Militant Centrist Action

This ideology is now mandatory. If you are a moderate then get out.


Moderates are a trick by the (((directionists))) so that centrism is weak and appeases them.

surplus meat was pretty good. moar content.

Why do the nazi's have to be killed?
And why no niggers being exterminated?
All the rest I get, would be utopia without that filth.


Where do you get no niggers exterminated from? You can't have a high IQ sir.


Offcourse there are blacks amongst the communists and muslims etc, but i'm talking about complete extermination of the black race obviously.

what is militant centrism? I'm interested, pls no bully.


Why would you completely exterminate them? All you have to do is kill everyone below an IQ of 100. We're close to levels of automation where that wouldn't even harm the economy, but make life better for the remaining, reduce crime, reduce welfare, and speed up innovation.

An ideology which isn't based on national or class concerns, but has an agenda that pushes those aside straight through the middle, penetrating the future.


Holla Forums is militant nihilism I think.

I am ok with this.

Nigger intelligence skips generations faggot, but you don't into /biology/ so you wouldn't know that.

Regression to the mean doesn't take you all the way back to some fixed level, and it's easy to purge people based on childhood IQ tests anyway.

We can even go further and prevent embryos with the wrong genes from developing.

Just judging people based on skin tells you quite a bit, but it's low tier and would preserve defective people simply because they are white and exclude blacks with better genes.

http:/ /www.n

Wait, what?
Is this communism or what this? I have my memes at the ready.

Lolberg detected.

cool meme, my property. But militant egoism is clearly the superior system.

What is moderate will forever be judged by what the extremes are, not the other way around.

one step solution
drumpf execution

Is this a new meme?

There is a very clear plan to be followed by MCA, not fencesitting in the slightest.

It's more like fence demolishing.


fuck communists
fuck Trump


establishment candidates don't represent this ideology in the slightest.

Do you exactly think Hillary has the cojones to send people to death camps?

MCA needs a cool Nazi style uniform but with a classy trilby, so we can run around on the streets beating up random people while looking sharp and euphoric.

I think our first target should be some hippy commie anarcho den or something. We need to burst through the window screaming and knocking drugs out of their hands to impose order and feel like big men.

militantism against free speech is only available through totalitarian means, so you're contradicting yourself, you're not a centrist because you are pro-militia and anti free speech which is not a centrist view.
That itself doesnt make you a centrist. Who are you then?
a lazy nigger
Why? because you barely have any political views and shit on all other people who argue each other so they can reach any understanding to make the world a better place.
Democracy was at one point a radical view. It became centrist over time.
If we were to kill all aspects of political enlightment, we would be just as advanced as pre colonial africa or south america and you wouldn't be here shitposting.
Fuck you. You're leeching off the advances people made and you won't pick a side because you're too scared to be wrong so you'll see what happens before crying about something which you could have prevented by holding a contradictory view (which you don't)
I'll have respect for communists faster than you.
Kill yourself.

I wonder how life must look like to you. It must be wonderul seeing everything as black and white, and answers to you problems are either yes or no. Here is what you can do to dismantle other people ideologies; learn about them. The more you know their motivations the better you will understand their logic, and you will be better able to stand with them on equal ground when it comes to debates. Don't be afraid if you feel like agreeing with some aspects of their ideologies or not, that's just you learing something in your infantile life. Stick with what you see as right, but try and understand what motivates everyone else's views.

I will say this, though; something that is built on hate will never grow to love. Look at how Islam is going for instance. Authoritarian culture and people live by strict rules all their life, and they bring these rules with them everywhere they go. Would you have people become like them? Extremism may seem tempting, but when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

I fear for the future when I see posts like yours.


You mean someone without an actual opinion, who has no logical reason to back up his beliefs, someone who isn't ideological, but yet supports government. Someone who wants to kill anyone who actually has any moral values.

sounds like a normalfag to me. Get out.

strawman, learn what a centrist actually is if you want anyone to take you seriously


centrist uprising ftw




op is faggot who hates freedom

The only thing that matters is power.