Stop eating meat, goy!

The attached chart from article is bullshit and here's why.

It turns out that a steer requires around 15 gallons of water a day growing for, let's say, 400 days before being killed and processed. Let's assume 500 pounds of beef are harvested from the steer (that's a small cow, by the way).

That's (15 gallons * 400 days) / 500 pounds or 12 gallons per pound, or 20.6 liters per kilogram.

So, how do they get 16,000? By attributing the water use of the grain to the meat! Corn, for example, requires about 2,500 gallons per bushel (56 pounds) of corn. It takes about 4.5 pounds of corn to produce 1 pound of usable beef, so now we add 100,446 gallons of water, bringing it to 212.9 gallons per pound.

Agriculture takes water. Fortunately, nature provides through rain, filling thousands of square miles with the most expensive ingredient: grain. What's left is water for the cows, which can largely be provided through streams. Clearly, there's a very big difference between free range cattle and some desert feed lot beasties.

I think the most important thing to take note of is that it takes 12 gallons of water and 4.5 pounds of corn to make 1 pound of beef. Not bad, really!

Meat is the most complete food for humans, beside mother's milk, of course. No single vegetarian source could sustain people like this:

The other very good reason is heritage. I strongly believe that the different racial groups are suited towards different diets. Conflating one race's nutrition with another is a huge problem in the nutrition field, but to not do so means acknowledging the vital importance of race in behavior.

When I looked into this in some depth, I found the following broad discoveries about regional food consumption:

* Europeans eat far more meat and dairy than any other racial group. They also eat a good amount of grains (but less than Middle Easterners) and fruit. They have the lowest vegetable consumption. In some areas, the consumption of fish is high, but not throughout Europe.

* Asians eat the most vegetables by far and quite little meat and almost no dairy. There is a high fish consumption among the Japanese, similar to coastal Northern Europe.

* Africans eat a lot of vegetables, grains, and fruits, but little meat.

If you look at historical foods of Europeans, you see that this is even more true. Meats of many types, but especially pork and beef, are the main food source, supplemented by plenty of dairy, bread, noodles, and fruits, plus a bit of vegetables for flavor but not nutrition.

Meat, including and even especially red meat, is our heritage and is very healthy for us. Let the Chinese eat vegetables, it's presumably quite good for them. I'll have a steak fried in butter - which also is nice for warding off certain peoples!

(Just watch out for beta-agonists being put in the animals and the new regulations hiding where the meat is from and processed!)

Other urls found in this thread:


that's the point retard

stop posting retard. lurk moar

Sorry guys but eating meat HELPS the environment.

Cows in India are left to run amok and pick the bones off the landscape, as a result there is massive soil erosion in India.

If you want to destroy the environment, move everyone to cities and make them eat plants.

They want people to be vegetables because a non-meat-fat diet degrades the myelin sheathes of brain-cells making people stupid and suggestible.
The Indian caste system figured this out 5,000 years ago and their shitty culture - though relatively highly-regimented - still doesn't poo in the loo.

Another factor I never see mentioned, OP, is that when fuel ethanol is brewed from (typically) corn about 30% of its weight remains as "distiller's grains".
This is mainly the dead yeast that made the alcohol: it's very high in protein and vitamins the yeast produces for itself and is an excellent animal feed - preventing fatal acidosis in grazing animals that are not grass-fed. Aussie cunts spread this shit on their toast for breakfast because their diet is low in grass on that horrific desert island.


the entire retardation of these types of graphs is it implies water is somehow destroyed while making meat
the majority of the water needed is just natural rain falling and running off the natural hydrological cycle anyways
cows piss out what the drink and the majority of water needed for agriculture is just soil wetness

most staple crop farming and cattle ranching is done in regions with enough natural rainfall, only regions like california are using fossile water reserves but they grow cash crops like almonds which are very hipster approved

anyway the main point of this is saving water in western temperate region agriculture will mean nothing in the end as water is way too expansive to transport large distances not downstream
only the desertregions inhabited by the sandpeople have water shortage, crippling our agriculture will not help them

coincidentally.. meat, red meat in particular, is the only way to naturally get b-12 in your diet.

That's why Bill Clinton went on a vegan diet to cure his cancer yet still slings chicken to the niggers, right? The meat and dairy industry certainly has no interest in keeping people eating their products. No corporations would ever deceive the public.

Eat the meat, goy. It's got protein and b12!!!

he has aids.

b-12 deficiency leads to brain loss.


posted wrong video, here's the right one

Oh yeah, what if I call (((you))) the jew? The vegetable industry certainly has no interest in keeping people eating their products. No corporations would ever deceive the public.

Eat the vegetables, goy. It cures cancer!!!

What now, nigger?

(OP off the phone network)
Don't you think it's deceitful to say cereals require only 1,644 liters per kilogram but beef requires 15,415 liters when not disclosing that all but 45 liters of that is from the corn??

Beef is like 30% complete protein, has tons of cholesterol (which is actually extremely important and nutritious for your nerves and hormones, it even reduces the risk of heart disease) and delicious fat.

Dry corn is only about 15% protein and about 60% of corn's protein can't be used even by bovine stomachs! It has a very shitty amino acid profile (remember all those corn body building protein drinks you never saw?) and causes massive obesity in people.

This means cows actually are INCREDIBLY efficient, saving converting the protein almost gram for gram into muscle while producing tons of healthy fats and delicious flavor.

