Red Pill Paintings Thread

Nationalist Paintings and Art Thread

We had a thread a couple months ago full of amazing paints and works of art. I am in the market for some art for my home and we can always benefit from Nationalistic paintings and red pilled art.

Other urls found in this thread:!GQFTHA5Q!svrP6coQQw9GEbqLx4l5dQ






























Mein negger, at least put the name of the paintings in the file name

I would if I had them. I got them all from that previous thread and the guy that posted them did not either. They aren't to hard to find if you google search the image.

You my man.

Does anyone know where to get cheap canvas prints of these paintings?


Great thread OP.
Here are a few random ones I have.

I posted a few art threads before. I am autistic about proper filenames but it looks like Holla Forums doesn't support saving with the original filename anymore. Does anyone know how to preserve the filenames when saving?





















Anyone has the Armitage III webm where they literally talk about feminism and birthrates?


obviously cheap knockoffs of great african artists

damm white people





What is it about? It has some magic to it.


It's a vacuum experiment. The bird is kill.






fucking cossacks kek



what is this shit?
why can't I save with the original filename anymore?

How's this type of art called?


I think this is Bob Ross tier. (which imo isn't bad)


Would like to know about this too.

Yes, you can still save the file names. "Save link as' from where the file name is hotlinked, not the numbered one.


What browser do you use?

…Chrome :(

En dag kanske världen är så vacker igen

I'm using firefox with Linux and that doesn't work for me. I have found a workaround, I can right click on the name and go to "inspect element", I can copy the filename directly form the html data, but it is extremely annoying.




I am trying to figure out wtf is going on in this picture. The best I can figure it is someone tanning leather.

These arent nationalist really but they are at least non-degenerate. Sorry I dont know any of the titles but you can easily reverse image search theml














The first one? It's named 'apiary', so it is probably a beekeeper eating honey.

I searched it, it's bioshock game art. In many ways, video games are the last cultural preserve for traditional European art. Posting some of the videogame and digital art that i've collected over the years but never bother reposting in these types of threads.











Just found a much better version of 'The Children of Clovis'


These threads are so comfy…wish I had something to contribute

he was a soldier and white though

Describe it. I have over 5000 paintings in my folder, the chances are that I have it.

Nigger, where do you think we get the paintings? Just search for paintings, pick a particular painter that you like, create a folder and fill it with his work.

If I find a painting that I particularly like, but the image quality is poor, I can usually find a good scan by using a combination of several reverse image search programs:


Note the casual swastika on the arch.









Do you title all these images yourself? I find it a pain in the ass to retitle them after I download them.

Yeah, I titled about 4000 of my favorite paintings over the last few years. used to allow for downloading directly with the filenames, but now images are hosted separately to save bandwidth and names don't save anymore. According to , saving with filenames still works with Chromium if you right-click on the filename and click 'Save link as'. It doesn't work for me though, I can only save the filenames by copying them from directly from the page html.

I've posted quite a few paintings in the art thread on the dead board during the past few months. is based on an old build so you can still download with filenames there, though be warned, some of the paintings that I am reposting here have probably better resolutions than the ones I posted on a few months ago.


I own a framed canvas print of pic 2 on my wall. Good shit.






I'd like to see some paintings of German forests, of old and gloomy forests. Maybe there are XIX century German painters like that?

August Cappelen painted some gloomy forest scenes, but he was Norwegian.





Is Van Gogh accepted on Holla Forums?



I've never seen anything good from Van Gogh, though if you have some Van Gogh's that are worth posting, you can try to prove me wrong. The Van Gogh in your post doesn't compare very well to the other paintings in this thread, so you will likely fail.


After the advent of modernism in the first half of the 20th century, traditional art became more-or-less limited to illustration. Concept art falls under that umbrella.

This thread is amazing.

I may be mistaken, but isn't there some way to save all of the images of a given thread?

You are not mistaken, there is indeed a way to do this. But please tell me how do you manage to wipe your ass without setting yourself on fire? How do you feed yourself without gouging your eye out with a tea spoon?

