Holla Forums is making women racist too it seems
I guess whites will breed out my race now, and my children will not be able to date/marry any girl they want regardless of her race.
Holla Forums is making women racist too it seems
I guess whites will breed out my race now, and my children will not be able to date/marry any girl they want regardless of her race.
No, progressives are defining all whites to be racist.
Holla Forums is influencing the public whether you like it or not. Normalfags don't react intelligently. They either think all white people are racist and try to be progressive, or they return to they 1930s and actually are racist. There is no spectrum for them.
Sure they will, just not in white countries.
Keep dreaming nazi
Fact: 78% of "national socialists" are white people who makes less than the mean income of white people in their respective countries. They are the people who would benefit from handouts if minorities are removed. They are literally the gibs of the white race.
Poor people need to be gassed regardless of race, regardless of the breakdown that turns out to be. Those who can pull their own weight can stay and flourish, including the east asians, the south asians, and the rare blacks.
Go invade somewhere else darkie
I'm poor and mexican and all last year I wanted to die. I want oppose your opinion
by the time your children will be old enough to start looking for someone we will have sexbots/VR wives and artificial wombs, so there is no reason to worry about it
This year you'll be going back Pedro
get out nigger
So you want to erase your heritage, your identity? You want to spoil your bloodline with a foreigner? You want your children to be confused to who they are, who they were, and who they will be? They will in the split between two different cultures and they can't decide which is theirs. Your mother won't even know they're yours if she saw in the street. Fucking idiot. This isn't about politics. This is about keeping your family tree linear and clean from any impurities coming from other races.
Fucking this. Why would anybody want to miscegenate away thousands of years of heritage?
almost fooled me
Every Trump supporter may not be a racist, but if you frequent Holla Forums, you are. Period. You might as well drop the bullshit pretense and just embrace it.
That has nothing to do with their race. Most people don't even care about their race and don't remember unless you remind them. Your motives and perogatives in life are not determined by your skin color you fatalistic, pre-determinist commie.
I can't wait for robots to replace all of these people tbh
1. read some studies
2. look at obama - or ANY half-nigger
look at them and tell me they aren't fucked in the head at all, they're perfectly normal, well adjusted and successful
fuck I thought this was Holla Forums
didnt mean to reply seriously
you guys are dumb. there's no other word for it. none of the concepts you espouse are real, least of all racial purity.
go back
You mean the Ivy league educated 2-term president?
But eventually they'll replace you too. Should only the AI masterrace live?
We are not most people. If you are most people aka normalfag you admit your idiocy and you must go the fuck back to reddit.
When did I say this? Also, this isn't about skin color. I don't care where you're from or who you are and this is most certainly not about your motives in life. This is about identity. An user with a clean bloodline has pride and the will to die for his people. That pride and will to suffer for your people is called home. When user has home, said user has self-respect and high self-esteem. And when user's home, the home user loves and holds dear to his heart is rooted in history and have endless stories of how strong and wise his people were, the feeling is unmatched.
Fucking niggerspics, hory shet, some fellow Holla Forumsacks please post memes about how race mixing is bad, maybe those will get to OPs little spic imagination
And the problem with this is?
The leftist went over the top with their muh diversity cancerous ideology and now the pendulum swings.
I have lists of cancerous leftists throughout my region who will pay for their actions one way or the other.
in the end, multiculturalism is the direct result of capitalism.
as long as capitalism exist, multi-culti will too.
you have to deal with the root of the problem.
just checked her twitter, she's complaining that some Holla Forumstards are editing her work.
A perfect example of the hooknose and their double think standards on display.
- What is Black Heritage month?
- What is Asian Heritage Month?
- What is Hispanic Heritage Month?
Hmmm … seems to be missing something from that list isn't there?
Let's google "White heritage month" shall we:
If white's do it, it's wrong, if others do it it's perfectly fine. In other words you have nothing to be proud of goyim.
