Failed Again


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I said I would stop using pee bottles. As I type this I filled 2 bottles with pee and hate myself for it

Nothing. Just get back on the horse and try harder/smarter. You will get stronger little by little.

t. former ice cream binge eater

Did you just replace ice cream with something more healthy?

Like binge on fruit or rice cakes?

maybe you should stop being fat? then you would not crave iced cream as much.

its a "craving"
Do you know the fucking definition of a crave?

Well, you would have to cut down little by little, while making the time between binges increasingly sparse.

Its 7am and I'm already drinking. Well… there goes that one

if you stop being fat then the cravings will go away.

you fucking asshole

then why do fat people crave iced cream so much more then normal people?


it's the one that's fat.

I'm fat and I don't think I've ever craved ice cream in my life. Beer? Yeah. Pizza and pasta? Yup

you are an exception to the rule then. fat people in general grave iced cream because they are fat, if they just stopped being so fat they would stop craving it so much.

It depends on how the person got fat in the first place, autist

Never reply a tripfag you faggot.

It's an old ass trip and I'm bored. Fuck off

no, it does not. fat people crave iced cream because of it's fat and sugar content. fat is fat, doesn’t matter how it got there.

no bully pls.

Honeatly, I don't know a single fat dude who craves ice cream. Women, sure, but most of the fat guys I know got that way because of beer and shit like fried chicken

that just what they say user.
then they spend all night eating iced cream out of the tub when no one is around.

Kek. Whatever you say, Nicole

i promised myself i wouldn't fap for at least one day.

it's going to be a long, disappointing year.

just like every year.

treat a women like a person

i promised myself id get some sleep
ive been up all night

I wanted to do a month of no-fap, it's now 23:55 on the 1st of the 1st and I have already fapped 4 times.

Nothing, I don't have to set some stupid goals for myself. If I want to do something I just do it.

I don't get this, isn't easier to just go to the bathroom? It takes the same amount of effort considering you'll have to empty or throw them away later.

Not tripping on my ambein scrip.

I would stop chasing her and let her go
and right now im just looking at my memories with her for about 3 fucking hours

user is probably fat as fuck

I use them while I sit next to my computer. It is so easy just pulling my dick out and peeing in a bottle then putting penis back in underwear and keep on typing. You wouldnt believe how easy and convenient it is to do this. Im not kidding

Add to the fact I drink a lot of water and juice daily - Plenty of pee bottles to fill up and empty bottles just waiting to be used

And i dont throw them out right away. I usually hide them throughout the house so my mom doesnt find them and every few days (up to 1-2 weeks sometimes!!) I wait until my mom is completely gone and i know she will be gone for a few hours so no chance of getting caught

Then i collect all my bottles, find where i hid them, and dump them in the neighbors yard. They smell really bad after a few days and dumping them in the toilet or sink makes the whole house smell. I did it once and for. 2 days my mom kept asking

So i dump it in neighbors garden lawn

And then you add that im reducing our utility costs by saving water by not flushing. So in a way im helping my mom out

And also sometimes i have to pee really bad and she might be asleep and i dont want to wake her so another reason i use pee bottles (bathroom is super loud and near her bedroom)

Plus fapping and reclining back in my chair and peeing in a bottle directly after orgasm is the best feeling ever

You ever recline/lay down on your back and pee at the same time? Great feeling

failed to stay motivated while revising

I ejaculated onto my cat… again

they will never work

Why'd i tell myself to stop doing something? I'm awesome, it'd be stupid to change anything about me.

i'm pretty sure most activities are as much fun as pissing into a bottle user. you must be bored if you seek thrills in so commonplace a function. don't you worry there may be more to life than that and you are missing out? piss in bottles when convenient, k, make an autoerotic highlight out of it and well, you begin to look very odd. thanks for your confession. it makes me feel better about myself.

Well… I failed at getting out of bed before noon.

Can confirm. I had been trying to lose 30lbs since Septmeber 2015. Every time I would lose two I would eat a shit-ton and gain it back in a day.

I had made it down 12 pounds as of yesterday before I ate a box of chicken and bread but I plan on getting the rest of it shaved off before February May!

I also told myself I wouldn't fap this year and I haven't yet.

keep forgetting to remove that trollflag

Do you treat your pets like people too?

Ice cream is alright. But these little shits are my mortal enemy. They are so expensive, so fattening, and so delicious. I can eat a whole box, and feel no shame. It's the one dessert I will never learn to make. The risk is too big.

painted vaginas?

So your plan for 2017 is deny yourself as many primal pleasure as possible? Good luck keeping the Beast away with that.

I promised I wouldn't get mad at old people

then when I left my apartment to go buy food today, the fucking 80 year old bitch from next door was standing in the middle of the hallway, blocking my way with her bullshit, so I asked her to make way, and when she didn't I said "STEP ASIDE YOU OLD KIKE BITCH! JESUS CHRIST!!!". she started crying.

I'm just going to lose a little weight so I can convince myself I'm good looking.

Be late in my homework
Not wanting to kill myself



Don't forget.
You can filter trip fags

I know this feel. My sleep schedule is fucked to hell and back.I keep waking up at 3pm these days.

Maybe tonight I'll go to bed at a sane time.


Smoke meth.

Start being funny.

Have sex with my little sister.