Ask A Heroin Addict/General Drug Discussion

Sup Holla Forums I'm a finically secure dope head. Meaning I can support my addiction and live a somewhat normal life. Ask me anything. Also general drug talk and drug discussion thread.

fuck your thread

Why you so angry Holla Forumsro? You seem worked up about nothing. Stop being a faggot.


how did you get a job..


I'm not a kike, I'm a Holla Forumslack so try again

how do you know it's not been cut with snake venom?

Oxymorphone is better than heroin

*yawn* another boring drug thread
*i shove my hand down my pants and scratch my balls*
*yawn* you must be really talented/creative/open minded to have forsaken yourself in such a manner

When I was 8 I got a lawsuit for a major injury. 500k. I couldn't touch it until I was 21. It grew to over 1 million because my parents had a Financial advisor managing the money. So I get about 100k a year in dividends, tax free, because I have the money and the stocks in the name of my shell corporation in the Caymen Islands. I do some small jobs here and there, like freelance web development, writhing articles, ect. but I'm actually disabled. I wish I could work though. If I was able to go full time I'd either use my suboxone prescription to not have dirty urine or get a wiz-anator

Because I don't deal with scum bags and I'm not dead.



IMO it's not. Street heroin? yes. High grade heroin #4? No. if you're buying bundles off some street level dealer then pulls are a better option. I have a connection with a guy who manufactures bundles. He bags 5k bags at a time, so 500 bundles. He has his stamps coustom made, and pays people to bag, tape, and distribute. I met him and told him I'd pay by the gram for uncut dope. So we worked out a price and now I buy 10 bundles of the uncut a week. Literally a bit the size of a match head is equal to 3-4 bags of good quality street grade heroin. That's also why they have to cut it. People are used to seeing more. If they see a match head per bag, they'll think it's a rip off. Also that match head is equlivent to 3-4 bags, so new or low tolerance users will have a higher risk of OD. and the cops will try and track down that stamp to arrest the maker of the stamp.

I make 6 figures, have a girlfriend, spend time with my family, and do normal shit besides anime and 8 chan. But I'm a scum bag because I do heroin? I don't steal, I don't rob, I don't sell drugs or try and get people to do them with me. I'm actually so good at what I do, I've compleatly avoided track marks. I go to the gym 3 times a week as well. Why am I a scum bag again.

*i glance over and look at his incoherent wall of text*

*i glance over and look at his incoherent wall of text* babbling



I kek'd

Try again faggot




Hows your tolerance?

attention whore, no surprise that you're white.

Why don't you just smoke some weed?


is this op
fuck you

I try and keep it as low as possible. I have a prescription for suboxone, so I use them I swiitch back to subs for family time and important shit in general. But it fluctuate, I'd say anywhere from 3-10 bags depending on the time. Winter is a depressing time for me, so I'm definitely closer to 10. Probably 7-8. I also use vistaril to potentiate the effects sometimes. But I'll definitely decrease the dosage because I'm going to Florida for 2 and 1/2 months on January 2nd. Nice weather makes me less depressed. I just need longer days because that is the biggest factor of my winter depression.

I could give a fuck less if anyone replied to this thread. I'm just trying to contribute to Holla Forums. Why don't you go kill yourself instead of being the cancer that's killing full chan. Better yet go back to fucking half chan.

So your usage is more a cure for depression?

I probably missed it, but how long have you been using. And in how long you predict it will be unsustainable? You count ending it as an hero OD?

have fun getting aids you uselelss drug addict

Suboxone is kind of like methadone. It's used to treat opiate addiction. The difference is you can go to a doctor and get it prescribed for the month instead of having to go to the clinic everyday like with methadone. Also pretty obvious but they're 2 different drugs. Vistaril is like Benadryl but one of the side effects it has is that it effects the opiate receptors in the brain, so it makes the high more intense.

