I mean not people just here. I mean like everyone. Everyone seems to have some fucked up fetish or something. I feel like I shouldn't even exist.
Why is everyone a fucking freak?
I found out the SJW guy I know actually has a collection of dildos he shoves in his ass.
And the girl and guy I know got a guy in to pay extra rent, and now its an "open relationship" with the boarder
People get bored pretty easily. When people get bored enough, anything is possible.
that qt in the first pic.
money truly does control everyone.
Some chicks have fucked up fetishes just like guys do.
Degeneracy is the social norm nowadays. If you defend morality, square family, identity, pride in race/heritage, you are looked at funny. Being a moralfag is the new edgy. That's why Holla Forums is no longer trolly, that's why anonymoos is cucked as shit. It all went to shit after chanonlogy and their faggy OPs are SJW-teir bullshit, but I digress. I personally blame the Jews for the mass degeneracy. Don't believe me? Look at mainstream music, famous people, politicians, news networks, children cartoon, etc. Never forget that people are stupid and very impressionable.
I think this stuff has always been in existence, but until now everyone had the discipline/self-respect not to publicize their fetishes.
I'll bet you voted Trump… or would have.
I don't think I've ever spoken to a girl that hasn't had a gangbang/scat/bestiality/rape fetish of some kind they wanted or had done.
Is there anyone not like this though? I mean, not suppressing it in some way. I mean just not interested? Because I don't think I've ever heard of anyone not into some fucked up shit.
That's the same as asking why people take risks.
Humans are naturally opportunistic and it takes conditioning to become principled or modest.
And when it comes to secrecy and double lives, it's a combination of risk-taking and empowerment. It's a means to satisfy lower and higher hedonistic desires at the same time.
When you have a country like the US, the fetishes and hedonism is more visible on the surface, due general social opinion to seize opportunities.
Yes. There are people who prefer simplicity and wish to maintain psychological or moral continuity at all times. But it's extremely difficult to be this way and to be open-minded at the same time and usually carries some bias along with it.
Well, we have been slaughtering one another for thousands of years. If anyone at some point wasn't willing to kill/defend then I doubt that individual would be able to find a mate.
Yeah even my gf told me she wants a gangbang and tried to get me to get my friend and I to fuck her but I am a dominant and that pussy is all mine. I told her I would kill her if she fucked anyone else/cheated on me. Hell, I would love to have a threesome with girls I think it is a pretty normal fantasy.
You can blame this on cultural marxists with their 'sex positive' bullshit. The modern world is disgusting. Modern women are whores. Hell, just look up polyamory. Women are embracing this degenerate shit so they can fuck more chads and cuck more men. It makes me want to puke. The degeneracy of this world must be purged.
Fuck you, world. You destroyed all the good women.
My ex's ultimate fantasy was some hot guy to spike her drink and then date rape her while she was semi-concious. Guys forcing themselves on her make her soak her panties literally.
Shes never been raped in RL. But she hopes it happens. And the times shes orgasmed the hardest have been the times where she wanted to be slapped and choked and held down until she almost passed out.
I have no idea why its a thing
Exactly. Nine times out of ten, that's all it is.
This only applies if you are white. Non-whites are allowed to have all kinds of racial pride.
Good. They literally caused all of this degeneracy both directly and indirectly. A degenerate population is an easy population to control. It makes their agenda of breeding out the white race and destroying the aspects of white culture that made the west great all too easy.
Maybe I'm just not stupid enough.
We need to go back to slaughtering people. Violence directed at an enemy creates a moral people.
She is worthless, user. Sorry, but you need to dump her. Unless you think that you can redpill her she will try to cuck you.
I just like 2D girls. I'm not into tentacles or anything like that. If you consider 2D fucked up shit, then I guess I am one of the fucked up people you dislike. I don't really think 2D is fucked up unless you like things like tentacles or vore.
No, you're just not bored enough.
Andrew Getty got bored and he ended up hemorrhaging to death out his ass in his $3.8 million dollar home.
What you're describing leads to a very unstable, distrustful society and historically always ends in revolution.
