezus H. Christ, it's like painting the Sistine Chapel ceiling on the side of a van or putting Andy Warhol's art on a baseball cap. Sorry, it doesn't go there, genius. NOT aesthetically appropriate on any level.

Ask me if I care.

Do you care?

So the canvas changing does impact the artistry of the craft. Gotcha.


Ötzi was a pleb, couldn't even dodge an arrow, of course he would have tattoos


Absolutely disgusting



MFW Ötzi was the Trayvone of his day, and fell to the superior arrow skills of an Ice-Age Zimmerman.

Or, he was the victim of an ice-age nigger, being shot in the back and all.


Is it better now?

Find a high res picture and take a good look at her thumbs


She looks like the guy who got a big toe transplanted to replace his lost thumb. That's ok, I'd still rim her until she couldn't see straight.

Nah this user is right he stole some poor guy's unfinished bow and arrows, and tried to hide in the mountains (the ice age getto). But he dindu nuffin and was just on his way to build the Vatican an shiet, so he could go to church everyday.

As Professor Hanz Neesen Üpsidessi has clearly proved, Ötzi's corpse was surrounded by primitive Skittles, and he died clutching a selfie from his qt gf, pic attached.



So, which is it, Megan?

At least one of the people with tats reading this thread will click on that, and be inspired to get a similar body mod.


All this shit does is detract from the substrate which to my mind should be more interesting. All a tattoo does is serve as a distraction for someone who's a lot less interesting than they want to be. It's always the dull, silly, wannabe people who get them, or stone showoffs. It's like wearing your religion on your sleeve.

Sorry, I don't care what or how you believe something.

Lol, what do you mean which is it? It's both. It's neither. Why would you listen to anything a woman has to say? It's all fluff. It means nothing.

She's got one reason to get it and then an entirely different contradictory reason to get it removed. Just serves to illustrate the flimsy reasoning behind people's decisions to get tattoos. But, they serve as a great indicator of who to take seriously and who to avoid, so there's that.

Maybe it's just because I studied some anthropology or something but that rustles my jimmies.

Tattoos use to be for tough guys. Sailors, bikers and prison inmates. Today everyone gets them. When thirteen year old girls started getting tattoos, they lost all meaning.

I mostly agree, certainly for women, but I've always thought religious tattoos were badass when not done in excess. Kept to arms, torso, and in certain situations hands, they have that dual effect of making people seem ambiguously intimidating, but also like the kind of person you can approach as a protective figure. Known a lot of older guys, ex military, and military tats aren't awful, but the dudes with latin shit on their fingers and such always aged really well into their stuff…

according to this logic, earrings are also meaningless now



Lena Dunham has a cross tattoo?

I thought she was a jew

Andy Warhol's art on a baseball cap would be entirely appropriate.

Fucking, yes. They were meant to commemorate the heroic self sacrifice of being in the military and getting shot at and defending your country. Now? Utter off the charts faggotry.

Of course, he'd probably love it. Probably not the best example. Picasso then, ok user?

if she doesn't give a shit about what poeple think about her then she wouldn't have gotten the tattoos.
I know im responding to bait.

that doesn't follow

they always have been

Your reading comprehension is bad. Let me explain it to you like I would to a nigger.

I hope you get to finish reading this before the thread reaches bump limit, nigger.

or maybe she got the tattoos for herself


higly unlikely

Do you live around Ottawa/Gatineau ?

There's also Aboriginal art in the fine art museum as you call it.

Its like buying a Rembrandt and putting a graffiti on it.

not lena dunham and it's an anchor, not a cross

In some cases, yeah. Or in other cases it's like polishing a turd. Fug with tattoos is far different than fug without tattoos because of the edgy street cred they gain. For many, it's better to have that underlying air of "commitment" than to just be a plain jane fug.