I've been using heroin on and off since 16, now 24 years old. So 8 years. I can't imagine having to spend more then 100k a year on heroin, so money won't be a problem, since I own my home outright. All I need is money for my bills, which is about 800-1200 a month depending on credit cards and stuff. And I bring in about 8,333 a month sometimes more sometimes less, that's the average though. So money isn't really an issue since I've been spending 30-40 grand a year on heroin for 4 years with no real change outside that range. Also I doubt an overdose. When I get a new batch I do one bag to test it, then do what feels right. Sometimes it's 3 sometimes it's 7. That's kept me from ODing. Everyone I know who's ODd shoots like 5-7 bags at once without testing it. So they have no idea how strong it is, then they're dead when they realize.

Also yes it didn't start as a way to cope with depression, but I had bad depression and anxiety, and had no idea what to do. The doctor wasn't really helping and we'd tried lots of different med's. By then I was already experimenting with dope, and knew it helped. I really took off once I started receiving my dividend payments. That's when I could afford to support my habit. I like to think of it more as an expensive medication that the doctor makes you pay cash for. Like the cure to cancer or something lol.

Aids doesn't pop out of thin air genius. You have to share needles.

I do more to stimulate the economy then most adults and I'm only 24. You're either 15, a pedo, or a kneck beard 38 year old in his moms basement, mooching off her.

Im thinking about paving my way to an hero with some of this. But it would be interesting if i could sustain for a few years to profit from the benefit. Im an almost 40 socially awkward manchild and have 0 responsibility towards other humans and nothing to lose other then some debt. Would darknet be a good source for product?

how did you avoid track marks?

Everyone you go past can get through life without being sick everytime their dealer runs out. Enjoy hell.
Quitting was best thing i ever did and you are literally a fucking pussy if you have a roof over your head and say otherwise

what was the major injury? are you a paraplegic?

Using a new needle every time (sharp tip less resistance). change the vein as often as possible, I usually use a single vein only 2 times a week and that's max. Ideally once a week. Rub the injection site with alcohol before and after injection. Then use Neosporin or triple antibiotic on the injection site after the alcohol. And use vitamin E cream or neosporin, or triple antibiotic, (but ideally vitamin e cream) daily on your regular injection sites until the little red bump is gone. If you do that they'll heal nicely and you won't get track marks in the long run. In the short term the little red bumps you get for 24-72 hours after will heal faster as well. Oh and if you miss, you need to get a warm wash cloth and massage the injection site to help it heal faster. 20min-30 min or longer 3-4 times a day. Make sure it stays warm. Also use the creams on it. This won't guarantee that you won't get a cyst but it can help. ==THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE==

Try to quit and you'll realize how much a scumbag you are.

i have a few questions actually.

1: whats it like to be high on heroin? i've done LSD, Shrooms, weed and Molly so I have some reference level when it comes to drugs

2: are you addicted? Could you, for example, stop today and not have any issues with it?

3: have you ever overdosed or knew of anyone who overdosed?

4: what kind of health effects does it have on you, both positive and negative?

I try to be as careful as I can when it comes to drugs. My rule of thumb is not to do anything that can you hooked. The times i did molly were an exception, and thats a once a month type of drug that you have to be careful taking. I've only done that twice spaced 6 months apart.

i'm sure it's already been said in this thread, but you should quit user. Ive had two friends of mine die from a heroin overdose. fucking sucks bro

yeah, I need to do this, but it's kinnda too late all my arm veins are collapsed, I still can hit them with alot of effort though, when I wanted to have an operation they had to use my neck veins because my arms were fucked, and everyone there knew I was a junkie, feels bad man.

That's people who do bad things in their addiction, like rob, steal, and avoid family. I haven't had to do those things, that's god, I've been fortunate. Honestly it's because of my income and suboxone prescription. I don't know what your hang up with me is, I was sober for a year, I was very unhappy like that, I knew I had the money to support my habit without having to do the things that make people feel like they're scumbags, so I relapsed and never looked back. Some people like spending their cash on fancy cars, clothes,and other things. I spend mine on heroin.Simple as that. I don't know why you're so upset with people's life choices. Was your dad an alacholic who beat you? Was your mom a crack head who turned herself out for rocks? Or are you simply a cancerous troll with nothing to contribute to full chan but cancer.

