Supreme gentlemen or shooter appreciation thread
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All I ever wanted was to fit in and live a happy life amongst humanity, but I was cast out and rejected, forced to endure an existence of loneliness and insignificance, all because the females of the human species were incapable of seeing the value in me.
I think I saw him at the in the trainstation in my city a few months ago.
My orchestration of the Day of Retribution is my attempt to do everything, in my power, to destroy everything I cannot have. All of those beautiful girls I’ve desired so much in my life, but can never have because they despise and loathe me, I will destroy. All of those popular people who live hedonistic lives of pleasure, I will destroy, because they never accepted me as one of them. I will kill them all and make them suffer, just as they have made me suffer. It is only fair.
My Twisted World
The Story of Elliot Rodger
By Elliot Rodger
Humanity… All of my suffering on this world has been at the hands of humanity, particularly women.
It has made me realize just how brutal and twisted humanity is as a species. All I ever wanted was to fit
in and live a happy life amongst humanity, but I was cast out and rejected, forced to endure an existence
of loneliness and insignificance, all because the females of the human species were incapable of seeing
the value in me.
This is the story of how I, Elliot Rodger, came to be. This is the story of my entire life. It is a dark story
of sadness, anger, and hatred. It is a story of a war against cruel injustice. In this magnificent story, I will
disclose every single detail about my life, every single significant experience that I have pulled from my
superior memory, as well as how those experiences have shaped my views of the world. This tragedy did
not have to happen. I didn’t want things to turn out this way, but humanity forced my hand, and this
story will explain why. My life didn’t start out dark and twisted. I started out as a happy and blissful
child, living my life to the fullest in a world I thought was good and pure…
I wish I could have fucked that beautiful face.
Part One
A Blissful Beginning
Age 0-5
On the morning of July 24th, 1991, in a London hospital, I was born. I breathed in the first breath of
life as I entered this world, weighing only 5.4 pounds. My parents must have been filled with happiness
and pride that day. They had just witnessed the birth of their first child, and they named me Elliot Oliver
Robertson Rodger.
I was born to young parents. My father, Peter Rodger, was only 26 when he impregnated my mother,
Chin, who was 30. Peter is of British descent, hailing from the prestigious Rodger family; a family that
was once part of the wealthy upper classes before they lost all of their fortune during the Great
Depression. My father’s father, George Rodger, was a renowned photojournalist who had taken very
famous photographs during the Second World War, though he failed to reacquire the family’s lost
fortune. My mother is of Chinese descent. She was born in Malaysia, and moved to England at a young
age to work as a nurse on several film sets, where she became friends with very important individuals in
the film industry, including George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. She even dated George Lucas for a short
My mother and father had been married for a couple of years before my mother became pregnant
with me. In fact, her pregnancy was an accident. She had been taking pills to prevent pregnancy, but
when she visited my father on one of his film sets, she fell ill and the medication she took for that illness
thwarted the effect of the anti-pregnancy pills, and so their lovemaking during this period resulted in my
Only a couple of months after my birth, I went on my first vacation. My parents took me on a boat to
France. I was already a traveler! Of course, I have no memories of this trip. My mother said that I cried a
At the time that I was born, my mother and father were living in a house in London, but shortly after
my birth they decided to move to the countryside. We moved to a large house made of red brick in the
county of Sussex, with vast grass fields surrounding it. The house even had a name: The Old Rectory.
This was where I spent my early childhood, the first five years of my life, and it was beautiful. The
memories I have of this period are only memories of happiness and bliss.
My father was a professional photographer at the time, just in the stage of becoming a director. My
mother gave up her nursing career to stay at home and look after me. My grandma on my mother’s side,
who I would call Ah Mah, moved in with us to help out my mother. I would spend a lot of time with Ah
Mah during these years.
This was a time of discovery, excitement, and fun. I had just entered this new world, and I knew
nothing of the pain it would bring me later on. I enjoyed life with innocent bliss. I can remember playing
in the fields and going on long walks with Ah Mah to pick berries. She would always warn me not to
touch the stinging nettles that sometimes grew in our fields, but my curiosity got the better of me, and I
got stung a few times. There was a swing in the back of our yard, which I had many good times on.
The first birthday I remember was my 3rd birthday. My parents threw a party for me in our field. I had
a helicopter birthday cake. I can remember one of my friend’s parents cutting off the first piece and
giving it to my friend. I threw a tantrum because I was expecting to get the first piece… It was my
birthday after all. My father bought me a toy tractor that I could ride around in, and I would play with it
all the time after that.
Sometime after my 3rd birthday, we all went on a vacation to Malaysia, my mother’s home country. I
have only flashes of memory of that vacation. I enjoyed it very much. We visited a few of my mother’s
For preschool, I was enrolled at Dorsett House, an upscale all-boys private school in the countryside,
near where we lived. I was forced to wear a uniform, which I hated because I had to wear
uncomfortable socks up to my knees. I was very nervous and I cried on my first day there.
I can
remember two friends I made by name, George and David. I would always play in the sandpit with them.