White racial pride can not exist in their eyes because they know whites will corner themselves off from the world which destroys the parasite income scheme of the jew and the rest of the world from leeching off white's. We would kick the FED out instantly and destroy their taxation and inflation scheme beset upon the American people, we would do the same in Europe.
They don't want whites to become a minority, they want them killed off because white's are the only threat to their dominance of the entire world as they no longer see the need for them. Something the jew can not stand is that it destroys their Talmudic nonsense narrative that Jews are the "muh chosen people" bullshit. Jews are a cancer who were a parasite on white societies and that's why over the course of history they were kicked out of 109 countries. The Jews were simply along for the ride towards us building up our nations and they profited from it greatly.
This is a zero-sum game, they know it, we know it and they don't want to lose; even if it means that all people throughout the world would get a better standard of living. Their puppet state what used to be Palestine comes first. It's high time for an actual final solution, that is not a mistranslated lie.
there is no such think as black culture.
there is no such thing as white culture.
there is no such thing as asian culture.
however, there is such thing as Afro-American culture.
there is Mexican culture.
there is German, French, Italian, Irish culture.
all those are celebrated, particularly Oktober fest.
your argument is a fallacy.
no on has a problem with Irish pride, German pride or whatever.
they have a problem with "white pride".
because "white" isn't a culture, "white pride" a not covered racist movement which is more about hating other than loving "whites"
this is what a "white pride" looks like.
you're not fooling anyone with your shit.
so we can choose between:
- sending gibs to john doe who is an unemployed, racist redneck but never did anything criminal other than park his car on the wrong place
- sending gibs to niggers and mudslimes who will rape our women, attack us with terrorism, deal drugs and breed like crazy so there will be even more of them every year.
Gee, I wonder what choice would harm us less…
you fucking nigger are retarded. Multiculturalism is not driven by capitalism but by jewish GLOBALISM. There is nothing wrong with capitalism as it gives you the motivation to work and keep the earnings of your labour. Your communist shit ideology has failed to deliver a single functionning and prosperous society in the last 250 years
and no, China is not communist anymore. Yugoslavia was similar to Libya but instead of petrosocialism they just redistributed the monies from IMF loans to keep the peasants calm. All of USSR was a shithole. North korea is a shithole even today. Cuba only got internet a few weeks ago. Communism is cancer.
of course they are shit
turks and arabs are the most prominent people on unemployment money and Hartz4 in Germany. The do not want to work, they want to be involved in gang crime, islamic terrorism and rape.
I agree
Holla Forums BTFO before Holla Forums even existed
Capitalism is the main driving force behind globalism you nigger.
At least you got dubs
Only in the sense that the (((rich))) get richer and more powerful
Capitalism is globalism, as that is the best way to maximize profits. If I tell you that you can make millions if you join me and my company, then you will surely agree, for that is the best way to uplift the peoples spirits and the standard of living, correct? Well, the result of capitalism being used as a goal (as opposed to a tool) has resulted in those 'businesses' to become degenerate in nature, like the porn industry or subverted journalism. There is a reason the purple square in the political compass is just a stereotypical Jew, that is their wet dream (swindling goys endlessly). It actively acts as a disincentive for ethnocentric heterosexual monogamy (open borders, subversion is marketed to the new masses, and females replace males in the workplace/gender roles).
Quite a quandary, huh, Holla Forumstard?
Capitalism was only allowed to go global because the politicians did nothing to protect their own people. There's a reason allot of US companies are now bringing their jobs back from over seas when a politician says he's going to impose tariffs and tax those who outsource harsher to where it would be cheaper to hire Americans. The companies who sit in Ireland to tax evade are going to be coming back this year.
join this fuckers
I don't think that capitalism itself is to blame, were it to be localized capitalism with free markets inside and regulated foreign trade would it also result in globalization? In any case there is no harm with a global international market as one already exists, businesses are able to tap into nearly any of the worlds markets if they wish to do so. It's not like it means all people have to live in one country, under one flag and be forced to mix with each other.
