You know it hurts people's feelings
Why are you all so racist?
Other urls found in this thread:
i'm not trying to hurt feelings, i'm trying to kill them.
emotions are the cause of every problem that has ever existed, you faggot nigger kike spic.
It's funny because it's true.
you forgot homophobic and anti-semitic
you fucking white people are evil racist and should all be killed
you're welcome for electricity.
That's the point, if they have hurt feelings maybe they'll leave us white people alone and go back to their fucking tree forts.
White guy here. Everyone is racist to us more than any other race. We are a world minority. Even our own people are racist towards us, so, I don't really care you damn nigger.
POC can't be racist stupid
can coloureds be racially prejudiced?
pls stop postings
dont try to silance me!
White is a color.
you cavebeasts dont got know color
Niggers are harder to see in the dark than white people are.
how does it feel knowing that 'cavebeasts' discovered electricity and you didn't?
I wonder why cavebeasts achieve more with less than the typical Dindu?
white lies
Racists prove their own inferiority by hiding behind their "race's" achievements. They're sad individuals with no talent, workrate or passion, who try to mooch status off of other people's achievements, just cos these other people look a little bit like them.
That goes for SJW reverse racists too.
I remember a video of a huwhite man named Jared Taylor citing racial data with actual sources in a debate against a half-huwhite half-dindu rapper. Of course they had to end it when the Dindu started saying math and research was just the huwhite man's bologna.
Reminder that most math and science fields are actually disproportionally occupied by Jews.
You are a faggot and a nigger apologist.
Sure, we should condemn anecdotes when a racist cites a white genius or a anti-racist cites a black genius.
However there are multitudes of data that not only disprove the Leftist idea that race is a social construct, but also show actual differences in performance between the races being rooted largely in biology.
Nothing published since 1975. Most of it based on tests of cultural knowledge from white culture, or things taught in schools that white people have better access to.
Your utter inability to understand that everyone in academia now recognises that race is a social construct disproves your belief in racial superiority.
Also, reminder that so called "racists" have a valid reason to discuss facts related to race. Let's not forget a little thing we call affirmitive action, and how we are basing policies off of Leftist ideas about race and how everyone is inherently the same.
We're not all the same, so passing laws to try and make it that way can fuck up real economies and society in general.
Not objective.
Mental gymnastics score 2.0
Explain why I'm wrong then, fuckface.
Tip: you can't.
You're insinuating that mainstream academia has the final say, yet conveniently miss the fact that it would be politically incorrect to publish anything contrary. You're acting as if there is no political influence in what we call mainstream science.
By the way, what is sickle cell anemia?
How about melanin? Does the biological differences between a caucasoid and a negroid end there?
Let's also not forget genes specifically related to intelligence can be found in more than 50% of caucasions vs less than 2% of negroids.
Also, blacks even have an extra muscle in their legs at rates whites don't, and this gives them an edge in terms of running.
So many biological differences, yet somehow race is a social construct?
Studies have even come out that show how some white genes can raise a white persons rate of heart failure by 15%, but a black's by 250%, which debunks the idea that race-mixing increases sexual fitness, as genes work together, and the mixing can fuck up your homeostasis.
There's shitloads of evidence for homeopathy, if you only read homeopathy journals and don't ask for real clinical trials.
There's even clinical trials which provide evidence for homeopathy, if you don't care that they're badly done or offset by other evidence.
Racists can cherry-pick their low-quality "evidence" while ignoring today's science.
Did you not see this set of data?
It would be politically incorrect to publish something non-racist in 1930, or in a Nazi outlet today.
I didn't say there were no biological differences, retard. They're not significant in terms of social outputs. Sickle cell anemia doesn't cause crime or poverty or low educational performance.
Also, the fact that scientists recognise sickle cell anemia and melanin disproves your first point that they're prevented from recognising biological differences by political correctness.
Angloamerican Journal of Racial Science and Stormfaggotry 12 (2), 1971
Blacks are racially superior, then.
Triggered as fuck
Provide me with actual data or numbers that I can double-check myself.
No copypasta of entire articles.