I didn’t like school at Dorsett House very much. I found the rules to be too strict. My least favorite
part of it was the football sessions. I never understood the game and I could never keep up with the
other boys in the field, so I always stood by the goal-keeper and pretended to be the “second goalkeeper”. My favorite part was playing in the woods after lunch. There was a particular climbing structure
that I had a lot of fun with.
My preschool class once went on a field trip to the park, where I had the misfortune of getting lost.
As my class was eating lunch, I ventured off to another area of the park, and when I returned, my class
had moved on. I remember panicking and asking strangers for help. It was a terrifying experience for
me. I was eventually led to my class by the strangers I talked to.
I remember one funny incident when we were taking school pictures. They forced us to sit crosslegged, which I hated doing, so I absolutely refused to sit that way for the picture. The teachers
eventually conceded, and the picture was taken with me being the only one sitting differently.
The holiday season was the best part of the year for me. It must have been very cold in England, but I
don’t remember the cold. I just remember how much fun I had. I was filled with joy when it started
snowing outside – I loved playing in the snow. My father helped me build a snowman once. We would
start with little snowballs, and roll them around our field until we formed the body, and then we would
decorate it.
During Christmas, my parents always had parties and gatherings. My father’s best friend, Christopher
Bess, who was also my godfather, came to our house frequently. We would often go to my father’s
parent’s house in Smarden, Kent. I would call my grandmother on my father’s side “grandma Jinx”.
My memories of my grandfather, George Rodger, are faint; he had fallen very ill at this period. My father’s
brother, uncle Jonny, had a son one year younger than me, who was named George, after my
grandfather. I always played games with cousin George in grandma Jinx’s garden. The two of us got
along well.
On New Year’s Eve our neighbors once set up a bonfire party in the field next to our house. I was
fascinated by how big the fire was. I had never seen anything like it, and it astounded my little mind. This
was also the first time I saw fireworks. My father gave me one of those sparklers to play with, which I
was enraptured by.
There was one very special place that my father would often take me to. It was at the top of a range
of beautiful rolling hills that I termed the “London Hills”, because I thought that London was on the
other side of them. We would go there to fly kites. I can remember these experiences vividly. The hills
were full of tall straw-like grass, and the weather was always windy – perfect for kite flying.
It was a time of utmost happiness and joy for me. My father taught me to fly a kite by myself. The
wind was so strong that I feared it would lift up my frail little body and carry me into the clouds. Once I
got the hang of it, it was exhilarating. We would fly our kites together and run with the wind. I will never
forget that place.
My favorite childhood film was The Land Before Time. I used to watch that movie all the time with Ah
Mah. It was about a baby dinosaur named Littlefoot who had just lost his mother and was journeying
through a dangerous world to find the “Great Valley”, a land of prosperity and peace. I remember the
feeling of utter sadness I felt during the scene when his mother died, and the triumphant and happy
emotions that swept over me when he finally discovered the Great Valley, after going through all the
hardship to get there. I watched this movie so many times that just thinking about it brings the emotions
back. It was a big part of my childhood.
Already a world traveler, I went on a trip to Spain with my parents and my parent’s friends Patrick
and Lupe. It was the fourth country I’ve been to at such a young age. We stayed in an exquisite castlelike house that I believe was owned by a friend of ours. The house had a tower that I was extremely
curious about. At one point, my parents and their friends ventured up to the top of it, but they made me
stay below because I was too young. I was sorely disappointed. As they were climbing the tower I went
outside to look at the cacti surrounding the house. These cacti also sparked my curiosity, and I foolishly
decided to touch a cactus. I ended up getting cactus needles all over my hand, and it took a long time for
my mother to remove them.
Shortly after my trip to Spain, we went on another trip to Greece. We stayed at a hotel near the
beach. It was very hot there. The weather was new to me, as I was used to the cold British climate.
The trip to Greece was significant because during this time, my father received the news of the death
of my grandfather George Rodger. He died of natural causes on my 4th birthday, at the age of 87. It was
the first experience I had of the death of a close relative, and the first time I saw my father cry. My 4
year old self could not imagine my father ever crying, and so when I saw him cry that day, I knew how
shaken he was. It was a very sad day for all of us. We immediately flew home.
I believe that it was during the time after my 4th birthday that my father came to the decision to
eventually move to the United States. As he was just becoming a director, he believed Los Angeles
would offer more opportunities. We took a short trip to California to gain an initial look at it. I don’t
remember much of this trip, but I do remember having a good time. At the age of 4, I, Elliot Rodger, had
already been to six different countries. Who can claim that, eh? The United Kingdom, France, Spain,
Greece, Malaysia, and the United States.
It was also during this time that my mother became pregnant again. I was going to have a sibling. My
parents decided to have another baby, this pregnancy being planned, so that I can have a sibling to grow
up with. We later discovered it was going to be a girl.
