Pro Pedo/Hebe Thread
Everybody Loves Clowns Edition
Pro Pedo/Hebe Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
degenerate fuck off
Sweet irony
still need to do at least 13 more threads until I can put my site online
one thread takes approx 1 week so 3 months…
server is going to be in netherlands with specs:
-Intel Xeon E3-1241v3 3.5-3.9Ghz, 4C/8T
-1Gbps shared unmetered
I don't care if no one else than me is posting there, I just need a place to post cute little girls.
Are you also the BO of /cunny/?
a lamb among wolves..
Everyone knew that is using the same hosting company as librechan
let me know how that works out for you
1 week per thread?
you posted way faster on lib
oh well, take your time. hopefully I get to see it launch when it finally does.
I'm not even going to because they don't allow candydoll but why would the host have a problem with their site?
You clearly don't know the difference between librechan and girltime so don't act like you have a clue how anything works.
that decision was from potion.
Mods have been tolerating the pedo spam as their collecting ip addresses, eventually the pedos slip up and don't use a vpn when they post
OH NO the mods are going to have hundreds of VPN IPs to every real IP to send to the feds that are going to ignore the Holla Forums posters posting clothed kids because they are to busy tracking people posting pthc on other sites.
daily reminder that ecatel/quasi networks is a shady bulletproof hosts that hosts anything from commerical child modeling sites, botnet C&C servers and harbours spambots and malware.
Rumors to have to have ties with organized criminals. I wouldn't trust my data with them.
finally laid off the vidya?
Should i keep going?
Nobody cares
Just go to bed
watermarkered garbage, do you even have the originals?
good you still have facebook and google for your data
ok moralfag
the cg meme is so fucking stale. pls stop
Fuck off Rin, you were always shit.
Ignore the beta-orbiting SJWs and please post more of her :)
Are you here to keep people from posting CP like they did yesterday? It wont work, they'll figure out when no mod is on and post it then.
YES YES YES, keep it coming based-user
Its really funny how time flies so quickly
I believe she is 19 or 20 now and has 1 kid
I saw a recent pic and she had a baby with her
Liar anyone who takes naked pictures as a kid will be scarred mentally forever and never have a normal life. This is a fact science proved.
I see no CP posted yet though
I didnt say she has a normal life
She seems to smoke a lot of weed. Probably to cope with her past trauma
And she covers all her skin by wearing long shirts or coats. You never see her in a dress or short skirt. Always covered
Probably to hide her shame inflicted from her past trauma (rape multiple times by a family member)
Im just stating she has a family but sI personally think she is FAR from "well-adjusted" regular girl
we have a psychiatrist in the house wtf
Well if you do see it leave it up for at least 5 minutes.
You fucked up now
Last pics are cp
Going to get fucked in prison
Don't stop based-user, I'm almost there…
seconding this
Where the last cp?
lucky cameraman got saved from that mastodont
Thread dissapearing in
1… is hosted by, does that company belong to ecatel?
I know a girl who was raped multiple times. They never change and have disturbing sexual fetishes. It's like their brain has been fucked.
Since we're on the subject, there's either a video (or ser of videos) making the round on Facebook and Twitter in Spanish accounts, ir a very, VERY complex prank about that.
I haven't followed any of the links, but aparently it's one of those misguided viral campaigns, like "OMG, this man is an animal! #JusticeForThisGirl" and they're somehow unaware of the fact that they're actually doing nothing but ilegally distributng CP, thinking they're helping the girl, using their real mames.
They're gonna be arrested as fuck! It's gonna be fin to watch…
WTF I've only watched 2
Please put a stop to such pure unadulterated filthy cutness, vile youthful sweetness, along with degenerate displays of innocence!
im scared to download, what happens?
What? It's an old series?
Why are these soon-to-be-arrested activists reacting now to something that is not new? It's not even as if they can save anyone if it's not new.
