Boards Gone full illegal again, you guys ready for the wipe?
Boards Gone full illegal again, you guys ready for the wipe?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not coming soon enough.
I was born ready
is this the bunker thread?
Weren't they supposed to get a night mod?
No bunker will be safe enough this time…
RIP Holla Forums
one question, if we are being raided, who's behind all of this?
The Jews
Butthurt Democrats
Take your pick.
I wish. Its a fucking trainwreck.
haters gonna hate
i'll check your dubs and pick FBI since they're the ones with easier access to CP
why would someone raid himself?
Trips confirm it's FBI raiding us.
To get a fake excuse to get Google captchas you nigger
I always thought the mods are sleeping thing was just a meme…..
The mods have been given strict orders to stand down and watch Holla Forums burn by Jim - some are probably even posting this shit themselves.
good riddance tbh
I have a full time job but am here more than the mods.
The mod interface isn't that hard to use. It would take about 30 minuets to clean the board of questionable threads.
info from where?
I really begin to think that's the mods who are posting this shit….
Maybe Jim is selling data on the pedo posters. (FBI, etc.)
Kind of like a reverse police sting.
Shit has been rampant for the last two weeks or so.
Yea I know it has always been here to some degree
it just seems there are a lot more new threads than usual.
Jim, pls.
nuke deployed again??
What happened while I was sleeping?
yeah, we've been nuked i'm afraid
Reporting doesn't do anything so (global) mods are behind this.
most likely honeypot AND falseflag to implement google captchas.
My guess is Jim also blocked all board volunteers.
It's like 8:30 mods pls. Guess they like to sleep in too
Not the case. Usualy there is moderation activity earlier. Maybe because of new year's celebration but I still find it unlikely
Is botmod an actual bot?
can i get mode after the purge?