Actual data that shows how race is a social construct, even in the face of the fact that
Among third cousins, fertility and intelligence is highest.
The way genetics works means anything closer in genetics and farther in genetics, especially race mixing is worse for your offsprings genetics.
Just because the Catholic Church decided to condemn Gallileo as the majority, doesn't mean that he was wrong.
Consensus can very well be manipulated, especially with tax dollars.
Why are liberals evolution deniers?
Not triggered, I am laughing my ass off at your stupidity.
If there's ever fascism again, it will be hilarious when retards like you get Aktion T4'd.
Replying to the wrong guy
whew lad
it's almost as if it would be completely different to say that one set of genes are more prominent in one racial group over another, than be able to freely say in a PC dominated mainstream that race exists.
Whew lad.
Reminder that the cutoff for which a civillization can exist is above an average IQ of 95, and that the average nigger IQ is 85.
In some countries it's down to 59, though I do admit there is a degree to which it's no longer just genetics, as I am pro-science unlike the evolution denying Leftists.
I believe the word you're looking for is "prejudice"
POC can not be racist against whites because racism is by definition the systematic oppression of minorities by those with power and privilege. Since POC have neither, they can not be "racist" against whites.
There are no truly scientific IQ tests, and the ones that exist don't produce those kinds of scores, you've pulled them out your ass.
The figure of 59 comes from a population of developmentally disabled Spanish children who for some reason are presented as standing for the whole of Equatorial Guinea (then a Spanish colony).
There is no way they could measure a "civilization cutoff" because they'd have to define "civilization" and somehow test hundreds of long-dead peoples. By most definitions there have been civilizations in Africa - Egypt, Nubia, Great Zimbabwe, Songhay, Ghana, Sokoto Caliphate, etc.
Racist and Racism or two different words moron you give the definition of Racism and then say POC can't be Racist….are you retarded?
I wish. When looking at identical twins, their IQ scores are 70% similar, which is higher than non identical twins (60%) and regular siblings (30-50). Genetics plays a large part in intelligence
The IQ test is still the best test to measure common sense. If you take an IQ test and get under 95, you are generally a fucking idiot. The only people who vehemently try to discredit IQ tests are ones that fall into the "under 95" category like I just mentioned.
Quora is Left-leaning tbh.
Also point out the data, no article copypasta.
Reminder that there are less genetic differences between Asians and Europeans than both of those races compared to Africans.
Yet.. Even when the closely gened European mixes with the Asian, the child is more likely to have issues all around vs the parents.
When you mix either an Asian or European with an African these dangers only increase.
There is no scientific way to measure what is called "intelligence" in the everyday meaning of the term. The best-designed IQ tests measure something more precise, such as pattern recognition. The badly-designed ones are just trivia quizzes.
Identical twins also have more social experiences in common, and share more of their lives on average, than regular twins or siblings. Unless you can find studies of identical twins separated at birth, you have no proof of genetic influence whatsoever.
I know, and I agree with you entirely in regards to how in developed societies we can correlate intelligence with genetics by 80%.
But in Africa they don't eat for some reason so basically everyone is retarded, secondary to genetics.
How about SAT scores than retard?
Both IQ and SAT scores are good predictors of success when applied to a large population..
The belief that intelligence tests are inaccurate is entirely on the assumption that intelligence tests are too Western (and therefore math is racist), and that the outliers make the scores insignificant.
This is irrelevant in the face that economic success, genetics, and IQ are all the strongest correlated factors.
Even race has a stronger correlation with crime than economic status and employment rates.
By the way, way to keep moving the goal-posts. Somehow every fucking time these arguments either end with Leftist concession, or just outright shitting on IQ.
The Quora article links to dozens of academic articles.
Example: the Sage article shows that transracial adoptees show improvements in intelligence which are explained by social circumstances, and continuing differences are largely explicable in terms of early childhood and adoption experiences.
What if they are smiling?
No one argues that environment is irrelevant in IQ, but the gap is so large it still doesn't solve your case.
