
>Found out that my ideal technician employer tossed out my application through a friend working there so stuck in retail for the next month minimum
>Found out my little brother 18 turned down a job offer because he prefers being a fat, autistic, NEET

So what/why are you drinking this evening, Holla Forums? Having myself some coffee stout with a shot of wild turkey in it. Will probably break out the piss water before the end of the night.

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Sounds great OP, I like what you're drinking. You should get your parents to kick your brother out of the house, give him the military or homeless option.

I keep a thermos full of that on the side, but it's not as relaxing.

Thanks. It's pretty much all I had left lying around because the underageb& broke into my home-brewed hard cider stash and drank it all. I'm thinking she should go into locksmithing.

And yeah, but that's unlikely to happen. Dad left when I was a kid and I'm the only one in my family with a half-way decent relationship with him any more. There's no way my mother will do anything, but hopefully I can move out and disown my family once I get my finances together over the next 6-8 months.

You should let evolution handle this.
Just walk away.

I feel you, OP. My little sister became a whore After we had an incestual relationship, although there's no relation on the fact
I just learned to live with it, although fuck her. I only "help her" whenever I have to, since I won't be actively helping her anymore.
I'm drinking Rum.

Oh trust me, that's the plan. My little sister is dead to me, just like my Grandmother when they moved her into a nursing home because of her dementia.

Pretty much my relationship with most of my family with the exception of my brother-in-law from my oldest sister. He's more of a family than the rest of my family combined.

Rum's a good choice. I can't drink rum any more after getting horribly sick off of it during a political conference.

Cranberry juice, I guess.
But, goddamn, OP, nigga you gotta fucking beat some sense into your NEET bro and get him a job first of all, he's just a drain of money, and that will only make this case worse.

Also, I'm stoned as shit.

You're a good big brother OP. You're the kind of user that make my day. You deserve this head pat.

Jesus that is cold. This head pat is now alittle reluctant.

There is literally nothing wrong with weed. I use edibles occasionally because lol legalized here, but it's pretty much just a longer-lasting less-vomit-inducing version of alcohol.

And I'm trying. Every time I start beating some sense into him (whether figuratively or literally) he starts bitching about how "I'm not his father" even though I'm pretty much taking care of his bitch ass. He claims he's gonna go to college for an Engineering degree, but I don't expect him to make it past Calculus II (having dropped out of Engineering to become a technician myself because of financial reasons), and he won't be smart enough/industrious enough to make it in a trade skill.

I love my family, but I've been putting up with excuses since I was eleven, user.

I meant your grandma. It's not her fault. My grandpa suffered from demetia too. He even strangled my brother once because he thought he was hurting me. Burned down the house because he left the stove on. He was just confused. I never abandoned him even though everyone in my family did. I did everything in my power to help him. I used to read to him for hours, but my grandmother is fucking evil, and he still died alone.

I'd have moved her here, but she lives ~600 miles away and it was my Aunt's decision to move her out of her own home and into a nursing home. Worst part was my oldest sister took a summer off work to go take care of her, and just having someone to talk to/keep her active kept her dementia at bay and actually improved her memory (at the time). Damned Aunt kicked her out of her own home and siphoned off her social security checks as "payment for taking care of her" until her dementia began to get worse from being confined to reading and watching TV all day because no one would spend time with her.

My aunt actually "banned" me from talking to her entirely when she found out I was telling me Grandma what they planned to do/that she needed to move out here with us.

Ok, OP, there's a problem.
Good on you, you gave up a shitload of cash for someone else. That means you're not a total cunt. However, and here's the fucking problem, it doesn't mean that you care about your people.
Being generous and offering people options do do things is good, no doubt and you deserve some gratitude for that, yet there's a limit to it and that's a fucking given thing in any normal working family and circle of close people, but then you go on about ranting like you fucking hate them over making mistakes.

My family went through some shit, but it never went anywhere to a point where anyone would get at another ones throat and talk shit about them - simply because nobody is getting into such situations. You know why? Not only do we give each other material support, we're also there for each other with advice, practical help, listening and being patient.
Reading your post it's like you're some sociopath buying himself a pass for being otherwise a cunt who doesn't really give a shit and rather blames them for everything they do wrong.
Don't you have any fucking respect for your family that you talk like that about them? What the actual fuck.
Talk WITH them and figure out WHY he didn't take the job, WHY he's lying to you, and don't be fucking pushy about it but actually CARE for fucking once!

Nobody needs a benevolent smug little cunt rubbing in how they offer you everything and you still mess up. You're not helping, you're not a solution, you just want to fucking stroke your own fucking ego on how fucking awesome of a person you are and they're not. Fuck that, with that shitty attitude you'd be fucking gone in any circle of people that actually gives a shit about each other and the families health. Unfuckingbelievable, the nerves on you little shit.
Now grow some balls and do the right thing for fucks sake.