And since you've seen the vids, what's the deal with the videos? According to some comments, she enjoys it (I assume "it" is sexual contact, but I don't know if there's penetration) which is disturbing to some.
it's pretty old, at least 5 years
Now I know why the sudden interest but are you sure these are "activists"? Judging by the comments they're unironically enjoying it
She's not SusyQ.
SusyQ is a bit older and a bit darker and is cute as fuck. Here's an artist's depiction.
(Seriously, this Loud House character looks just like SusyQ)
Bart was a lame-ass fat moron because he had a rare willing trooper DTF tiny grill and pushed it too far in every sense. He attracted the attention of LEA by implying he'd harm her.
He only has himself to blame and he'll be the unwilling GF of several large inmates until he dies of old age.
This thread has been reported a day ago and still remains despite the images of Cat Goddess. This thread has been archived and the authorities may be notified of Holla Forums aiding and abetting the distribution of child pornography.
I highly suggest Holla Forums staff gets serious before I do.
Please, get serious. Get Holla Forums shutdown, I know it's your plan. Just do it, faggot, this place deserves death.
I really hope you aren't talking out your ass between stuffing it full of nigger dicks.
This place is dead. It died with Hotwheels.
poetic justice
muh deek
Ronnie Ann a best.
Now I know why.
except that libre was great and this is meh
almost, user. almost
i like Holla Forums and dont want to see it shut down.
if you keep posting that mods may start banning those threads on sight.
Yeah a naked ass might be the straw man. Everything else was clothed until this one.
Ronnie Anne definetely a best and we should post a lot of her R34.
Lincoln is one lucy sunofabich because he gets to give her the Lincoln Log.
What was it?
is that Vicky's father??!! I've seen the meme but i didn't know that was really the guy in the vids with her.
Yes, he had a great and fit body and was very handsome, had a big and potent dick and he's in prison and will be for ever for raping his own daughter and filming it and posting it on the internet.
Tara's father: the literal opposite. Ugly, fat, unkempt, tiny dick, mostly floppy. However, he's also in prison and will be for ever for raping his own daughter and filming it and posting it on the internet.
There's a lesson there: it's useless to work out, you end up in prison for life for raping your daughter and filming it and posting it on the internet no matter what.
Although if I were to rape my own daughter I'd hope she would look and be as enthusiastic as Tara
That girl rode dick like nobodys business!! Took it up her ass well too
And ALWAYS swallowed everything
And eats Daddys ass
Please seek help
At that point it's not even rape, bro. If she's si into it by definition it's not rape.
Bart is ded though
I don't like when things are super unrealistic
A girl that small wouldn't have an extensive vocabulary like that unless she was one of those genius autistic children
It kills the immersion of me being an actual dad and convincing my own daughter to let me rape her
those "pedos" are likely LEA. i can tell a fake online pedo from a real one
t. real pedo
Do it just do it.
am i fake or real pedo?
Vicky testified against her father?
She testified against the ATTACKS.
look at the smirk on the street news reporter, you know he seen the vids before doing the report
he deserved what he got
and this comes from pedo
I don't understand how giving a girl your full love and showing her the pleasure of orgasms equates to life in prison - in your eyes
But I guess you are entitled to your opinion nonetheless
yeah i bet those grapes were sour anyway
and/or salty.
you guys are really delusional
behead all pedos and pedo supporters
allahu akbar!
Life in prison is a pretty EXTREME especially considering the current situation in the U.S. where kids are being treated worse and its encouraged by government and society.
Whether it be millions of kids being force fed amphetamines by doctors because they act like kids or government taking someones kids and leaving them in a worse situation because of some rumors or false claims just so the government can spend more money on its overreaching bureaucracy.
Why do they call her Kylie?
That's her name
so vicky was just a stage name?
us prisons are despicable
allowing rape gangs in prisons is barbaric
taking away of freedom is enough
he won't be molesting kids any more
Yeah, in hindsight he probably should've blurred the faces & donesomething to their voices as well…
or not molest his own daughter and ruin her life?
the video probably wouldn't have been worth shit with so much blur.