Before my 5th birthday, my mother went into labor to deliver the baby. I can remember the night
vividly. I was very ill that night, a bad omen. I stayed at home with Ah Mah while my mother and father
were at the hospital, and we watched movies together. I was fraught with anticipation the whole time.
And then my parents came back late in the night, and with them they brought a little black-haired baby
wrapped in a bundle. I had a baby sister, and they named her Georgia.
I have no memories of what happened on my 5th birthday. Shortly after it, we were making plans to
permanently move to the United States. The news excited me, but I was sad at the prospect of leaving
my life in England behind. My father took a short trip to the U.S. by himself to scout out houses. I
remember talking on the phone to him while he was there. He told me he found a very nice house for us
to move to. I asked him if it had a swimming pool, and he said it did. This news made me very happy.
And then the time came. We started packing everything up at the Old Rectory. On my last day at
Dorsett House school, my teacher was giving all of us candies when my mother came to pick me up
early. I said goodbye to all the friends I had there. That was the last time I saw them.
My father was given the offer to buy the Old Rectory for about 400,000 Pounds (we were only renting
it at the time), but he declined, a decision he would regret later on, as it would have been a worthy
I cried as we drove away from the Old Rectory. All the experiences I had there; playing in the fields,
driving my toy tractor, tending to my garden, going on walks with Ah Mah, swinging on the swing; all
those experiences were gone. I was about to start a new life. We boarded the plane and took off to
Part 2
Growing up in America
Age 5-9
The plane ride was like a dimension between worlds. I was about to enter a whole new world. A
whole new life. But none of that went through my little 5 year old head at the time. I slept for most of
the journey there, and I can remember looking out the window at the vast stretch of clouds below us. I
wondered what it would be like to go down there and run along them as if they were a landmass, not
thinking about the fact that I would fall right through!
When we arrived in America, I was very tired. We collected our luggage and loaded them onto a new
SUV that my father rented. The image of us driving out of the airport is still fresh in my mind. I often
think of it as my first step into my new life in the U.S.
I was so sleepy when we reached our new house that I didn’t even bother to look around yet. The
house was partly furnished, and we already had a sofa and a television. The first thing we did was watch
a movie. The movie was Independence Day, and I fell asleep at some parts, but managed to watch most
of the movie.
In the morning I was full of energy. I eagerly clamored up the stairs to search for my new room. I
looked at all the rooms before singling out the one that I wanted as mine. When I told my mother about
my decision, she told me that the room I picked was meant to be my sister Georgia’s room. I got a bit
upset, but eventually settled for the room next to it.
The house was quite big, with white walls and a beautiful backyard that led to a gated swimming pool
It was located in an upscale part of Woodland Hills. The town of Woodland Hills has greatsignificance in my life. It would be the town that I grow up in. A large portion of all my life experiences,
good and bad, would take place in this town. I can recall the first time I said the name on my lips…
Woodland Hills… my new hometown.
Soon after settling into our lovely new home, we were disturbed by a problem typical of California:
An earthquake. My mother woke me up in the middle of the night, and we all hid under the kitchen
table. The earthquake actually turned out to be very small, with even smaller aftershocks following it,
but I was still scared. Having never experienced an earthquake before, the only impression I had of
earthquakes were the huge, land rupturing earthquakes I saw in The Land Before Time. After this
experience, I began to see earthquakes as common, minor disturbances.
And there I was, a young 5 year old boy who has so far lived a happy and joyful life about to embark
on a new journey; the journey of growing up in the United States of America. I felt a surge of enthusiasm
at the prospect. I now considered myself an “American kid”, as I told my parents. I got accustomed to all
the American T.V. shows, and I started to adopt an American accent. I was looking forward to my new
Soon enough, I was enrolled in school. My father did some extensive school-searching after our
arrival, and he found a small private school on Shoup Avenue named Pinecrest. I was to attend
kindergarten there. Pinecrest… My 5-year-old self at the time could not imagine how significant this
place will eventually become for me. A great turning point of my life will eventually take place there, a
tragic turn for the worse. But that will come later, in a darker chapter of my story, when I enter my preteen years. For now, I was a kindergartener who was enjoying life to the fullest.
Kindergarten at Pinecrest didn’t turn out so well. I had a very unpleasant teacher who was impatient
with how far behind I was in my schoolwork, as I had missed a couple months of school due to the
During playtime, this teacher would keep me in the classroom to do extra work in order to catch
up. My parents didn’t like this teacher, and one of their friends recommended another school for me, a
private school nearby named Farm School; it was named after the farm that was attached to it. After
only a couple of weeks at Pinecrest, my parents took me out of it, and I would not return again until I go
there for Middle School six years later.
My first day at farm school turned out to be a good start. I had two teachers, and they made an effort
to introduce me to the other kids. There was one particular boy named Joey who they assigned to show
me around. He was nice to me at first, but would soon turn out to be a rotten little prick who I would
always get into fights with. He then became my greatest enemy at the school.
The first real friend I made in the United States was a girl named Maddy Humphreys. Isn’t that ironic?
