Holla Forumstards are just as bad as sjws, but they're at the opposite end of the spectrum. They whine and cry about shilling in their hugbox, but then they actively shill on every other fucking board on this site. They call people degenerates and cucks just as much as sjws call people racists and bigots. They also want to censor everything that doesn't follow their ideology, like sjws. But Holla Forumstards aren't going to realize this because those morons are blinded by their false sense of moral superiority just like sjws. They actually think they got Trump elected, but they didn't. Why do you think nobody cared when pepe was made a hate symbol? Wikileaks got Trump elected, not Holla Forums. The only real difference between Holla Forumstards and sjws is that sjws actually have power. I will be here waiting for all the Holla Forumstards cry cuck and degenerate at me.
Holla Forumstards are just as bad as sjws, but they're at the opposite end of the spectrum...
Other urls found in this thread:
Too bad we can't rid the world of faggot OPs. I guess that's too extreme even for a chan.
Holla Forums also doesn't believe in the holocaust
They're much worse than SJWs. SJWs don't give a fuck about the people they claim to be fighting for, of course–they're just in it to virtue signal and bully and get those sweet Patreon victimbux–but at least they claim to be fighting for some groups that have been somewhat historically disadvantaged. The Holla Forumscucks are actively fighting for plutocrats and oligarchs who don't give a fuck about them, and who are more than capable of taking care of themselves. They're the ultimate submissives…hoping that maybe if they get just a little more edgy, their Big Daddy will take them in his strong, muscular arms and give them the dick they so desperately crave.
T.holohoax faggot
op no one is going to adopt your shitty copypasta that comes out as fussy and bitchy than smug. perhaps if you weren't actually salty trump is gonna be president and has already kept 10,000 jobs in the US thus far.
It's at least 100,000 jobs, you CTR shill. How dare you downplay the achievements of Glorious Leader?
We have this thread everyday Holla Forumssmoker learn to live a little
Maybe you're neutrally accepting neutrality while moderately taking a cock up your ass. Faggot.
To say they are the same just isn't true, SJWs, hold very other ideological
viewpoints compared to Holla Forums users.
For example:
a Holla Forums user believes the father is one of the most important things in raising a child.
An SJW would believe the exact opposite, an SJW would think that the mother can raise the child fine on her own.
t. kike
Before you complain about anyone else I think you should save it for after you kill yourself.
Yes, all authoritarians are like this, on the left and the right. This is common knowledge. If you don't accept totalitarianism or fascism then you are the enemy. That's how authoritarianism works. Just get used to it and start trolling them instead of complaining about it. Authoritarians are the easiest people to troll.
Also, you say Holla Forums users are just as bad, but do you see pol users going to leftist events and shitting them up? Do you see pol users getting people fired from their job because of their political alignment? Do you?
When you're ready to be a man let me know and I'll show you the road.
this isn't even smug
I think O.P. is trying to compare how SJW's and Holla Forumsards operate, rather than what they operate about.
While yes the viewpoints of both are completely opposite - the way they fight for those beliefs are on in the same.
Its New Years… You sure you don't want to get drunk and masturbate until you pass out from exhaustion?
speaking of which…
Nice infograph but I fixed it for you.
Just as retarded maybe, but one doesn't fucking destroy civilization.
But that one is wrong. The middle one is supposed to be a doing both at the same time.
Holy shit, I'm Holla Forums now!
This thread will be included in an analysis of the methodology employed by the Russian intelligence services and their proxy entities to influence popular opinion in the USA.
OPs are hopeless faggots all the time
they cry and moan about Holla Forums on political bullshit
This post is so painfully fucking stupid. It's just reddi/pol/ spewing a bunch of fallacy names he randomly heard one time to try to sound smarter.
There's nothing incomplete about this comparison, and it's completely accurate. Go check the board log on Holla Forums if you want to find out just how close to SJWs Holla Forums is. They adore censorship. The only way Holla Forums could be worse is if they had a background of nigger dicks.
There was a combination of things getting Trump elected. Wikileaks is a minor one. And let's be real here, "wikileaks" is merely a window dressing phrase for Clinton being a fucking insufferable cunt. It's amazing actually that she still won the popular vote and it just further shows how disgusting americans are in general.
So, what your saying is because they actually moderate the board so goons can't destroy it makes them sjws?
How exactly? Because both sides name call and they're from opposite sides of politics? Just kill yourself.
Also, the loaded question fallacy is accurate because OP asked why nobody cared about pepe being a hate symbol, when he doesn't actually agree to it. It's a question to serve the questionnaires agenda therefore it's a fucking loaded question. Also:
Maybe next time try to actually refute him rather than use ad hominems.
And you wonder why people compare you to SJWs.
See the part where they support censorship. If Holla Forums users disagreed with censorship there would have been an uproar over it, but there's nothing.