She was actually very fine until the government & therapists got a hold of her and told her that her father was a monster and that she was being "abused"
How does giving someone an orgasm "abuse" them? In what way? How? It doesn't. That's what
It is indoctrination of children. Training their minds that "sex" is bad and only rapists have sex with children.
Her father only had love for her
not a bad looking dude too (no homo) not at all the stereotypical pedo (think fat bastard)
This question always comes up to me when I think of what I'm going to do when I have a child. I hate blurred or edited cp. It's shit. Everybody knows this
But un-blurred/un-edited cp is a VERY quick way to get caught. The only thing I can honestly think of is to keep all your videos in a private collection and somehow, magically, release them all at once before you die or go to jail or something
(i.e. Example)
Only thing I can think of
A grand majority of pedos (the famous ones) are usually fit with big dicks
perhaps then he should've acted like one and not pervert "lover" and porn producer?
The reason I've thought about this so much is because I plan to take footage of my own daughter - whenever that time comes
I plan on training her. Filming it. And I'd like to share my personal homemade tapes of us having sexual intercourse. Being her first. Taking my daughter's virginity on film. I plan to do this as a way to "give back" "give thanks" to the pedo community that has always been there for me
But how? In what way? Where to post? What time?
All those answers elude me at the moment but once I have my own baby girl it is go time
in case you ever become father, i hope you have many many sons!
But there in lies the question
To you that is one who DOESN'T have sex with his own daughter
To me a father is one THAT DOES have sex and teaches, first hand, his daughter about pleasure and love and love-making.
You either think that because it is your personal beliefs or you were fooled into thinking that by government subversion & indoctrination by your parents
To go along with this I ask you
Many would say no
Many would say yes
Depending on where you live it can either be illegal or legal to do so
My parents were very strict and wouldn't and didn't allow me to drink alcohol until I was 21 (I never cared for it either way so it didnt matter to me)
I had friends and family members that their parents actually gave them alcohol while they were pretty young. Like 12-15yo and let them try beer and wine & such.
Is it a parents right to give their child alcohol or is that against the law?
Some would say yes
Some would say no
Same difference in regards to sex or driving or smoking
My father caught me smoking and beat me bloody and threw me against the wall to "think about what I did"
My cousin's parents caught him smoking and just told him not to do it inside the house
Another family member's father made him smoke the whole pack as punishment
I'd consider what happened to me and that other friend "child abuse"
Some people would consider it "justice"
What about Tara and her dad?
It really is a joke, The U.S. has 5% of the world population yet 25% of the worlds prison population far surpassing any other country even China which has 4 times the population and 25% percent of prisoners in the U.S. are in there for non-violent drug offenses.
I wonder how many kids have been thrown into some shitty government program because their parents were selling some weed on the side to make ends meet.
There are actually many legit studies out there that show that kids that had unforced sex with adults actually turn out fine and that the most damaging thing can be society constantly telling them that they were raped and making them feel like a victim even though they enjoyed it.
>inb4 spoon feed me links cause im to lazy to research
Look it up for yourself and you'll see
Some of the hottest produced cp to ever be created
Set the bar high for us true pedos
I mean is he in jail?
Is Tara the one whose dad got caught cause he showed her nudes to his neighbour out of nowhere like he was asking to borrow his lawnmower or something?
Yes. I have thought about this many times. It would truly be a nightmare for me to have sons. I am 100% against homosexuality so that sucks
Only thing I can think of - although I do not know how to accomplish this - is to find a pedo gay community/couple and offer to trade my newborn son to them in exchange for a female. I've heard of this done on the deepweb but unsure how the process goes
By the above - I mean I've read/heard stories of certain couples or men having a fetish for a certain ethnicity/race of child. I personally read a blog of a white man's fetish to have sex with a black child so he adopted a black girl from a pedo community. In return he had a child with his white wife (a white child) and gave it to a Chinese pedo couple who wanted a white baby.
