Why haven't we meme'd this yet? We need Trump to have a meeting with JTG or something, Trump can add educational reform to his platform. This would be a good starting point for taking back institutions starting with ,((Public Education)) no less, from the cultural marxists!
The honorable John Taylor Gatto and Trump
Shit forgot to include link here:
Here's a great interview all Holla Forumsacks need to watch as well
Blue eyes white dragon.
I like this guy. Some stuff from the article:
First, your natural speaking style is refreshing, but like all political speakers you do have a tendency to fall back on well-worn rhetorical images, grandiose locations which, over time, are merely heard as noise, but that make no lasting impression on listeners. This is an easy error to correct but, to maximize the effect of your own real substance, you do require some pithy plain talk rhetorical flourishes as accent notes over and around your substance—audiences expect them and want a slogan to take away from listening to you.
This is very true. I attended the Oregon Trump rally in Eugene, you could tell the people were looking for a new catchline, idea, substance, or something to hold onto.
I like this guy. Is he trying to say he wants to be the Minister of Propaganda in the Trump Campaign?
Yes. Yes, I think he is. I want to go to a Trump Rally and do this before November comes.
Trump needs to see this.
Are you me, op? I found out about these letters Gatto wrote to Trump a couple days ago and was about to make a thread.
John Taylor Gatto's book Dumbing Us Down was my first redpill, and everyone here needs to read it. Very concise takedown of how government school is a psychological weapon used by authoritarians to subdue a free people and make them vote for tyranny. Unlike other books about "education", Gatto's don't drown the reader with statistics about SAT scores and studies from California, but merely point out how school is shit and produces dependent, idle, stupid people. On purpose.
Seriously impressive guy. Underground History of American Education is his magnum opus, but considerably longer and less focused than Dumbing Us Down.
Also idk if Gatto could handle an official job as Secretary of Education or even speechwriter. He suffered a pretty bad stroke a few years back and can't be out of bed or even write for more than an hour or two a day.
That said, if Trump is serious about fixing education in America, he or someone on his staff needs to read Gatto's books. Gatto is fully redpilled on schooling, even names the Frankfurt School in his letters to Trump.
He's a very intelligent man, I don't think he's 100% redpilled (he still believes that you can turn inner city kids in to A+ students by "reaching them") but he knows his shit. I watched a three part interview with him before I really started paying attention to everything, and he highlighted how the problems we are facing now are very deep rooted in our society.
I don't think he could hold any official positions (though him being secretary of education would be badass) due to his health, but his endorsement of Trump means a whole lot to me.
Gatto is old as fuck but be great for an endorsement. Read one of his books during lolberg days. His stuff was shilled on free talk live. No idea he wrote these letters
Trump really does need to bring up common core more. Its a huge talking point and would really rally the support of segments of republicans that are skeptical of him.
JTG's books are classics.
I said a few months back that we should meme JTG into Trump's cabinet as the Secretary of (dismantling the department of) Education
To be honest he seems like a good guy but his tires are by no means such a deal that "I gotta go to his business".
The department of education might as well be "the department of indoctrination". We need to get someone in who will make it about actually spreading knowledge to the youth. I doubt it would happen, but why, you never know.
No, it's not fixable.
You can't concentrate that much power into one office and expect to keep the infiltrators out forever.
We need to get the government out of schooling so that education will become possible instead.
I thought he died years ago.
Nope he's still alive although he had a stroke so he's not in good condition anymore. Next Trump rally near me I'll try to hand out his printed letters y I trump so he can have a look.
Pretty much, but I was thinking on the slow scale. Preferably we gut the goverment and craft into something that actually works for the people. However, having someone in the DOE that has a hands off approach , that allows states to decide their own education , would do wonders.
Well, the best case scenario is we are able to mandate redpill education as mandatory, but that's not really feasible.
Trump only gets two terms.
He needs to take that opportunity to create "facts on the ground" like dismantling the agencies that never should have existed in the first place soon enough that the clearly-superior replacements have time to form.
Otherwise his successor could trivially undo all the progress.
For anons new to JTG, here's a short and sweet look at what he has to offer.
The Seven-Lesson Schoolteacher:
do you think so