I'll start!
Post the best politics
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The nigger-tier working class would be too dumb to build that box. 1% are 1% because they're better than you poorfag.
Lenin was a Jew like all bolsheviks
That's a hilarious picture. Can I keep it?
Thanks Lori
Vaporize every major city in the world and start again with small town values.
anarchy is for abolishing (or at least questioning) hierarchy, not smashing the state.
holding private property is the most dangerous, most important form of hierarchy today.
there is no purpose in smashing the state if the property owners then decide what is allowed and disallowed on the property we V O L U N T A R I L Y live on. We can always jump into the sea if you don't like living on the land and paying all the tariffs there.
we /nazbol/ now
Nice meme. Did you make it yourself?
mah nigga
Fixed it for you.
In full communism, building a business makes no sense. You'd know this if you knew what communism was.
In socialism, the means of production are worker owned. Building a business could be allowed, but trying to keep means of production from being used by all of society for producing for all of society is not supposed to happen, as this establishes a hierarchy between the owner of those means towards the people you are trying to sell your products to.
Anarchy means against hierarchy.
Really, if you'd know anything about the respective ideologies, you'd know this.
"Anarchy is the condition of a society, entity, group of people, or a single person that rejects hierarchy.[1] The term originally meant leaderlessness, but in 1840, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon adopted the term in his treatise What Is Property? to refer to a new political philosophy, anarchism, which advocates stateless societies based on voluntary associations. In practical terms, anarchy can refer to the curtailment or abolition of traditional forms of government."
From wikipedia, the free (as in freedom) encyclopedia (as in big book of knooowledge).
Where a word comes from and what the word means are different things.
who would opt for literally hell?
Transhumanism isn't a political philosophy and anarchy is the lack of politics. gg
Americas moderate system of Republicanism coupled with representative democracy and Keynesian capitalism is the best system of government in the world. So much so that every country on Earth tries at least in part to model themselves after America.
Unfortunately faggots are never satisfied with what they have and always bitch and moan about how much we need more communism or fascism or socialism.etc
the only thing wrong with America is the Jews, and we're making progress on that front
Bernie 2020 Bitch
Whats the point of this?
when the government is deconstructed, very little land is owned in comparison
how do you absentee own land that you arent currently using if you previously had it protected for a very tiny property tax fee through the tax dollars of everyone else via police and military
You really would die if your power went out
you know
when you born a female but u want to be otherkin
that does not imply lack of hierarchies
go on
you are a faggot
national chauvenism
anarcho nationalism
What a compelling story, Mr. Jackass… I mean user. I'll just type it up on my invisible typewriter.
t. Commissar Jhammal before he lands a pungent bullet into your temple with "the people's 9mm" pistol because you didn't follow the tenets of the revolutionary socialist bread lines
im a monarcho communist
The website doesn't work :^(
aww man
become a scientist instead
It's time for personal revolution, disregard all law and morality DWTW
I think it might be an elaborate prank
is it though
i was born an attack helicopter in my mind
but my genes are xxx
i am not female gender
Found this site, enjoying reading this keynote talk so far.
imperial dictatorship
Enlightened despotism