Not to mention the free organic fertilizer they produce, sparing petrochemicals and logistical costs! Cows are awesome, radishbrain.

If you can survive without eating any vegetables, you need to document your life. You are a mutant.

I'm still going to eat bacon, shlomo

Soy is shit for beef production, city slicker.

Meat is probably fine from a healthy animal but a lot of animal products are compromised ( as are most grains ). Really hard to get quality food in any ZOG country these days. This thread will end ugly

Totally. You can have your cake and eat it too with biodynamic farming.

You're evolved to eat meat.
You have a single stomach chamber like a wolf. Not 4 like a cow/lamb.

You have canines and mandibles that are meant to move in a scissor action (meat eating) and not a rotary action (plant / leaf grinding like a cow or sheep)

I know veganism is the new fad. Vegans destroy more environment than meat eaters.

Your body produces it naturally, you tremendous fucking faggot.

Absolutely. The real problem is over population by subhumans. Period! And every effort to "save" them is actually directly harmful on civilization, the environment, and the savages' children. 1 billion in India helps no one and we should STOP HELPING THEM.

Vitamin B12 does not come from dirt. cba giving your jewtube clicks.
It's produced by microbes.
Your digestive system is chock-full of microbes (or should be - if you've had your appendix out then you will need to eat dirt or supplements whenever you get the squits) which make B12 for you - the madmen.

Sure thing, meatcuck.

Are you retarded?

You feed cows grass, not even corn.

And if you want to make it sustainable, you rotate the herd through 1 acre of pasture per day for 50 days+acres….

The current soy farms being built are completely destructive to the environment.

Why? Because they want MONEY. There's money in Ag. Telling the merchant to fuck off isn't done by buying Walmart hamburger. The solution they have is to TAX meat – who eats the most meat and who has the money to spend on it? If they actually cared about the environment they'd be implementing massive sterilization payment programs in Africa.

dont post niggers m80 not doing yourself any favors

Canuckistan here, we aren't running out of water any time soon, I couldn't give a single fuck about how much water a plant or animal needs. Let the sand people worry about it.

You don't need to supplement livestock with vitamins unless they're fed shit food to begin with. Do you even nature, fag?

You're still destroying the environment. Vegans kill more animals than meat eaters.

Look at the subsidies for corn and sugar and tell me there's no Jew to be found in the produce stands, brother.


No, I meant it is SHITTY for beef production.

Corn is grain is a high nutrient grass.

Soy is a shit crop made profitable just like rapeseed and cottonseed.

1kg of beef is not nutritionally equal to 1kg of "sugar crops". This image is dumb. You're supposed to eat a majority of vegetables and grains, yes, but you're still supposed to eat meat too. The problem is skewed proportions and dietary habits that make people think that meat should take up 50% of the plate every single meal, which in turn fuels industrial animal farming.

Industrial animal farming is extremely harmful to basically everything on the planet, including the humans who eventually eat the anti-biotic infused meat. Nikola Tesla was right about meat being detrimental to the future of the human race.

The solution isn't to just stop eating meat though. The solution is to stop subsidizing massive corporate meat factories, reform "industrial agriculture" and let the price of the meat rise naturally so that market demands react naturally and capitalism functions.

It's simply not natural for one man to be able to farm 5,000 cows at once.

Nice try, meatcuck.


Yeah, cause Pythagoras' cult was totally reflective of Greek culture. Veganism has always been an unnatural, self-denying pursuit. It is as unnatural to a human as pretending everyone is exactly the same.

Your body also produces fat. So you don't need to eat any fat, right?
Half your brain is cholesterol. Sterol -> steroids -> healthy hormone function, especially in production of testosterone.

You're both wrong, you idiots - cattle are built to eat grass.
Corn and soybean both make cattle sick with acidosis. They eventually die from this if their feed is not supplemented.


So what? It's healthier and morally consistent. Unless your hunt all your own meat, then your meat consumption is un-defendable.

I've been vegan for 10 years, my brain still works just fine.

I'm old enough to watch meat prices go up by 10x while grains have remained cheap as dirt. Have you bought hamburger lately? It isn't McDonalds that's affected.

But, hell yes, get rid of ALL subsidies and break up the farm monopolies. People want MEAT not gardenburgers and your local farmer can supply just fine.

The only argument against meat is that we eat too much of it.

Also, watch Cowspiracy, very relevant, but be warned if you are triggered by vegan/lefty endings, even though the film shows how these environmentalist agencies really work.

I thought cooking meat was what allowed us to develop complex brains in the first place? What is this liberal doublethink?

making sure the plebs get decent tasting food (like meat) is a part of the method of control (((they))) employ. It is to make you comfortable, they do this for movies and TV (which they can propagandize as well) and many other industries. A comfortable person does not revolt. There is also the problem that inflation is making meat very expensive these days and they want you to keep having access to it.

Does not mean I'm going to stop eating steak though

Stop eating meat goys. Eat corn. Better yet, eat some soy. It's better for the environment. While you're at it, make sure you are drinking enriched water with lots of flouride.

Meat is fucking fantastic. We don't need industrialized animal farming or processing, agreed, but why shouldn't Europeans eat half their food as meat, fish, and dairy? It's what we've always done.

We don't need a global solution.

This faggot.

99% of professional body builders are juicing could make gains eating cardboard. Vegan bodybuilders are an extremely embarrassing type of argument. Stop.

