Hilly getting indicted on the 4th of fucking July.

Don't you just love it when chaos rears its fantastic many sided head?

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Almost forgot this morsel too


Expect to see a TON of resignations across the fed, and abroad.

If someone is resigning chances are they're trying to get the fuck out of dodge.

I'm looking at you Britain.


That actually is a great way to celebrate 4th of July.

She's like a cartoon villain who always gets away at the end of the day.

So? What do you mean so? He says they're drafting a prosecution memo.

Do you speak English?

plz god let Hillary go down, i promise to be a good boy from now on, ill exercise and and go back to school and get a gf.

If not ill drink and continue fapping






That's exactly what's getting hard here thinking of this

I was hoping for Hillary to be taken down after the DNC and she gets the nomination, but sometimes things don't work out perfectly.

This is fine, too, as long as she does get taken down for good.

So is this really happening?

this tbh. I know most politicians are shady, and I know they have intentions of their own, so it's hard to call anyone evil, but Hillary is truly on another level

Bullshit, don't get my hopes up like this

This, tbh.
Faggots have been saying Shillary is done for for months now. I want to believ, but I wont until I see her in cuffs.

The entire Clinton family is. Almost makes the reptilian weirdos look sane when they point this shit out. How the fuck do they get away with all this shit?

Please, lord Kek, let it happen.

Corrupt politicians like Hillary is the standard in third world countries. It's only shocking because you're not used it. If you don't know how someone so corrupt is so close to the presidency consider the demographics that nominated her.

It's not easy watching your country turn into the third world. Corruption doesn't go away on its own either. It creeps into every part of society from the top down the the patrol cop. You're used to corruption being an exception not the rule. The US welfare system will be wholesale looted by corrupt bureaucrats and every other system.

I don't believe it.

I'll believe it when I see Hillary hauled away in cuffs, but this gives me hope.

Do we want this though? Hillary is the perfect shitty candidate.

Anything that puts the Democrat party in disarray before the election is beneficial to Trump, and having their presumptive nominee in cuffs would certainly qualify. The Democratic party would be a laughing stock and even the kike media would have to cover it.

But you're right, I honestly think Biden, Sanders and Warren would all be tougher opponents with less baggage for Trump to face. Even if Trump can energize the white vote, we have to remember that America is ~40% shitskin so the democratic candidate always has an advantage.

Do they not realize the manchilds and fedora wearing cucks are on their side?

Do they not realize that of male children living with their parents who are of voting age are predominately liberal?

yeah no, that won't stop her from lying her ass off


inb4 her (((psychologist))) says she has a disease that makes it physically impossible to tell the truth.

It's probably harder for her to tell the truth.

The electorate is still about 70% white, but even then it's really difficult for a Republican candidate to win an election.


Don't be so sad, user. It's likely they'll still run with Hillary.

As much as I like the prospect of this, the thought of her being dragged from some public event in handcuffs expands dong even more.

She will do it in court.



Though it will probably happen long enough after the DNC that no other candidate can have a chance to build a chance.

But don't let the Clinton Foundation trail go cold. If it is indeed confirmed and going on, that could mean she will just be ditched to keep the rest of the organisation mostly safe until quiet dismantlement.

Wasn't she supposed to be indicted already? I'm assuming those plans didn't go through. Why would these be any different?

Yup. With a third-world electorate, you get third-world tier politicians.

Clintons have caused more damage to the world than any empire, dynasty, despot, dictator, or king has ever done.

Its absolutely biblical.

It seems like the G men don't want to blow their load early and let her get away on a technicality, so they're making sure they know all the details.

The day prosecution is actually enforced on Hillary is the day I eat my own shoe. It's not going to happen, at least not before the election is over, and only IF she loses.

Guarantee it. If she gets in the White House, those charges are going to magically disappear.

Sorry if you faggots still trust the system… the Clinton family wields incredible power in the government.

Only if Trump wins is there a possibility she will get indicted… there's a zero chance it will happen before.

It will be postponed and buried in the news cycle for months… even if some low level well intentioned FBI agents tries to stop her.

couldn't have said it better myself
the schlongening approaches

They know, or at least the higher-ups know, but then if they admitted that then their narrative would fall apart.

They can only delay it, not stop it.

biden is the dems version of kasich, sanders is a cuck, and warren would crumble at the very first debate
they have nobody that could stump trump
they will have to rely heavily on cheating to have any hope of winning

Hopefully, Kek proves me wrong and Hillary actually gets the chair.

Thanks Hanyuu… I mean.. err. nobody

Its never gonna happen and you know it.

That is kind of my point. Who the fuck ARE the Clintons really?

I love it.

Hillary's Campaign is falling apart so rapidly but there are WAY too many global interests invested in her to simply let it go. And they also couldn't abandon her for bernie or someone else because (((they))) know that she will mercilessly bring each and every one of them down with her.

They are panicking, drawing at straws, and react in desperation. Hillary's campaign ship is falling apart and sinking, and so they're ONLY tactic that they have is to try and put as many holes as they can into Trump's campaign ship and hope they can sink it faster before Hillary's sinks first.

I'm so tired of waiting for some kind of definitive movement on this.

Please just put her out of my misery already, if the FBI/DoJ won't hurry up and arrest her let her die of a stroke or something.

Do they know that their "insults" are racist, as most other cultures hold parents in higher esteem and don't warehouse them in nursing homes?