Desktop thread.
r8 and h8
Desktop thread.
r8 and h8
Here's my shit
I'm boring AF tbh
I got steam in the bottom left corner tho X)
I like it
Simple = better
Here's mine. I didn't clean it
and what's wrong with that? I like Windows 7
r8 or h8 m8s.
Still a little cluttered and bulky for my taste but you're going in the right direction. 7/10
Blanked out some personal pics and ip, really should cleanup my desktop again
Backgrounds rotate every hour
but way too lazy to do anything about it. Haven't changed it in years
leave now and go back to 4cuck
i have dual boot you idiot, i use linux but still need that windows crap for photoshop and lightroom
im trying MX-16
Mine is just this picture vectorised and scaled to 1920x1200
What's wrong with Gimp?
Wrong pic…
I use DWM with no bar so it's only this on my desktop
I was banned on 4chan, and what's better than windows then?
its shit.
Don't shit on GIMP bro, just takes a shitload of time to get the hang of
Who is that guy?
I like gimp, I used to draw on it a lot when I was younger. In my opinion it's better than MS Pint but worse than Paint Tool Sai
the distro doesn't really matter, you install the windows soft on linux via wine or crossover, but ps and lightroom just wont work and they will not make a native linux version because adobe has contracts with both the windows assholes and macfags
Linux. I also hear good things about BSD if you wanna be an ultra hipster, but I never used it.
I don't know how to install it. My boyfriend has Linux but I just prefer Windows because for me it's easy to use and I don't like changes
i'm actually a linux user
i'll have your apology on your knees now…
Beginner friendly distros like Mint or Ubuntu practically install themselves. Just burn the ISO file onto a DVD or USB drive (I forgot how to do that on windows since it's been so long, but it's probably easy) and restart your computer with the medium inserted. It'll probably boot you into a live CD. click the install icon in the menu to get started with the installation. The installer of the distro should walk you through the rest of the process.
Also, why don't you just ask your boyfriend to help you? Linux Mint in particular is made with the mindset that people using it are beginners to Linux and are coming from windows, so it'll hold your hand intimately the whole time. There won't be too much change that you'll need to go through, as a result.
I'll ask him about it next time he comes over, thanks user. What features of Linux are better than Windows? If it's more secure then I'm all for it!
It's not totally compromised by agreeing to cooperate with the NSA; so not necessarily any backdoors for the party van drivers; and for Holla Forums types because of GPL licenses and non-proprietary software meaning you can write your own bits of code to help solve problems if you know how and also the source code of everything can be checked for any 'under the hood' surveillance. It's more secure by a mile, but no system is perfectly secure ever.
If they want to get it, they will - unless you seriously know what you're doing.
I've been running fedora for about a year now; I switched from Ubuntu after Canonical started working with Microsoft. From my position as a novice, it works well and learning to use the command line is a nice step up to understanding computers a tiny bit better than just nigger tier UI normalfags … or something.
Just make sure you have the latest updated software
Alright thanks for the help
doesnt matter, its still shit.
where does one find pro pedo wp?
not that I'd ever use one ;_;
Just paste the heart onto any picture of someone waving a flag dude.
Mika made it and posted it on Twitter
This can work too
muh niggur
haha, I posted that pic
changed it today
Checked and keked
You mean wallpaper?
This is my phones, & the second one is my internet browser wallpaper
3rd is my text message background
I feel bad for RMS some times, what with all the shit he has to deal with…
Into the trash.
I was talking about the terminal, the rest is 8/10.
*tips fedora
Who do you text? normalfags? get out
I do not have a fedora big enough to tip in this thread…
I use Mint 80% of the time, I prefer it to win7 because it's faster, more stable, and has an update manager.
Like looking at a mirror, right OP?
sage because this thread is cancer
Seriously nigger?
What? That's how my monitors are set up. It's a great system.
The main feature is in the middle running in quad HD glory, secondary task on the right, and all of the little windows for little stuff I have running on the side on the left.
why do you need all of it? where did you get the money?
The setup didn't cost that much actually, because I always buy from recycling centers. Ironically, the quad HD monitor in the middle was the cheapest at $20 because the guys were too lazy to test it. The one on the left was $40, and the one on the right was $50. I also have a couple others that aren't doing anything right now for lack of room.
The reason for it is because I absolutely HATE having windows on top of each other or staying minimized where I can't see them. I like to have everything layed out so I can glance over to any running task to see what's up. Of course, I only care about this on my main computer because I spend so much time on it and do so many things. On anything else I own, I only have one screen and that's all I care for.
what do you mainly do with your pc? vidya? work?
Mostly internet nonsense. I usually have my browser running from and center when I'm not doing anything else that requires a lot of attention. Whenever I am running something else big, like a game or something else that requires front and center attention, I move my browser to the right so I can still use it when necessary. Or similarly I might start something that requires attention, but doesn't need to be in the center of things so I'll move that to the right instead. The left monitor Is always little shit like (((skype)) and (((steam))), my music player, and anything else that only needs a little window, so I'll cram it all together in a semi-coherent fashion there.
that's some good shit. 10/10 user
Thanks man, I'm proud of it myself. I actually used to have a fourth monitor hooked up that was just a crappy (but fun) little CRT, but I virtually never used it and it was taking up room that I wanted to use for other stuff, so I got rid of it after a few months. Three is my magic number.
also gonna need source on that bud please and thanks