Cowspiracy is a great film it shows how corrupt and cucked environmental groups are. They don't actually give a shit about the planet, they're controlled opposition.

If someone is forced to eat shit their entire life they'll grow a taste for it as well.

Meat is not bad, the shit you mix into it and the way you prepare+preserve it is bad.

m80, they have aborted foetal tongue stem-cell lines from the 1950's still going which agree that meat is delicious.

These girls were vegan since birth. A properly managed vegan diet is healthy at all stages of life.

Vegans dont get it.
Probably because you're not feeding your brain meat.

Now go ahead and copy-pasta some anecdotal picture of a "fit" person and say they're vegan.
I'm sure it'll help your argument.

It's not going to help stop soil erosion though.

of course the vegancuck would.

How is it healthier? How is it more moral? How is giving animals (i'm presuming a humanely managed ranch, not a factory farm) a safe, comfortable life and then killing them in a quick, non-Kosher way (stressed animals taste awful) undefendable?

I was a vegan for more than 5 years. Eating meat again was the best thing I've ever done for my health and happiness. The first year I was not as careful about the quality of meat and I felt fat and slow, but since I've understood how important the health of the animal is to the quality of nutrition, it's been amazingly healthy.

And, man, do I not miss the constant gas of a vegetable diet.

another anecdotal picture, no references, names or documents.

Post a youtuber vegan spouting nonsense now.

I agree that's all about comfort and placidity, but meat and dairy makes for strong, tall, and disease resistant people. It's not good for slaves.

Yeah, they look like miscarriage candidates to me.

"Herbivore" animals which get the chance to eat meat will fucking eat it, gobble it down and crave for more.
The liver fluke's life cycle depends on it.

Suckily capped for reference in arguments

Vegans are sickly gray faggots, hop off your high horse.

ffs i often work for extra shekels at a ranch here in southern colorado. they have angus breeds and also beefalo and pure bison.
cattle and bovines eat grass, shrubs, and in the case of bison/beefalo they'll eat leaves from trees and graze on sagebrush with thorns, even cactus.
bad for the enviroment? sheep are bad for the fucking enviroment, and i don't say that just because i hate fucking mutton… they crop the fields to bare dirt.
millions of years bovines have grazed this earth, in numbers probably exceeding any bovine today back in the past… men hunted and consumed red-meat from day one.
fuck these kikes! they just want all the good stuff for themselves… the goy "in there mind" should be eating only scraps and garbage fake food.

Soil erosion is caused by poor farming skills and severe fertilizer runoff. It's not that fertilizer is bad, it's just that current fertilizers have both too little efficiency when it comes to plant absorbtion and farmers overuse it to the point where it's pathological. Farming can't just be done by anybody with current farming methods. It requires special care, awareness of chemicals and dedication to become a farmer. Most farmers don't have that, especially the subsistenance farmers.

No. If I asked you how much iron ore does it take to make a car, would you exclude the iron used to make the screws? Probably, bc you're retarded.
What they should have done, though, is do it by calorie. But absolutely they should include the water used to make the corn bc you have to first make the corn in order to make the beef.

Didn't read the rest of your post because you are clearly retarded.


Vegans dont understand how the planet works. I bet the OP / vegan fag doesn't know the difference between "Soil" and "Dirt".

Protip: never feed a pig meat.

You ever see that vid where they gave some south american coacoa farmers a chocolate bar? They fucking loved it. Good tastes are actually a genetic factor. Did you know that there is a gene that makes brussel sprouts taste bad?

If you left that line out I may have believed you were once a vegan, but now I know you are full of shit.

Haven't heard this argument before. I'll need to research this. Thank you for having an original argument.

There's what you're asking for.

just a heads up bruh…. kikes lie in case you haven't noticed.

pic related, it's you

brb buying some prime angus

Like weight of food is equivalent.
Like calories of food is equivalent.
Are you not a least a little impressed by how fucking efficient cows are? Oh, you don't read the rest of the post because you won't acknowledge that they are being dishonest (remind me where they mention that 99% of the water is from the grain).

Here's a clue: cows are way more efficient than you are eating grain.

You want me to click that and believe any of it? topkek

Veganism is just misplaced morality. Humans evolved around eating meat and are physically designed to consume it. There is no valid argument out there that will convince me that I should stop eating meat entirely.

Wrong, try again.

Not him, but holy fuck nothing makes me fart like cabbage. I can eat spicy wings and steak and fish and meatloaf and burgers all day long without the slightest peep, but one serving of cabbage and it's like the divine winds surging forth to protect Nippon from the Mongol Hordes.

Shame because I fucking love cabbage. VOTY all years.


who cares? that's not the point of the OP.

the question was "is it wrong to include the water used to make the grain in the total water used to make beef"

the answer is: no. in order to compare the impact on resources between eating veggies and eating meat, you need to include all the resources used on any imputs into the process

after that I don't fucking care

sage because you're retarded

Oh come on. Now I doubt that you're a vegan. Fucking cabbage, broccoli, soy, onions, beans, whole grains, fruit – damn near everything that vegans eat produces lots of gas. You can argue all you want about nutrition or morality, but if you want to pretend veganism isn't gassy, you're just lying or ignorant.

Jews don't give a shit about animals. Check out the Iowa kosher plant for details.

Its kinda funny that the only food more harmful to the environment than meat are nuts which is a huge part of the vegan diet

all three of those men are underweight

Normies will perceive it differently from you and assume that it refers to meat.