The first friend I made in the United States was a girl! She was the first female friend I’ve ever had, and
she would be the last. Maddy and I started playing together at Farm School, and eventually my parents
became very good friends with her parents. Maddy’s father is the famous British musician Paul
Humpreys, and her mother is named Maureen, though we would call her Mo. They had a nice house in
Hidden Hills. Our families got together often to have barbeques and dinners.
I was a 5 year old boy playing with a girl my own age like any normal boy would do. I was enjoying life
in a world that I loved. I was happy, and completely oblivious of the fact that my future on this world
would only turn to darkness and misery because of girls. This girl who was my friend, Maddy Humpreys,
would eventually come to represent everything I hate and despise; everything that is against me, and
everything that I’m against. I was playing innocently with this girl, in the manner that all children play.
We even took baths together; it was the only time in my life that I would see a girl my age naked. When
I think about the experiences I had during my friendship with her, it makes me think ominously of the
fact that all children, boys and girls, start out the same.
We all start out innocent, and we all start outtogether. Only through the experiences and circumstances of growing up do we drift apart, form
allegiances, and face each other as enemies. That is when wars happen, and that is when the true
nature of humanity rises to the surface. At this stage of my life, of course, my war hadn’t started yet,
and it wouldn’t start for a long time. I was enjoying my life without a care in the world, not knowing that
all of my joy is destined to turn to dust.
My Kindergarten year at Farm School was filled with exciting, new experiences, all healthy for a
growing boy. I had friends, I had playdates, I socialized with the other boys at school, despite getting
into lots of conflicts with Joey. I only got into trouble once, over a quarrel with another boy during
playtime, and I was sent to the principal’s office. Having never been in such trouble at school before, I
recall being overcome with nervousness and fear, which caused me to cry for an hour. I especially
enjoyed our arts and crafts time, and I loved it when our class would go on visits to the school’s farm.
After a bright and joyous school year, it was time to graduate. I was swelled with pride as I wore my
graduation cap at the ceremony. I loved that school very much, and I was sad to leave it. Kindergarten
was over, and soon enough I would enter elementary school.
My 6th birthday soon followed. My parents arranged a Disney-themed party at a play center that my
mother had been taking me to frequently. I invited everyone from my Farm School class, all the boys
and the girls, except for Joey. I deliberately omitted Joey as an act of revenge for being mean to me
throughout the year, and I felt a sense of satisfaction in doing so.
The party was cheerful, and there was a man dressed as Merlin to host the festivities. I sat at the end
of the table during my birthday meal, wearing a wizard hat. As my cake was presented to me, I felt only
elation and glee as I took in a breath and blew out my candles. Life was good.
Should I continue it's page 6 out of 140 something
do it
6 Years Old
My favorite part of the day during this jubilant period of my life was our afternoon trips to the park.
Specifically, Serrania Park. This park was beautiful and green, with concrete pathways cutting through
fields of grass and a fun playground for us kids to play in. I always took to playing on the slides, and
sometimes I would go on the swing, though my father had to push me. I remember getting jealous of
other boys who were able to swing by themselves, boys who were even younger than myself. It was the
second time I realized my lack of physical capability. The first time I had such an inkling of my
shortcomings were those disastrous football sessions at Dorsett House.
Eventually, my father got around to teaching me how to swing by myself, and after some practice, I
was able to do it. After that, I would always soar up and down on that swing in the Serrania park
playground well into the hour of twilight.
I was very small and short statured for my age. I never gave this much concern during my early
childhood, but this fact fully dawned on me the day my family took a trip to Universal Studios. At the
time, I loved dinosaurs. I was fascinated by them. I had just recently watched the movie Jurassic Park,
and when I found out that there was a Jurassic Park themed ride at Universal Studios, I couldn’t wait to
go on it. We queued up in the line and waited for an hour. When reached the front, the park staff
presented me with a measuring stick, and I didn’t fit the requirements. I saw other boys my age
admitted onto the ride, but I was denied because I was too short! The ride that I was so excited to enjoy
at the theme park was forbidden to me. I immediately fell into a crying tantrum, and my mother had to
comfort me.
Being denied entry on a simple amusement park ride due to my height may seem like only a small
injustice, but it was big for me at time. Little did I know, this injustice was very small indeed compared to
all the things I’ll be denied in the future because of my height.
We resorted to trying out the E.T. ride, which I was admitted to. I had a miserable time on this ride,
however, because the dark atmosphere and the mechanically moving alien statues that lined the
queuing area scared the hell out of me. By the time we got to the actual ride, I was crying in fright, but
later calmed down as the ride turned out to be mild and relaxing towards the end.
I always enjoyed my family’s get-togethers with the Humphreys. These get-togethers became a
common occurrence in my life. Maddy became a very close friend of mine. She was the only friend from
Farm School who I continued to see after I graduated. They had a huge back yard area, and the two of us
would go on adventures. She also grew up watching The Land Before Time, and we would watch the
sequels together whenever they released a new one.