You have the black marks right? That is reversible with time. You'd need to give it like a year or 2 with vitamin E cream everyday. If it's really bad, they might not go away compleatly but they'll slowly get better, and in time they'll heal somewhat, if not compleatly. The collapsed veins, I'm not sure about though.

To add to that, even if I was robbing and stealing, atleast I'm not a nigger. Anything is better then a nigger

Extremely euphoric and somewhat sedating

I'm definitely addictided. But I have suboxone prescribed which is like methadone that doesn't get you high, it just makes you feel normal. So I can stop but I have to substitute.

I've never over dosed but I know 2 people who have. Both lived, from a shot of Narcan. I didn't witness it, but from what I heard, they dropped to the floor and went blue in the face.

I haven't had any negative health effects. Honestly most of the negative effects can be avoided with proper care and hygeine. Cysts from missing a vein, track marks, blood born disease, overdose, and death, can be avoided by taking care of the injection site, always using a clean needle, never sharing needles, and testing a small amount of the heroin before doing you're normal amount, so you can see if it's more potent and if it is, you cut the doseage.

Positive effects there are a few. I had an anxiety problem that is gone, a depression problem that is gone, and it's made me look younger then I actually am. Little known fact, heroin preserves your age.

Because of so,e bullshit faulty equipment on the playground that I fell on, I went deaf in my left ear, I'm legally blind in my right eye, I have a permanent life long scar on my four head from a gash, and the gash caused neurological problems.

Don't do heroin at 40. That's the dumbest choice ever. You're better off getting hookers, alcohol, and maybe some weed. Heroin is the last thing you want.

heroin is the choice of heroes

yeah blackmark on my upper hand and many collapsed veins , new veins grow but tooslowly that I burn them before enough grow so I can swap between them. with a daily 2g habit that's hard to do. also needles are hard as fuck to obtain where I am so I use syringe for 3-4 times to buy it daily would signal junky to the pharmacy and they will refuse to sell me any, now they think I am giving myself intramuscular vitamin B injection every 5 days for a neurological condition.

You're a fucking disgrace. I hope you die in the most painful way possible, you bloated sack of shit. I despise you wholeheartedly. Fuck you.

How do you rate it compared with medical grade diamorphine?

Fuck this is true, I look the same as I looked in my 20s,what is this about?

You retard

No such thing here brah.

What are you in the third world or something?

Always felt morphine and its derivatives to be more euphoric, maybe it's just me.



I have a local doctor who privately prescribes diamorphine to habitual or addicted users. I think it works pretty well for everyone involved and removes the risk of differing strengths or badly cut H and scumbag drug dealers don't get to exploit people.

I work in pharmacy and can probably fedex you a bunch out so long if you're genuine and not just playing pretend.

1ml oranges and a bunch of vit c?

Where did you think hitler got his energy and charisma, fuckin plebs.

I don't know if I've ever had medical grade diamorphine. You know diamorphine is heroin right? It's hard if not impossible to find it that pure anywhere but the source. I've had really really really strong shit from the Triads in Chinatown once. I poured it into the spoon and added water and it turned into like a black soup. Like tea brewing. There was no shit left on the spoon, like with street heroin you see the cut left behind.

Propaganda, faggot. You call yourself a Holla Forumsack? How new are you? This isn't cuckchan.
You're not a soldier. You're just an edgy fucktard.
You can't excuse your degeneracy. Son of a bitch.
What? Are you retarded or something? Oh right, you're a drug addict. Blabbing like a retard is the norm for you weak sacks of shit.


Russian Hackers Said Hitler Used Drugs

No idea, I have a theory that that's the secret to everyone in Hollywood keeping their youthful look though.

I would love to, but I don't live in the us of a

would love to, how can I contact you?

Get chummy with doctors mate, or take a volutary job in a care home and be in the right place to 'take the meds for disposal' when a patient dies.

That combine with Botox and plastic surgery.

O no my childish image of our fuhrer will collapse
better call him a liar

I live in England mate, you figure it out and I'll help you out. I work with lots of users and they're always nice guys who just need a helping hand.