Are they vegans who consume egg and milk?

they also are clearly hen-pecked losers


SURPRISE! That's wrong too!

Soil erosion is caused by the use of artificial means that FIGHT nature.
Killing insects, killing microbes, killing weeds and killing fungi is what kills soil. Fertilizer is bad because it feeds the plant and not the soil.

watch this video kido.

That's a "subsistence farmer"….

wew lad

Vegans are sub-human. Now stop spamming boards to make up for your inferiority complex.

You know how can find the vegan at a party?
Don't worry, he'll tell you.

Those all look like weaklings. There is a strong correlation between the amount of meat nations eat and the number of strongmen and power lifters they send to world championships.

Not really. I think it gets the point across quite well. see

It takes much more water to grow vegetables than it takes to make beef (including inputs such a corn). That's the whole point and it therefore is not misleading. (at least on that point)

I'm a huge meat eater btw. Mostly paleo – lots of (leafy green) veggies and meat, mostly abstain from grains (few fruits) so I have no reason to lie about this. I think most vegans are faggots

You know one of the most interesting videos I've seen recently was about how they're using larger scale livestock herds to reverse desertification in Africa.

Whether you believe in global climate change or not, desertification is a real and present problem in most of the world and it turns out we've been fucking it up by intentionally trying raise and graze less animals.

now please show the picture of vegans who put as much thought into their diets as the average American. If you put as much thought as a vegan into your diet and ate meat you would be a lot healthier.

The strongest man in the world is actually vegan. Look it him up, Patrik Baboumian, I'm done arguing with you retards. Enjoy being willfully ignorant.

You don't even know where b12 comes from.

It's extremely dishonest because 99% of the water is in the corn – which, by the way, uses a lot more water than whatever they used for the "cereals" category. Corn is wasteful, period. Free range cattle don't even need it – in fact they don't need much for irrigation at all unless you're in very arid country.

If you want to reduce water usage, stop growing all that monocultural grain and require cows to be free range. But as an user said, who cares about water! It's not as rare a resource as they pretend!

most of what that user said is correct, though, faggot. sure, you can grow stuff naturally, but you're not going to get the high yields with little effort that commercial farming does and that's the whole point.

ps. the Earth is overpopulated

Blood drinkers get so buttblasted its hilarious. They will all die of heart disease.

I love to see vegans buying food from all over the fucking world at the co-op and think… yeah, how's that working out for the environment?

How is that dishonest?

I don't care about water usage btw (at this point anyway). But assuming I did, how is that dishonest?

make the world a better place and kill (((yourself)))

you nigger faggot kike

feels bad man

how fucking insecure do you have to be to make your dietary choice a major part of your identity?

Keep the salt coming you sickly weak queer

They look so fucking sickly.

Let me see if I got this straight. Your strength argument rests on a single German-Armenian (both peoples who traditionally eat tons of meat) who did almost all of his feats prior to becoming a vegan in 2011 which COINCIDENTALLY is also when he became a paid campaigner for PETA?

I see he was a vegetarian. So he ate massive amounts of eggs and dairy, but animals aren't needed to be veegun strohng, dammit.
Oooohkay. Got it.

It kinda looks like those two guys are in the early stages of HIV


None of what that user said is correct. punk.
You can yield more crops AND soil with permaculture than monoculture.

overpopulation is a myth

"For a kilogram of red meat, you need considerably more water than for plant products."
"In the United States and Britian, people eat three to four times the healthy level for meat. "

They never say a thing about 99% of that being from the grain.

Dude, they're obviously spinning this is in all kinds of misleading ways. If I didn't know better, I'd look at that chart and think meat is extremely wasteful when it is extremely efficient. That's the holy point both of their deception and the rebuttal. For fuck's sake.

fucking utoob

The Earth is not over-populated, not by a long shot.
There's vast swathes of arable and pasture land that are left fallow all over the world.
We could easily feed 5 times the current population with the technology we had in the 1970's.

Because they are stating the problem is the MEAT and that the solution is people not eating meat. If everyone switched to veganism they would actually NOT be saving much or any water because they would need to eat grains and legumes to get enough protein, which is where the fucking water is going anyways.

That's why it's dishonest! It's not that the numbers are not accurate, it's that they are being used in a completely misrepresented way.

Mongols eat meat almost exclusively, and you don't hear much about them having health problems aside from their lack of modern medicine. The Chinese, who eat plenty of rice, tend to have lots of health problems, even outside of their cities of toxin.

Not when they're trying to immigrate to your country and being fed on welfare food, bud.

Where? What would the final cost be of roundup ready food and petrochemical agriculture? You're believing a technocrat's lies. The earth is already over populated and we need to let die off happen, just as it does in nature. The solution sure as fuck isn't to move a bunch of africans to Serbia and north canada so they can cut down forests and grow wheat.

bullshit. if you could they'd be doing it. overpopulation is not a myth if you care about quality of life.

Since you clearly can't into science, I'm filtering you. have a nice day

itt: morbidly obese degenerates trying to justify their animal flesh consumption

keep consuming the meat/dairy jew and enjoy your bitch tits

Eat the foods that you and your ancestors evolved to eat. There isn't some magic diet that'll be a godsend for all.

Everywhere. The former soviet union states alone have fallow land that could feed the planet 3 times over if the land was utilized.
No neurotoxins would be needed, Monsanto-kun.
Natural gas - that is to say methane - is dirt fucking cheap and the incredibly efficient process of turning it into ammonium nitrate has been around for 100 years.