I'll stick it in your little sisters genderfluid cunt for $50, then at least one of you fuckers will have a good paying job.

If she means anything to you, do everything in your power to she her often before its's too late. You'll regret it if you don't.

That monster wouldn't even let me bring him a Christmas card. The pillar of our family. The kindest man I ever known and I wasn't there. It hurts so much. Orson Scott Card was his favorite author. A tale of sweetness and light his lullaby. I going to sleep. You're a good guy user. Protect your family. No matter what.

Kill mom collect life insurgence

I'm not the family psychiatrist. I'm mildly autistic in the first place and I'd tried on numerous occasions to try to break that barrier because I had started to notice signs that shit was fucked up. I'm acting as both a mother and father to two younger siblings that barely recognize me as a brother. Do you think this shit is easy? Do you think I came to these opinions overnight, faggot? I've been trying to get my morbidly obese mother into a field that pays well for years so she can at least financially be there since she gave up on being there as a parent when I was 15. My dad stopped being there for us when I was 11. I'm fucking 22 now, user. You can only do so much before finally giving up. I'm not sure what kind of affluent family you came from, but sometimes people need to help themselves, and my family has everything they've got coming to them. I'm fucking done being the father for a pair of brats that don't even value familial ties when I tried to keep them going. You don't know me or what I've been through.

We all have to take jobs we don't like because it happens to make us better people in the long run.
All jobs suck and until you make something of yourself and either get self-employed or make enough to work very little, than you ought to swallow your pride and put your nose to grind.

Get a job commie hippie.

And you know what? I did have respect for my family at one time. There was a time in my life that I respected those family ties and valued them. Do you know what happened? They fucking threw it down the gutter and betrayed me and my trust, and exploited it at every opportunity. Whatever ungrateful fuck I might be is a monster that was born from me trying to be there for my own when my own were a bunch of parasitic leeches that only cared about themselves. Fuck my mother, fuck my sister, fuck my older sisters, my little brother isn't completely a lost cause but I'm getting too damned frustrated and he needs to learn what kind of a bitch life is when you've tossed every lead people have tried to reach out to you with. I dropped out of fucking engineering school for these ungrateful fucks, damn it. Do you think I don't care for them???

Why not invest some of your fucking generosity into a family therapy then?

Noone ever said life would be, grow up.

I can see the type of shit you're spouting and with that attitude it takes no wonder that your family is going to shit. Nobody is blaming you for your financial status but there are still a fucking framework you fucking owe having some fucking responsibility and work shit out. Take your assumptions about my wealth up your ass, if i shared some of the stories and how we got through it you would kill yourself facing how much of a pathetic whiner you are.

If you can't get shit done on your own, get fucking help you defeatest little bitch.

It means to figure out why the fuck he hasn't mentally grown up enough to face fucking reality and get the fucking job, take your strawman, put on the fucking strapon and go fuck yourself with it, dumb shit faggot

Am i fucking prophetic? No, i can just read. You threw some money their way and got mad because rather than actually caring about them and getting shit figured out you autistically thought you can buy yourself a way out of it.

I told you before and i'll say it fucking again, get your autism in check and be there you socially inept whiney bitch.

Fuck off faggot. Maybe he should talk to his retard brother but you're being a faglord.


Earn some money, get into a position of power and slap all their shit until they become proper human beings.
Alternatively just slap their shit and leave for a bit , maybe they'll come to the realization themselves. Slapping people really works, It's like hitting an old TV because the contacts may be slightly dusty or out of place, hit it hard enough and they just fix themselves.

We all have to work for a living, save for those living off of NEETbux and daddy's money.
Maybe if you had a job you'd get what I'm saying.

>and we call those people useful idiots

Don't argue with commie man, they aren't even worth your time.

OP, I urge you to find an "Adult Children of Alcoholics" group meeting near you, or something similar. You are displaying textbook symptoms of codependency due to growing up in a dysfunctional household.

You can google it yourself, or try going to this link if you're in the US or Canada: meetings.adultchildren.org/find-a-meeting1

Somebody I know IRL, with a similar family, who also has tried to become the de facto parent in a chaotic situation has started attending these meetings, and they've changed her life. They operate like a group therapy, I think usually taking place at churches, where you can share things about yourself with a small group of people (if you'd like), or you can just listen to other people talk about how they're trying to deal with growing up in a shitty situation with shitty siblings and parents.

we all know what this is

I looked at the website, but the only one remotely close is during times that I'm getting my CISCO certifications.

run for the hilllllllllllls
run for your liiiiiiiiiiiiiiife

Ya know

Sitting next to a warm fire at my family's second beachfront property which I'm legally part owner of after a day of snowmobiling. Drinking Maker's Mark on the rocks while reading threads on >>>/zoo/

Sounds like a good time that I plan to be enjoying ten years from now minus the zoo.

I am going to kill myself when I have to start working

fucking lol