Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space

what did she mean by this?

She is a cockslut in every dimension.


She meant,

"Nolan is a hack!"

Nolan just wanted to shoehorn in a message about the power of love. His science advisor friend told him it was retarded.

If I was Nolan then I would have put it in after that too. Scientists are faggots.

It means the movie was intentended for couples or families. When I watched it I found that part really stupid.



It's a dumb woman who doesn't know what she's talking about.
I fucking hate that rat faced kike, Sandra Bullock. First she gasps for air for 120 minutes and is useless in space then she whines and is useless in space. What's next for her career? Blacked?

That's she's wrong. Hate is the most potent emotion, hate transcends space and time, which is easy enough to see with Jews. No matter the place or the date the Jew will experience a shoah by someone.

I fucking hate this garbage. Aren't there any science fiction movies that appeal to logical persons such as myself?

this, I didn't watch the movie but I read the plot, some guy travels back in time through near a black hole worm hole so that he can…tell his daughter he loves her and tell her a secret code.

The film was good but they figured "hey this won't sell to anyone since our sole audience, white male nerds ages 15-50, will pirate it" so they put in something to draw in the plebs and the masses.

back to r/The_Donald, faggot

please don't derail this thread.

everyone ignore this post.

what did she mean by this?

She wanted a hard dicking.

Blame Moon. That film snuck up on everybody and "proved" that sci-fi with feminine sensibilities could be a thing and not suck. Unlike, say, pirate films, you just can't stop making films for women for 20 years. So, when sci fi movies like The Fountain turn-out not to be a fountain of profits and end up a fountain a la 'tub girl', you just try again.

They thought they cracked the code with Moon, and started churning-out estrogen-infused techno-thrillers and space adventures. Vidya like Portal didn't help. I swear to god, the movie Oblivion was basically Moon plus a grab-bag of other things women supposedly like: Tom Cruise, the sarcastic robot lady from Portal, that nice old man black guy that is in all the movies, and Jamie Lannister.

I no longer watch sci-fi without several strong recommendations anymore after Oblivion and I used to think - being a nerdy white male - that sci-fi was part of the containment zone that I was supposed to be retreating to (as were video games, but gamergate - happening around the same time - cured me of faith in vidya as well)

In truth, all Moon did was reaffirm that Brits make good sci-fi, including films that accidentally appeal to women. Why are these people so consistently wrong when it comes to pandering to women outside of daytime tv?

This tbh


lol it's just a hollywood hoax guys wake up

How else do you explain your mother not suffocating you in the bath back when you were 6 years old?

Did Moon really have feminine sensibilities though?

societal obligations

Nolan wanted to make 2001 with the intent of amazing audiences with some "deep" message. Why it was easier for people in this fictional world to travel faster than light and visit alien worlds instead of fixing the famine on Earth is never explained. Why a sophisticated spacefaring civilization couldn't assess everything important about a planet (like if it's orbiting a BLACK HOLE) from Earth is never explained. It's as if Nolan wanted that cringeworthy love line and the 4th dimensional sequence from the start & just invented a plot to connect all these shots together, regardless of logic.

Upon completing TDKR, Nolan should have taken a step back, realized the plane scene was and will always be the finest thing ever created and retired. Everything since then has been overrated schlock. Dr. Mann? Seriously? Why, because he's a man? Fuck me.

Here's an updated version

What do you mean by this?

could be applied to that tomoko shit aswell tbqh

Round it out with "it's so hard to look pretty and act graceful even though men want to fuck me all the time anyway" and you got yourself a top-tier meme there.

This, all shit gets solved by science in the end.

It's not that gamergoyim crap, games pretty much died out in 2008-2009.
The quality is SO BAD that I as a former 10 hour a day avid video game player, would not play 99% of video games produced in the last 5 years -
I just couldn't imagine myself sitting through "hi im a stronk independent womyn this is 1585 you cisbigot btfo" RPGs, or "kill the white traitors in the name of the Super State" FPSs, or "we tried to copy dota 2 and fuck you lmao" RTSs.

biological instinct
also + legal implications



how can you guys be such thirsty betas in denial that you can't recognize the truth of these dubs?


it isn't violent, it doesn't involve much bro-centric psychology or themes like duty or honor in the company of other men. it's lonely and apart from a single (really unfortunate) throw-away wisecrack about a "yeast infection" it doesnt threaten to make women uncomfortable or self-conscious.

it has almost no exposition and you don't have to absorb technical jargon or much backstory to follow the plot. So, now that you haven't alienated women (no pun intended), you start laying-on the FEELS. Moon does this very well. Again, I don't think Duncan Jones intentionally went after women with this film (maybe moreso with that gay train movie he did after). But, it presents women with a scenario that - in their fucked-up heads - could be fixed if only she were there with him. And then there's shit like the emoticon robot…

you could argue its hipster sci-fi, but again I dont think the two are mutually exclusive. If I had to argue against it being "hipster", I'd point to the dialogue. Apart from the 'yeast infection' line, there isn't much that's subversive or irreverent. It never threatens the fourth wall. These are required hipster tropes for explicitly 'hipster' films. I think it's more like Moon accidentally appeals to hipsters the way it accidentally appeals to women.

Moon is the kind of film you get when you force a nu-male hipster faggot to leave his disaffection at the door and try to make a film and play it straight instead of going for the irony cop-out. My point is that Hollywood didn't understand that and instead of taking Moon as a wake-up call and sign that they need to push-back at the irony and subversion, they merely deconstructed it and used it's success as an excuse to make more films with "women heroes" and romantic subplots and "female-empowerment", which is what they wanted to do all along anyway.

And it was all this bullshit that infected Interstellar and helped to make it shit. Ultimately, I think that film would have sucked anyway. Nolan should be doing his sci-fi work on cable or a streaming service, in my opinion, where he might have more freedom and would certainly be able to expand his stories and give them breathing-room. The cutting-corners-for-runtime is why high-concept, dense sci-fi sucks on film. Give me ~10 hours with episodic pacing over 90 or 120 minutes any day.

I didn't mean to imply that Moon was for hipster nu-males. I mean the subsequent movies clearly are. They hardly have any appeal to any kind of women I can think of.

It appeals to hipster dudes who feel uncomfortable with masculinity, tho.

No he wasn't. It was a throwaway line from a female character who was desperately trying to justify traveling to the planet where her significant other resided when the alternative was the better choice.


goddamn Holla Forums, you've grown dumb as fuck

so when you said feminine sensibilities you just meant, a movie that the simple minded could understand, without the usual technobabble tropes.
Protip: the technobabble isnt meant to be understood. Its just a fancy explanation of basic ideas like reversal, increase and variance.

Use better words next time pls.



Which one?

you know what your problem is user? you haven't tried reversing the polarity while you increase the tachyon emissions while simultaneously modulating shield frequencies to achieve variance. If you're lucky you just… might… be able… to break free from the quantum faggotry filament you were snared in whilst on a routine mission delivering Latinum-pressed Unobtainium to Valeria III. Quick user! vent all remaining smug from the derp core before we explode!

was never written or implied.

cucks to the left of me, sociopaths to the right, here i am - trapped on a deep space freighter with delusional retards who think they're smart and empowered because they feel like they are and besides, they read a protip that said they were… so, it's supported by research or whatever.

pic related. that faggot wont let me off this goddamn ship.

You write like a faggot.