Yeah, I see what you're saying, though I'm not sure you're completely correct. Yes, the numbers are way too simplified. However, Americans eat like 5 or 6x more protein then they actually need. It's really more about calories which is why I said in an earlier post they should have done it calorie for calorie.

Or, like you said, they should give an alternative, healthy diet and then compare the water levels. I still think you're exaggerating how dishonest it is though, if simply because humans wouldn't be downing that much corn if they cut back on meat. Ideally they'd be eating lots more leafy greens, imho. idk. it would be interesting to find a more scientific estimate, that's for sure.

No, retard. First, you have to maintain biodiversity and deal with nutrient depletion and erosion. You also have to deal with the fact that fertilizer runoff is killing huge swaths of the Ocean. I could go on – and that's just farming.

Next, you have to look at other resources, like energy. How are you going to lift 6 billion people out of poverty with our current resources. Again, I could go on and on.

You're just repeating the "Overpopulation is a Judeo-Bolshevik Lie" bullshit the cuckservatives have fed to you. The truth is overpopulation is real, and we should get rid of the darkies to make space for our own. Or are you not NatSoc?

So? See my explanation above. yeah, people spin things; sure. I'm not "defending" anything.

but its not. the numbers might be exaggerated, but its not "more efficient" that's retarded.

Trips is right

keep the fat coming you swollen bloated death eater.


Yes it is. Overpopulated by subhumans.

Jesus fuck you're fucking retarded. I don't even know what to say. smh


Overpopulation isn't just about population density you knuckledragging troglodyte

ugh. no.
he isn't a strong man. he is a fucking manlet.
5'6". lol
real strongmen here.

No you fucking don't.
That can be dealt with easily.
What erosion you fucking queer?
Completely untrue but even if it was? Boo-fucking-Hoo. Tell the Man from Atlantis' wife that I send my condolences. Nobody gives a shit and rightly so.

There is no over-population you indoctrinated communist cunt. If you're depending on "over-population" to "get rid of the darkies" then you'd better open your fucking eyes because it's not working.
I've given you the benefit of the doubt by assuming you're just fucking brainwashed and stupid rather than a shill.

Please see above link for how efficient cattle are. Four stomachs aren't just for impressing the cowgirls.
Do we really not need the protein? There's a real difference between not starving to death and having all the nutrition our bodies need. I'd wager that most of the western obesity has come from trading out animal products for grains and frankenfoods.

I can tell you that I used to eat more vegetables than literally anyone I ever knew and did so for years. Now I eat virtually no vegetables other than a small amount of grains and I go light on the fruit. I feel sooo much better, am much stronger, and look healthier too.

There is an alertness that comes with the semistarvation of veganism and I can see its ascetic usefulness therefore, but for actual health and productivity, meat and dairy are phenomenal!


The strongest man in the world right now is a meat eating Yank, you lying cunt.

That's true, there is way too many subhumans.

Did I say it was? There is still lots of room for white populations to live.

By saying we're not overpopulated doesn't automatically mean that I like niggers. Just like saying I hate jews doesn't mean I like muslims.

See those empty regions? They are deserts (Sahara, Southern United States), very rugged mountains (Himalayas, Rockies), and areas that have snow half the year.

Technology does not know better than human feet, buddy.

Modern agriculture is a problem. The solution is to kill 6 billion shitskins.

You can live in places like Siberia, it's not ideal but it's possible. Lots of room in Russia.

No, you don't.

The real reasons for wanting us to shift away from meat is so we don't start rioting when the first meat shortages hit and because meat makes you a bad goy.
vegetarians produce less testosterone

You're deliberately ignoring the vast empty spaces of temperate eurasia because you're intellectually and morally bankrupt.

Overpopulation has nothing to do with population density. It has to do with resource utilization you dumbass pleb.


Drudge is a different site, tough Jew.

They look like fucking aids patients.

Where are you thinking exactly that isn't already being farmed? What destruction would be necessary?

And most importantly, WHY would we do that in order to stuff the world with enough people to have the starvation level that you don't think we've reached?

I understand that, but there is still room for white people to live happily, carry capacity has not been reached yet.

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Is that some sort of interweb signal to call in JIDF support because your retarded argument is lost beyond all recognition?

That is like saying he is natural because he was between steroid cycle you fucking retard.

Rabbit is a real fucking healthy meat. I've been thinking of raising some but I'm not sure how well they would do in my hot as hell climate.

That being said if you eat rabbit you have to supplement your diet with high fat meats. Rabbit is so lean you can actually starve to death of fat deficiency.

The only real reason to be vegetarian.

Do it for him

Read the thread, fuckhead - cunts are claiming the world is overpopulated.

this is overpopulated. those bright red areas are hell on earth, and wildnernesses are evaporating.

It is if we want to preserve any sort of wildlife in the world. Sure, you can bulldoze the rainforest to grow soybeans to feed niggers, nut there is no reason to. Just let them starve, preserve most land naturally and minimize agricultural lands.

vegans have higher t-levels than omnivores

vegetarians (unlike vegans) still consume milk and eggs which is high in estrogenic

fun fact: most meat is from female animals because the males are killed at birth (since they can't produce eggs or milk)

Right. There's no need to artificially keep the nigger population alive, they're just going to have babies and that's just more darkies you have to keep propped up on humanitarian aid.

