Should this board stop deleting threads or no?

Should this board stop deleting threads? Should it continue to? I get we're random but I like getting to keep the memories personally.

1 bump = 1 yes stop deleting threads

1 sage = 1 no keep deleting threads

Dubs = no or yes times 5

Trips = no or yes times 15

Quads = no or yes times 50

Must be last digits for the dubs trips or quads to count. Anything higher is counted as quads.

delete this


If this thread gets 300 likse I will turn off the 404 feature

Likes now also count as bumps.

+1 like




no u


i plan to ;)

Good riddance.


No delet. I wan mai litel grils

Here's your (You) cunt.

It really lures them in…

I didn't make it, you know?

Damn nobody even has a dubs yet. P.S. like any other broken voting system you can vote as many times as you like.

+1 likebump

forest bump

+1 epyc bump


what happens if you sage and bump at the same time?



Because your shitty sigil is fucking boring

Has using my name as a username become a meme?


so is this one guy spamming the thread?

what if im the one spamming the thread?

what if youre the one spamming the thread?



spam bump




Get your weak shit spam off the front page Epyc Wynn.

also bump to be honest

This thread is what happens when mods try to shitpost lel.
Deleting without banning is pointless anyway,
I know it's easy to bybass the ban, but a ban sends a powerful "this is not welcome here" message.
If you really wanted to get rid of some types of thread you should ban the user.
But since you deletion just promotes a pointless tug-of-war, please stop deleting threads.

You forgot to say the magic word don't be lame fam


I am me and so are you.

Or are we?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Damn still no dubs. Kek must personally disapprove of this thread.

At least we aren't spamming porn like the other btards.

… right?

… guys?

bumping for the lulz

also i hate having my threads deleted



I still have to see a post that horrifying that it needs deletion.
Most deleted shit is mods let their inner kid out and delete on feels/morals. Oh and fear of prison… lets not forget that. At least in there you can post what ever the shit you want. But a no one saw it, it never happened.



Dubs we save all threads no deletes


cum in my bud delete all threads

Why is thread so dead

idk my dude it's fuggin gay ass fuck

Oh wait that was me haha

My Twisted World
The Story of Elliot Rodger
By Elliot Rodger
Humanity… All of my suffering on this world has been at the hands of humanity, particularly women.
It has made me realize just how brutal and twisted humanity is as a species. All I ever wanted was to fit
in and live a happy life amongst humanity, but I was cast out and rejected, forced to endure an existence
of loneliness and insignificance, all because the females of the human species were incapable of seeing
the value in me.
This is the story of how I, Elliot Rodger, came to be. This is the story of my entire life. It is a dark story
of sadness, anger, and hatred. It is a story of a war against cruel injustice. In this magnificent story, I will
disclose every single detail about my life, every single significant experience that I have pulled from my
superior memory, as well as how those experiences have shaped my views of the world. This tragedy did
not have to happen. I didn’t want things to turn out this way, but humanity forced my hand, and this
story will explain why. My life didn’t start out dark and twisted. I started out as a happy and blissful
child, living my life to the fullest in a world I thought was good and pure…

bump nigger

Part One
A Blissful Beginning
Age 0-5
On the morning of July 24th, 1991, in a London hospital, I was born. I breathed in the first breath of
life as I entered this world, weighing only 5.4 pounds. My parents must have been filled with happiness
and pride that day. They had just witnessed the birth of their first child, and they named me Elliot Oliver
Robertson Rodger.
I was born to young parents. My father, Peter Rodger, was only 26 when he impregnated my mother,
Chin, who was 30. Peter is of British descent, hailing from the prestigious Rodger family; a family that
was once part of the wealthy upper classes before they lost all of their fortune during the Great
Depression. My father’s father, George Rodger, was a renowned photojournalist who had taken very
famous photographs during the Second World War, though he failed to reacquire the family’s lost
fortune. My mother is of Chinese descent. She was born in Malaysia, and moved to England at a young
age to work as a nurse on several film sets, where she became friends with very important individuals in
the film industry, including George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. She even dated George Lucas for a short
My mother and father had been married for a couple of years before my mother became pregnant
with me. In fact, her pregnancy was an accident. She had been taking pills to prevent pregnancy, but
when she visited my father on one of his film sets, she fell ill and the medication she took for that illness
thwarted the effect of the anti-pregnancy pills, and so their lovemaking during this period resulted in my
Only a couple of months after my birth, I went on my first vacation. My parents took me on a boat to
France. I was already a traveler! Of course, I have no memories of this trip. My mother said that I cried a
At the time that I was born, my mother and father were living in a house in London, but shortly after
my birth they decided to move to the countryside. We moved to a large house made of red brick in the
county of Sussex, with vast grass fields surrounding it. The house even had a name: The Old Rectory.
This was where I spent my early childhood, the first five years of my life, and it was beautiful. The
memories I have of this period are only memories of happiness and bliss.
My father was a professional photographer at the time, just in the stage of becoming a director. My
mother gave up her nursing career to stay at home and look after me. My grandma on my mother’s side,
who I would call Ah Mah, moved in with us to help out my mother. I would spend a lot of time with Ah
Mah during these years.
This was a time of discovery, excitement, and fun. I had just entered this new world, and I knew
nothing of the pain it would bring me later on. I enjoyed life with innocent bliss. I can remember playing
in the fields and going on long walks with Ah Mah to pick berries. She would always warn me not to
touch the stinging nettles that sometimes grew in our fields, but my curiosity got the better of me, and I
got stung a few times. There was a swing in the back of our yard, which I had many good times on.
The first birthday I remember was my 3rd birthday. My parents threw a party for me in our field. I had
a helicopter birthday cake. I can remember one of my friend’s parents cutting off the first piece and
giving it to my friend. I threw a tantrum because I was expecting to get the first piece… It was my
birthday after all. My father bought me a toy tractor that I could ride around in, and I would play with it
all the time after that.
Sometime after my 3rd birthday, we all went on a vacation to Malaysia, my mother’s home country. I
have only flashes of memory of that vacation. I enjoyed it very much. We visited a few of my mother’s
For preschool, I was enrolled at Dorsett House, an upscale all-boys private school in the countryside,
near where we lived. I was forced to wear a uniform, which I hated because I had to wear
uncomfortable socks up to my knees. I was very nervous and I cried on my first day there. I can
remember two friends I made by name, George and David. I would always play in the sandpit with them.
I didn’t like school at Dorsett House very much. I found the rules to be too strict. My least favorite
part of it was the football sessions. I never understood the game and I could never keep up with the
other boys in the field, so I always stood by the goal-keeper and pretended to be the “second goalkeeper”. My favorite part was playing in the woods after lunch. There was a particular climbing structure
that I had a lot of fun with.

bumperoni in ravioli in peace

still don't know who this is and even better i still don't care
ignorance is bliss

what a waste of dubs epyc wynn is ashamed


This board should delete itself tbqhfamalam


I have become negative about this place. I used try and have fun, be fun and keep positive. I just don't feel it anymore.



I'm in love wihte cou cou

With el co co

El co co

Co co


bumps on humps on dumps on trumps

This faggot got doxxxed in an ED forum thread. Check it out its pretty funny. Hes actually some shitskin UAE 13 yo. His brother and famalams info is out there too. If anyone wants to Fuck with this kid check out the ED thread. Could probably get his dad to behead him or chop his Dick off tbh..


newfag detected

please keep going

bump fortress 2

Yes. +1.
also, SAGE! Fuck You!

Looks like dubs forgot to SAGE!