So, no. That doesn't work.
It worked well enough for literally thousands of years.
Just realized, it depends on your perspective of what defines a freak.
For which society?
Once the population density reaches a certain point, that is going to start happening.
All of them. Find me a society that did not have enemies to kill that survived. Any society that was 'peaceful' was likely one of the societies on the receiving end of a slaughtering.
Once normalcucks found all the degenerate shit that was out there on the Internet, it caused the degeneracy to skyrocket.
The arrival of broadband flooded people's homes with every kind of porn; social media catapulted the LGBT agenda.
Its because a lot of women deep deep down want to be dominated by men and put back into their place, kind of like how in the wild some girl animals will run away from the guy animals and fight them if the guy catches up and jumps on her, its all part of it she wants him to chase her and pin her down and just take her
If he can do it its like hes worthy and she wants to submit and just get fucked
Modern legal codes and white knightery prevent us from just going into a party and conquering bitches
Europe isn't a society, jackwagon, and hardly any European countries have been without revolutions.
Your use of slaughtering enemies is incorrect, here. Warring is still very much a part of the world, the problem in OP's description is the people of the nation themselves. And when you turn your weapons against the people while your opinions are in the minority, you will lose over time, unless you create an unstoppable fascist superpower, which we've never seen.
Women are meant to be conquered. This is why women should have remained property. Their value is breeding and raising the kids.
What is the sauce on that tribesman anyways? Is that filmed by the same guy who got those african school kids to go "OP is a faggot" ?
Is this some traveller user out teaching English and getting locals to say stuff they don't understand?
I have no idea what the sauce is. I assume you pay them and they record a video of them saying what you want them to, but I have no idea where this is.
Yeah, womens rights, liberation, voting, all of it was a mistake
Men have their roles and women have theirs, women deserve to have their asses slapped, be told "no one said you could talk" in a low growl, and be grabbed by their waists, bended over and with an arm still around their waist eaten out until they can barely support their own weight, then bent over ass up face down and just fucked and creampied balls deep
A lot of women would respond positively to all of this if they didn't think everyone around them would flip out and if they weren't socially expected to be stronk and independent + if the entire legal system wasn't against it
Its all a part of the system, it goes so deep
>>>Holla Forums I'm not here for politics, asshat.
I'm going to be honest. Nothing gives a boner unless it's a 3DPD (sometimes 2D) that looks nice, but I don't jerk off. I haven't masturbated in 3 years now. I'm staying a virgin until I get married.
We're on the same page, buddy.
Revolutions allowed for major changes in government/etc. and allowed for more people to become more than what they were. Why do you make revolutions out to be bad?
I think that might be part of it. We exist in "polite society" Men are told to respect Women, even at the expense of other Men. Women are told they have all the power.
So this sort of base psychology ends up being supressed in a way, until eventually it explodes and the girl is being hung upside down while pounded with a dildo attached to a machine.
Any type of sexual deviancy is degenerate. Any form of moral decadence is degenerate.
Revolutions aren't universally good or bad. They are relatively bad as a threat to a particular government/society you wish to protect or conserve. "Good" and "bad" belong to the perspectives of the rebel and the statesman, respectively.
I was just saying that any society whose ethics involve slaughter of neighbors will be doomed to be overthrown.
Modern women believe that learning to twerk will get them men rather than having good values and wanting to breed after getting married. Modern men think it's better to fuck as many women as possible than to find one that is good and form a loving relationship with her.
Everything in our society is wrong.
Oh now I get it. That last part reminded me of the Assyrian Empire.
arent they just looking for cock? because most of the girls I hear about releasing vids and shit just pick and choose the hottest guy that sends them msgs and fucks them.
Or are they stupid enough to think a guy msging them for sex after watching a vid wants to be their husband?
Personally I find myself fantasising more and more about finding a girl who shares my interests, having a stable job and having two or more children.
Shouldn't then Bill Gates be dead after inventing a robot waifu he fucked to death?
You fucking sick perverted MONSTER, I hope you rot in prison you sick fuck.