Let the niggers die or teach them how to work the land, the latter seems more realistic since we've tried option 2 multiple times and they just go back to their nigging ways everytime we leave.

Oh god a thousand times this. (Sorry for the Tumblr expression). My ancestors were farmers for thousands of years. Greens, vegetables, meat, milk, tubers and cheese. In parity for thousand of years. I don't think my diet needs a particular lot of meat or lot of soja or a lot of vegan bullshit. I also think most humans have the same diet, just different sources. Extreme environments premediate different extreme diets, like Eskimos or the Calahari desert. But everyone else eats just like my alpine forefathers. Mostly plants, some meat, some time of the year a lot, some eggs, some weird shit that everybody else on the planet would make puke. (Cheese as rotten milk, rotten fish, rotten eggs, rotten cabbage, rotten wheat (beer), rotten blood, rotten grapes, rotten corn).

Fixed it for you. All of these studies are flawed because they only compare standard subhuman diet to a vegan diet. But any conscious diet choices will be better than the prole feed the normal idiot eats. It doesn't take into consideration people who eat a balanced omnivorous diet, since they are just lumped in with the fast food eaters.

The Canadian Maritimes aren't any of those things.

He was only vegetarian because of digestive issues. Even then, he still ate meat once in a while.


they're not going to lie to themselves, user

LIberals are notorious for using shitty data and flawed servery

And they never control for other factors such as body fat percentage.

But, fact remains, a person who eats a balanced omnivorous diet will be better than one who eats vegan. This is the truth, no matter how many mediocre bodybuilders and athletes you post.

race isn't real. clearly they're discriminating

High five for nat soc greenie. Ye only sustainable ideology.

V. Stefansson

A skinnier nigger then me, some random redneck, does not make for a convincing argument.

If you have the critical thinking ability to sort the good shit from the hippy woo shit, permaculture is pretty fucking interesting.


No they don't and that is a myth. First off, milk. Then wrapppings an tubers. What some Russian docues about that, they think highly of Mongolian and Siberian flat, vast cuisine.

Why are meatcucks so stupid?

It is if you don't wanna live like a slave.

How long last fracked gas wells?

I read about 3 to 5 years. Wow.

Oh, I thought he did it for his love of animals.

Now you are just lying.

I'm pretty sure one of Hitler's favourite foods was bavarian sausage

Hope you have obamacare.

shiggidy diggidy doo

By vegan bullshit do you mean edible plants?

This is the most ignorant argument of all.
Look at pic 1 related.
See the Ice-Ages in the last 800,000 years?
It's 95% of the time if you're having trouble.
During those cold times the rainforests virtually disappeared. They were reduced to tiny and isolated copses which is where the variety of species come from in warmer times - like now - as these small forests join together.

See pic related 2?
Angkor Wat and its surrounding structures were clear-cut by French archaeologist a few decades ago. That massive fucking tree root - the tree is well over 100 feets tall came from a seed shat out by a fucking parrot 30 years ago. It's been allowed to grow because tourists want pictures even though it's tearing the temple apart. Because Cambodianiggers.

The rainforests do not give a single shit if your destroy 99% of them - NATURE DOES IT ALL THE FUCKING TIME, REPEATEDLY - they will regrow at the slightest opportunity
Nature is not a delicate flower you stupid, stupid, moronic, indoctrinated cunt.

Not all animals are the same or equal, this is a simple fact. You can kill and eat some animals, and raise and nurture others. They've evolved or have been domesticated so that they serve different purposes.

I think aot of carcass eaters get triggered everytime the word vegan is mentioned is because the immediately think of hollywood veganism. When in reality they just need to open themselves up to the encyclopedic vegetable kingdom. They wont though. They will get cancer and wonder "why me?". they will get heart disease and suffer years of sickness. I havn't gotten sick in over two years since I started researching vitamins and reducing meat intake drastically. Meat cucks often have schisms in their mind and can only perceive truth in left/right paradigms. They refuse to acknowledge that there could be a better way of eating. They will pay the price with their health.

That's a lie. Haven't you heard, black men are the strongest, and all white men are small and weak…

Imagine coming across this fucking monster in a dark ally though. Fuck that.

According to the chart milk, eggs, chicken, butter, and pigs are fine when it comes to this argument for why not since less water than nuts and vegans promote eating nuts as a mainstay.

Obamacare is worse, you leftypol faggot

Also, not being a nigger is pretty important, which you would know if you didn't suck niggerdick as often as you can.

Actually they promote seasonal fruits an vegetables. You should try it out sometime.

So you aspire to be like kikes then? God you vegans are fucking stupid.

Of course he should, if he wants to deprive himself of vital vitamins and nutrients whilst lacking the energy to do anything.

They also promote beans("pulses",) milk and eggs use less water, and chicken about the same.

Have you ever seen fruit that grows in harsh environments? Good luck making sandplums a staple, you sheltered faggot. I guess all that niggerjizz helps round out your diet.

I see stefansson has already been mentioned.

That guy has no muscle mass.

It's called virtue signaling and its like crack to liberals.

You mean nation parks?
Humans couldn't possibly survive in forests.

O.D. Wilson wasn't white but as far as I can tell he's the only podium finisher in all of strongman who wasn't. He had ridiculous static strength, but he was shit at moving anything quickly, and had heart problems as it seems so many black guys do.

Brian Shaw is the definition of a gentle giant, I'm sure coming across him in a dark alley would actually be a pleasant experience.