I look 10 years younger than all my sober friends, they developed pot bellies wrinkles and I haven't changed a bit

pharmacy in england, needle in a hay stack tbh m8

faggots. read up on it.

or are you the dimorphine guy?

How does someone get such a cool doctor? Also on another note, I wish in the US we were like Canada with heroin maintenance. They dole it out like methadone up there.

I did, hitler had a personal doctor who accompanied him at all time and gave him periodic injections.

I would love to find such a doctor too.

same I can get suboxone here but it's soooo expensive and rare, cant use it long term at all.
a methadone clinic would be nice.

What state do you live in?

the war on drugs and religious people fucked it for us and made the black market flourish and grow.
heroin use is reaching global epidemic proportions thanks to incompetent fucktards and their scare tactics.

I don't live in the usa.

from kike controlled media. go fuck yourself. you're such a retard. I hope you overdose tonight and die.

good explanation

I have a couple of more questions if you don't mind.

1: would you recommend doing this for anyone that isn't doing it now? is there a way to do heroin and not get addicted? What should a newbie know before trying this?

2: have you ever bought drugs off of the darknet using tor? Do you recommend anything like that or know of particular sites you have used?

3: how do you find dealers?

4: kinda off subject but, I will be doing 250 ug of LSD tonight. Do you have any music/videos/activities you recommend?

I don't think i would ever do it (heroin) to be honest user. I saw what it did to the two people who overdosed. I also know a woman who had her sister raise her daughter while she was out living the junkie lifestyle. She never had her own place, her own car, a decent job, and she always lived with some dickhead guy and never saw her kid…it just seems like even if there was a way to do it an not get hooked, between the sleazy dealers, weird people, destroyed neighborhood etc, risk of addiction and death etc it just wouldnt be worth it

I wish ya the best user with this lifestyle and truly hope you dont turn out that way

As far as me, medical marijuana has finally been legalized in my state. I currently have a dealer for my LSD. What I plan on doing is growing my own mushrooms and getting medical marijuana for a pre-existing medical condition.

If you have the chance grow your own mushrooms user. It's actually really easy. You seem to have the smarts and the money to get started… it pretty cheap and i think it might help with any issues you have in life. Best wishes to you

The day all drugs are legalized the black market will shrink and die.
they will not be able to compete.
addicts will get their drugs safely and cheap.
but yeah, no , addicts should be thrown in prisons and rehabs.
That will fucking work.

Sucks for you I was going to send you a gift (wink,wink) My gifts don't do very well with International travel though

Not OP but here goes :

playing with fire tbh m8, I would not recommend it, so easy to get addicted.
the only way is to put a long time between every use,at least 3-6 month, but that's hard to do since it feels so good that you want to repeat it, you may control it for a year and just use every 3-6 month for a year, but once your body get a taste of the euphoria, it will nag you every min to do it, you won't be able to control it, you will not want to control it.

i will skip questions 2 and 3

my best experiences were in nature, alone and just laying down and enjoying the trip, the most important thing is to let go of self control, let yourself go, then you get the most out of the trip.
many people dose and listen to philosophy lectures…etc a waste of a good trip tbh fam.

I have some spores since years ago, maybe contaminated idk, haven't started growing them yet, I want to but never had the time.
maybe they are still good.

Honestly this one is more on big pharma and doctors over prescribeing. Big pharma knew what the pills were (synthetic heroin) and the doctors were blaitantly running pill mills. I remember driveline to Florida once a month with my boy. Once you crossed state lines they had billboards with adverts for pain management clinics. They were every fucking where. We'd hit 3 doctors in Jacksonville and go home (2,000 mile trip each way). Each doctor would prescribe 2 opiates and a benzo. Both at maximum dosage. I got 240 roxy x3 doctors thats 720 roxy 30's, then I got 120 opana 80mg x3 doctors that's 360 opana 80mg, and finally I got 90 3mg xanax x3 doctors that's 270 xanax 3mg. That cost me $250 per doctor so 750 in total. I used to sell the xanax $250 for 100, the roxy $800 for 100, and the opana $20-$25 for 100. They were gone 5 minutes after the prescription was filled. Then after I parted with 100 of each, I'd put 1 grand to the side for next months trip, and have all the pills I wanted and 2 grand to blow on weed and partying. Ithose were the days. When pills were 50 cents a milligram. Now there a dollar or more.