Which companies are you referring to, exactly? I'll bet you're thinking of the sprint deal (which was already in the works long before the election)
So BLM is a domestic terrorist group?
You don't know me.
Is your name Colin?
Post more of edited Sarah comics
BLM are cunts, and i don't approve their movement but they can't be compared to natsoc
Get raped, Sarah.
It's a yes - no question. Answer accordingly.
Not user, but only in the Holla Forumsiverse would BLM be considered a terrorist group. They're cunts and their movement is based on lies and misconceptions, but they're not even close to being a terrorist group.
i did you bum.
BLM are black sjw, calling that terrorism is a big stretch
Domestic, certainly. Terrorist? Not really, they were only slightly more organized than a pack of rioting niggers and they've all but run their course now
Looting stores, destroying public and private property, screaming "black power" and pic related is just annoying and they're just cunts?
It's interesting that the narrative finally seems to be shifting to black on black crime. I dunno, maybe it just seems that way. Anyone else notice this?
also dis
You're taking some anecdotal cases and acting like it's a representation of the entire movement. It's not. You're a moron.
Even with Islam, as fucked as the religion is, it would be inaccurate to call it a terrorist religion.
Blacklivesmatter is a thing in Britain??
I'm all aware about islam, but it's not relevant.
What? You fucking faggot. They do this every. single. fucking. time. They block streets, protest nothing, loot stores, break shit and fuck up their own neighborhoods, cry about 'muh oppression' then get money from kikes. Jesus fucking Christ, are you blind?
And what is their movement exactly?
It is, among the mentally ill. Believe it or not, Britain isn't quite as infested with niggers as the US yet
Got a source?
Lol, why are you even discussing BLM if you're not a burger? Do you think if a nigger really dindu nuffin and got shot by a police officer, shit wouldn't go worldwide? Absolute fucking moron.
i assume that was meant for
either way you're still retarded
Nope I was talking to you, fag. Nice rebuttal, by the way.
Race realism is not racism, that's like saying facts are wrong
Good riddance, you fucking savage.
If you distinguish by race, that is racism.
this has to be the stupidest comment i'v read this month. even on Holla Forums
Plz be my gf, Sarah
don't blame him for your inability to understand
plz be my gf, sarah
you're still an idiot.
you don't even know what "racism" is
You see, that's why white people tend to be racist. Because we don't dream, we're the ones that actually get stuff done.
And well, it happened. For years liberals managed to keep most people anesthetized, but now things are beginning to chance. There's no going back. You better get used to it
If you aren't anti-science, then do you acknowledge the physical differences between the races such as brain size and skull structure and the differences in intelligence quotient test performance? The physical differences alone prove that the races have evolved separately from one another and when you combine that data from the differences in intelligence quotient test performance and school performance, it becomes clear that the races do not perform the same physically or mentally. If the environment is the causing factor for the different scores and performance, then why is the data and results persistent through every country and civilization? Why is it that in every country the data is always the same, where East-Asians score higher than whites and whites score higher than Africans?
Jewish-American average intelligence quotient level - 113
Asian-American - 106
White-American - 103
Hispanic-American - 89
Black-American - 85
Sub-Saharan African - 70
Australian Aboriginal - 62
I'm a racist. Go fuck yourself.
it's not shortstack if there is no tits
in the end, even if that was acurate, it wouldn't mean that your smarter than your black neighbor.
the fact that most criminals are men doesn't mean that most men are criminals.
beside, your definition of "race" really is unscientific
jews are Caucasian, so are pakis, middle easterns and European.
technically speaking, any possible average IQ difference that may appear between them is purely sociological.
if you want to be taken seriously, you'll to face that one.
I'll massage your chest for you daily, Sarah.
There certainly are morons here and plenty of people who hover around average but if you think that chans (Holla Forums or otherwise) are and have always been filled with stupid people, you're part of the problem. In addition, Obama was groomed for decades to take the position he did. I'm certain there are plenty of anons who could have done better in a similar position.
Especially Twitter