Veganism did not exist in Greece or any other society before the 20th century. This is because veganism is only made possible by globalization. If you are a vegan, you are a globalist by necessity.

I'm not sure anymore lads. Why were Tesla and Hitler voluntarily vegetarians? It's starting to bother me tbh.

Not necessarily, they can be technologist since with controlled environment farming you can grow whatever wherever year round, how they're going to pull off mars.

Vegans do kill more animals than meat eaters because veganism relies on globalization, which is responsible for most environmental destruction on the planet. Vegans kill many animals and irreparably destroy entire ecosystems so they can feel self-righteous.

Which means being a globalist. Utilization of the resources necessary to accomplish this requires globalization and mass ecological destruction.

There's the hippie type of vegan that's all about suffering and there's those who do it for health/longevity, if you can pull off the nutrient mix sans meat, vegan is better, it's just that it's a pain in the ass and meat taste good. I went vegan for years since I don't trust the jewfood industry, still don't. Drop calories to only what's needed for life extension as well.

No, it doesn't take global to setup a controlled environment.

Fucking faggot OP leftpol queer posting or even caring about shit like this.

You reek of liberal cuck little cunt boy, pic related

because both channeled their sexuality to their pursuits, and found even that too distracting.


Yes it does. It requires resource extraction from many different areas of the globe, transportation to transfer these resources, industrialization to manufacture the parts you require, etc.

Hitler had digestive problems, and still ate meat occasionally.

Not even true, though.

No, it doesn't. Where the fuck are you? I'm in America, we don't need from anyone to setup shop.

You do.


uh eskimos got along fine but they also ate organ meat.

Prove it

So? Have you faggots ever heard of the law of conservation of matter and energy? That water doesn't disappear. The cows are going to excrete most of it through piss, sweat, and shit, which is going to evaporate into the atmosphere and come back down as rain. Eating a pound of steak causes as much water to disappear off the face of the Earth or become outright unusable as a 5 minute shower. That is, 0 gallons.

Unless you live in an area that gets droughts regularly, you shouldn't even be concerned about your own local water consumption, let alone how your actions might affect water globally. Even if our water tables for fresh water started drying up or become polluted, we always have the option of taking in a large quantity of seawater, running an electric current through it, and getting fresh water.

Beef is one of the most nutrient dense things you can eat. Just, you know, don't be a slob and eat to excess without getting proper exercise.


"Vegan" little faggots pushing their agenda in Holla Forums. WOW.

This place isn't Holla Forums anymore, its cancer schemekike shillhole

Fuck everyone on this faggot board. You faggots arent conservatives, you faggots arent men

I bet theres less faggy little queers that died in Pulse with a literal cock in their asshole.

Fuck you shill cucks, fuck this place.



I don't recall if Tesla actually went vegetarian himself, but he knew it was something important for the human race's future. I read about it in his Increasing the Human Energy essay.

It's a fantastic read, full of eerily accurate predictions about technology in the future as well as some straight up sci-fi "that's a gundam" predictions that never came true. Tesla's philosophical bent about it was fundamentally different from Hitler's. Tesla saw the human energy as some kind of single quantifiable measurable thing, and that it was the ultimate purpose and good of mankind to increase it. Based on F=ma, you can increase the human energy in three ways, in order from most effective to least effective:

1. Accelerate progress. Develop new technologies. Improve everybody's lives.
2. Remove negative-forces. Take off dead weight and anti-progress factors like war and conflict.
3. Bulk increase mass. Feed people, make babies, keep people healthy.


Look up cancer diets.

Well no shit. Vegetables are 90% water, and half of the stuff that isn't water is indigestible fibre.

4 billion Asians and 1 billion niggers is a disaster for the environment.

1.4 billion niggers, that were bred since the early 20th century by egalitarian 'for only a dollar a day' cuckstians. niggers would be a fifth of their numbers if deranged Whites never bred them, and that's just the niggers, cuckstians have been breeding the whole turd world.

no the population has really skyrocketed due to welfare. We now pay single sows more money if the have little nigglets and the buck is out of the picture. That is why 70% of nigglets grow up without fathers. We did this through our welfare state

And a lot of our soil fertility is wasted sending our surpluses to them, both feeding them and destroying any potential for progress the poor dumb beasts might have.


welfare, in africa. dumbass.

look at the data

Nuts are not a significant part of any vegan's diet unless they are one of the handful of vegans attempting to eat vegan and low carb. Most vegans eat a very carbohydrate dense diet of starches, fruits, vegetables, and occasionally nuts and seeds. Find me someone who eats as many nuts or seeds as the average burger eats in ground beef/chicken.

Man, those poo-in-loo's sure do know how to pump out walking turds.

How the hell are we going to do something about that?
- Nuclear weapons is a no-go, to much public outrage.
- Spreading disease would be harmfull to ourself
- Teaching abstinence only doesn't work
- CIA op in Pakistan to rile up war between curryniggers creates fucktons of rapefugees

What do?

niggers in america are 13% out of 319 million, niggers in africa are 1.x billion, aka it's not because of the welfare state.

4:54 pertains to kosher methods of slaughter.

What is raw foodists for $200, Alex.

American TNG is a huge problem for us, but a bicycle accident compared to Nigeria in 2030.
But that's also due to national welfare and (sorry crusader-bros) Christian charities.

They'll never get better as a mass, they'll be their worse. Let nature weed them out and if some natural elites arise within them good for them. We need to stop playing God.

