Hillary's government experience has been a complete horror show. She supported killing Gaddafi in Libya no serious reason, which was ridiculous enough that people working under her went behind her back to talk to Gaddafi's kids to try and circumvent her.
She's supported ousting Assad, how is a secular leader in Syria who is battling terrorist groups wanting to install an Islamic theocracy in that country.
Her diplomatic skills have been so terrible that we've had our relations with Russia go to complete shit and Iran practically mocks us.
Her political policies shift with just a gentle breeze, since just a decade ago she was against gay marriage (now for it), against illegal immigration (now fine with it), was in favor of the Iraq war (now against it) and so on. She's also widely despise so it could end up with another embattled congress that wouldn't be able to do much anything as liberals become even more radicalized. They already think openly assaulting people for disagreement is perfectly fine.
With Trump, we know he can enforce most of what he's talked about through executive actions (undo a lot of the bullshit decisions by Obama and limit immigration), he can tell border patrol to do their job (they're currently told not to which is a position supported by Hillary), and he can enact simple policy decisions like (lets not try doing another Iraq quagmire but with Syria this time).
Just those things alone should be reason enough to vote for him since he's been massively more into being peaceful than Hillary, talked of protecting American jobs (limiting visas and illegal immigration), arguing for tariffs to help our own industries compete and been in favor of demanding cities follow the law (which oddly is controversial for Democrats now).
Some have argued he can't do executive actions, without arguments as to why. Which doesn't make much sense when they've allowed Obama to do so many.
Some have argued his talk about renegotiating trade deals would hurt Americans. Thing is though, we're dealing with massive unemployment so things being more expensive would be a small price to pay to ensure more of our citizens had actual jobs instead of depending on welfare. Democrats hate this because they want to sound like the party behind American workers, while establishment Republicans hate it because they want to back corporate interests over Americans'. By the way, unemployment figures from the government are fallacious as they don't count people that have gone too long without work.
The illegal immigration situation is also much more dire than most politicians have wanted to admit in the past. At least $25 billion flies out of the country in remittances to Mexico (people sending money back home). This means tons of money leaving local economies that could have helped provide jobs. Some states in the US also are dealing with costs from illegals in the tens of billions, that we could be done with if we deported many of these people, which most certainly would not cost tens of billions. When Trump has talked of Mexico paying for the wall, he's referred to impounding remittances, which can be done with an executive action. That would deprive Mexico of the $25+ billion a year, which is more than their oil industry produces.