Can we discuss the bullshit the header is talking about with the US relinquishing control of ICANN?

Can we discuss the bullshit the header is talking about with the US relinquishing control of ICANN?

My understanding is that this was an issue of almost no importance and the US has almost no direct control over ICANN operating anyways, and this move wouldn't give any foreign governments any real sway either.

In fact, my understanding is ICANN has litterally no control over anything beyond backend shit with domain names and that's it, The only potential abuse there AFAIK is with surveillance and the US is one of the worse offenders with that anyways

Is that wrong? Is there really a concern here? Or is it just Holla Forumstards getting paranoid and worked into a frevor?

Other urls found in this thread:

You are correct.
It's all fear mongering perpetrated by individuals still under the delusion that the United States are still a free country.

AKA Holla Forums

If you niggers remembered why the five eyes spies on each others knowinlgy, you could understand why this is an issue.
What should I expect from Plebian and useless distros? seriously, though, I didn't manager to find what makes Alt Linux different from the rest

I'm well aware of the 5 eyes program, but I don't see what it has to do with ICANN

can you clarify?

The US still has a constitution, as violated as it may be. Upstreaming something to the UN might allow some more control.


Nothing will change.

See my first statement. They wouldn't bother with the Five Eyes if they could do whatever they want. They can, but they're being careful not to waste those few hundreds of years of total control.

But I don't see how that's really relavent.

AFAIK, the ICANN doesn't even have the pratical ability to do anything where a lack of civil liberties is a concern.

They don't have the ability to take down or censor content. Not just because they aren't allowed, but because that's litterally just not how it works and even if they wanted to that's not how the internet works.

Like, being worried that ICANN will do something that violates free speech over the inernet would be like worrying that your electric company will censor what TV shows you watch. That's just not how it works

Unless i'm completely misinformed, and I might be. That's why I made the thread, just to double check

I don't know really well what they could actually do. From what I understand, there's indeed no risk, since the root servers are only for the ".com" like part of the domain name.
Still, I can understand the viewpoint of mostly tech impaired people (like Holla Forums) that still basicly understand DNS.

ICANN determines what a valid IP address and DNS resolve is.

The US has a tiny amount of control, the bare minimum, but that is enough for them to claim to be a regulated entity and not get butt fucked by anti-monopoly laws that nearly every country on earth has.

Without the government stake the EU has claim to regulation because of their monopoly laws.

Hell look ntia's website:

Failure to move ahead with the IANA transition will empower those who advocate for governments alone to manage or regulate the Internet, and will encourage those who favor a governmental or intergovernmental model of Internet governance, whether implemented through the United Nations' International Telecommunication Union (ITU) or some other government dominated body."

Basically, without America swining their massive dick with the first amendment written on it, ICANN will most likely fall under the UN ITU so they can continue to operate.

Notice that they say that this deters individual governments from having their own block(China), but for them to be accepted into the whole again that means global censorship.

Unless you really are so naive as to think that China, Russia, and the EU are just going to let a US based private company be a monopoly.

I'm not seeing how you are getting from point A to conclusion B.

You're going to have to extrapolate there because all you've said there is that you're too retarded to understand my argument.

Explain where you don't see the logical conclusion.

I'll try to respond in a more detailed manner tomorrow, i need to get some sleep because I've been up for over 48 hours trying to get shit worked out with order parts for a new dekstop

China has so many blocked pages it's insane. I doubt they manage to push their blocked sites list to anything the UN does.

Anyway, the UN is basically the USA, so it's not like the ownership change matters that much.

So, let me get this straight.

ICANN used to be a US government organization.
Obama wants to hand out control of ICANN to a global organism (possibly the UN)
Since (at least according to Americlaps) 'Murika is the number one defensor of freedom, democracy, privacy and eagles, this is bad because it would let the global community handle this through democracy, and that's a big no-no because the US does these things better. Basically, the US would never use their control over DNS for nefarious purposes, because there has never been a precedent of the US taking advantage of their strangle on the rest of the world
The global community has China and Russia who would totally impose their will over the rest of the world (including the US) and censor every website under the sun
Even if the claims of only two countries were ignored, there is a chance every other country in the world gets corrupted over time. The only perennially incorruptible nation is the US of motherfucking A, thanks to its American spirit, which is why Americunts think it would be beneficial for the rest of the world to keep control of ICANN

Is this correct? I could understand why Americans would want ICANN for themselves, but I can't understand how the fuck do they genuinely think this will protect the rest of the world from themselves. Is the "Americans think America gives democracy and freedom to other countries" meme real?