Sometimes when I went to her house, she would have other female friends there, and I played with
them too. I had no trouble interacting with girls at that age, surprisingly. My six-year-old self was playing
with girls, unbeknownst to the horror and misery the female gender would inflict upon me later in my
life. In the present day, these girls would treat me like the scum of the earth; but at that time, we were
all equals. Such bitter irony.
It was now time for me to start First Grade. My parents enrolled me at Serrania Avenue Elementary
School, which was just down the street from Serrania Park. I wouldn’t remain at this school for long,
however, because only weeks into my First Grade year, my parents decided that they were going to
move to Topanga.
Most of the kids at Serrania Avenue school will end up going to Taft High School nearby, a place that
will cause me great suffering in the future. Perhaps some of the kids in my class at Serrania will end up
turning into those who would bully me at Taft. I don’t remember any of the kids from my class there, so
I will never know the answer to that. It’s very disturbing to think about.
I quite enjoyed my brief time at Serrania. My parents sometimes made me stay an hour after school; I
believe this was because they figured it would help me make friends. I can remember this after-school
playtime being a positive experience.
music to drive around in your BMW
There were always games that I played with the other kids. And
thus I was a bit frustrated when my parents told me they were going to transfer me to another school
after only a couple of weeks of settling into Serrania. That frustration would soon cease, because the
years that I would spend at Topanga Elementary school would be some of the best years of my life. The
last years of being a carefree child.
I started First Grade at Topanga Elementary School a couple of weeks before we prepared to move to
Topanga. Topanga is a secluded, mountainous community surrounding a canyon that runs through the
Santa Monica Mountains, located in between the San Fernando Valley and the Pacific Coast Highway.
We had only passed through this community a few times, when we would take trips to the beach. It has
a certain rugged beauty about it.
On my first day at Topanga Elementary, I was very nervous. Since it was about a month after the first
grade term started, I was going to be the “new kid” at school. I remember the nervousness taking over
my body as my mother drove us up the steep road that led into the school proper. My new class was
just lining up to start the day as we walked onto the main courtyard. My teacher, Mrs. Matsuyama, was
very nice and understanding. My mother said goodbye and I got in line with the other students. The first
kid I saw there was a chubby boy named Bryce Jacobs, who was staring at me strangely.
As we got to class, Mrs. Matsuyama assigned one of the students to show me around and help me
adjust. This student happened to be none other than Philip Bloeser. Philip was always very mature for
his age, and he was nice to me on my first day. He became my first friend at Topanga Elementary.
The day turned out to be one of great fun. Class time was not too boring, and we did some fun arts
and crafts activities. For recess and lunch, there were two playgrounds: the Upper and the Lower.
The first and second graders would go to the Lower playground, and the third, fourth, and fifth graders
would go to the Upper. The Lower playground was smaller, but it had some nice amenities, especially
the sloping hill to the side of it, where I would enjoy running up and down “kicking dust”, a game I
instantly created due to the dust-like dirt on this hill. When my mother came to pick me up, I recall
having so much fun that I didn’t want to leave! That’s a first. In the past, I was always eager to go home
after spending hours at school.
The drive to and from school was a long one, or at least long for my six-year-old self. My favorite part
of the drive was the descent from Topanga into the Valley. The view of the broad expanse of the Valley
was breathtaking as it opened up before us after clearing the final hill. I would make that trip through
the winding roads of Topanga Canyon every day for the next couple of weeks, before we moved to the
new house. Sometimes my mother would pick me up, and sometimes my nanny would. I don’t
remember the name of this nanny, as she was only with us for a brief period of time.
I loved the new house the moment I laid eyes on it. It was a beautiful, round, wooden house located
up the road from Valley View Drive, in the better part of Topanga. It had two stories, a swimming pool,
and a lovely deck that provided a view of the lush mountains. I instantly named it the “Round House”.
I was sad to leave our house in Woodland Hills, our first house in America. I would miss the good
times I had there, playing with Maddy and my other friends, swimming in the pool, the close proximity
to Serrania Park where I spent a lot of time enjoying the elations of a carefree childhood. Our new
Round House in Topanga, however, turned out to be a worthy replacement.
My room at the Round House was a bit smaller than my old one, but I remember it being very cozy.
Shortly after we moved in, Ah-Mah came to visit from England, and she baked my favorite peanut
cookies. We had some very happy times during the beginnings of my life there.
My father’s new directing career was taking off quite well too, and he would go away a lot to direct
commercials for prestigious companies, leaving my mother and the nanny to look after me. The only
downside of this was my father’s absence from my life. Despite this, I always looked up to him as a
powerful and successful man.
Adjusting to my new environment in Topanga was quite easy for me, especially since school was so
much fun. I was now a Topanga Kid. During recess at school, I started noticing this boy with slightly long
blonde hair who also enjoyed kicking dust. Before I met him, I always mentally nicknamed him the “King
Arthur Kid”, due the regal look his hairstyle gave him. It was only a matter of time before our dusting
kicking antics would collide with each other. We then teamed up and starting playing the game
together, and this was the start of a long and interesting friendship. This boy’s name was James Ellis, and
he would become my best friend for the next 14 years of my life.
