Joining the trend

joining the trend
dubs decide my new years resolution

get gf


ride a motorcycle from mexico city to the furthest north point of Alaska.


suck all the dicks

Bareback until you're HIV+

kill yourself

shoot yourself in the foot. show results.

sage moar

become a national socialist.

be happy


Get. Kek confirms. But you could also become a national socialist. Happy new year mój anonku.

convert to pravoslav religion like a true slav
cucktolicism is for nigger worshippers

impossible, give me something doable please


alright attempt to be happy. happy new year user!


Join NOP. It's more than doable, isn't it?

socialism is socialism you half-arsed commie

There were no handouts in the third Reich you moron. The socialism came from people helping each other not because of gibs me dat

You don't really seem to be living in this reality with your gross oversimplifications. You could read a book about NS as a last resort. But i don't really expect THAT much from you. :,^)


Hitlerfags fuck off. Benito best.

Start lifting not weights but random objects you find everyday

I can see the socialist defence force is out in full force already. If you wanna be a nationalist, be a fucking nationalist, don’t go full retard and mix in socialism.

Name me a single reason why not.

Sharpie in the pooper

don't be alone the next new year eve.

If you can’t see anything as obvious as that, there is no hope. Enjoy your free handouts while it lasts.

Here you go OP you got two resolutions

I will talk to you as to a reasonable creature human being. National socialism has very few things in common with real socialism or scientific socialism (communism). Those differences derive from a very different approach to both the role of the state in life of the citizenship of a given country. National socialism recognizes the importance of private property and private initiative in the society. Taxes in general government were lower than those in today's polish state. A classic socialism denies the importance of those rights in favor of the state. Reading Gottfried Feder wouldn't do much harm to you.

Screw you tbh. Holla Forums's masterplan of gaining another member of the cause has failed

Nevermind. You are just hopeless.


The Third Reich under National Socialism blossomed while the whole capitalistic and communistc world faced depressions, even though they had way better starting positions than Germany. So again, what is bad about it?

Capitalism in the West, and in particular in the US skyrocketed after WWII, whilst the dictatorial National Socialist regime lay in ruins.


Yeah. Sometimes treating others as intelligent people brings nothing short but disappointment.
Good night to you kind sir.

yep, once again the jews won Holla Forums. video related, a proof that being happy is just a jewish ruse. Truly happiness should go to the oven.

The only thing that skyrocketed was their debt

Because it lost the war against the half world not because the socialism was bad. You haven't brought up a single argument in this whole thread.

Where do you think you are, nigger?
If you came here expecting a serious discussion, you are the moron.

salty lol

Stop reading old Nazi & USSR propaganda, it isn't doing you any favours.

Yeah my bad tbh.

You get it right. Sieg heil.

Picture related.




built on debt

obesity and degeneration

The middle class may be growing but the amount they own is shrinking, whilst your capitalistic 1% owns more than 50%. Seriously, the only reason to defend this shit is being part of the 1% which I highly doubt you are.