Er yes. Obviously.

I think it's more an issue that wrongthink isn't a crime in the US... yet, and that places in Europe are a bit more blatant in removing it than murka. For example, the "making criticizing immigration illegal" thing.

No. It's more "Fuck you, we built it, it's ours".

Yes our gov is corrupt. But that doesn't mean we are ok with giving our shit away to other corrupt organizations outside of the US. Best case, no one can tell any difference after the transfer, worst case shit gets censored in some way. There is zero chance the shit will be run better, so why the fuck should we hand it off? Make your own fucking internet.

America put in the investment and deserve the rewards. Why stop at the internet, why not give away the GPS satellites they built to a global body or mandate that Hollywood must be used to promote foreign cultures and political ideologies as well?

I'm not even an American and I find this disgusting. Let other countries develop their own alternatives and work it out amongst themselves, a one world solution is absolutely terrible.

Pretty much.
ICANN won't be under UN control.
It's been under the Department of Commerce for a while.
Basically it will be privatized, as far as I understand it. And still under US jurisdiction. And not beholden to the UN.

So basically everything about the story is bullshit. And yes, the administration is fucking retarded.

JIDF have a strong presence here.

Do you even think before you post, or are you another retarded Holla Forums kiddy?
No one's "giving away the internet" to the UN. The "internet" has been given away and privatized and it's resulted in the greatest transformation seen since the beginning of the industrial age.
What we're talking about is the entity responsible for managing namespaces.
And it's not being given away to the UN. It's being seperated from the US Department of Commerce, privatized if you will.
GPS is already halfway privatized through military contractors.
You are fucking retarded.
Then you don't know what you're talking about, even moreso than the other retards that read some shit on Breitbart and believed it like everything else they read.
That's just asking for disaster.
It's not being given to the UN.

It doesn't follow. The monopoly issue is a seperate issue, but it is a valid point. It's only really relevant in US law though, Yurop can fuck off because it won't be operating in their jurisdiction.
Otherwise ICANN is just being privatized.

Also, for the Holla Forums kiddies, it'll still be nonprofit.
Basically a bit of history, ICANN is a nonprofit that's been overseen by the Department of Commerce for 18 years.
The specific stipulations of this were that it be managed, quote, "without direct control by governments or intergovernmental bodies like the United Nations."

So yeah, the administration of the site is retarded. But anyone familiar with the drama knows that. Jim is incompetent, Fred is incompetent, Chodemonkey is incompetent.

I really wish this would happen but people don't seem to be interested or even understand the concept in some cases. Those who are are so far apart physically in some cases that the cost turns out abysmally large for an infrastructure implementation.

I remember when internet usage in our country seemed to be controlled by us. Before google took over we had our own services, and they were actually widely used. Now everything's been replaced by a global alternative, a lot of aforementioned local sites either dead or stuck in 2005 and alienated. Thing is there also seemed to be more forums, independent blogs and sites that weren't someones biography or CV, etc. Everyone seems to have moved to google based services and facebook now, everything else is either dead or gone.
And I'm sure our country is not the only one affected in a similar way, including the US.

Sage for OT nostalgiafagging.

The UN doesn't like it when you say "nigger" or "kike". They also don't like when a nation stands up for itself. Look at how Duerte (or however you spell his name) calls them out. Because they're just a kick globalist front-end, designed to supress nations and individuals, that's what they're going to do to the Internet. And surprise, surprise, "good" old google is right in front of them with their new AI warriors.

Do you stupid niggers even know what you're talking about? This is about DNS, not complete control over every tier of ISP.


IANA is not going over to the UN. It is a non-starter. It will never happen - especially not the UN's ITU.

I'm sick and tired of this Holla Forums agitprop hysteria of a factually incorrect claim. The UN is not going to control IANA. That was never on the table. Period.

IANA is not going over to the UN. It is a non-starter. It will never happen - especially not the UN's ITU.

I'm sick and tired of this Holla Forums agitprop hysteria of a factually incorrect claim. The UN is not going to control IANA. That was never on the table. It is not on the table. It will not be on the table.


Look at all these controlled opposition shills coming out of the woodwork to piss their pants and squeal lies about how ICANN is some pure and innocent nonprofit entity.

Tell me, do any of you Holla Forums niggers know the history of why BIND9 has a delegation-only config flag on .net and .com?

I would just like to know what the benefits or perceived benefits of doing this are because I don't see any.


AFAIK it's mostly symbolic. There's not going to be any real changes for the postive or negative from this

I'm not sure what you're getting at.
ICANN was not in the wrong in the Site Finder situation.


