Admins are this retarded
Jim is a joke.
I don't get what all the fuzz is about anyway.
The ICANN has control over the root DNS zone.
But the tld zones like .net will still remain in the control of Verisign.
Seems a bit petty.
Why contain it? Its cool.
What are you saying? Trump thinks x, so you should think x?
I can understand voting for Trump, but surely you don't think everyone here agrees with him about everything? We're talking about a man who opposes strong encryption and wants to execute Snowden.
Facts don't matter to rightwingers.
At least they don't deny them like the left.
Get out leftypol, you're not fooling anyone.
Can you show me a politician who knows anything about the internet on a technical level and is against privatization of ICANN?
Trick question, there are no politicians who know anything more about technology than your average 80 year old
Oregon Senator Ron Wyden always seems to have a generally good grasp of what's what.
So basically, Obama alone is going to screw over not just the US when it comes to this, but every other country who connects to the internet, right?
Can't one just use one of those free DNS servers?
He was responding to a stupid post that said "shilling for ted cruz" you faggot.
Why would you want ICANN under UN control?
Why would you want ICANN under US control?
ICANN is getting independent, why is there so much fuss about it?
Because it's the US it's getting independent from. Freedom is for Americans only.
It's not probably going to have any immediate or mid terms effects but this can pretty much only lead to negative outcomes.
Obongo is probably doing this as a final blow out for his term to aid in later attacks against domains and sites. The Internet will no longer be protected by the constitution which is not a positive thing by any means.
Plz go, Holla Forums.
Daily reminder nextchan exists
Awe what's the matter, you don't like it when I mock your fearless leader?
Plz go, Holla Forums.
daily reminder all tech fields are infested with super leftist anti trump anti freedom anti white pro systemD faggots
I'd rather have US laws than the fucking UN. Independent my ass, it'd be stupid not to assume that they will impose hate speech regulations the minute they get their hands on it.
Couldn't the US just veto that?
Meanwhile this is still in the HTML:
Why would they?
Holla Forums, plz go.
Russia and China tried to seize DNS power before, using U.S. control over IANA as justification. Making IANA completely multinational removes that argument from Russia's and China's toolbox from trying to take over DNS root domains.
IANA has effectively been a multinational organization for decades. The transition away from ICANN formalizes the practices that have been the norm since IANA's inception.
Let me tell you something about the UN,
there is almost no issue where neither China, Russia, or the US would veto wouldn't veto
Then stop spewing InfoWars idiocy. This isn't a globalist takeover. No culture is being changed. This is literally an effort being done to preserve Internet culture.
If they wouldn't then why would you want it to be controlled by them?
Cruz is really strong as a Senator. Remember a few years ago when he led the filibuster against the re-signing of the Patriot Act? He's a good guy; he just needs to know his place.
He's controlled opposition. Pro-tip: His dad was CIA.
I just got permab& from Holla Forums.
As soon as another Holla Forums pops up someplace I'm gone.
jim is a POS. How I've stayed this long is a mystery to myself.
What was the vid
Interested in this: as well. It couldn't have been to bad if it was posted on Youtube.
Good, nobody will miss you. Dysnomia is the kemo curing the cancer killing Holla Forums
Protip: bans are just a newfag filter because they're easy as fuck to bypass and permabans do not exist on Holla Forums (it only tracks bans for 3 months)
Of course you can use Tor to post and never get b& but you seem to just want to shitpost instead of have actual discussion
I've seen pedos posting YT links to obscure Russian videos showing full nudity
I dindu nuffin
reddit as fuck, kid.
Not everyone has a dynamic IP.
Prolly some retarded music vid.
I thought they got rid of it and banned all Tor exit nodes a while back.
No. All I know about is some local bans of the hidden service IP, which has always been possible. It still works.
She's pretty cute.
I would've watched it but I can't stand that song anymore.
Except ICANN won't be under UN control
For your information, I am using both Tor and the hidden service to post this.
It goes down from time to time for no particular reason though.
I would say 'neglect'.