AGP general
AGP general
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Basically a straight man who imagines himself as a QT grill even if having sex with grills
This is really a thing?
Yes this is a thing, LGBT have daily threads on it
I'm actually getting /fit/ but in my mind I'm a QT grill
Do you have a feminine penis?
Can you post your feminine butthole so I can see if I'd fuck it?
Do you stick a dildo up your ass?
Do you get off, on others getting off to you?
No 6.5'' male
It's masc
I masturbated with a hairbrush as a teen and it hurt my butt I don't do buttplay as an adult
Only if they are grills or very cute traps
Fellow AGP'r
Btw pic related is AGP, typical looking guy projecting as a grill. AGP doesn't mean trans or crossdressing
you sound like a faggot
i was about to take your little asshole to pound-town but now you ruined the mood you faggot
i'd rape you if i ever saw you in real life
watch out m8
We are not on half chan b.
And I look like a typical masc you assumed too early that AGP means cross dressing. It's more of a mental state
shut the fuck up
you mentally type like a faggot then
i was ready to suck your dick and have you suck mine but now NOBODY will ever suck your dick you masc bitch
Having the ability to transform into a qt girl version of yourself would be quite awesome
I would do it just to play with "my" boobs
boobs run like $500 at a cheap surgery center
you can get them tomorrow if you wanted
save up faggot
thus becoming a trap ?
aka failed man AND woman ?
no thank you
I'd like this super power, would probably let girls shit in my mouth whilst in female form b the ultimate sub lez slut
AGP means you remain a man but imagine yourself as a QT, it's the patrician sexuality
It's kind of strange too
like I'm imagining myself as a qt girl no problem
but I only watch lesbian porn since seeing a dick is an instant turn-off
I watch all kinds of pr0n but lez scat-dom is the most patrician if I got gender swapped that's what I'd do
bad idea. Even in the best case you need it touched up every 5-10 years or so or it starts to look like shit.
Not necessarily: people with AGP (if that's even a real thing) can still transition. Tranny master race!!!
Also, the fuck is this thread doing on h8chan??? We cuck/lgbt/ nao?
This cosplay is all sorts of wonderful.
Tomoko cosplay is the best.
AGP isn't LGBT it's for straight guys you idiot read the posts
m8 if you want to grill why wouldn't you grill? Insurance covers practically everything, and you can literally walk into planned parenthood, say "whoremoans nao" and they'll prescribe them.
You don't know what AGP means.
It's a projection of yourself as a grill you don't become the grill that's trans.
And PCIe?
i'm a transbien; I know my shit bro.
wanting to be a woman, imagining yourself as one, etc. are good indications of being trans. Trannies can be attracted to men and/or women just like everybody else.
You clearly don't know AGP
how can tomoko be perfect in both 2D and 3D
Read the first paragraph with the psychologists definition you cuck
She makes anime real user
That girl looks nothing like Tomoko would. Posture, hair, skin, eyes… it's all absolute shit and i can't even bring myself to call it an attempt. This isn't even tried.
you should get a therapist and sort your shit out before you turn into a hon. Being attracted to other women and feeling aroused when you perceive/imagine yourself as sexy are both ridiculous reasons to put off transition.
Communism looks nothing like a good ideology. Freedom, economy, justice…. it's all absolute shit and i can't even bring myself to call it an attempt. This isn't even tried.
morality is a sp00k :^)
I want to waifu tomoko
I'm not going to transition. I'm a curlbro who wears polo shirts and jeans my shoulder width alone would give me aaway
B-BUT Marxism was never tried correctly
Even monkeys understand the concept of good or bad
fair enough, but you owe it to yourself to make that decision based on sound reasoning and good information, and a therapist can help with that. Also
passing is overrated tbh (but then again I live in commiefornia)
There's not a "real" socialism, there are socialisms, plural.
Explain, why'd a Marxist Leninist stand for the stupid shit Anarchists do, which they call them out for themself constantly?
"America is awesome, but Obama, it's not real Americanism."
Still don't see the problem? The only way is because you're ignoring it intentionally to just shitpost away.
The question should rather be: "How is X great when there is Y?" That's how you concretely adress an issue.
How was the Soviet Union, how is Marxism Leninism, how was Stalin right, if it ended in the restauration of capitalism in the 90s?
A concrete question, that can be given a concrete answer and analysis.
And there's plenty of it. So, why shitposting your "th-they say it's not really socialism, lololol!" instead?
There is only one honest answer. You have no idea what you're talking about and have no interest in looking into these questions but rather need a shitty strawman to justify for yourself to say anything and ignore the voice in your head that is telling you that you don't know shit and are a scared little faggot shying genuine debate.
As to Marxism being tried correctly, yes, it has been and Stalin did literally nothing wrong.
1/10 because you actually tried, as sad as the attempt may be, it's still at least something.
I have no desire to become a woman
I don't need a therapist for that, I'm in bongland.
Curlbro is someone who mostly works out arms but in my case it's mostly arms and chest. Pic related would be my ideal physical body. I'm natty so obviously not gonna attain it
I don't quite understand. The girl stuff is purely a fetish?
Did you read the link user?
It's a projection, nim not going to malform my physical body to achieve that like the trannys do
sounds pretty gay tbh famalam
Says the literal tranny.
nice copypasta. still retarded as fuck
When people tried fleeing the country they had to keep a guarantee they'd come back. Some had their kids takes in custody so they'd come back. Doctors, teachers, etc were trying to flee what? Famine. stalin couldn't even put bread on his own people's tables. Houses had pictures of stalin on the wall but no food on the table. you also couldn't worship anything else other than him. You also couldn't criticize him, or you'd get shot in the head for being a bad goy. thousand year old/s churches were demolished because 'muh atheism'. You are a fucking idiot.
What a perfect illustration for this pic
t. American millennial who learned
…about Communism from Prof. Shekelstein in college
Not OP here but I'll weigh in. My life would be a hell of a lot better if I was born female or even was born into a liberal family and had MtF hormone treatment when I was 12. This is an absolute fact.
However, now I am past the growing stage of life and my body is square like a mans. There is literally no point in trying to 'transition' now. It's true my face is still more beautiful the average (including females), and that I have the ability to sing soprano, but that alone is not enough.
Now my goal is to become an ubermench and impregnate females even though I have a small cut dick and I'm only 5'8…. because literally what other reason was I born a male?
Fuck it and SIEG HEIL
Pic related is close to the loli I should have been.