Good luck in CURRENT YEAR bud….. you'll need it.
The apocalypse might be funny kind of. Imagine smiting down a sodomites and wondering if they're screaming in pain or moaning in pleasure.
Gates never got bored enough for that.
And this somehow suprises you?
surprises? No…. disturbs…. yes
If your goal is to fuck bitches, then each time you fuck one, you know you've succeeded. If your goal is to find a "good woman" then you meet a girl, but you don't know if she was a slut before you met her. So okay, you trust her. You spend time and money on her. But you don't know if she's going to flip out and cheat. But okay, just assume she doesn't. You marry her. Now she has you by the balls. If she takes her mask off and is a psycho and wants to take half your shit, then your screwed
…and your (probably) too old to start over.
So on the one hand, fuck bitches and succeed or fail (probably a little of both).
On the other hand, commit to a decades-long program with multiple failure modes that you wont know about until it's too late to correct them.
Honestly, I wish that people like you would just fuck off. I see comments like this all the time: "just marry a good girl" hurr derr okay. Like it's that easy. Do you actually have any advice for actually doing that? Do you actually have any idea what my chances of success are? No. You've got nothing to actually help me. Just the empty platitude: "muh gud gurl"
You're part of the problem. If you're not giving useful advice, stfu
I'm completely vanilla and pure. I despise weird sexual fetishes like sounding and vore.
Not him but yes I do.
hopefully by this time you won't be a lazy fat shy dirty autist and you'll do good with your first impression. from there its mixing and matching your own personalities and hobbies to blend into each other and compliment. usually its the guy that brings the life of excitement and the girl just tags along being glad you took her.
she wants her ideal lover and so do you. if you do good soon she'll model herself to match what you want in a woman this moment of trying to one up each other in being perfect for each other is fleeting.
change this to what your ideal wife is.
i just want mine to keep secrets and validate my existance. i have plenty. big ones too, and a need for a motherly figure since mine was horrible.
-said every sicko ever
I can except things like homosexuality, but things like inflation or scat make me physically angry. As a libertarian I believe in letting the market sort it out, but it definitely repulses me to see so many people into such shit even on Holla Forums.
I'm leaving this thread now.
so we're fucked then?
If someone talked like that to me I'd have alarm bells start going off. Like something is amiss.
Almost. This is where the bonding time goes to lessen it and hopefully stop this. That would require true love, which usually doesn't exist unless someone has been through enough shit to want a life companion.
prepare to be cucked
I really don't need to know that some girls get off on rape.
I have been fighting actual rapist tendencies and mindsets so I don't fuck up my life. It's so goddamn hard. Its so bad that I nearly wish I was a Muslim man in Europe as they get away with this shit daily.
But nooo, when a straight white male wants to rape the world goes up in arms.
Fuck my goddamn brain and whatever genetics makes me like this.
I think its genetics, probably a large majority of the world population was the product of rape, either random rape, or forced/arranged marriage rape.
So the rapists had children who also raped to have their children, and eventually only the rapists were the best at having children.
This would be like over hundreds of thousands of years, and before birth control.
I've pretty much concluded the Human race is a lost cause
>>>Holla Forums
Die in a fucking hole you commie piece of shit.
holy shit
The more society acts on these degenerate urges and pass laws allowing them to be legal, the more i wont care if humanity kills itself
Fucking western shit and the giant dick, every time. You'd think the Japs would have that obsession, but no, they trend toward drawing anatomically correct dicks.
Third pic isn't relevant.
The libido is a mysterious force that is inscrutable to western mores. However I think that what is at play here is simple loneliness. It's more common than you think!
I think that narrative is mostly a modern revisionist history pushed by feminists.
You're sitting there at your computer. You have a roof over your head. You have food to eat. The things you complain about are like, some movie sucked or some DLC was OP. You use words like "I'm starving" to mean that you normally have lunch at 11:45 but OMFG it's already 12:00!
Your ancestors struggled with hunger all the time. Sometimes they'd get halfway into winter and through no fault of their own, just run out of food. Then they'd live in absolute agony for months. And at the end of those months, it wasn't "thank god it's over" - at the end, they had to work (while still starving) to get food.