Sometimes, the two of us would join with Philip Bloeser and some other boys, and play fun games
like handball, war games, and tag.
Soon enough, I would start having frequent playdates with James Ellis. His house was just down the
hill from mine. James’s father was named Arte; and his mother, Kim, became one of my mother’s best
Christmas arrived quickly, and for my present I got my first video game console, a Nintendo 64! I had
little knowledge of video games before this. I barely knew what they were. My father is the one who
introduced me to them. With the Nintendo 64, my father bought the games Star Wars: Shadows of the
Empire, and Turok: Dinosaur Hunter.
I was fascinated with this new form of entertainment, and my
father and I would bond a lot over our video game sessions.
Of course, while playing these video games, my innocent, happy self knew nothing of the significant
role video games would play during a large portion of my life… and the sanctuary such games would eventually provide for me from the cruelties of this world. For now, they were just a form of
entertainment like any other hobby.
Life was good at the round house, but soon enough I had to witness my mother and father get into a
lot of arguments. I was too young at the time to understand what they were arguing about, but I knew
they were not getting along. It didn’t really concern me all too much, because every other aspect of my
life was wonderful.
I had playdates with James Ellis every week. Sometimes he would surprise me with a visit after
school, as we lived so close by. I went over to Philip Bloeser’s house a few times as well, and I met his
younger brother, Jeffrey. The Bloeser’s also became good friends with my mother. They lived in a nice
house up the road from our own, with a deck that provided an extraordinary view of the Topanga
At some point I learned about the possibility that parents can separate… divorce… no longer live
together. The prospect baffled my little mind. I once sat down with my mother on our outside deck and
asked her if she and father would ever divorce. She told me it will never happen, and that I had nothing
to worry about. I was relieved by that. Little did I know, such a thing would happen in only a few months
My first grade year ended splendidly. I made a few lasting friends, and I had a blast at Topanga
Elementary. I always considered myself a good, well-behaved student, so I was a bit disappointed at the
few times I got in trouble. My class had a system where if we do something wrong, we would change
our card color from green to yellow, and then to red if we did any more troublemaking. I thought I
would never have to change my card, but I had to change it to yellow a few times for minor things.
When first grade ended, I made the resolution that in second grade I will never be forced to change my
After my last day of school, I was looking forward to a long summer break, my favorite time of the
year. I was a bit dismayed when my parents made me attend summer camp. My father had to go away a
lot for work, and my mother needed to have some time to look after baby Georgia. Summer camp
wasn’t all that bad, I had some fun. It consisted of kids from First through Fourth grade, and we played
lots of games and watched movies.
I'm at 8 years old 10/140 pages
7 Years Old
My last memory of my parents being together was my 7th birthday, and I would always cherish it. We
didn’t have a party for my seventh birthday, but more of a small get-together for lunch. Maddy and the
Humpreys were our only guests. We celebrated it at Gladstones, my favorite restaurant at the time. It
was in the Pacific Palisades, right on the beach. I had my favorite meal, lobster.
It was a very happy day for all of us. I was turning seven. That was a big number for my little mind. I
had spent seven years on this fascinating world, and my life was at a good start. I had loving parents, I
had friends to play with, I was having fun at school, and I had all the toys a little boy could want. A
stranger would look at this seven year old boy and think that he has a great life in front of him, that
there is nothing to worry about. Indeed, there shouldn’t be anything to worry about… But I was just a
child. I still had a few more years to enjoy life in carefree bliss before I would eventually discover how
twisted and cruel this “fascinating world” really is.
My parents seemed happy that day. I remember them laughing and having a good time. It would be
the last time I remember them being happy together. Perhaps they really weren’t, perhaps they were just putting up a front so that I could enjoy my birthday. I couldn’t even fathom the possibility of my
parents separating.
Very shortly after my seventh birthday, the news came. I believe it was my mother who told me that
she and my father were getting a divorce; my mother, who only a few months before told me that such
a thing will never happen. I was absolutely shocked, outraged, and above all, overwhelmed. This was a
huge life-changing event.
My father was to stay at the round house, and my mother would move to another smaller house in
Topanga. It was arranged that me and my sister will mostly be living with our mother, and we would go
to father’s house on the weekends. My father was required to pay child support to my mother so that
she can look after us.
My life would change forever after this. The family I grew up with has split in half, and from then on I
would grow up in two different households. I remember crying. All the happy times I spent with my
mother and father as a family were gone, only to remain in memory. It was a very sad day. Just like the
move to the U.S., it would be like starting a whole new life with a new routine.
Despite the initial sadness I felt from my family splitting in half, my new life situation wasn’t all that
bad. It was still practically the same life, though I lived with my mother in one house and my father in
My mother’s new house was small and red in color, located up a steep driveway from Topanga
Canyon Boulevard. I would call it the “Red House”. It was the smallest house I’ve lived in at that point. It
only had two bedrooms, and I had to share a room with my sister Georgia. We had a bunk-bed, and I
slept on the top. I was quite uncomfortable with this change at first, being used to having my own room
and living in bigger houses. My mother’s kind and loving nature, however, made up for this, and she
turned the household into a fun environment which I enjoyed living in.