How does one acquire ketamine?

I know a 13yo who wants to smoke for the first time. Thinking about buying her a joint then smoking it outside. Tell her I have more inside then force her to smoke ketamine then do what I want with her

This should work right?

She saw me drinking booze out on my balcony and wanted to try some. She got buzzed and we started talking and she wants to try pot and told me she never done it before. She looks average but she young so I figure there is a good chance she a virgin and I want that soon before she stops hanging around me

yeah big pharma too, fuck them.

so you think legalization will bring the prices down and the quality up, or are we better off buying from the black market?


if you still want to listen to something on your trip , I recommend this band , listen on a low volume, the long synth part allow you to space out and trip balls.

have fun

thanks for the straight forward honest answer user. I dont forsee myself doing this drug to be honest. Im sure it feels great, but ive seen the destruction its done to people. Whatever euphoria this drug gives you cannot be worth losing your health, family, friends, wealth, and life…..

I don't want to judge anyone in this thread using, but just wish you guys the best in what you're dealing with

maybe they are still good.

I have heard that the spores are legal to buy in the states so maybe thats a way to go

Yes better not, after the initial period ends the euphoria is less and the destruction starts, and unless you have a fat bank account that will last you a life time, and alot of free time on your hands, it's not worth it.
better not, psychdelics are good, it's my second choice after opiates, and would be my first if I was never addicted.

thanks user

I absolutely wouldn't recommend it. You can do it and not get addicted, weather or not you have an addictive personallity or not, you're going to get addicted if you continue to do it. It's not a mental addiction like cocaine, mdma, etc. it's a physical need. Sweating, chills, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle aces, etc. this happens because your body learns to function with the drug. When you remove it it sees it goes into shock since it accepted heroin as a part of the normal function and adjusted to accomidate it. This is a pretty bad analogy, but it's the best I can think up off hand.

No I've never done that.

And I haven't ever done lsd so I don't know what would be good

It depends. If they do it like weed it will go up because of tax. If they set up government owned and ruined stores that buy direct from the source, sell pure heroin at double the price they pay at the source ($2,000 a kilograms at the source) plus whatever shipping it costs. Then it would go down in price. Ithink that's the way they'd go with full legalization.

What about growing it locally, opium is easily grown, hell even I did grow some poppies at some time in my life for personal use.

then it's a matter of a basic chemistry to convert it to morphine then heroin.
that would probably cut the prices by 50%

thanks for the answer user. I recommend psychedelics for you, specifically, psilocybin mushrooms grown in the video i showed. I think it would help you in what you are dealing with. I wish you the very best

The black market won't die. Bootlegging, counterfeits, credit card theift, identity theft, stolen goods etc. The only thing that will change is drugs will leave the market.

Still, if you're letting independent shops sell it for a profit, they're not going to short sell themselves, weather its grower localally or imported, they know how much it's worth. The gov shops would be the best bet. They could keep the price so low it will be like a smiling habit.


I've done shrooms. Not lsd though. I love shrooms.

yes, I am talking about the drug black market.
still that's a huge hitfor them.

Yea, but the whole black market won't go away. If anything I'd say they get heavy into counterfeit money, credit card fraud, identity theft, and bootleg movies like like Asian gangs . Asian gangs make a shit ton on bootleg movies.

yes, might be an interesting option for later kek

for you anons

you are a big junkie.


How come 50ml fentanyl is a "single dose vial" is this for elephants?

How bad are your withdraws, or do you never experience them because of your sub script.

you mentioned the cops chasing down a particular bag, I recently met a dealer who says every 1000 bags he puts in one fatal fentanyl dosed bag so when junkies hear about the death they chase his bags

good luck user, I really miss doing dope.


why would a dealer kill their customers, seems counter productive to me, prolly a myth.

also this pic is it true?
because I feel the needle cutting through the flesh when I use it more than twice.
but when I look at it under a light, it looks fine.

yes the picture is true use them once and toss em.
i know it sounds like a bad idea to kill customers but theres plenty of addicts in Pittsburgh i may have mis-worded it he puts like 2mg the ld-50 dose not a guaranteed death. its just to make your stamp stand out

isn't fentanyl doses measured in micrograms?

