When are you inbred moron pedophiles finally gonna realise that this place isn't meant for sharing child pornography.
Whens are you pedophiles fucking off!!
Other urls found in this thread:
complain on /operate/
Holla Forums needs more mods specifically for the purge
wtf im pedo now
pic related
I agree, this isn't for child porn and child porn is bad! But cute pictures on the other hand are pretty damn nice.
this :3
POST reported. All reports are catalogued.
Child modelling threads are in violation of U.S. Federal Law. Depictions of even a clothed child violates U.S. federal law 18 U.S.C. § 2252(a)(2), 18 U.S.C. § 2252(a)(4), and 18 U.S.C. § 2256(2)(E) if they constitute "lascivious" exhibitions of the genitalia or pubic area Im sure theres at least one pic which fits this criteria ITT . The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals has defined "lascivious" as "tending to excite lust; lewd; indecent; obscene; sexual impurity; tending to deprave the morals in respect to sexual relations."
You have been notified
I wish these autistic pedos stop posting CP or contain it in a single thread. Its getting annoying.
this is coming from a pedo
I think there are two solutions to this problem.
1) Pedos livestream castration process or livestream them taking the chemical castration option
2) Pedos use SFM and other animation frameworks for making photorealistic CP, but never use actual CP
3) cute pictures
im ok with this
why not just stay on /cunny/?
why not just stay on masterchan?
it seems the pedo posts are an unimaginative attempt at having Holla Forums killed. wont happen.
Why not stay on Holla Forums?
why would legal pictures get Holla Forums killed?
neither was my place ever
because its ruining the board. theres multiple laura b thread 24/7. Holla Forums has become librechan 2.0. actual pedos wouldnt shit where they eat. if you were a legit pedo you wouldnt mind keeping it to one thread. the pedo spam is just a malicious attempt to have Holla Forums shut down, to overload jim and the mods and etc. it wont work because its too obvious.
plus, its the same 10 year old pictures. actual pedos, i'd imagine, update their collection at least once every 10 years? yet its the same shit, meaning its just spam. its too obvious and therefore you wont succeed. i did have mind to have Holla Forums shut down due to the pedo spam, but now i have half a mind to let Jim know exactly how to resolve this problem and gain more traffic/money at the same time. we'll see. either way, the days of pedo spam is coming to a close.
Enjoy the thread.
It's not ruining the board, it's making it better.
cp is fine
Lera is just spam at this point (and anything CandyDoll pretty much)
If it was 2016 cp nobody would care
youre just a spammer
bretty much. if they kept it in one thread even I wouldnt take issue.
How should we when threads get deleted all the time? :3
agreed. pedos need to fuck off
they get deleted because theres multiple threads.
get it?
its not about the pics, aspie. if you spammed pepe threads at the same rate, we'd complain too. its about the spam. now stay defeated.
False as pepe is not censored or banned.
Happy 2017 Holla Forumsros
i love laura b
anyone who actually wants to get 8ch shut down would post actual cp and not candydoll shit
just sayajin
8chcan is not gonna get shut down just because someone posts cp, fuck they have cp spambot posts all over the site for like over a year lel
no one has actually tried to get Holla Forums shut down due to cp, either…
Yes they have. Holla Forums used to post random CP on dead boards, knowing that it wouldn't be banned for a while. Then they would send a ling to the FBI. They also got 8ch removed from google due to "CP".
do you realise this is a disguised pedo thread?
That ship has already sailed, faggot. This is the post-purge era. Get used to it.
another pedofag here
you can stay but how about not spamming pics of kids every single time?
Yes please
moralcucks like you will only motivate them more. Best is to ignore them and let mods send their cancer to containment boards
That era is over, newfag. Welcome to the new current year.
that reminds me, i should post some more sexy little girls.
Which boards would they be?
Is my first visit to this board going to be my last now that I'm associated with this? When should I start panicking and barricading my doors?
It was pedoshit that kept normalfags like you away.
Pedos were kicked out and normalfags flooded in, and didn't assimilate.
It's already too late. If you're not connected over tor you should microwave your pc immediately
Pedophiles love you. It's why. If you want them to go away you must go first.
At what point did I say I did or didn't like what I was seeing? I just want to know if I can save these and stick them on a friend's hard drive to make him freak out.
Mm. Fappable hottie..
when will you Holla Forumstards realize that this isn't your safe space
I'm a pedo. When librechan was up I did not come here once. Now I come to see if boards are up or if there are links to a new pedochan.
If you knew how to read you would know that I criticized you for being new, which you admitted to.
Pedo is Völkisch and Redpilled
You're a fucking retard
as if anyone's going to be scared off by some spastic pasting the "what are the laws against child modelling" google result.
It's what the mods think. They draw pedos in to "scare" the pedo out of them and help them to become regular straight.
Being a pedophile is the only normal sexuality. It means you are attracted to 100% pure beauty.
some people are attracted to ass fisting. A ravaged anus is not beautiful but some people are attracted to ugliness. It gives them a boner.
Close, but still 3DPD
Sounds like a nerd.
Getting fisted by a loli is beauty.
I bet she could fit her entire forearm in my ass. I'm not saying that it would turn me on but it probably would
It's not. Men are ugly with or without ass.