Bodmer and Cavalli-Sforza (1970) have pointed out:
'As geneticists we can state with certainty that there is no a priori reason
why genes affecting IQ, which differ in the gene pools of blacks and whites,
should be such that on the average whites have significantly more genes
increasing IQ than blacks do' (p. 28)
Roger Brown
The Mricans who were brought to North America as slaves originated 'from areas
as far apart as West Africa, Angola, and Madagascar, . .. and represented as
great a biological range as that found in Europe' (Pettigrew, 1964). Mter three
centuries of miscegenation with whites, 75 per cent of American Negroes have
at least one white forbear, and some 15 per cent have a predominantly white
ancestry (Herskovits, 1930; Stern, 1954). These facts make it unlikely that
American Negroes have any very sharply distinctive inborn psychological
characteristics (p. 184).
In view of the mixed make-up of the black population of the United
States, an extremely powerful direct test of the genetic hypothesis can be
made by comparing the I.Q. scores of black people with their known percentage
of white ancestry…
revealed, to the embarrassment of the genetic hypothesis, that the I.Q.
scores of blacks bear no relation whatever to percentage of white ancestry.
One carefully controlled study by Witty and Jenkins (1935) for example,
revealed that those black children with the highest I.Q.s among 8,000
enrolled in the Chicago public school system possessed a distribution of
racial admixtures which was remarkably similar to that found in the black
population as a whole (see Table 1).
Reminder that mixed-children have more mental and physical health issues than normal children
May I remind you that correlation != causation. Also, what source does this little graph come from? What date? Which context?
How many of the people who have invented things centuries ago have actually done IQ tests at any time in their lives? How do we know what Newton's or Plato's or Tesla's IQ was?
How many people have high IQs but never invent, achieve, or create anything worthwhile because they're poor, criminalised, autistic, 'mentally ill', etc?
I've worked in universities and I've lived in the squatter milieu and I'm not sure the former are consistently more intelligent than the latter. There are thousands of undiscovered geniuses who are struggling to survive. The academics are, however, generally better at passing tests (because of things like attention span, familiarity with tests, bureaucratic mindset, etc).
Also fucking summarize what you're trying to say. I too could spam word-heavy copypasta but I fucking don't because I know that transparency makes communicating points 1000x better.
Journal of Shitposting and Trumptardery 3:1 (2013)
You wanted scientific facts, you got them.
Lesson, retard: genetic science and heritability are FUCKING COMPLICATED. If you can't understand the science, stop pretending you know what you're talking about.
Geneticists have proven that whatever genes affect IQ are no mroe common among whites than blacks.
Social scientists have proven that black Americans with white blood do not get higher IQ scores than those with only black blood.
American whites and blacks are not genetically separate populations, they overlap enormously. 75% of blacks have white blood.
Reminder that when you don't count the verbal portion of the test (the supposed racist part) that people who have things like aspergers will ave 130+ IQ. Newton and Tesla, many more mathematicians had aspergers. Mental disease occures in rediculous rates at IQ above 140 vs the general population.
No one's arguing that a lower IQ person can't be extraordinary, but when it comes to math heavy places you really have to be a sperg to some degree to have an edge.
IQ is very real in places that require math and problem solving. Fuck off with the multiple intelligences meme.
Better anecdotal evidence than no evidence.
This is an extremely trivial matter to disagree with. Any real geneticist will understand that alleles in populations will select for specific healthier combinations.
A nigger and a huwhite man obviously have strong genetic differences with different sets of alleles, this is why people think that diversity is their strength, because they assume mixed shit has a wider range of defenses right?
Some alleles have other alleles that keep the body at homeostasis.
Children born to mixed parents have more oxiditive stress for example due to a less balanced set of enzymes.
A quick google search gives this copypasta, doesn't even get into the complexity of genetics.
Conducted by researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the National Institutes of Health, the investigation found that adolescents of mixed race were more likely to have other health problems as well.
"It did not matter what races the students identified with, the risks were higher for all of them if they did not identify with a single race," said Dr. J. Richard Udry, principal author of a paper on the work appearing in the November issue of the American Journal of Public Health.