After spending the first week at mother’s house, father came to pick me and my sister up for the
weekend. Georgia had become very attached to mother after this week, and she burst into tears when
we drove off. I too, was a bit distressed at having to go from one house to the other every week, but I
would soon get used to it.
It was a very abrupt move, and I would never see the round house again. One day, after he picked me and my sister
up from mother’s, he took us to the new house and that was it.
The house was a small, two-story house in a more rustic part of the Topanga mountains. The upstairs
portion had only a bedroom and bathroom, and it was rented to Uncle Dan. All around the outside of
the house were very small hills and hiking trails that led up to the mountains. Overlooking these hills
was a massive, imposing rock called “Big Rock”. When I first saw Big Rock, I told myself that one day I’ll
climb to the top of it!
I took a liking to this new environment, and every time I visited father on the weekends, I would
always be outside, exploring and adventuring. There were always new places to discover in that
secluded region. I didn’t venture too far into the wilderness, however, because of the danger of coyotes
and mountain lions.
After only a couple of months since my seventh birthday, a new and very important person would
come into my life. After father picked us up from school one day and took us to his house, I saw a
woman with dark hair and fair skin standing in the kitchen, and she introduced herself as Soumaya. She
would become my stepmother. Father told me she would be living with us from now on. At first I
thought she was just another friend who was temporarily staying with father, similar to what Uncle Dan
was doing. My father having a girlfriend so shortly after divorcing my mother didn’t even occur to me. I
couldn’t understand it. Soon enough, though, I realized that Soumaya was, in fact, his “girlfriend”, and
they were together just like how my father and mother were together. It was the first time I learned the
concept of a “girlfriend”, and it was hard to grasp. Before that, I always thought a man and a woman had
to be married before living together in such a manner, and that it would take a long time for such a
union to happen. Father finding a new girlfriend in such a short amount of time baffled me. I was
completely taken aback.
Because of my father’s acquisition of a new girlfriend, my little mind got the impression that my
father was a man that women found attractive, as he was able to find a new girlfriend in such a short
period of time from divorcing my mother. I subconsciously held him in higher regard because of this.
It is
very interesting how this phenomenon works… that males who can easily find female mates garner
more respect from their fellow men, even children. How ironic is it that my father, one of those men
who could easily find a girlfriend, has a son who would struggle all his life to find a girlfriend.
I soon became accustomed to Soumaya being part of father’s household. She hails from the
Akaaboune family, a very prominent family from the country of Morocco. For the initial period of her
being a new member of the family, we got along well, and she was quite fun. But soon she would start
to discipline me in a harsh way that I wasn’t used to. I felt that because she wasn’t my real parent, she
had no right to discipline me in such a way, and so I rebelled. That’s where the first conflicts arose. There
would be many more to come in later years.
Along with the addition of Soumaya, I had two new nannies. The first nanny was a French woman
named Celine, though she was only with us for a brief period, so I don’t remember much of her. My
second nanny was a German woman named Christine. Christine would stay with us for a year, and I
became very fond of her. She would always look after me during my time at father’s house, and
whenever I went on my adventures into the hills, she always accompanied me.
Halloween this year marked my first time going Trick-or-Treating. My mother took me to my friend
Shane’s house, and we walked around his neighborhood collecting candy. Still obsessed with dinosaurs, I
dressed up as a dinosaur for that Halloween. Trick-or-Treating was a new thing for me, as it wasn’t so
popular in England. When it was all over, I was amazed that I had so much candy.
I'm pretty tired and aboutta leave. Feel free to continue his manifesto lmao
this is where you failed Elliot, you failed to realize that those whores are children in adult bodies
You and many other good men ruined themselves because of them.
Good night sweet prince
aloha snackbar?
Maybe if he did it in the name of islam it might have been more progressive
as I read this there is so much foreshadowing but not always what the rodge means to imply. A early meeting with a wizard and then he was to live the rest of his days a wizard.
thanks for what you posted. I worry with this style of parenting increasing we will see more of the undodgeables soon.
Posting rarest elliots
I wish I could go back in time and tell Elliot that having a girlfriend really isn't worth killing over. RIP
I suspect his father gave him that ludicrous car and told Rodge he was guaranteed pussy. I suspect his parents manufactured a bona fide 6th place trophy winning snowflake who thought he was entitled to all the good things in life, just because.
Life is shit. Rodge found out pretty young.
I was a stone broke autist with zero social skills at his age and still managed to get some reasonably sweet pussy on occasion.
free cp on this server
That just goes to show you how deficient Rodge was. Who the fuck calls themselves "magnificent?" Plus, he's half Asian which never works well for guys.
He in fact never actually approached any women. He just expected them to come to him, which is some serious delusion. Plus, he didn't actually even have any friends.