You're talking about what VeriSign did.
Are you a little slow or something?
ICANN is against registry-level wildcards.

IANA isn't going over, that was not the claim.

ICANN is now vulnerable to UN control, that is the actual issue.

The claim was that ICANN was.
And the conditions for the switch were that they were not fucking beholden to the UN.
How many times does this need to be fucking repeated? Not everything you read on Holla Forums or Breitbart is true, and certainly nothing the dumbfuck administration of this website advertises.

The switch in this case being the privatization of the organization.

Versus being overseen by the US department of commerce.

You niggers really need to gas yourselves. It's fucking amazing, the echo chamber this website produces.

The only real flaw in all of this is the detail that it's effectively a "monopoly", and with the change comes no legislation to protect it.
Perhaps it'd be best to end the stranglehold with alternative technologies. That might be a messy situation. Who knows.

But the fact is: no, it's not beholden to the UN. No, you faggots don't know what you're talking about. No, not everything you read from clickbait bullshit like Brietbart is true. And yes, the administration of this website are also fucking retards like yourselves.

Wow, what a great argument, I'm so convinced now.
Except no, when big boys like Google, ICANN, and UN start moving towards a common goal (to the benefit of globalist kikes), that's just the beginning of a clamp down on free speech. You're just too blind to see that it's not the final destination.

nice arguement brah

ICANN has been "vulnerable" to the UN for the last 18 years.

Well you're short-sighted, for refusing to look at the big picture that's staring you in the face. Anyone who's not living under a rock already noticed the take downs of file sharing sites, torrent sites, etc. and the constant pushing for stuff like TPP.

So the solution is to remain directly attached to the government that is already legally allowed to seize the domains of piracy sites?

Would it not get more worse when it reaches the international stage where extradition would be made easier against foreign owners of file-sharing sites or objects? Well not foreign anymore though if it reaches internationally. Also what big picture? My knowledge encompasses torrenting and file sharing.

Unlike the US most other countries don't have something similiar to the first amendment.
Or if, then with some extra paragraphs that limit it's functionality.
If for example germany wants to impose their "free speech" laws unto ICANN, they'd have to comply if under UN rule.
If under US rule, they can simply point to the first amendment that would prtect them from it and operate like they used to.

Simple as that.
Although I doubt someone as mentally challenged as you appear to be can understand even that.

Seizing objects I mean.

The UN and EU work hand-in-hand. They're not elected officials that represent their people and nations. They're selected by and represent big business interests, which means globalist kikes. Everything for the past decades has been going in the direction of gloalism at the expense of individual freedom and power. Yeah, they dont' give a shit you can't find a decent job because immigrants and H1Bs. But they still want you to get in debt and consume.

You mean, facts?
That ICANN is not beholden to the UN, being that they're a private organization?

Fuck off, Holla Forums

Mirroring my post: >>>Holla Forums10811787

Threadly reminder ICANN, thus IANA, allots IPv4&v6 addresses internationally for ISPs to resell to anyone, including yours.[1] There are plenty alternative systems[2], if you choose to accept them. While a more practical approach would be to create a Mesh network with the [WiFi] devices you already own.[3] RINA will take too long to implement.[4]

has it summarized.

>>>Holla Forums10806775
yah forget is CDN'd by cloudflare?
You also need to tell your client that an IP address Cloudflare hosts the mirror of 8ch is a hostname for it, thus address domains and links for said IP address.

>>>Holla Forums10806799
Do you have a dynamic host "editor"? 'Cause you are asking edit a text file for every new IP address Cloudflare spits you for a dns query for You are also not considering Dynamic IPs, where TTLs are more frequent than a month.

>>>Holla Forums10807086
Consider the following: X company can say infringing material is hosted by Y domain and list of Y IP addresses, and here's the subpoena to remove them; when X lives in Germany, and Y in Canada. UN would allow said request, even if the admins/owners are Z from USA. Infringing material can range anywhere from contraband materials to hate speech, common case being "intellectual property": See T[I/P]P[A], WIPO, etc..

Now consider a more practical approach: wouldn't you want to have an alternative resource locator than DNS/IP?

>>>Holla Forums10807676
>>>Holla Forums10807942


Give up on the icann, dns freedoms for all

You are forgetting something about IANA and IP addresses, but I'll let you investigate that one on your own the moment OpenNic gets a DDoS.

you don't have to wait for a DDoS, opennic servers just drop off the planet randomly without help.

