What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
Pretty clear. They want as much man-meat as they can get, but they're not allowed.
I wonder who the lucky single guy who stumbled upon them on Younow was.
fucking white male, check your privilege
Sauce on this
can't post that on a christian imageboard
drop it at [email protected]/* */
wtf i'm a pedophile now
shit just got real
post the real thing, betas
I was gonna poast this clip on a jewtube with the title "what did they mean by this" but my account got delete I think it was because mexicans were posting their e-mail in my comments
Audio recordings depicting lewd or lascivious behavior from minors counts as child porn.
This beta is worse than those sovereign citizens writing up lengthy legal notices.
Heh, good thing it's easy to shut legal types down. The entire system is built around fraud and they can only persecute a living person through "joinder" or admitting you are the corporation called "john doe". The entire legal system is a fraud and cannot effect the living, only the dead.
You have to go back
Your repeated and obsessive behavior in seeking out (by your definition) child porn threads has been noted and logged. You have been warned.
I'm not the one who wrote it.
Another fun legal trick is just to write "NO CONTRACT" on any legal notices like the ones the beta fag is posting. Works for unwanted bills, too, just return mail them.
Now that I've taught you pedos how to avoid prosecution by not consenting to contracts or representing the fictional LEGAL NAME, how about you post some real pizza?
Just reported you.
I don't recognize you. If you want to make a contract today, it will be on my terms. Any more desired correspondence with me requires the posting of cute girl pussy, at least 3 pictures/videos.
so, wait, does that mean i can get away with raping a little girl that way?
where should i write it, just on her face?
does it still count if it's written with semen?
gust reborded ebreybody in thread XD xD xd
Holy shit, Snopes is so retarded. It's an obvious shoop and they decided to make a fucking debunking article on it… I can't believe that people take this site seriously.
No, frustrated beta chump. Common law still exists to punish actual crimes, like murder. Do you feel lucky?
predictions: by age of 14, dark-haired chick is gonna be either 1) prego, 2) infected with non-curable std, 3) murdered by sex predator she met online, or 4) all of the above
i would love to be the one to grant her all three
so cute
They wanted dick
They wanted yours
But I'm gril and not a lesbeen.
Warned of what?
What did the QT blonde whisper?
'plasma 5'
You have been notified.
you can find this video and the other two on Link removed
holy shit it's real
What is it I missed it
He never makes it on time!
little girls are sexy.
Alright I got a question, is that video full of hilarious memeable shit or does it turn into CP?
Because if it's the first one I want to see the rest and if it's the second one I do not.
i would wnna see it either way
but i dont want to go behind bars :(
Yeah curiosity is it terrible and evil thing nowadays…
Actually it turns into meme-able CP
you didn't get these from me, ok?
privilege checked
lol i have part of this video on a memory card. I'm missing the part where apparently the perform sexual acts on each other. mine shows them talking dirty asking the guy for his phone number and shit they kiss a little bit and the girl with brown hair shows pussy and flashes.
dunno but it makes my head tingle