I only pretend to be racist to cause mass butthurt, It's cultures I hate not races.
Good at math =/= making discoveries which benefit humanity. You (or whoever posted before) included creative achievements such as "literature, music, arts" - which has NOTHING to do with math - "agriculture, politics" - which probably don't either, etc.
How many people with aspergers, bipolar etc never achieve anything because of social exclusion, discrimination, or psychiatric incarceration? Isn't this more likely to affect black and latino kids, Third World kids etc?
You aren't gonna discover time travel if you're shot by the pigs at age 14 because you can't stand being touched.
You realise 25% of Somalis are on the autism spectrum, right?
Again, mixed children are less healthy due to the raping of their genetics via imbalance of chemicals.
Also, there are actual brain size differences, with the highest IQ Asian masterrace (low test though) having the largest brains.
This thread is hilarious…moar
Evidence-light… you have no proof that alleles related to intelligence, crime, poverty, etc are more common in some populations than others.
Not fucking genetic conditions, idiot. Identity confusion could easily cause depression. So could bullying. So could lack of social belonging.
Math has nothing to do with success or innovation? Okay so now that we've established that you're a retard…
Reminder that whites actually are disproportionately shot more by police when you remember that they commit much les violent crime, debunking muh racist police holding down MUH KANGZ
Also, high-functioning aspergers occurs in smarter people. The farther down the spectrum has dimishing, and then negative intelligence benefits.
I'm seeing a lot of unsourced claims from racists in this thread. And anyway, brain size has nothing to do with IQ, elephant brains weigh three times as much as human brains.
You're literally arguing the point that genetics plays no part in behavior, when even something as trivial to understand as the inheretability rate of mental disorder is impossible to deny. You're literally claiming genes play no part in the structure of the brain. Re-think what you're trying to say. Until then, fuck-off.
Math has nothing to do with success in literature, politics, art, music, or (probably) agriculture.
If all you're arguing is that people who are good at math are more likely to make major discoveries in math, physics, computer programming, and a few other specialised areas, you're right. That doesn't prove that math ability is some kind of stand-in for "intelligence" - or that it has anything to do with race.
Most of the items we use today were not invented by individual "great" inventors anyway, but come from folk knowledge.
You just compared elephants to humans. You must be retarded. When you compare humans to humans, this is apples to apples. Humans have similiar brain structure, so when you measure the effects of different variables, of course brain size in different people will have a strong correlation until you compare them to another fucking animal.
There is correlation with brain size, race, and intelligence. There is also correlation between different combinations of alleles and intelligence. These combinations are more common in whites than blacks.
Heritability for depression is less than 50%, and nobody knows the mechanism (if there is one - it's very hard to unpack heritability from childhood environment, in vitro experience, etc).
Your stupid correlation about mixed-race children and genetics contains no evidence that heritability is the reason. In fact, the study you're talking about does not deal with heritability at all. For all you know, depressed people are more likely to have mixed-race children, and that's why the children have depression!
Seriously. Not only do you cherry-pick the worst kind of quantoid social science - you also have no idea what this science does and doesn't prove on its own terms.
Problem solving and math are what determine success. The better the problem solving abilities of a large group, the better success they have. Kys anti-evolution and anti-history bigot.
Try "Ashkenazi Jews and shizophrenia", or the inheretability of rate of bipolar among daughters.
Nope. It all depends what you're looking for "success" in. Thinking outside the box is very rarely problem-solving.
Brain size is not genetic.
Cancer post. Denying the impact of math and science on civillization. You must be gassed.
You are denying that anything BUT math and science affects civilization.
OK, retard. Explain how the rise of agriculture was due to one individual's math skills.
The overall mean for East Asians was 17cm3 more than for Whites and 97cm3 more than for Blacks.
Since every cubic centimeter of brain tissue contains millions of brain cells and billions of synapses, the race differences in brain size help to explain the race differences in IQ.
The latest overview, billed as the “world’s largest brain study to date,” saw a team of more than 200 scientists from 100 institutions worldwide collaborate to map the human genes that boost or sabotage the brain’s resistance to a variety of mental illnesses and Alzheimer’s disease.