And that's just one example. I could tell a story like that about enduring the elements, or facing disease, or even wildlife. Their lives sucked.
But one way their lives didn't suck was this idea of "random rape." They looked out for each other, and they'd fucking murder someone who harmed a member of their tribe (if they could - I admit that war brides got fucked).
As to "forced marriage" it was hardly forced. Your father, who you greatly respect because you've seen him working hard every day of your life, he picks a man in the tribe that he knows well, and he says, "this is a good man, he's worthy of my daughter, he'll take care of her." And he would - he would work and hunt and provide for you and your children. He was superbly adapted for his environment and you thankful to have him.
In the midst of a sucky life full of constant pain, that's not rape. That's probably the only pleasure you have.
These are strange times we live in.
'easy(ish)' is the very least accurate word that could possibly be used to describe that process.
apart from maybe 'necessary'.
Hahaha, you are the most pathetic fucker I have seen in awhile, you feel bad for her when it's clearly something she enjoys.
Most women like to be treated as fucktoys once in awhile they just won't admit it until you turn them into one.
Trust me, user, the japs think they're drawing giant dicks
all in time
What is a fucked up fetish in your eyes? What differentiates a normal fetish to a fucked up one?
some people are in denial of embryonic engineering
I don't think I have any weird fetishes. When I see all the crazy shit posted here, I just laugh or cringe in disgust. My curiosity is horrible though. I got to stop clicking anons fucked up bait. Honestly I'm not into porn. Hentia is a little better because they at least attempt to give you a story. Although most of it is ridiculous. What really turns me on is well written romance novels. Is that sad? Holy shit I think it is. Herpderp. I guess I am faggot too.
I probably read if it has a decent story and characters. Blanat porn is meh for me. Alice Hoffman for example. She doesn't just write romance. She writes love trilogies, in one book. Love is hard, unrealistic, and painful. She gets that. She writes decent porn too.
it hurts
I always wanted to die like that
if we want to take away power from 3DPD, then we need technology like this
Are you the Holla Forums agony aunt?
Are you a 50yr old lecher who has drilled countless women, or rather a sad, fat virgin, addicted to anime and masturbation?
I wonder if i should take you srsly, user. Should i tie up my wife and fuck her ass violently on your say so, or listen to her?
See that would be illegal in Canada.
Only oral sex is allowed with other species.
What you should do is fuck her as hard as you can doggy, if she likes that be a bit rougher next time you play with her tits, if she likes that caress her neck while fucking her….
If you have been in a relationship long enough to get married (assuming you didn't get married are 2 years like a fool) then you know non-verbal means a lot more than verbal.
I fucking hate that feature.
not that larping chad but that is half true. women want to be fucked hard but not always because they want to be degraded.
their self worth comes from how sexually appealing they think they are to men.
fuking elf
this whole thread is
degeneracy is bad, except for muh degrihslhgfazeuirhf
your freedom is restricting my freedom…
points fingers at a several thens of thousands of years old species that inherits traits from millions of years of evolution and judges from less than a decade old few twitts
expects changes in the next 5 minutes
i suddenly trust MSM and the government
oh wait evolution is invented by jews ….
why did i even posted this?
i must be just like you user hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahaha
it was mostly when one tribe invaded another but still
yes, I believe I said as much in the third-from-last paragraph
I can't tell you just how comforting and reassuring it was for
me to read your book. I had for the past three years harbored a
secret guilt, because I found so much pleasure in reliving in my
fantasies the extremely satisfying pleasure I experienced when
I was abducted in a shopping center parking lot by three men,
taken to an extremely secluded house in the suburbs, and
raped. It was more than just rape, really. It was sexual en-
slavement for about eleven hours, and it is that – the enslave-
ment, the subjugation – I found so thrilling then and which I
not only fantasize now but, thanks to the understanding and
indulgence of my wonderful husband, have turned into a way
of life. Perhaps you can understand the sense of guilt I have
been suppressing – until I read My Secret Garden – because I
enjoy his domination over me and my regard for him as “my
lord and master.” (My girl friends, most of them more into
women's liberation than I ever could be, laugh when I use that
phrase and feel I'm making a little joke when I use it, but I'm
much more sincere about it than they could ever realize.)