Also, see what you just said about dissenting views destroying the board.
No, an ad hominem would be like "everyone who posts on Holla Forums is a child molester, therefore you shouldn't listen to anything they say." Thanks for proving me right when I said you don't know what the fallacies you cite mean.
An ad hominem is an evasion of the topic at hand and you directly attack your opponent. You have not one clue what your talking about.
Your argument could literally blanket every single board on this site.
Show me the proof where they want to actually censor an entire nation then we'll fucking talk
Grammar aside, we also have this:
This is rich.
If that's true (which I hope it's not, but I've been let down plenty of times before), that's not a justification for overly heavy-handed moderation, that's just a statement about the kinds of people who post here.
They voted for a pro-censorship candidate who explicitly said he wants to censor the internet, and not merely because Clinton was worse. They actively support and defend Trump, and continued to do so after his cabinet picks revealed him to be just another tool of the bankers.
You really don't. You attacked him and called him stupid and called him reddi/pol/ without actually even attempting to refute anything he said, which is an evasion. So again you have not a fucking clue what you are talking about, unless of course you're a double standard nigger, which kind of undermines you being supposedly against sjws.
Just kill yourself.
What net neutrality? The same thing censoring Obama supports? Also, Clinton wanted to ban so called "fake" news outlets, undermining your claim that Trump is worse.
How so? Because he feels they're actually qualified to do the job?? Or that Trump hired kikey kikes?
Fuck yourself sideways.
Also, claiming that they support everything their candidate does is inherently strawman.
So you not only can't argue, you can't read.
Tu quoque fallacy. In 2 weeks Obama won't be president anymore. Stop bringing him up when we're talking about Trump. The fact that Obama and Clinton are also pro-censorship is not an argument in favor of Trump.
Watch Trump do exactly that when he gets in. He already said he supports censorship.
I'm sure he thinks they're qualified to screw over the American public. They've already been doing it for years, so they have a proven track record.
/athiest/ are just as bad as /christian/, but they're at the opposite end of the spectrum. They whine and cry about shitposting in their hugbox, but then they actively shill on every other fucking board on this site. They call people stupid and racist just as much as christians call people devils and damned. They also want to censor everything that doesn't follow their ideology, like christians. But athiests aren't going to realize this because those morons are blinded by their false sense of moral superiority just like christians. They actually think they have it all figured out, but they don't. Why do you think nobody cares about scientology? The only real difference between athiests and christians is that christians actually have power. I will be here waiting for all the racist and autist at me.
Sure thing. And I have a thousand child soldiers.
It's also not an argument in favor of Clinton, your little cunt you seem to support.
Not an argument.
Holla Forums is mostly just contrarian. In reality, almost everyone of every political or religious belief is completely fucking retarded.
To understand Holla Forums you faggot OP, you have to first become Holla Forums, eat Holla Forums, sleep Holla Forums, and live Holla Forums, once that happens you will understand. You will understand it all.
OP and Holla Forums cunts think facts amd science are racist lol
And I think we're done here. Go ahead and claim victory for driving people away with your relentless retardation, because that's what you have a track record of doing.
While I hate to contribute to another of these threads, I feel I should point this out since no one ever says this.
Pol and sjw/libs are both FASCISTS! This is why they use similar tactics fot their ideologies, the only difference being one group is open about it and the other tries to deny it while posturing with "muh wrong side of history" shit to justify their tactics. So all this shit about "lol both sides are the same" is retarded.
The end goals of each group a vastly different: one wants a white ethnostate, while the other wants to basically flip the tables on the current state of the world and have oppressed groups in the positions of current privileged groups because of muh revenge an history morality shit.
So in summation, good fucking job op, you can put two and two together and figure out both groups use the same methods to promote their ideologies, you must be a fucking genius posting another one of these shit threads.
gas yourself tbh fam
Come on bro.
You keep using that word. Do you know what it even means?
I like that one.
I agree OP.
A true Nazi should support the state of Israel and the deportation of every Jew to said state. A true Nazi would also not yell pedo pedo pedo. This is feminist propaganda.
I never said that.
I was mocking op/every other person who posts this same thread as that's how they come off. His fucking post is literally
and then proceeds to lists how they do the same things as proof.
Post things Holla Forums hates but true Nazis love
They call you a degenerate because you are one.
Also, nod an argument.
If two armies use flanking tactics then they are exactly the same. Two sides……..of teh saem coin!!!
We have the Truth on our side baby
Unless of course you want to use the false dichotomy yourself, feel free.
Incoherent gibberish, try again.
Just as much of a tool
Just as much of a tool
the shills are at it itt.
Just as much of a tool
This thread will be included in an analysis of the methodology employed by the Russian intelligence services and their proxy entities to influence popular opinion in the USA.
they posted this all over Holla Forums