California has not legalized child prostitution

No, California has not legalized child prostitution

The law will treat children as victims, not criminals.

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[CURRENT YEAR] is 2017


how much you wanna bet these same people are pro-abortion because "women should have a right to decide what to do with their own bodies"

I don't bet.

I like where this is going

Unless a child decides to pimp herself out.
She's just a victim right? Charging a grand per hour for that underage poonana.

why not?


This is what the sexual revolution/feminism has wrought.

They probably have upwards of a million little whores selling their pussys in commiefornia and they don't know what to do with them.


but they are criminals

California doesn't think illegal aliens are criminals either, they give them driver's licenses.

Sorry to derail your topic OP but
Nuke this planet, nuke it from orbit. It is the only way to make sure.

California is also a state whose citizens signed a fake petition to increase inflation by 100 percent each year for the next 5 years. California is a lost cause.

What both liberals and conservatives failed to realize is that most of those minor prostitutes are not trafficked or pimped: they do it to have money to live. In Venezuela(i know, shitty country) underage girls sell themselves for less than a dollar. If the government does'nt do anything to help hobos, why would they help prostitutes?
Adult prostitution should be legalized anyway.

I would not bet, but I think they are.

Either way. This is to prevent "backwards" police from arresting them.
The OP in /n/ heavily misleading, possibly done on purpose. If anyone can screw around with these whores, it will be other youth, not that it would be legal, but people would not care.
This will possibly be used to empower women or the government.

(boys too)

Fuck yourself. Your thinking is ironically why people in Venezuela are poor as fuck. Seriously your beliefs are making the world's economies implode.


I never said the government should help, the government won't help.
Very poor women may turn to prostitution to live and the small government you want shouldn't stop them



This. They learn from a young age how to monetize their pussys all by themselves. Some are perhaps managed by a pimp like how an agent gets a musician gigs, but they're not holding a gun to these girls' heads to make them fuck. They get their money and go on shopping sprees, then go home to their families.



Lil California sluts can now make a fortune without fear of being arrested.

When will that state sink into the pacific?

Maybe actually read what those "EVIIIIIIIIIL" rightwingers are actually saying before you say it's literal legalization of child prostitution, no they don't actually mean it literally.


B-but that's demoralization you CtR Shill!


How long do you think it will it take for californians to realize that slutty 13 to 15 yo girls might abuse this system to get extra cash?


I know a legal age escort here in UK yes there are trafficked ones like Eastern eu.. But the UK ones are taking advantage of dumb men.. A lot of these moral types like politicians conservative and liberal mainly use hookers so. The hypocracy of bill I Reilly show guests makes me laugh.