Why are leftists such insufferable cunts?

Why are leftists such insufferable cunts?

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because they are in power, thus they attract cunts to their movement. wait a while with the right being in power and then we will get cunts appearing in that side as well.

its just the way things go.

why are authoritarians on the left and the right such insufferable cunts?

because authoritarians are cunts?

I think your are confusing left with progressives ive met a lot of people that are actually left that a re lovely people. Wrong, but lovely people. Ive never met a pleasant progressive.

shut up you fucking POLTARD!!!

Isn't the original of this picture reversed?

On further investigation, there's no political Have fun living in a world where your core beliefs dictate your intelligence and not the other way around.

*political implications. Have

Fuck me running.

Progressives are on the left. They are moving further to the left every day and taking innocent retards with them. On the right, you have a pretty diverse cast of characters, ranging from neocons to white nationalists. On the left, you have a small minority that claims to be classical liberals while the rest are progressive authoritarian faggots.

god you're a cancer on this fucking world. At least pol keeps to their own board. You fucking infest everything like parasite. kill yourself.

again but you shouldn't just say left. you explained it yourself while all progressives are left not all people on the left are progressive. But i understand where you're coming from.

I'm not OP but I get where he is coming from. Most people on the left are authoritarian. That's all I am trying to say. Classical liberals are a small crowd of outcasts and are basically extinct.

Sounds like a difference of opinion. Just remember that science and evidence tends to swing left. Not always, but on a lot of issues data, evidence, and tests swing left. The big issues are traditions vs. novelty and spend vs. save.

Innovation but spending: left
Stagnation but savings: right

I mean there is a lot more to it but that covers a wide swathe of viewpoints: Do I want to spend money, and if so what for?

Mean idiots are in every sides.

Very fair point

exactly a difference of opinion. And theirs happened to be wrong. (common sense gun laws, free college, free abortions)

Break it down for me slick.

In order, for me:

Further on abortions, we are at a low for teenage pregnancies at the moment, thanks to improving educational standards and the efforts of places like planned parenthood.

It's like preventative maintenance on a car vs. being told to not drive it. You will actually wind up hurting a car if you let it sit too long (as you threaten harm to a psyche or higher pregnancy/STD risk by advocating for abstinence-only).

To be fair, they're only insufferable cunts to those on the right or in the middle. To their own kind, they're just fine. I went from being a centrist who gave the Sanders campaign a hundred bucks, to a full-on Trump supporter and voted for him twice.

A big part of what drove me more to the right was the shear cuntiness of the liberals I know and have witnessed online. They're like crying babies 24/7, and even now they complain and talk of "fighting" the Trump, a legally elected US president.

They think that because Trump uses street talk and speaks his mind, it somehow disqualifies him from being "presidential."

GW Bush was presidential (sort of) and he dragged the US into an illegal war and destabilized a big chunk of the Middle East. Bill Clinton was presidential and he got impeached. Obama was presidential and he foisted a totally unfair healthcare tax on millions of Americans, and turned Libya into the "human trafficking capital of the world."

I'm ready for an "unpresidential" president, thanks.

If you want to hate me more, I'm also an advocate for a Universal Basic Income, Socialized Medicine, and Black Lives Matter.

Did you know a flat 10% tax with no cuts would net roughly $1.07 trillion annually from the top 20% of the US population?

And plays the tax system like a fiddle
And more-than-likely raped a 13 year old
And probably raped/molested many others
Has had a few affairs
Is two- and even three-faced
Turns faster than a top on most of his policies
Has already damaged world-wide relations
Especially with China, who is already retaliating
Talked against illegals while using illegals
Talked against imports while using imports
Ran a shady charity that he pulled funds from for his own gain on multiple occasions
Wants more nukes
Thinks the above is a good thing
Uses the word "dummer" in his tweets
Can't take criticism
Selected the most wealthy and least educated/prepared cabinet ever seen
Put an Oil mogul as Secretary of State

But yeah let's get hype everyone. WWIII incoming.

Hillary is also a fucking cunt and honestly I'm happy Trump won. Exposed how horrific and ignorant most of the US can be. Hillary would have been an entirely different kind of shitstorm. It was either a war with Russia or a war with China.




Doubtful. We KNOW Trump likes voluptuous women, not 13 year old girls.


What man in a position of great power hasn't?

Not my problem.

He's fluid like a ninja.

Oh noes, I guess we'll never recover from that.

China will be China regardless.

Has he been popped for hiring illegals?

You don't need to be a whale to write Moby Dick.

The Clinton's did that and worse.

He'll back peddle on the whole nukes thing once his people explain it to him.

He doesn't know what it means.

And GW Bush was a grand master of elocution.

So what?

They're going to kick mother fucking ass. You will see.

Uh huh, and GW Bush's entire cabinet were former oil people.

stay mad eurabian

My work here is done.


This is what I meant by "[Trump] [e]xposed how horrific and ignorant most of the US can be." People just want to be "right" and gloat instead of argue and debate properly.

This is our new status quo for about a year until everyone realizes what a grand mistake we've made. Until he attempts to pull us into a war via Twitter or tries to get his hands on the button. I fully expect him to last a term or less and we're gonna be fucked when Mike Pence takes power because that terrifying fucker actually knows what he's doing.

Wow, a really smart move for China to make. Let's make war with a country that is the backbone of your society, the country that buys our products and gives our people jobs to do.