No, really, how do people as retarded and helpless as you manage to be functioning members of society? You're not, are you? Do you live in some kind of institution where they have social workers looking after you? Do you do your own laundry and groceries?

Have you ever heard of browser extensions? How did you not think of just typing "download all pictures" into the search engine of your choice?

How does it feel to be as stupid as you?

It is occasionally a bother, here at the tard house.
Also, contributing

still love this one. had it saved as a wallpaper for a year

Sad day today after some faggy Norwegian cuck shoah'd Radio Free Skyrim. Posting Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg (1783–1853), the father of Danish Golden age painting, in honor of our eternal leader Natt.


That Romantic Era ship art

I love it

also for any new people who have not yet learned

the Romantic era in art and Symphonic works, is not lovey dovy romance, But the Romance of the Beauty of nature, of Exploring, going to distant lands and seeing grand things Romantic era works were about Wanderlust and a little escapism , its a similar kind of Genres to Classical which was about reliving the past ( i think its been a while since school) but i believe it came after the Classical era of Art

pretty good video maybe




I personally talked this person despite being a Turk she was very nice and sweet.




Please shoot me in the fucking face.



I guess that you are trying to be ironic, but it falls flat for me because I unironically support the extermination of every last non-white on the planet. All non-whites, including East Asians, are subhuman genetic trash that take up land that would be better used by humans. I even believe that Hitler was a gook loving cuck for allying with the worthless Japanese subhumans. Also, Welcome to Holla Forums.

Joseph Renzulli's (1978) "three ring" definition of giftedness is one frequently mentioned conceptualization of giftedness. Renzulli's definition, which defines gifted behaviors rather than gifted individuals, is composed of three components as follows: Gifted behavior consists of behaviors that reflect an interaction among three basic clusters of human traits—above average ability, high levels of task commitment, and high levels of creativity.[10] Individuals capable of developing gifted behavior are those possessing or capable of developing this composite set of traits and applying them to any potentially valuable area of human performance. Persons who manifest or are capable of developing an interaction among the three clusters require a wide variety of educational opportunities and services that are not ordinarily provided through regular instructional programs.

While White students represent the majority of students enrolled in gifted programs, Black and Hispanic students constitute a percentage less than their enrollment in school.[30] For example, statistics from 1993 indicate that in the U.S., Black students represented 16.2% of public school students, but only constituted 8.4% of students enrolled in gifted education programs. Similarly, while Hispanic students represented 9% of public school students, these students only represented 4.7% of those identified as gifted.[31] However, Asian students make up only 3.6% of the student body, yet constitute 14% in the gifted programs.

In a plenary address at the annual Congress of the American National Association for Gifted Children in November 1985, Sternberg reported that the number of students of Asian background in American programmes for gifted children exceeded the normative expectations from population figures by a factor of five. Entrance to programmes for gifted children in the U.S. is usually set at a level to accommodate moderately gifted children rather than the highly or exceptionally gifted; thus an interesting pattern seems to be developing an over-representation of Asian children by a factor of five in the population of moderately gifted students and by a considerably greater factor-15 or over among the exceptionally gifted. A student has to be extremely gifted mathematically to score more than 700 on the SAT-M by the age of 13; only 4 per cent of college-bound 17 and 18 year olds in the U.S. attain such a score!

