Seymore Skinners PTDSD

If Seymore Skinner is 46 years old how the fuck did he went to vietnam?

*Vietnam war.

isnt the simpsons 20 years old

The Simpsons has what is known as "negative continuity" In earlier seasons Homer had flashbacks to the 60s and 70s when he was younger, but today the flashbacks are in the 80s and 90s. Sometimes they handwave this through passing dialogue by stating shit like "We've been in elementary school for the past 20 years" and shit like that

Anyways, modern Simpsons is shit and the show needs to die already so we can properly celebrate what it used to be but Fox is a bunch of Jews so it'll never happen.

Simpsons today are better drawn and even If I can't identify the kids as my childhood, I can identify my niece as them.


feel old yet?

But I won't deny that most of the best episodes are from the 90s.

That 90's show,


Are some of my favorites episode even if most of them Re from the 90's


Thanks for validating my point.

Jesus Christ the new version looks robotic as fuck. Look at Marge's facial expression in the original vs the blank, expressionless, robotic stare in the current version.

That's just what I like about cartoons nowadays to be honest. Kid's shows still try to make everything springy and full of movement while not investing much time, so they pretty much all look like shit, but well-made shows with a bigger budget like The Simpsons or Family Guy are clean and tight, the opposite of that wonky Disney shit where every single element seems to be made of some sort of jelly. I'm glad we're going in the right direction. Fuck organic shapes.

Can we just get a simpson wave vibe going on?

That's my favorite episode.

Console pleb detected.

Thats south park tier animation, old is better, even lights and shadows are better.

Go back to play with your ps4 please.

I only got a ps2.

Good to know I can disregard your opinion


Bart should be in his fourties now

Fuck off there's noway bart is older than me.

You do know what creates that robotic effect right?

Its Called "Tweening" And it comes from digital ink-and-canvas methods of animation. Its the result of having computers fill the frames between two shots automatically. It is NOT better drawn, its sheer laziness.

But it look better and that what's matter.

Mr burns would be 120 years old now

And mr smithers would have died of aids by now

Both shows had their moments, in the early seasons.

He had a time machine.

hand drawn animation has always been better. Compare DBZ with super. Compare Ren And Stimpy with adult party. The computer animation doesn't look as good as hand drawn

It doesn't though.

Stop posting you giant fucking pleb

do they even let soldiers take guns into those?



don't worry, boy. people die all the time, just like that!

why, you could wake up dead tomorrow.


The first picture is so funny and true

You could wake up raped tomorrow

Rape me Like I'm Kurt Cobain.


the top one isn't old, lel

they could recreate the exact same animation digitally but they wanted it that way.. If you think they couldn't then you dont know how computers work

it's how humans move in real life. We're not made of jello

Humans also don't have yellow skin, are you suggesting that the simpsons would be better with more realistic skin tones too?

asians do

I mean simpsons-tier yellow.
Also, the asians in the simpsons are less yellow than the "whites"

…is she standing in Homer's stomach?

painting them any yellower would be racist