You sound just like your idol, so good job there I guess. Cult of personality at its finest.




That is an awful photoshop job.


Keep the shit shoops coming.




The problem is that the propose things that all on paper sound good things that if you just spit out sound like a good idea as a guise to trick a lot of the less educated voters.
Also they are wrong because in practice they would hurt more than help.

I honestly don’t know what you mean I never really mentioned corruption
I think deep down we all want America to be a better place but the difference is what to do and how we would go about doing it.

pt 1

By the time the 2nd amendment was written plenty “assault weapons” were already made.
> The belton flintlock created during the revolutionary war and could fire 20 shots with a single trigger pull over the course of about 3-5 seconds. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belton_flintlock
>The Girandoni Air rifle while made a couple years after 1776 this gun could first a thirty round high capacity magazine in about 30 seconds. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girandoni_air_rifle
Thomas Jefferson even outfitted the Louis and Clark expedition with them.
> The puckle gun is an actual Gatling gun made 50+ years before 1776 en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puckle_gun
> fuck even pepperbox revolvers could hold more than 20+ rounds and they were made hundreds of years before the revolutionary war. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepper-box

Not only that youre thinking that the founding father wrote the amendment without thinking that weapons could ever get better or advance. You understand by that logic your freedom of speech doesn’t count if you text it or post it online because computers weren’t invented then either.

also automatic weapons are already illegal in most states and that’s not whats included in “common sense gunlaws” they call them common sense and then push things like no fly no buy under this too. Its taking away someone’s rights without telling them or a trial. And also the militia has nothing do do with what we are talking about. “The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Very clear. Also they use terms like “assault weapons” can you define assault weapon please no ambiguous term that allow for loopholes that enable the infringement of a constitutional right.
pt 2

Europe most euro countries have way more taxes than we do.
also what regulations and rule because all of ideas said were essentially “if you’re under 25 you get free college on behalf of the tax payer” I nor anyone else should have to pay for a useless degree in English, etc . If you look into the years colleges raise their prices youll see that they coincide with the same years the government subsidizing them. They are price gouging people because they can.

Its bad because why should I pay for someone else’s mistake. I do not want to pay for a women to have a doctor shove a pair of scissors though a babies head.

Like minimum wage? Who doesn’t

I thought so and I just have to say you should live in a country with socialized medicine because I don’t think you ever have.
when lived in Canada I dislocated my elbow and it took 14 hours in the er to get it treated.
so you’re either misinformed or racist?
im going to assume misinformed.

Also even with all that no hate, you're willing to talk with me like a person and that’s all I can ask for. Good on you.


because they are always infiltrated and run by narcissists, and then they solicit more narcissists and their hanger-on white knights thru virtue signaling and permission-able assholishness, valuing radicalism in a democracy of all places, subverting the beautiful ideas and concepts to appease their lowest weaponized ranks. it is no longer a political stance but a replacement ideology for puritans with skeletons in the closet. their intellectual leaders are peacocking musicians and their media handlers and owners.


why is the left and right mixed up?

I'm pretty sure they're on the correct sides.


yeah, people on the left are generally intellectuals and know what they are talking about. They usually use logic, who am I kidding?


left = muslims
right = everyone else

octopus brother



There wasn't another option except this retard commie new who stole ALL YOIR DONATIONS


why are polyps so confused about what a leftist is
we hate SJWs you faggot

actually anyone that is doing science tends to swing right, unless their preferred career choice involves total funding from government in which case they must signal left

They are retarded and they don't question what they are taught and what they read.

Everybody who follows some kind of political belief is an insufferable cunt. They can't just stop going on about how stupid the others are while they see themselves as the smartest. Fuck them, fuck you, fuck me too.

They want to be different and unlike their conservative parents so they wear Chavez shirts and riot after Trump wins while at the same time going to an expensive university

spooks are spooks

pick one
I don't think serving a foreign nation's interest over your own, even your greatest ally, is a right wing principle






Because they are more educated.
The ones you demonize are cherry picked.



why live? ;_;

I don't get it. That's not my wife. I don't even have a wife.

Of course I don't. I'm a man, not a tranny.

You're a single lonely virgin Trump supporter? No wonder you hate Latinos, we're fucking the women you could never have.

and you don't see anything wrong with that? It's 2016!

Of course there isn't anything wrong with being a man. I was born a man. I refuse to conform to the transgender bullshit. It's retarded as fucked. SJW's are cancer to society, trying to push this transgender agenda on people.

Marxism is a system designed by (((parasites))), for (((parasites))).

not everyone born with a penis is male

You're a retard.

Get the fuck out.

open a fucking book for once in your goddamn lives

They get off to feeling righteous.

So it's a smug asshole on the right who thinks he knows everything, hates free choice, and likes to insult and deride others; and a pussy chickenshit numale on the left who hates sovereignty, guns, and free discussion?

Stop being a libtard and grow some balls you ignoramus.

what did you expect from left and right

egoism of everyone gets a trophy leads to searching for 'why my life sucks'

Due to excessive levels of egoism, the left cannot accept that the problems are from their own flaws. This leads them to eventually adopting an ideology that they are oppressed. Because of this it eventually becomes a rush to see whos the most oppresssed as every single second of ones life can be uploaded on social media. Downward spiral ensues.