To illustrate this point: in a normal population with a mean IQ of 100, and a standard deviation of 15, 228 children in every 10,000 would have an IQ score two standard deviations above the mean, that is, a score of IQ 130 or higher. However, with a mean shift upwards of half a standard deviation, as reported by Jensen for Asian Americans, no fewer than 668 children in 10,000 would score in the IQ 130+ range. Many American gifted programmes which employ an IQ criterion for entrance set their entry level at IQ 130; in this situation, 6.68 per cent of Asian children would be eligible to enter these programmes on the basis of IQ as opposed to only 2.28 per cent of Caucasian children-an overrepresentation by a factor of 2.93. Yet Sternberg reports an overrepresentation by a factor of 5! Why do American gifted programmes contain almost twice the number of Asians than could be statistically expected from Jensen's projections. The children of this study have scored at or above IQ 160 on the Standford-Binet Intelligence Test L-M, an instrument with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation fo 16. Thus these children score at least 3.75 standard deviations above the mean. Fewer than 9 children in 100,000 score at or beyond this level. However, if we shift the mean upwards by 0.5 of a standard deviation, to investigate the implications of Jensen's findings and if we assume the standard deviation for the Asian population to be the same as that for non-Asians, then the criterion score of IQ 160 for entrance to this study becomes only 3.25 standard deviations above the new mean. Beyond this point lie not 9, but 58, children in 100,000. If Jensen's findings regarding a higher Asian mean are correct, and if they hold good for the Asian-Australian population as well as Asian-Americans, then we could expect to find Asian-Australians over-represented in the study by a factor of 6.5. Yet the over-representation actually found id an astonishing 15.6!

Your desecration of this thread is a good allegory for your desecration of our nations. Spare us the trouble and kill yourself you filthy gook parasite.

Saying Japan had "No western Influence" is pretty disingenuous tbh.

I never take this place seriously when it comes to matters concerning Japan, they're embarrassingly blind to the obvious. They genuinely believe Hitler thought them equals rather than diplomatic necessities.

But who cares about the truth when you have anime, right?

Unfortunately, it is pretty obvious that Hitler considered gooks equal enough that his war plans relied on them to maintain serious war fronts against both America and the Soviet Union. They were of course incapable of doing either.


Actually, it's a myth since most post-grads in the U.S. are Chinese and Indians and Asians nowadays dominate in science even though there are more White scientists. They also make up for more than half of the technological breakthroughs nowadays.
It's just a myth created to make people good about their kids not succeeding in life.
And I didn’t even mention how the Indian and Chinese youngsters are completely dominating their White counterparts as heavily discriminated minorities.





Jews, basically. Without Jews Europe would be Phillippines tier.

The position of merchants and artisans as morally, as well as socially, below farmers was derived from Chinese Confucian thought that devalued money and greed that inspired the acquisition of wealth. Confucianists considered successful agriculture basic to a well-ordered society. This orientation in viewing merchants as morally inferior also became an abiding concept of samurai Confucianism. In their writings, as Jeffersonian democracy in the early United States, there was an emphasis on the agrarian basis of a just society. The monetary power acquired by merchants and traders was to remain suspect.

Greedy chart:

Jews > White > Black > Asians

Even yours aren't following the Holla Forums-approved naming system.

Hello again, gookrach. Back at it again with the massive inferiority complex it seems?

Dude, you need to set up a MEGA or a google drive or something. Mine is half that size.

Especially since the filenames can't be saved anymore.

Stop projecting.

Nice thread OP. Post some more war pics if you have any,, and stalker-like paintings (ppl with gas masks, radioactive stuff.


Whhich whites exactly?

The oven just got ten degrees hotter.

My main art folder is too messy to upload. Some of the paintings have low resolutions and aren't properly named. IT MUST FIRST BE PERFECT. ಠ_ಠ

This painting gave me legitimatec chills, for some reason.


"Anyone who post on Holla Forums ought to be sterilized" – Hitler's clone

Stop making excuses.

Face it; You'll never be culturally or technologically superior to whites. You gooks will forever be nothing more but a soulless imitation of whites.

We're the reason why 3rd world countries still exist, while you selfish gooks only care about yourselves.

You're just mad because if it weren't for "White """"""greed"""""", you would've never gone past the bronze age. Who knows. Maybe you're an undercover half-kike using experimental tactics.


fuck wrong file

You guys are using dirty data to convince yourself that you are superior. For instance, the idiot wigger used statistics on Nobel Prize winners when the Nobel Prize started to be awarded way before any Asian nation could be fully industrialized. In 2005, Europeans had 5 times more scientists and engineers than Asians, duh. Not only that, but you stupid wiggers don't seem to understand that Nobel Prize winners is a very poor statistics for measuring meaningful science innovation (not only is there a lag of about 30 years, but it's also very arbitrary).