Additionally, the study (also published in the journal Nature Genetics), found new genes which control “differences in brain size and intelligence.”
Math is a test of the ability to problem-solve. To deny that problem-solving is not the driving factor behind innovation or the means to which we accomplish things is rediculous.
Mixed children are cancer and diversity is not our strength
Obscure far-right online publication.
Source of statistic:
Obscure far-right book publisher
John R. Baker died in 1984. This book is from 1974 and was panned even then.
Second source of article:
OK, that sounds like evidence. Is there any evidence HMGA2 is more common in white or Asian people than black people?
Google Scholar turned up blank on that one.
Aggression (just one behavior) is related to genetics, and these genetics are found more in niggers
Antisocial behaviors are complex polygenic phenotypes that are due to a multifactorial arrangement of genetic polymorphisms. Little empirical research, however, has been undertaken that examines gene × gene interactions in the etiology of conduct disorder and antisocial behavior. This study examined whether adolescent conduct disorder and adult antisocial behavior were related to the dopamine D2 receptor polymorphism (DRD2) and the dopamine D4 receptor polymorphism (DRD4).
A sample of 872 male participants from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) completed self-report questionnaires that tapped adolescent conduct disorder and adult antisocial behavior. DNA was genotyped for DRD2 and DRD4.
Multivariate regression analysis revealed that neither DRD2 nor DRD4 had significant independent effects on conduct disorder or antisocial behavior. However, DRD2 interacted with DRD4 to predict variation in adolescent conduct disorder and in adult antisocial behavior.
The results suggest that a gene × gene interaction between DRD2 and DRD4 is associated with the development of conduct disorder and adult antisocial behavior in males.
Aspies can be brilliant at math and computer programming, and utterly unable to figure out how to work a kettle or what to do if a cup breaks.
Reddit having a meltdown lmao
Brain size is correlated with race, so if that gene you listed is also correlated with brain size, I don't see why this jump is such a big deal for you.
See this ,
In link they used black and white males here
The result?
>The allelic distribution of the A-1 allele was examined by race, which revealed that African Americans possessed significantly more A-1 alleles than non-Hispanic Caucasians (χ2 = 19.29, df = 2, p < .001).
Race is not just a social construct, and even if it is, there are differences within genes.
Study says nothing about race.
Study says nothing about aggression.
Study does not test whether DRD2 variance was due to genetics, or whether DRD2 functioning can be damaged.
Study says conduct disorder/ASPD diagnosis correlates with differences in dopamine reception (tip: dopamine is the chemical released by cocaine, the one which gives an instant hit of gratification.
They've basically just "proved" that people with ASPD have poor impulse control. Which is not surprising since poor impulse control is a defining clinical feature of ASPD.
look, all i'm saying is that white people are objectively better than every other group of people on the planet and therefore the lesser races must be exterminated.
is that really so offensive?
Diminishing returns, of course.
However I don't understand that for what I assume you to be (a Leftist), you seem to be so opposed to the idea that higher education is important..? Isn't that the liberal solution to the black performance gap?
The study shows that a certain gene - which, as far as we know, does not correlate with race - causes both larger brain size and higher IQ (however they've tested that).
It does not show that all differences in brain size affect IQ.
It does not show that all differences in brain size are genetic.
No one actually wants them to be exterminated faggot. Nationalism wants people to be seperate because we believe it's healthier. Nazism is dead.
Higher education is not just about math and science.
Nor is it just about finding the people with "highest IQ" so as to teach them math and science.
whew lad.. Where are the goal-posts again? This is a lot of fucking work for a lot of shitty feedback. Anything contrary to the idea of inheretability of genes and how some racial groups have higher rates of certain genes?
The entire human experiene is getting past obstacles. We are simply chemically driven meat puppets that navigate the world using different sets of logic when faced with different inputs.
To deny the fact that reality is a set of input and output of data.. You might just give me cancer.