First of all, let me say that I had been rather inhibited in my
sex life prior to that night I was abducted, but I wasn't a virgin.
My fantasies, even then, centered around the slave-girl theme. I
have always read novels and seen movies in which the beauti-
ful heroine is bought at a slave auction by the handsome Ro-
man commander or the ancient Egyptian prince or something
like that, but always kept them more or less in check when I
fantasized myself in the situation (although I did use them
when I masturbated). But that night opened a whole new world
for me sexually, and eliminated virtually every inhibition you
can dream of.
Parts of that night still remain a blur to me. I was so fright-
ened for a large part of it, especially the early part when I didn't
know exactly what was happening and was beaten – though
not too hard – until I agreed to submit and be obedient – and
toward the end, when I wasn't certain that they would ever let
me go. But in between, I slipped into my fantasy and actually
became that slave girl I had fantasized about. I lived the role. It
was as though I had been transported back across the ages to
ancient Rome or from reality into a novel or movie.
It is this that I recall vividly now in incredible detail, four or
five of the things that happened to me especially which thrill
me just to think of them now and which I fantasize about con-
stantly and which my husband duplicates as well as possible,
but without the terrifying brutality of that night.
I was twenty-three and single. I had my own apartment and
was working as a receptionist in a law office and was doing
some fashion modeling part time in the evenings when I could.
They took me as I was getting back into my car after buying
groceries at a supermarket. They just shoved me into my ,car
onto the floor in the rear and drove off with me. There were
three of them. One was about twenty-five or twenty-six, and
was the leader or, at least, the one who told the other two what
to do and who gave most of the orders to me. He was very soft-
spoken and suave, but extremely firm and commanding. The
other two were still in their teens, I suppose. One was a huge
guy, dark and hairy and very strong. The other was very good-
looking, blond, and had very smooth skin.
They drove into a garage and pulled me from the car into the
house. I don't remember too much of what happened – I was
just so terrified, but they stopped hitting me, and I agreed to do
whatever they wanted and had slipped into my slave-girl fan-
tasy role, these are things I remember with incredible detail
and which I fantasize about still.
It is this that I recall vividly now in incredible detail, four or
five of the things that happened to me especially which thrill
me just to think of them now and which I fantasize about con-
stantly and which my husband duplicates as well as possible,
but without the terrifying brutality of that night.
I was twenty-three and single. I had my own apartment and
was working as a receptionist in a law office and was doing
some fashion modeling part time in the evenings when I could.
They took me as I was getting back into my car after buying
groceries at a supermarket. They just shoved me into my ,car
onto the floor in the rear and drove off with me. There were
three of them. One was about twenty-five or twenty-six, and
was the leader or, at least, the one who told the other two what
to do and who gave most of the orders to me. He was very soft-
spoken and suave, but extremely firm and commanding. The
other two were still in their teens, I suppose. One was a huge
guy, dark and hairy and very strong. The other was very good-
looking, blond, and had very smooth skin.
They drove into a garage and pulled me from the car into the
house. I don't remember too much of what happened – I was
just so terrified, but they stopped hitting me, and I agreed to do
whatever they wanted and had slipped into my slave-girl fan-
tasy role, these are things I remember with incredible detail
and which I fantasize about still.
1: I was still fully clothed, and I was made to stand in front
of the two younger ones as the older one walked about me,
touching my hair lightly, my face, my breasts, my throat. He
kept talking, telling me how pretty I was and how much he
was going to enjoy fucking me. He began unbuttoning my
blouse and finally slipped it over my shoulders, commenting on
how beautiful my skin was and how nice my tits were. He ran
his finger lightly over my shoulders and circled my breasts and
finally touched the tip of my nipples. He brushed them with the
knuckles of his hand and took them between his finger and
thumb and rolled them very gently, embarrassing me by telling
the other two that my nipples were becoming erect. It was such
a pleasant sensation I couldn't avoid squirming, and he com-
manded me to be still. I began crying quietly. I remember dis-
tinctly when he put his hand under my skirt and began stroking
the insides of my thighs. His voice sounded so dirty when he
told the other two that I was “creaming through my panties.”
