Starting a drawfag request for when I get my tablet tomorrow. It was supposed to be delivered today but the nigger mailman didn't give me the key so I had to call the post office and bitch about it.
Other urls found in this thread:
what will and won't you draw?
anything within my artistic capability
very specific complicated autistic requests
any fetishes like or dislike
can you reword that I didn't understand your question.
He'res something crude I drew with my mouse so I won't forget the idea.
fuck oekaki is off on b again
draw me a fucking dragon but lets be specific because so many ideas of what a dragon is prevail in the collective unconscious
dragon needs to have a longer tail than the rest of its spine and skull with snout extended combined
the snout isnt a fucking anteater, it needs to be no longer than twice the width of the rest of any part of its skull
no bullshit spikes anywhere above the neck, or randomly on fucking legs
it needs to have scales or plates, not some weird lizard leather skin
the color is up to you but it needs to be camouflage like because its a stalker type predator, belly lighter than top because when it flies it needs to match the sky but when it walks or sleeps it needs to match the ground, it isnt a snow creature (flames melt snow bitches)
its eyes can not be like human eyes, its an ancient creature with eyes that can be cat like or eagle like
the rest is up to you - just make it dominant
Can you draw Eliza running out of air and drowning?
forget it
requsting Todd getting dominated by Dixie giggling in a cowgirl position
Haha, sure that sounds funny.
Fuck off furfag!
is there any time of furr you'd draw?
Sonic style, wb? Or just humans?
bump for drawfag
I'm not good at drawing, but I can give a try. No furry please
draw her getting fucked
Draw Obama crying about 'muh legacy' and 'RUSSIAN HACKERS BLYAT'
taking some requests now.
draw me crying myself to sleep
draw this
My fucking god. There is a glitch where random strokes will have max thickness and it's pissing me off enough that I don't want to finish drawing until I fix it. BRB….
drawing while playing sucks
Ok fixed. Prepare to sleep-cry fat nerd.
it's too real ;-;
It's not done yet. I redrew and I'm coloring it
/r/ tentacle rape.
Are you the OP?
This one is a little difficult for me. I'm not good at copying cartoon art styles yet.
literally anyone could write that
You bought for tablet for these shit scribbles? Shitribbles?
Kill thy self, I was expect more.
sorry fam. I wanted to get it over with and move to the next request. I don't want to draw things that take too long.
don't really care m8. i'm just shitposting away the day in vain hope that one morning i won't wake up
Here's another for your time.
I lold because it looks like toilet bowl mouth.
Draw Audrey Hepburn getting anally raped.
draw this
no thanks
lmao. had fun on this one.
bump if anyone else can try this again
I think I'm satisfied with it.
ok now I'm done.
nice quality.
too bad everything else is shit.
Alright, I worked really hard to meet your expectations.
Tell me what you think!
I like it.
I'll draw it for you if you pay me money
I doubt it.
pokemon maybe
$100 kek dollars
which anime is this?
Epic the Memehog.
i jewgled it but no results what is it in japanese?
Epic-sama Hogchan
I really liked your dragon so I drew it.
still no results ;_;
What is it in moonrunes? Translator says this but my nipp isn't great so I'm not sure
Are you for real dude?
I was fuckin with ya, its Dr Eggman/Robotnik from the Sonic the Hedgehog series. There was an anime movie for Sonic back in 1996…which was probably when you were born.
A meme is born.
praise it
good shit.
top jej
this is some nice shit. I wanna try one too; give me a minute
also bump
Thanks! I just drew this and posted it (I though this thread died)
Nice gondola.
I've seen retards draw better than the hilarious Holla Forums garbage.
Nice gondola.
I don't care if it's good or bad. I only care if I enjoyed drawing it.
i need to work on my handwriting.
i really liked this one so I colored it
I like it.
also gimme stuff to draw. I'm up for pretty much anything
Hey, that's pretty good!
I'm also looking for draw requests. I think I'm starting to develop a style.
very good
try again
whoa is that some talent in this thread?
Draw her blowing some dude underwater.
she ded
well draw the before pic duh
Could someone draw a Gatomon in goggles, flippers, air tank, being drowned by a sea monster or hitman diver?
draw the most detailed erect dick ever full with bulging veins and a whole lot of other shit.
Look up pics to get an accurate drawing.
i did it with my mouse, so it's pretty sloppy
pretty good mouse draw.
Does anybody have tips on drawing touhou? I really like anime-style drawings but they're so hard!
On 2nd thought though… I kind of like my own style more than the generic anime one.
draw trump decapitating hillary in mortal kombat
I collect pics from drawfags in Nixon with an Alien. If anyone can make one so i can add it to my collection, i will be very happy
OP here, I drew you a sloppy one before but I can draw a much better one now that I'm starting to develop an art style to call my own.
Does she look better with or without the eye color?
/r/ drowning chipettes.
OP here. I'll work on this after I play some vidya gemz. Keep the thread bumped so I won't forget.