It's the progressive part of the Democratic party, there are not rights or protections for them.

Remember that Angela Merkel has prosecuted German comedians for mocking Erdogan. This the woman progressives wish to model themselves on.

Remember when we privatized the root nameservers and then verisign modified them to squat every typo, breaking massive amounts of software worldwide overnight? Imagine what ICANN will do.

No lad, it's just fear mongering perpetuated by Alex Jones type wackos. I'l just rephrase Based Obey and say "Yes, ICANN!".

Imagine the possibilities, though! The UN could invite Anita and Zoe back and they could come up with DSCP extensions for indicating the privilege level per packet. In place of CS3 would be CIS class traffic, and the RED/BLUE routing algorithms replaced by MUD (Marginalized User Dispatch) to ensure these packets have lower queue priority than other traffic.

Bill Clinton opposes it too, despite the fact that the planning started when he was in office. They are politicians. If they think that the US having total control over the internet will grant them personal control over it then they'd never be willing to give it up, even if doing so would be guaranteed to make things better and more free for everyone.



this thread is embarrassing.

ICANN doesn't only manage domain names, they assign IP address ranges. The first responsibility is "meh", the second is massively important to the internet's infrastructure.

People ITT are saying IANA is not going be under the UN's control, but I don't believe that for a second.

Why do you believe it will happen?

You should see Holla Forumss ICANN thread.

I imagine they're still trying to get people to use that Zeronet shit.

Yes, only 'Murica is a shining beacon that gives off freedom like a fat guy after beans, under assault on all sides by islamic gommunism.
They are not under UN rule, you fucking dumbass.

God that would be glorious if they actually did. I'd love to harass them with all the problems that Zeronet has and make at least some of them think that the NSA is actually taking the time to attack them directly.

Donald J. Trump is not a politician.

The net neutrality threads were the same. Nothing happened what they claimed would happen.

0chan gets posts occasionally and some people in the Holla Forums sticky are still suggesting it. What were you thinking about doing?


Trump is's not a career politician, but he has been preparing his move into the political arena for a long time.

different things user, NN only applied to regulating a cable monopoly but retards thought obama was after the 1st amendment. ignore corporate bootlicking shills.

ICANN turning FA removes the internet from US jurisdiction (NN will then be useless), the EU will take control and censor everything.

Net neutrality and DNS have nothing to do with each other. The "internet" isn't in anyone's jurisdiction, and ICANN will remain in the US.

right, the center of the decentralised communications not censored just happened to be controled by the US. Complete coincidence.

I smell a (((rat)))

Have any credible sources weighed in on this? Like maybe the EFF? Or a less shitpost-ey forum?

So how will I be access 8ch if they start censoring the internet?

I smell a retard.


Why is this happening at all?

Is there a problem that needs to be corrected?

Is there a barrier that needs to be removed?

Cui Bono?


So how are we supposed to connect to websites that have been fucked by ICAAN? I've tried connecting directly through IP but so far the only site that's worked is e-hentai.

ok let me spell out how the censorship works.

I'm probably going to fall off the face of the web. within the next 5-10 years.

they (ICANN) can only remove the domain names

free-net, tor, and other alt webs (as i call them) are your best bets, people are making indexes for sites on free net, shouldn't be too long till they have some up for WWW sites too.

The manage IP address allocation too. Which could ultimately mean pressure on hosting sites to ban "hate" pages like Holla Forums.

At least you fucking retards have moved on from the "muh UN control of ICANN" bullshit.

Autism speaks.

Get out jew, you've been exposed

yes, but right now that is less of an issue.
they would only be pushed that far if the gov knew how this *magic* "series of tubes" worked or if the first proves highly ineffective.

I'll bite.
The UN has had people talking about censoring the internet not only talk there, but also quite warmly received, if I remember correctly.

There are none. Everyone in the world these days is running blind. Even the ones on top are only vaguely aware of what they're doing.

Alright how did you get that IP though? I pinged 8ch through command console and I got a different IP.

got that from someone else on Holla Forums less than an hour ago *can't even remember what board..*

** I can't even spoiler.
whelp guess that's a night fucks**

October 1st, and nothing happened.
Holla Forums btfo again. Don't believe every shit breitbart is telling you.

Now they're just saying it'll take 15 years. They'll never stop. They want to believe that everything is out to get them.


With the way shit's going, in 15 years there will be much bigger problems than this. Such as all mainstream software being moved to the cloud and everyone just using fancy terminals.

It's Duterte. Think Du30.

sounds like plan9 will be the OS of the future.

its for the best it left