But, oddly, I loved the sense of humiliation. He finally made
me take off my skirt and my panties “very slowly, so we can
watch your tits as you bend over.” Then I had to stand naked in
front of them and turn slowly, so they could look at me. And I
knew exactly how that heroine slave girl in my fantasies felt as
she was being auctioned.
2: I was lying on the floor and the big one was lying across
me, perpendicular to my body. He was toying with one nipple
with his hand and licking the other. The older one told the
young blond one to lick my cunt. The older one lay down next
to me and began kissing my face and stroking my hair. All the
sensations were driving me out of my mind. I have never be-
fore – or since – had so many fantastic things happening to my
body at one time. I couldn't concentrate on one. I tried to ignore
them, but I couldn't. I'd try to think of something else – how
much I hated these men – but then the blond one would suck
on my clit and flick it with the tip of his tongue, and I would
just feel him and what he was doing, and then the big one
would circle my nipple with his tongue, and then the blond one
would move his tongue very rapidly back and forth across my
clit. They kept saying things like, “You like to have your clit
sucked, don't you?” and “You like having your tits and your
cunt licked at the same time, don't you?” I'd try to ignore them,
but there was no way in the world you can ignore the moist
warmth of a soft mouth gently, persistently exciting your clito-
ris. I tried desperately to suppress having an orgasm, but the
older one kept encouraging me. “Go ahead, baby, come, baby,
come. You love it.” And I came. It was so deep and intense. ; It
was fantastic. (I get hot just thinking about it and writing this
letter. I'm wearing ben-wa balls – those gold little Japanese
balls you put inside your cunt and which vibrate when they
click together and I've been unable to keep my hips still while
I'm typing this and have had an orgasm while I'm typing. It's
3: They took turns fucking me after that. I was still ex-
hausted from being licked into having an orgasm and was in
almost a dream, but I remember so many of the sensations.
Each one of them was different and felt differently inside of me
and on top of me and fucked differently. I know I came again
several times. I can't remember how many times each of them
fucked me or with which ones I had orgasms. The older one
fucked me first, I remember. He put his prick deep into my
cunt so that he was pressing very hard against my clit. He
barely moved. I remember pressing my cheek against his
shoulder and feeling the hardness of his prick inside me, filling
me. When I moved my hips, he commanded, me to “just lie
still. Just lie there and feel my prick in your cunt. Just lie there
and get fucked.” I remember feeling an orgasm welling up
inside me in spite of everything I did. I actually wound up ask-
ing him to please, please, fuck me, please let me come. I know
that eventually I was thrusting as hard against him, trying to
fuck him, as he was me. I actually was fucking the man who
was raping me and enjoying it tremendously. The young one
fucked me very rapidly, I remember, and I remember putting
my legs around him, he was so slender. The big one fucked me
more than once, I know: I just remember staring into his chest.
It was a curiosity to me, then, just how differently each one felt
and how, each moved. That, in itself, I find exciting. (I had
slept with only two other men before that. I was a virgin until
my junior year in college, when I was twenty. I didn't like or
dislike that experience. I was too curious then, I suppose. I
slept with one other man three times after that. I had hoped that
we would be married, but we broke up. I had dated the man I
later married twice before being abducted, but we had never
gone to bed together.)
4: We all rested for a while, and then the older one said he
wanted to watch me sucking the blond one's prick. I had never
sucked off a man before and was frightened. He threatened to
cut off my tits and flashed a knife, and I finally agreed. But the
blond boy either was reluctant or was pretending to be. The
older one put the tip of the knife at my throat and said he
would give me fifteen minutes “to have that kid come in my
mouth.” The boy was sitting on a sofa, and I went to him thor-
oughly terrified. I got on my knees, but he pushed me away.
