Med Resistant AIDs

What is the cancer that is killing Holla Forums in your opinion, fellow fa/tv/irgins?

pic unrelated

Young people.
I miss CF.


If I had to pick I would say that it's the current state of film and television.

That being said this is actually one of the better boards here. If you want to see real cancer take a look at 4cucks Holla Forums.

True, I wanted to share my RLM/Mike shoops the other day and they deleted all my posts 10 min later.

I'd hate to bring politics into this, but all the bigoted antinazis and naziphobes must go back.

The waifu wars, template threads and constant "edgy" Holla Forums shittery.

What's it like?


you got me hehe ::confession bear:: hehe L.O.L

I visited a few months ago and got banned for "racism". It's really bad, the worst part imo is that it feels like a normalfag website. Im pretty sure that it's about 90% normalfag at this point and the autists that didn't leave have the '"bad''' kind of autism. It's irredeemable.

The nigger dicks.

Agreed, but its probably tied to (((Holla Forums))) or any number of jew backed commie shills anyways.

The unchecked racism. We've been invaded by Holla Forums and they refuse to leave, funny really this is EXACTLY what they accuse refugees of doing to Europe…Project much?

Check your privilege.

Add lazy bait to the list.

Here's your webm.


Nice try schlomo, I'm brown.

And? Do you think that you can understand the suffering of the modern black man? Do you think you can understand the suffering of women? You can't.


The modern black brings suffering onto himself by even attempting to emulate a european in speech, ability, or reason. The only reason they even exist in this age is due to serving as jewish pawns. Who cares of the desires of women, they only function as childbearers and rearers, and are only happy in doing those very things. Are you lost or something? I need to speak to your manager.

Holla Forums is not dying faggot

holy shit, i've just been to 4chan for the 2nd time in my life


And people still wonder why everybody hates moot.

The owner. I don't know what his motivation is, but he clearly hates Holla Forums.

Clintrump cucks, definitely.

What did he mean by this?

normiecucks who think there's a difference between the two

Cuckchan memes and rotemonkeys.

I thought it was because he was a jewish pedophile who eats the flesh of baby girls?

One is POTUS

The other is a dying old lady

I get that, I just don't understand why you didn't use his actual name. We call him Drumpf because it puts his hypocrisy on full display for all to see, he's a fucking immigrant himself yet he wants to get rid of immigrants! It's fucking ridiculous. Don't ever miss a chance to call him out on his bs.

It's ClinDrumpf NOT ClinTrump.


Not an argument.

What's not an argument? Trump is a 150 IQ immigrant who wants to get rid of 65-85 IQ immigrants, hence you hypocricy argument is invalid.

ITT: one, maybe two people pretend to be idiots, thinking that they're trolling a third party.

There's a big difference there retard-kun.

also he's not an immigrant any more than anyone else born in america is, nor is it Drumpf. It's just Drump if I remember correctly. Colbert shockingly enough didn't get his sources right and fucked up at making a dumb-ass meme, shocking as that sounds.


He's an immigrant who attained the American dream (soon to be nightmare) who has now decided to turn his back on other immigrants, you didn't disprove my point at all. Face it Drumpfy is a fucking hypocrite and so are YOU!

What did he mean by this?

He's still not an immigrant. He's from New York. That's part of the USA, retard-kun.

Really makes you think…

Not an argument. He has immigrant ancestry.

That's what happens when you worship nature instead of technology. You die. And we're never going to feel bad about it. Soon you will die in much the same fashion, because your pussy ass words won't translate into violence the same way Europeans promise. I bet your faggot ass doesn't even own a gun.

That's not what anybody would consider an immigrant. Almost every single person everywhere is an immigrant if you go back far enough. He's also not trying to ban immigration, it's illegal immigration he's trying to ban, retard-kun. But you know that and you know that I know that and you also know that I know that you're as much of a bored ass motherfucker as I am since you're arguing on Holla Forums, the worst board on the worst website on the entire internet, about something unrelated to television and movies in the middle of the night on a friday night. You're also using a molymeme meme on things that are in fact arguments, which isn't as funny as it probably should be and I know that you know that I know that.

We really should look inwards shouldn't we as to why we're doing this on friday night, huh.

Well, and I guess furthermore I phrased that weirdly. Illegal immigration's already banned, it's in the name, he's just trying to get the ban actually enforced, which is something that is so strange that it's even a thing someone has to campaign for that it's probably the most bizarre part about this whole ordeal.

But I know you know that too and I know that you know that I know that. I have nothing; not a god damn thing better to do and you don't either. We both need help, my man. We both need help.

you sound familiar

what did he mean by this?

Nothing. It's part of the sad charade we play most days and nights on here.

It's a guy, on Holla Forums, trying to sound like as obnoxious of a liberal as he can to get a rise out of us. Sometimes it works, because in general we come here because we don't like liberals much. There are approx. 8000000 left-oriented forums and chatrooms on the internet and a very, very small number of right-wing friendly ones. If he were a liberal, he could just point his browser to anywhere; anywhere at all, but he doesn't, he's here, so we can pretty easily assume he doesn't mean it.

Instead he attempts to pretend like there are more than just him doing this to try to get a rise out of you and me. It doesn't work often but the few times it does he gets the validation we all do from seeing that we affected some other asshole on the internet in some way, be it good or bad or making them feel seething rage.

It's not much, but it's something. It's friday night. We're here. This is not a good message board. This board does not stick to the topic at hand almost ever. There is very little discussion that's worthwhile and most of it is repetition, repetition of things we've already said and will say again. It should be noted that repetition soothes autists, which I would be lying if I said that him and I aren't afflicted with in some degree. You too, you're here, aren't you.

Nothing was meant by it. Take the most arrogant, stereotypical lefty you've ever met and do an impression of them, bring it up in topics that really don't have much of anything to do with leftism, and repeat. About half to a third of the time you'll get somebody sperging out over it. The sperger and the sperg-ee don't mean it. It's just a thing that we do to have something to do. None of us have anything else after all. If we did, we wouldn't be here. But here we are.

Stop whining you cringeworthy motherfucker and git gud. Posting in the actual free internet entails dealing with way worse shit than a shitty lefty troll. If you need a right wing hugbox to share your feelies, Holla Forums is your place.

I'm not whining, at all, friend.

I'm merely explaining what he meant by that. He meant nothing, just as I meant nothing. It is what it is. We're shitposting on Holla Forums in the middle of friday night. There is nothing to mean by it.


Go see a therapist.

Why? I like listening to a guy who stared too much into the abyss.

That's tumblr though.