Incest Thread

Ever had sex with someone who's related to you? Tell your story here.

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Cousins don't count dude, that's not even incest

Me and her share the same Grandmother.

I only find incest hot when it is 2D

Yeah me and my dad hook up all the time

Then post 2D incest porn.

Are you female?





pics or go fuck yourself.

Nah, I prefer to keep me and my cousin anonymous.

this is the most autistic work of fiction i've ever seen on a chan, 10/10

Here's my own greentext. I didn't take it myself because capping your own post is gay. I posted it a few times here and on the 4am thread of Holla Forums

itt: things that happened

I did but I don't remember it. I was only 5
Parents caught me & my cousin (6yo female) having sex. Said she was on top of me. Both of us were completely naked and just taking orders from her 10yo sister

If they are true then I lost my virginity to my 1st cousin. If we didn't actually have sex….

then I'm still a virgin 30 years later

Well, I used to play "Parents" with my cousin when we were around that age. We didn't actually had sex because we didn't know what it was back then, but we did tub each other, just for fun, not for pleasure.

Stay jealous, cuck.

My cousin was pregnant with my child, but she miscarried. She was 15, I was 13.

Got a picture of her?

i hope you both get found out and get shot in the head

post your pics provided in ur pic related

At first I just thought you and your cousin were retarded redneck fucking your cousin like most rednecks do but these two lines gave it away
You're just making shit up
You might be more welcomed in

Are you upset that I got to fuck my own cousin and you haven't been able to fuck any of yours? LOL

I'm Latino. I look damn good, unlike you Trump-Tards.

Oh ok, I can believe you then, the last two lines still sound like bullshit

Article didn't include pic so here it is

5 years had past, so yes she's married and has kids. I'm best friends with several of my ex's and I'm sexually involved with them. It's not impossible.

ITT, people who have yet to have sex. Voluntarily, I mean.

Thats fucking sad.

why are mods posting with us? just fuck off, you're not one of us.

fuck off faggot

Not shooting them first.

Go to Reddit with shit like this, you fucking casual.

She was underage and flat chested. Unlike you, I like my women legal and fully developed. Fuck off with that pedo shit.

People on Holla Forums google sex, they don't have sex.

You are still mentally ill. It's because sexuaility is in the dick. It doesn't matter what your dick want to penetrate when it is your brain that is ratarded.

You haven't seen what I look like. I'm frickin' hot. I mainly come on this message board to troll people.

Can't even spell "retarded" right, can you retard?

Anyways there's nothing mentally wrong with me, I just happen to have sex with my cousin that just happens to be very hot and bangable.

I sucked my brother's dick once.


what's sex?

Eat shit, you whiny baby.
Maybe you do belong in Reddit


Go drink bleach you child molesting rapist.

Sperg out too much on Reddit?

Awwww…are your feelings hurt because I called you a child molesting rapist? LOL Go back to 4chan you retard.

owwww the little wetback boy is all butthurt how cute

I had sex with my mom when I was 4. No one cared because she wasn't my dad.

I think some Latino must have stolen your girlfriend or had sex with your mother. Stay angry cuck.

Was she hot?


I found your convo with a woman you tried to get pussy pics of.