Hello all leftists

Hello all leftists
I have created a new left-anarchist imageboard called Zero-Chan. No numbers, no Masters.
If you're tired of Holla Forums raiding on Holla Forums, come to this new website! as long as you're not a fascist, trumpcuck, or an ancap, you're welcome to come!

Other urls found in this thread:


Be warned though, the intellectual discourse here is VERY high, we read alot, especially Stirner and post-lefts PoMos. don't be scared, everyone can learn.

In other words, you block every contradictory opinion to your established narrative. Got it!

sage is not le downvote.

Fucking hang yourself.



Nope, It's a meant to not bump the thread so that is not brought to attention. You clearly missed the point, though, with your high intellectual discourse and all.

no, nothing gets past me, I'm to intelligent for that.



Here I made this theme for 0ch. You can test it here.

Click on "options"
Go to "theme"
Copy & paste this in: pastebin.com/mwxNmzZE

this post is not a downvote

Little Commie got scared. Ought to post this on Holla Forums so your fellow mentally ill roaches can have a look.

Holy shit, you're brilliant.


but wait don't you need to pay for that

doesn't that go against your idealogy

wew lad

stop trying to downvote, lad.


Why not just go to reddit? You faggots would fit in perfectly

Holla Forums is already reddit. They spam boards there to get more users. It partially explain why they are incapable of creating funny memes and just copy and paste heads onto shit 9gag style. Sad.

come on guys, come post on my website.