Then how come you're using white inventions to spread your rhetoric?

Also, if you were a superior culture, why are you trying to imitate white culture in damn near every aspect, right down to aesthetics?

It's funny how you complain about improper statistics whilst your images are lifted directly from Stormfront and bear no credibility whatsoever.

Whites have accomplished more than you - fact. We conquered you - fact. You adopted our customs and norms and to this day mimic our societies - fact.

Why not go back to r/AsianMasculinity you literal cuckold?

"A group of millions of individuals achieved more than an Asian guy." lolwut? I guess stormtards are as retarded as libtards, such selection bias.

Won't even bother arguing with retards who can't think logically. It seems people in the extreme right are as retarded as the people in the extreme left.

According to Ashley Montagu who taught anthropology at Princeton University, "The Mongoloid skull has proceeded further than in any other people".[55] "The Mongoloid skull, whether Chinese or Japanese, has been rather more neotenized than the Caucasoid or European".[55] "The female skull, it will be noted, is more pedomorphic in all human populations than the male skull".[55] In Ashley Montagu's list of "[n]eotenous structural traits in which Mongoloids… differ from Caucasoids", Montagu lists "Larger brain, larger braincase, broader skull, broader face, flat roof of the nose, inner eye fold, more protuberant eyes, lack of brow ridges, greater delicacy of bones, shallow mandibular fossa, small mastoid processes, stocky build, persistence of thymus gland into adult life, persistence of juvenile form of zygomatic muscle, persistence of juvenile form of superior lip muscle, later eruption of full dentition (except second and third molars), less hairy, fewer sweat glands, fewer hairs per square centimeter [and] long torso".[55]
According to Clive Bromhall who has a Ph.D. in zoology from Oxford University, "Mongoloid races are explained in terms of being the most extreme pedomorphic humans".[56]
Richard Grossinger, professor of anthropology at University of Maine at Portland, said "The intuition that advanced human development was pedomorphic rather than recapitulationary and accelerated was disturbing to many Eurocentric nineteenth century anthropologists".[57] "If juvenilization was the characteristic for advanced status, then it was clear that the Mongoloid races were more deeply fetalized in most respects and thus capable of the greatest development".[57]

But that isn't what I said at all, you fucking retard, and the last time I checked Asians outnumber whites drastically.

Thanks for the image, by the way. It was easy to turn against you.

Saying Southeast Asians are Asian is like saying Muslims are Europeans.

Why would you even come to a thread like this, ostensibly created for celebration of a certain range of peoples, and think that you'd get a reception of "Oh, Asians. Yes, they're great too!"

Isn't it infinitely more foolish to choose such infertile ground for your message?

Congratulations, you're subhuman meat calculators.

What's next, are you gonna claim that arabs aren't real asians? We wuz europeans an' sheeit?

since when aren't Muslims and Mexicans White?



What the fuck is wrong with these shitty mods? Why wasn't the idiot gook poster banned?

Fucking sick of good threads being ruined

The capacity to make such determinations is inherently limited in East Asians. They have low verbal intelligence and poor theory of mind, they are a race of autists.

The mods have of course decided to bumplock this thread after allowing gooks to vandalize it, they mustn't allow an art thread to take up space that might be better used by another bullshit happening thread or frog worship thread praise kek . Do we actually have any white mods here?

I'll continue posting art in the art thread from time to time. That thread has been allowed to stay up for 3 months.




That's funny on multiple levels.

Now you're just getting desperate.

Yeah, okay. I was hoping to use your efforts to make mine better. You may even be where I got much of mine here.

That's really shitty.

I am a member of the board of directors running the website.

I scraped together some agency and uploaded my folder. It's my first try, it was a bit buggy but I think that most of the paintings got through.!GQFTHA5Q!svrP6coQQw9GEbqLx4l5dQ