See my comment below
Yes. Forever
i know that its not necessarily as destructive as its painted to be
there are other kinds of child abuse that get lot less attention and it can be just as harmful or even worse
nevertheless, it's never father's role to "teach" sex your own kids that way
even less to make them porn stars
this is typical rationalization of pedos that can't fulfill their desires
thinking about what's best for kids
it's not to drive pedos in darknets
that way pedos have only echochamber to strengthen their delusions and it can only lead to more children being abused this way
Also, to those that don't know
He was a tennis coach and fucked his daughter up the ass repeatedly
Tara won a scholarship for college (she's 18/19 now) and is a top Tennis athlete
She also loves to get flirty and let people know via social media how much she loves anal sex
No…i'm not kidding. Quite funny actually. A bit ironic
did she testify like "Vicky"?
Do you follow her on Facebook? How do you know she gets flirty?
Because Holla Forums /hebe/ LOL
Some guy used to chat with her and she was a nympho
She made her Insta private because of him
I used to follow her then she banned a lot of people (me included)
What's her Twitter? You know for science!
It's private
She deleted her old Insta. She has a new one but I don't know it. She 18 anyway so who cares
Not the girl i was thinking of, it's Jessie/Brianna whose dad was a retard. At least this dude got busted by a team of cops working for months.
A recent-ish picture of her
Before Freshman college started this year
Yeah. Her dad was the fucking idiot
Although he did creampie Jessi so… least that happened
She kind of fell off the grid. Someone from /hebe/ said he used to follow her on social media & posted a thumbnail sized photo of her. I mean….it looked like her but she is all ugly now
He said he couldn't release any other info because he didn't want any of us talking to her and scaring her. Fucking hoarder
pink dress?
What country is she from? What language us that?
Country: America
State: Georgia
I mean she has an accent but she still sounds American (to me at least)
I wonder what happened to all those Ukrainian cuties from LS Studios?
The sheer number of them, you'd think some would have become adult whores at least by now
Dasha at least is a mother and has a family and speaks very highly of child modeling and says it helped her & her family financially
I've heard rumors of 2-3 of the former LS girls having to resort to prostitution/escorting after LS was disbanded. One guy even claiming to have had sex with her. But the link to her "ads page" went down so I was never sure if it was real or not. Probably real though
lel, it really is going viral
Kek. I want to see that video.
its meh
I still want to see it, though.
I'm way too retarded to use T O R now. I made a thread asking for some links, but no avail.
To be fair, I just want incest, but I want milf incest, not daughter/dad shit.
if you can use google you can use tor bro
Well, I remember there was some kind of wiki but they removed THAT content.
ugh, she got FAT
and femenazi
Not clicking. Tor only attracts the FBI
They're lazy, though. I'll bite, and so far, is good. But I agree, delete it before someone is notified and ruin my fun.
With .onion links, there is no way to even tell what you're clicking on right?
I don't use Tor myself but I find it pretty suspicious for someone to just drop some Tor links in a pedo thread. It's almost certainly something illegal. I could be wrong though…
Definitively. Delete now.
It was requested so i provided.
feel safer now?
if you click on it while unprotected you can get into hot water just because your ISP will reject the request but keep a record of it
yea but it will never load anything illegal
Man, I recognize these URLs from memory by now, that's the uncensored Hidden Wiki and Topic Links 2.0, both lists of links for CP and pedo communities/chatrooms
Does she fantasize it's her daddy again?
Things you hear that you never wish you had:
Q) Why does your daddy still call you 'Squirt'?
A) Because that's what I do!
lol so stupid
it was finally deleted and it only took them like 48 hours
Everyone knows clowns are b&
What's going on in this Thre-…
no audio
Audio is for cucks and you know it
This madness has to stop!
I might have chosen the wrong image for this thread.