The study actually showed how among the lines of race and genetics, we can find physical differences which turn out in different behavior.. This is how structural differences produce actual behavioral characteristics more common in one racial group v another.
Notice that this does not show that "race" is genetically real. Some black men do not have A1 alleles, some white men have A1 alleles - the populations overlap.
The A1 alleles have NOTHING TO DO with the DRD2 and DRD4 receptors which are believed to correlate with ASPD.
Race is included as a CONTROL VARIABLE - meaning that the researchers are trying to make sure that the genetic differences they are studying are NOT confounded by racial differences in crime rates (which they assume to be environmentally caused).
Genetic combinations which it later goes on to show are more common in some races (the violent darker ones) than others play a part in behavior.
It doesn't show anything about "behavior", it shows that a particular gene correlates with higher IQ. This gene isn't distributed differently among different races.
It does not show that DRD2 and DRD4 are more common in black men.
It shows that A1 alleles are more common in black men, which has nothing to do with aggression.
1)There is no such thing as race.
2)There's only the human race.
3)The human race is only divided by ethnic or ideological grounds.
4)The human race is therefore a spook.
5)Only ghosts can post ITT.
Genetic difference between race? Huh?
I'll just leave this here…
Next you'll say that genes and different gene combinations play no part in intelligence or behavior, right?
I'm not conservative. Libertarian Nationalist.
Since you believe that people's genes made them do it, you're fine with abolishing prison, right?
And killing them instead? Yes.
Racists are unintelligent people. Probably genetically inferior people.
why not gene therapy?
Why waste the resources?
Would appreciate some studies post-2015 to support your statement tbh.
I actually don't think it's racist to think we should govern races the same. I think holding blacks and Hispanics to the same standards actually could naturally select for the better behaved populations.
I do not hate people because they have nigger skin. Anytime I hear people say blacks are dumb or accuse me of believing so, I remind them myself that at least 16% of blacks are equal to the top 50% of whites above the 100 IQ mark.
I am not christian, but it is a christian idea that even if one out of a thousand are good, you cannot simply commit genocide because the majority is bad.
If people are biologically determined and do not have free will, there is no basis for hating or preferring certain groups (or for preferring humans over animals). The most logical choice for an ethical system is utilitarianism (maximise pleasure over pain). Utilitarianism leads to approximate social equality because of decreased marginal utility.
Says the guy who cited a 1972 book on race.
Just an user that joined in the convo tbh. Give me a researcher and I'll use my uni db to find them.
You realize that racism is associated with higher testosterone right? So if racism means you're dumb, reminder that niggers have both the lowest IQ and the highest test..
It is not logically consistent to believe in transcendent values such as human improvement or civilization, and also to believe that people are biologically determined automata. If people are biologically determined automata, then some only prefer transcendent values for the same biological reasons that others prefer supposedly inferior values.
can a thread really be this spooked???
i could ask the same of killing them.
execution removes them from the workforce, fixing them makes them valuable.
Unknown-unknowns tbh. We both lack the data to argue our point.
Each and every single one of you needs to commit suicide, no matter what side of the " you are on. It is all pointless intellectual dicksucking that has no impact on the world outside of this board whatsoever. You are not going to be able to convince anyone of anything around here, so fuck off.
OP asks why people are so racist and then almost immediately makes a racist statement…wew lad
What a fucking joke you stupid racists are. Can't wait to kill off every single one of you.
We could fix them if we policed them better.. Natural selection selects those best fit to reproduce..
Even though blacks commit 5x as much crime, they're only shot 3.5 at most as whites are…
So much irony in one comment!!
We have nothing better to do lmao
This tbh.
what? no. if the problem is caused by genes, just find which genes are the problem, and change them to genes that you've found do not result in those problems.
You are literally retarded.
Nice try Holla Forumsyp. We ran an IQ test at Holla Forums and literally everyone scored over 115, including me.
WinRar comment fuck the DRUMFCUCKS!!!1!!1
Proven fakes. We've debuked them over at Holla Forums go and see in the general thread.
Was deleted because mods thought Holla Forumsyps would get pissed and raid the board due to their inferiority complex.