Yeah. It's some amazing shit. If I'd had 10% of his affluent lifestyle I'd have thought I was a Rockefeller. Definitely a seriously damaged tard, but to be honest he doesn't really look too physically hideous and had money. He could've easily been hammering 18 year old pussy seven days a week.
Oh well, at least he left his manifesto as a good example of what not to do for lovelorn autists.
I can't help but feel sorry for him. All of this could of been avoided if he had one good friend to help him. He was just lonely.
I doubt that very much. Look at him and listen to him. It's no surprise that he had no friends. He's a pretty creepy guy but most importantly - unlikeable. Geezus, Rodge made a citizens arrest of his roommate because the kid stole Rodge's candle. How fucking insufferable can a person be?
I could imagine how painful it must have been to have a conversation with him.
Any basic tips on what to avoid doing/what to do so I don't have a personality like his?
I just want to know when, if ever, you will be moving in with your Aunty and Uncle in BelAire, OP?
Also, TL;DR What was your point, OP?
I assume you're young, so if that's the case I'd recommend socializing as much as reasonable even if you're averse to it. I was a redhead and new to a Catholic grade school when I hit the 4th grade, so I was automatically the outsider but also the oddball. I had maybe 3 or 4 friends total during grade school and maybe as many during high school. I didn't date or lay a hand on a single grill in high school.
All that kind of behavior does is become more ingrained over time. If you're the oddball or outsider or if you're naturally "reserved" or shy, you have to force yourself at least a little to make friends and socialize. The easiest way to do that is to be likable, which means having a good sense of humor, being nice, and fitting in to some degree. If you don't really fit in, you have to at least try to find a group or subgroup that might allow you to join.
The good looking kids have a MUCH easier time in life because everyone wants to be their friend. You have to work a bit harder to be accepted socially if you're much less than perfect and that can drive some kids to hate (like it did to me.)
Part of my problem was that my parents gave me no guidance whatsoever when it came to social skills. None. I didn't know how to talk to grills at all and I didn't understand how important all this shit was. If you don't have a good model (parents) to serve as a guide or any kind of guidance in that area, I would find some old person who wasn't a fuck up in life to talk to.
almost 19, so not young in the underage b& sense, but not done with growing up/developing yet (I hope at least, still got college to finish), and correct, always been the shy one; I think my problem may be that when people get to know me I become an asshole. I've got to work on that, and I think also work on a not so sarcastic/self-deprecating sense of humor, it seems to turn people away. Thanks for the advice, I'll work on it.
Avoid that like the plague. It's a total turn-off. I remember my first year of college I had an 8/10 qt3.14 sitting right next to me in one of my classes and the moment she started self deprecating, I was totally over it. Thinking back, I should have disagreed with her and complimented her but I didn't know how.
I think it's easy for a certain type to turn into an asshole once they become familiar with people. I definitely become more abrasive and push the envelope more with friends I've known a long time. There's a lot to be said for just being nice.
I probably need to be a less depressing, cunty person in general, but at the same time I want to make sure I don't act like a cutout, "too" normal person, and give off pic related kind of vibes. I think most people seem to overcome this by being talkative, whereas I fill that void with self-deprecation/pity (to a lesser extent though) and snarky personality. So I think working on being able to hold conversations would help me.
Haha, no I don't mean to be fake. People appreciate it when they see you being genuine, but being a genuine cunt or a genuine fuckup isn't good.
And I can't stress enough that the secret to being successful in life is being liked.
Whether it's being nice to someone you'd never think twice about or an actual friend, doesn't matter if you're going into high finance or social work. People remember when you're nice to them and the more people you know and have been friendly to, the better. People even remember when they see you being nice to other people, and you definitely want to stack the deck in your favor when it comes to facing the job market. You never know who ends up in a position to do something beneficial for you whether it's the chubby girl with the hot friend or some junior associate at a company you're trying to get a job at.
I'll try faking it until I make it (not being overly nice, but more so than now), so that hopefully it can become genuine, as cliched as it is, because currently it's a mix of genuine cunt and fuckup. Thanks for the advice user, just to put it into practice now.
I'll defer to you on that as I've never actually watched any of his videos - only read the various transcripts/manifestos so I guess I spoke too soon. Still, had he given it a slight effort he could've had plenty of pussy imo. Not supermodel quality but certainly not fat/ugly. Much too late for this faggot though.
stop spamming your fucking shit fbi
Everyone knows the best cp is here…
I think history will realize he was some sort of saint.
He died a virgin for your sins
I was role playing as him on Counterstrike using pics of him for sprays and some guy told me he was going to hunt me down and rape me over voice. :^(
I met a guy that looked JUST like him on Steam. His profile was ridiculous too. Spewing nonsense about how women are like morning roses and some other bullshit. So I'm laughing my ass off. I thought he actually used the supreme gentleman's pics. So I message him asking him if it's a troll account. When he said no, that awkwardness was legendary.
I still think of supreme shooter once in while.
ultimate fag killing himself over what wimmins think
at least he scored some points
>the supreme gentleman