Post tier charts and iceburgs
Tier charts thread
tire 5
ultra rare flag
casual scum
I've never liked that one, I mean you guys know what kinds of Sonic fans are out there. There's a huge fucking difference between people who just casually play shit like CoD and the kinda people who know every single character's blood type like me.
Get out.
They belong at most in level 3
Cancer on Dick?
highly disappointed
gas gas gas
I have a ? Flag.
What if the rape simulator is also a Flash game?
ughh, i had to do a proof of the hairy ball theorem once, i don't even remember how it worked. shit was so frustrating, i wish i tried that after i took real analysis instead of before.
It looks like it's loosely based on obscurity, so the very very bottom should be "Custom made game created from scratch specifically for the GM's homebrew setting, complete with a bound atlas of the maps of the world"
There is onlt ONE you need to see!
Let's praise Him with joyous song!
"Open your bowels for Jesus,
Open your bowels for Jesus;
As you dwell in His Word,
You'll be undeterred
To open your bowels for Jesus."
Praise him with many motions!
Often people have too narrow of a mind. When something they don't agree with comes up, they quickly close it and disregard the information. Humans are stiff creatures with stiff realizations of reality.
Another forced meme ruining everything.
Where does this fit in?
currently googling the shit out of everything
some way to get julian rios' books?
go to >>>/lit/
some people are just fucking plebs