Awesome, thx
Is this some kind of obscure fetish?
Here, have another one
Redid the mouth. Wasn't happy with the tongue looking like a tooth.
Love it, was this one yours also?
Looks better.
Tip: If you want to get noticeably better within about 15 minutes, do gesture drawings.
Not even kidding, you will be better at drawing after cranking out a few 60 sec. scribbles of random poses.
Here –
I know it's not fun, and you'd prefer to draw chinese cartoons, but trust me, you will thank yourself for this. If you do this every day for a week, you'll be exponentially better.
No, I did this one a couple days ago
Working on this now.
dysnomia kill yourself faggot.
Maybe someday, but not today.
thanks I like homu a lot.
Me too. I'm not a big anime watcher, but PMMM was really amazing.
Homura is best magical girl
how autistic are you?
Not enough to do it for free
I for one welcome our new shobon overlord.
about this much lmao
Half and half.
bump for this.
Can you draw the girl in the blue hat (wadeina) stabbing this purple girl to death?
That'dd be preety sweet seconding this.
bump please, for this.
OP here. NO. I'm not doing it.
Wadeina a shit
Requesting what happens to Bugs next.
You're fucking autistic get out.
You could have let this thread sage away, it was on page 13 but noooooooo you gotta show everyone what a blazing faggot you are.
Not gonna sage away until I get my request.
thats not me.
Where is drawfag?
I'm lurking about waiting for requests that aren't shit drowning.
Also what's a good pencil brush?
maybe other drawfags will come.
Here. Also, give me more wadeina requests if you want, I'm in the mood
If they do then that's cool, I just don't feel interested in drawing them.
Can you draw Oberstein doing the CIA power stance?
I'd fucking love you so much, even if it's shitty, I'd cherish it forever
Sorry, it's crude. I'm a big fan of LoGH and Bane? but I can't draw anime for shit.
Thank you so much OP. You've really made my day.
I'm free, so I'll even draw you something in return if you want. (I'm the other drawfag)
Draw a tomoko
Draw a picture of punpun holding hands with tomoko.
draw tomoko pointing at her dubs
Will do this after my game finishes. I like tomoko. a lot.
So do I.
That dog from this post
I want you to have her wearing his head like those natives/barbarins back in the day used to wear them as a hat and shes eating cooked remains of him.
Will do.
I'm the original artist of that Chinky Coon pic btw
love you, that pic is actually pretty good, it really captures how wandia should look in that artstyle honestly. I also love the animal crossing hands.
enjoy. All hail Wadeina
I will do yours next
Love it, thanks m8
I improved it. I know it's autistic as fuck, but I don't care.
Wanna take another wadeina request?
lay it on me
Wadeina killing pic related. Probably should be cricket related. Though its up to you if you can come up with something better than this.
2nd pic related probably her hitting that fuckers head. Though, if you come up with something better by all means Id love to be surprised.
Okay, I'll do it tomorrow, I'm going to bed
That already exists
so… CUTE!
What's wrong with having 2, fuccboi?
Got any tips on shading? I wan't to be able to color good to make up for my awful linejobs.
pics related, not me but inspirational.
coloring and shading are two completely different things
I have always been really good at monochrome shading, since it's basically:
But colors are a pain in the ass. Something that A LOT OF PEOPLE OVERLOOK is that there is a method to picking colors.
Color theory is VERY important in whether your picture ends up looking like deviantart-tier shit, or a masterpiece.
It really pisses me off that I never learned how important color-theory was until just recently, since most of what I learn is from online tutorials, and online tutorials are shit, and most people ignore color-theory entirely.
Give me a sec, and i'll give you visual examples of what I'm talking about.
Oh, pic related. Master shading the ball, then just apply it to everything. BAM- you're a master at value, but color is the tricky part
I'm good at coloring and I know where to shade, I just need to know how to do it digitally, any good settings, use of layers, overlay? etc.
Oh, yeah digital is tricky since there are just so many different routes you can go to achieve the same result.
I've actually heard of some people just doing all of the painting/shading on one, single layer, which is the closest you'll get to traditional painting.
There is no set-in-stone way of doing it, which is something I've had to free my mind of over the years. Just do your own thing; that's literally what art is supposed to be; not only you expressing yourself through the end piece, but you're also expressing yourself by going your own way, and doing whatever the hell you want. The sooner you realize that, the better off you will be.
BUT I know that you're a noob, so it'll actually help if you do observe other artists' methods and copy them for yourself to learn.
I recommend watching speedpaints. You get to go through the process with the artist, and you learn a lot along the way.
What program do you use? I recommend Paint Tool Sai for beginners, since it's super simple, yet still has the minimum requirements for a good paint program (layers, clipping masks, lasso tool, etc.)
So, find speedpainting videos with artists that have the same program as you, and mimic their methods. This is my advice.
draw my cat
???? :'(
dead thread?
yes. but we might be able to bump it back to life. CLEAR
w-why would you want to bump this thread
Bump 🐒🐈🐺 waiting for my request