And people still thinks potheads are like heroin users 'round here.

Fucking third world.

I just wanted to smoke some pot…

Oi, OP, you're still there?

how do you think your family will feel once you overdose? it is just a question of when, especially with the chicom hotshots every few months.

I hope you don't give drugs to kids.

fucking narcan.
I'm an EMT and I fucking hate narcan, there should be a fucking 3 strike program for these fucking scum on Obamacare that I run on every fucking week. I have people that have ODd and gotten narcan 10+ fucking times. these morons mixing fucking carfentanil with dirty cheap heroin make up as many calls as geriatrics right now, and cost thousands every single time. And what do we get when we save them? spit in the face, literally some times, for ruining their high. I hate you fuckers almost as much as I hate elder/infant abusers.

As for the 'blue in the face', carfentanil causes humans to become apniec, if you're lucky you'll have at least agonal respirations, but usually when we show up the pt is very hypoxic.

You sound like one of the 'I play it safe so its fine' abusers, but you're going to OD someday, and if you keep shooting alone, you will die.

pic related, mini-Detroit without the casinos to keep it nice, also where I work.

I'm not usually such an ass, especially to addicts who have problems as big as this, but the Christmas season is really fucking hard on EMS providers, and I'm a bit drunk.

nah, Fentanyl is for humans, we use it to knock people out who are all fucked up in traumatic injuries and shit.
and single dose means once its pierced it cannot be reused.
carfentanil however literally is for elephants.

anyone have advice on getting oxycodone? or at least hydrocodone.


shameless self bump

fyi, i reported this thread to the police. enjoy spending 2017 in prison you pedo junkie scum.

at least I'm not a fucking drug addict who wastes his life.

you will end up in the streets where you belong.

with all the junkie whores and then you will get aids.

heroin junkies are even worse than gays

Don't apologize to these sheltered faggot junkies user, op is a faggot who grew up with a loving family and no problems so he had to create his own to whine about how hard his privileged life has been. Oh better spend my trust fund on heroine, life is so hard. Hopefully his corpse is raped by a pack of feral niggers after he overdoses. Fuck these dumb faggots hope you all die fucking fight me.

They'll probably feel pretty bad IF I overdose.

I don't feel them because of the script

Do I look like a brain dead retard.

I don't like that bullshit either. I don't understand how hard it is to use volumetric dosing Or test a little dope before shooting 10 bags. It really isn't hard to avoid ODing, I've got 8 years of use under the belt, no OD's

Where am I from?

I'm back


If you say so.

lol, u think you're financially secure. that's cute.

wut ur prublem?

OP, what's with this nicole trip whore?
why is she pissed off at you?
do they really know you?

people get so buttblasted about junkies it's pathetic.
yes some junkies steal and become criminals, but not all,I have no problem with a junkie that can support their habit without stealing or becoming criminals.

I always said if you have enough money to support your habit, more power to you and no one has the right to tell you what to do with your life, it's pathetic how many people think it's ok to be an alcoholic but junk is wrong.

also it's people who can't accept drug use and the hypocrites who think they are better than someone because they don't take drugs.
those people are the reason drug use is an issue, other wise the average junkie is of no harm to anyone.
when they can get their drugs for cheap and safely, it becomes a minor health problem.


It could be worse, you could be addicted to food like me.


you're a pretty fucking shitty human bean tbqhf

Destined to catch a hot shot. Your a scumbag, get it straight. Ffs. Doesn't matter if you use clean rigs. Your a bottom feeder. Walking dead. You make the rest of the free world look bad. I got money. Fuck off bro.

Another one. I'm sure you'll ruin plenty of lives before your done. Hopefully the world takes notice and removes your malignant rear. If not, I'm sure you'll do it for them. No worries, you'll bottom harder than the rest. Hep C already has you, most likely. 1 in ten chance from using one rig twice.