Pick one
Also, I don't think it's actually crazy to consider that most people who spend their time sperging out online tend to be higher on the IQ spectrum. Probably all on the Autism spectrum as well though.
You really suck at this
Finding a logical string of fallacies that leads to your preconceived notions about an issue is not debunking anything if you are not willing to articulate that reasoning outside of your pathetic hugbox in a manner that does not make me laugh at you.
Stay mad drumpfucks. We'll be back in 4 years.
The bait is real lmao
english literature.
Socialism has no economic incentive therefor will rely on Capitalist infrastructure and an ignorant populace (women and niggers) to become the dominant economic system.
We wuz moors tbh
Niggers weren't the Arabic Egyptians who built the pyramids. Fuck off. We will not debate the nonexistent black excellence meme that they were kangz and shieeet. Nononononono.
Mulatto nation by 2050 drumpfcuck, can't wait tbh.
This is now a we will pretend Arabian civillizations are valid examples of black excellency thread, also known as a we wuz kangz dump
stormderps out!
Debunked x100 go to the Holla Forums general and you'll see
Niggers are retarded
I don't idolize ancient Arabs you dumb nigger
Not debunked ….Confirmed by multiple sources stay salty
Also when the money sinkhole known as shitskin gibs me dat runs out I will anticipate the race war against the lower IQ niggers, that or when whites flee America like we flee every city that turns into black ghettos. America will turn into every black majority Urban center
Lol ok.
Ty for conceding.
Holla Forums wins again
Real communism has never been tried on leftypol
Losers can't be winners faggot
Question to all of the retards in this thread that refuse to believe that niggers are as intelligent as a bag of potatoes: How many niggers have you ACTUALLY met IN REAL LIFE? I am genuinely curious.
This guy gets it
Reminder that Hitler hated the Jews on the basis that they were both the major proponents of Capitalism, but also made up 50% of Communist Russian revolutionaries.
Leon Trotsky was a fucking kike. Given this logic, Hitler only did what Leftist America is doing to whites, by using political subversion on the basis that whites are disproportionately more successful, like Jews and Germany's banks, and then using economic policies to remove them from power.
Lefty pol is just a word-conscious Hitler
I'm a nigger with a genius IQ. Scared I'll steal your wife or sister? Cause I will. I'm smart enough to do it behind your back even.
This is a bait thread
Only 16% of niggers have an IQ over 100 vs 50% of whites…
Bait or LARP either way 10/10
No you're not
The natural order of things
Which side is doing the baiting? Lot's of data here suggesting that genetic differences in race are a very real thing..
Put either a nigger, jew, or an arab counting the cash he made of the selling of his farm equipment
The side you are not on m8
Literally Hitler
So you racists are not satisfied with defacing poor political cartoonists, and you have to ruin the memory of dead animals? You monsters.
There may have been no Holohoax, but there damn sure will be
that picture isn't even photoshopped tbh
harambe was a well known national socialist
There is nothing wrong with a bit of sociopathy fuck off
You realize empathy and rationale don't actually occur in high levels the same? IQ and social disorders with lower empathy have decent correlations. This is what your Greek philosphers probably saw that led them to condemn Democracy.
Yeah but Greeks all took it in the shitter
Hilarious Troll or just that stupid?
Golden thread, somebody screen shot plz
reminder that the Greeks saw how women were emotionally compromised so they wrote a fucking play on how their emotions would fuck over logic and basically they established communism in the name of fairness. This was a comedy.
Abolish the fucking 19th..
See the graph here again and remember how women love Leftist politics
b-but user genetics and behavior have no correlation!
that hurt the most, that this was too hard to accept..
Thanks for this.
A-a-and okeydoke I have RLY high IQ guyz, no rly I took a test online and it's like 132 srsly!!! Hnngghhhh but IQ don't realz because reasons (despite an avalanche of evidence hurr durr!)
At least arguing with em helps you re-hearse which arguments you need to use..