The older one said, “Coax him. Make him want it.” And I
found myself sitting next to him, playing with his cock, and
kissing him, trying to brush my nipples against his lips to
make him hot and whispering into his ear and begging him to
let me please suck his prick. I was encouraging him to put his
hand between my legs and was spreading my legs to make it
convenient for him and telling him how wonderful I would
make it feel if he would let me suck his prick. In the back-
ground, the older one kept saying, “Ten minutes left…” Fi-
nally, the boy consented, and I got on my knees between his
legs. I remember how hard and firm his prick was and how the
smooth skin seemed to slide over the hardness of his shaft.
When the older one said, “Five minutes, baby,” I was sucking
and licking desperately, frantically. One of them – I don't know
which one – pulled my hair away from my face so that the
older one could watch “his prick going in and out of my mouth
better.” I had never – sucked a man before, but the thing I re-
member most about my feelings at that particular moment was
that I couldn't remember ever feeling as female as then. I was
thoroughly aware of the ultimate symbol of masculinity directly
in front of my face, in my mouth. I was aware of the power and
strength of these men over me. It wasn't just my femininity I
was aware of, it was my femaleness – if that can be clear. I
enjoyed sucking his prick immensely, and I enjoy being made
to suck my husband's. When the boy came, I felt a sense of
mastery in being a woman. I felt complete. I enjoyed it so
They kept me for several hours after all this. I had to wait on
them, serving them pizza – they actually sent out for one, and
one of them held me in a basement family room when the de-
livery boy arrived, with a knife at my throat (they suggested
giving me to the delivery boy as a tip) – and I had to kneel after
serving them wine while one of them poured wine into my
mouth. I was ordered to fuck them as they lay on their backs. I
don't think I came again, I was exhausted, I guess. And I be-
came frightened as time passed, and there was no move to let
me go. Finally, they allowed me to dress, and they drove me to
about a block from my apartment and let me out. They parked
my car back in the supermarket parking lot, and I got it the
next day. I went home and bathed and slept straight through for
eighteen hours after I got home. I never called the police about
I stayed home for three days after that and masturbated
when I recalled my favorite parts of the incident, reliving them.
I had a date with Larry the Saturday night after that. We were
supposed to go to dinner and to the theater, but when he ar-
rived, I told him that I wanted to stay there, and I wanted him
to make me fuck him. I told him the whole story of the abduc-
tion, about how I enjoyed it. He sat in a chair and told me to
stand in front of him. Then he told me to take my dress off.
And that began our relationship, really. We were married a
year later. When we are alone, we still play out the master-
slave relationship. He'll call me from the office before he comes
home and order me to undress and wait to be fucked. It is ex-
tremely pleasurable to greet my husband at the door when I'm
either naked or wearing a sheer chiton and wait upon him and
do loving things to him. And for him. He has a friend who
stays with us over weekends several times a year while in town
on business trips, and Larry always has me wear a rather se-
ductive, low-cut cocktail dress when Frank visits. He has me
light Frank's cigarettes, and I enjoy watching Frank's face as he
looks down the front of my dress (Larry has forbidden me to
wear bras). It turns me on also when Larry tells Frank how
great I am in bed or how well I suck his prick. It embarrasses
me, but it is fun. Larry also has threatened to order me to sleep
with Frank during one of his visits, but so far, he has not. I will
if he tells me to.
I know this may sound as though I'm pretty kinky. But for
the first time in my life, I'm feeling free sexually and thor-
oughly satisfied. I don't have many of the hang-ups my girl
friends seem to have. I'm involved in the Junior Women's Club
and work as a volunteer once a week at the children's ward of
the local hospital. I do all the things my girl friends do. So, can
it be all so bad to find so much pleasure sexually in the way
that my husband and I find satisfying? Certainly, your book
would indicate that other women would love to live out their
fantasies the way I do mine. They should. It feels so good. Can
it honestly be so wrong? I don't think so.
Love and sincere thanks again.
Opinion discarded