There are men without asses?
There is nothing ugly about getting double fisted by 2 beautiful lolis.
Hank Rutherford Hill is the only one i know of
is anything in this bread illegal?
If you live by Jim's standards, yes. If you go by actual laws, no.
seems like a lot of this violates international dost laws. depicting minors in sexually suggestive poses, focal point on crotchal area (abundance of camel toe in the last one), etc
ikr so sick of it!
There aren't "international DOST laws" you fucking kid. The DOST was a law made back in the 80's. It's not even used anymore. The law was made before the internet became popular. Jim implemented that law because he thought it was still relevant. He is a baby boomer faggot who thinks obsolete laws apply to the current laws. The DOST isn't even used in court anymore.
Child modelling threads are in violation of U.S. Federal Law. Depictions of even a clothed child violates U.S. federal law 18 U.S.C. § 2252(a)(2), 18 U.S.C. § 2252(a)(4), and 18 U.S.C. § 2256(2)(E) if they constitute "lascivious" exhibitions of the genitalia or pubic area. The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals has defined "lascivious" as "tending to excite lust; lewd; indecent; obscene; sexual impurity; tending to deprave the morals in respect to sexual relations."
You have been notified.
Quoting it won't make it real. Show me an example of anyone who has been arrested for violating the DOST in the past decade. You won't be able to. That law is in the gutter, no respective lawyer would ever even cite it.
That doesn't mean "international" you retarded faggot.
Okay, go on google or whatever cuck search engine you use and search "interpol arrest DOST". Show me when someone has been arrested for "violating DOST".
protip: you can't
know why? because lawyers know the "law" is too vague to use in a court of law
Oh wow, you linked to a wikipedia article. You must be right.
when you're done being autistic let me know.
The wikipedia article just explains the original law made back in the 80's. That isn't the source. Show me when someone has been prosecuted based on the DOST in the past 15 years.
Just because a law passes doesn't necessarily mean it is still used on a court of law.
post your face when the kids dont have to be naked to be illegal
dumb motherfucker..
well? post your dumb face when you realize child erotica is a felony.
Meaning CP. There is no mention of DOST in this article. The guy just downloaded CP.
child erotica meaning:
Child modelling threads are in violation of U.S. Federal Law. Depictions of even a clothed child violates U.S. federal law 18 U.S.C. § 2252(a)(2), 18 U.S.C. § 2252(a)(4), and 18 U.S.C. § 2256(2)(E) if they constitute "lascivious" exhibitions of the genitalia or pubic area . The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals has defined "lascivious" as "tending to excite lust; lewd; indecent; obscene; sexual impurity; tending to deprave the morals in respect to sexual relations."
You have been notified.
Now you are just making shit up.
child erotica != DOST
Child models fully clothed isn't child erotica.
your mental gymnastics are amusing
stay mad.
seems legit.
you didn't cite any sources. There have been no people arrested for the DOST in the past 15 years or more. You are citing "child erotica" which is also known as CP.
You still have to explain to me how the DOST relates to actual CP, yet you can't. You have failed and now you are just saying "ur mad" to prove your point.
child erotica isn't CP, which is why this story states:
He was charged with 30 counts of child erotica one count for each teen modelling picture he downloaded. You're a defeated foe. All you can do now is complain, and I don't have time to hear your whine.
Enjoy the thread.
Yes, they were probably nude pictures of children. This doesn't explain clothed models. Was he arrested for nude children or the DOST?
You don't know, because you are going out on a limb. Show me proof that he was areested for violating the DOST. You can't because you are just going on your own logic.
Show me an article that specifically shows how a man was arrested for violating principles of the DOST. You are just using general information.
if they were nude it would then constitute "child pornography." have a nice night, user :^)
how mad are you right now?
I am calm and sipping vodka atm tbh. What I am looking for is how this relates to the DOST. Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean that I am mad. I am trying to have an argument, unlike you.
Please show me how this has anything to do with the DOST.
I'll make a thread outlining the full Justice Code in relation to Child Pornography and Erotica just for you :^)
okay, great. I'll be looking forward to it.
I don't think you quite understand what's being discussed here champ.
I know that feel bro, the spammers really make us all look bad.
If it weren't for us spammers than dysnomia would still be banning every single picture of a kid.
It's the cucks like you that just let mods do whatever they please without any fear of backlash.
This is the legal definition of CP.
(1) “minor” means any person under the age of eighteen years;
(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), “sexually explicit conduct” means actual or simulated—
(i) sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex;
(ii) bestiality;
(iii) masturbation;
(iv) sadistic or masochistic abuse; or
(v) lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person;
(B) For purposes of subsection 8(B) [1] of this section, “sexually explicit conduct” means—
(i) graphic sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex, or lascivious simulated sexual intercourse where the genitals, breast, or pubic area of any person is exhibited;
(ii) graphic or lascivious simulated;
(I) bestiality;
(II) masturbation; or
(III) sadistic or masochistic abuse; or
(iii) graphic or simulated lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person;
Please put a stop to such pure unadulterated filthy cutness, vile youthful sweetness, along with degenerate displays of innocence!!
I'm okay with this >>>/cunny/