Very whew indeed though
I have a better idea
I had a graph of commies thrown out of helicopters and economic success, lost it though
we're still here you despicable neo-fascists
until you get gassed
Isn't fascism big government nationalism? You'd be surprised how anti-regulation or anti-socialist Holla Forums really is. Fascism honestly sounds more like the economic left but with authoritarian control.
This guy gets it
The common definition really sounds like fascism was invented to be a buzzword to separate government regulation of the market and instead make authoritarianism look right wing.
Authoritarianism isn't even an economic policy, it's the opposite of Libertarianism. Hitler's (((fascist))) market may have had private property, but all the prices and the amount you were allowed to produce was entirely decided upon by the government,
The economic right favors Capitalism, and I don't see how Hitler supported the free market, considering how he called capitalists jews.
I mean if re-distribution of wealth really isn't a part of being a right wing totalitarian state, then why the fuck is Hitler called a fascist? They need to fix the word fascist. It's really just another buzzword.
Uses the term "despicable neo-fascists" unironically, superb.
Your parents must be so proud of where their hard earned tuition fees are going. I wonder if you got an equity-allocated space and thought that was actually a good thing for society.
We all know that handouts really help foster a hard working, unentitled attitude. Along with breeding productivity, recognition of consequences for your actions and responsibilities; like sticking around to bring up your kids or adhering to laws in a developed society. That's why black crime rate, unemployment and incidence of single mothers is so low. Marvellous.
Don't they know that censorship was a big thing in Hitler's Germany??
oh shit disregard watermark
What's it like wanting to be white but knowing it will never happen?
you have to go back
Public schools will bring us a better future with better educated children that will enrich and progress the world into a new golden era.
When you ignore an animal in it's natural environment, they see this as a threat and their weak feeble underdeveloped brains must react to it.
Instead of recognizing a bad situation and trying to calm the situation down and prevent any further escalation, they cheer it on so they can watch their own kind kill each other, much like the roughly 60% of blacks dying at black hands.
I like your memes user
if only.
god, it would be so easy. they're all clumped up, you could just toss a few grenades into the crowd and kill hundreds of them. it would be so easy and it would make the world a better place.
Even when they are lucky to have illegally forced themselves into a white society where they are not welcome by the majority of that country. They find themselves in a curious position. Every need is now taking care off. They don't understand how clean water can come from a tap, it's voodoo. Shitting in a toilet, please we got bushes for that. What do you mean washing clothes? In essence, the nigger does what the nigger does best, he takes up a rock and throws it at the other nigger for speaking another language.
Their libido is a trait naturally selected because they kill each other so much lmao
The illustrious black male in his natural habitat has a meeting with his children. He teaches them the ways of the nigger.
When confronted with laws the nigger can not grasp why he isn't allowed to steal from others. He believes the justice system is out to get him. As such, laws are for white men whom do posses the capability of honor, ethics and values.
When the nigger finds himself in conflict with other tribes, he used to resort to wooden spears and wooded shields. Then white man came along and gave them access to firearms. But not once in their lives did they actually train to hit something. The device made a loud bang when you pulled the trigger and somewhere down the direction your pointed it did it hit. This logic is all the nigger needed to wage war.
When the nigger perceives some kind of injustice in their feeble minds do they believe it gives them the right to do whatever they like. This often result in mass chimpout to suit the indulging of their short term gratification. Let's not forget they've seen these hot TV's for years hanging in the store, why should they not get them for free? Not realizing that they destroyed their own living area that services them, the results of their actions has always seen businesses migrating or simply treat them de-facto as criminals and thus harden their security. Only 1 nigger in the store, Extensive CCTV coverage, hardened tempered window glass, double foyer entryway, less windows producing a less inviting friendly atmosphere, bullet proof cashier booth and so forth. The nigger then loops back and claims racism is the cause of this change in their neighborhood.
because everyone is an animal inside, but some show it much more than others. so those who act out like animals they are will be treated like animals to keep the rest in line.
Just niggers don't even know how to aim. They are literally like monkeys.
monkey see monkey do
Why are you calling us racist? You know it hurts our feelings.
Not true, but there are so many other things they can't.
Untrue, many POC are racist stupid