Water is an unlimited ressource, who cares?

welfare for farmers leads to foreign aid leads to niglets leads to bushwars and genocide leads to UN intervening leads to military deployment and arms sales leads to destabilizing governments leads to rapefugees leads to europe dying

I am speaking only for the american nigger. the african nigger is what happens when animals run wild

I agree

many great men were/are vegetarian or vegan for numerous logical reasons.

Doesn't it bother you that the actual number of vegans in the west is statistically insignificant yet there are numerous negative media portrayals and stereotypes almost all of us cling to? Why all the negativity and insistence that all vegans are brain dead hippies? These stereotypes come from media more than any actual real world encounters, I guarantee you.

I urge you to do your own research and not cave to the reddit tier "bacon tho" meme.

Two underrated comments in my humble.

raw foodists still rely on calorically dense fruits like bananas, avocados and dates for a majority of their calories and strive for carbohydrates to be their fuel, not to mention raw foodists are seen as fringe even within the vegan community.

The number of people eating a majority of their caloric intake from nuts is statistically insignificant especially compared to people getting a majority of their calories from meat and dairy.

I lived in bozeman faggot, the stereotype is real. They are the beta-ist of fags attempting to make love not war, man.

Hippies and vegans may be pussies, but they signal well. Try being a meat eating redneck and have any positive credit whatsoever in (((media))).

Hitler got his shit fucked up during the war. Its also why he hated tobacco with a passion–his mustard gas lungs couldn't handle second hand smoke

No, it's not, niggers in africa are an egalitarian christcuck creation, it's completely artificial. Before christcucks, niggers would boom bust, breed past their low iq ability to feed the hoard and mass starve as a result, fucktard christcucks saw this and went oh woe those poor niggers, lets feed them, they do and niggers do their thing a breed to the christcucks gibmedats level and then start starving again, christcucks learn their lesson? Nope, they increase gibmedats, niggers proceed to breed to new gibmedats level, rinse lather repeat. This is the reason why there are 1.4 billion niggers in the world.


Don't even bother, these people deserve to get health problems. We live in a world of cause and effect, they'll get their's.

i think you need to replace christcucks with leftists who are subsidizing their niggotry otherwise I agree

Why are the shining exemplars of vegan health at best equal in strength to the average meat eating man

No faggot, it gets recycled. By the time piss filters through dirt, and waters crops, and you ingest the moisture, you've recycled fresh water.

Eat 15 dicks and murder yourself.

I will agree that "rednecks" are unfairly characterized by the media but saying that meat eating is frowned upon is laughable. Constant fast food commercials, glorification of bacon and grilling steaks as a "manly" pastime, etc, are certainly not seen as negative by the vast majority of people.

This is a fun thread, but truly, question when you hear stories about "I met a vegan once and they were the worst" when no western country has a vegan population over 3%. I've had several people admit to me they had never even met a vegan before yet they held negative views of them all their lives.

Sometimes I feel that way too vegan bro, but I was in their shoes only a few years ago. HATED vegans despite only having met one. Some will reject everything you say but occasionally someone will entertain you and you can at least get their gears turning. I don't blame you for the "fuck it" attitude though.

No, your timeline is wrong, hippielibfaggots only came about in the 60s on, christcucks have been creating the turd world global disaster long since before.

back again, shekelstein?

I guess you are right. I just feel that globalist cucks are the uniting feature of the christcucks, leftists, and hippielibfaggots

Wow I guess you're right. We'll have to throw out 1500 years of European history/technology and get back to our heathen roots

Little known fact: Christians Conservatives and Godless Liberals that hate each other are cut from the same cloth.

Learn history nigger christcuck.
The only reason we don't live like in the 1500s angmore is because we abandoned religion's stranglehold starting 1600s.

With all the nutrition mumbo-jumbo and pseudo-science out there, the safest option is to stick with what has been proven over thousands of years: the traditional diet of your ethnic group. There may be better diets out there, but you certainly can't go wrong with a traditional diet. It should be considered the default for those that aren't interested in studying nutrition for years to separate the bullshit from the real science.

what's wrong with wanting to worship Jupiter/Zeus?

If your IQ is high enough you can work out things on your own, it's not impossible.

Many vegans are despicable but much of the hate is reactionary training towards anything that appears non-conforming moralism. Try talking about organic food to your average neocon, god forbid using less fossil fuels. On the other side, they're just as moronic of course – pumping their kids full of vaccines, fluoride, and SSRIs is now virtuous.

Simple common sense is fucking rare. Industrial sewage dumping into a river upstream from a town should outrage everyone, not just Democrats. The knockout game played by a bunch of future presidents should not just upset Republicans. God damn, is it really so hard to be a decent person??

No wonder simple shit that our ancestors have done for tens of thousands of years like eating meat has become demonized – we don't even know who the fuck we are anymore.

that is why I am saying globalism is the uniting feature

What was so wrong with living as people did 1500 years ago in the Northern European areas? What worked then still works now. Technology is nice, but only a soulless society would imagine it to be the basis.

We both know you dont live in a "harsh environment" or ever go outside,


Agreed (plus Semitic materialism).

They lost hard to Christianity
The secular conservatives desperate to divest themselves of christianity are ideological and biological dead ends.

I honestly don't even know what to say at this point. You are the dumbest nigger I have ever encountered. Good luck with obamacare.


veganism relies on not consuming animal products.

This is like debating a liberal.

Unless you live in the non-freezing, lush parts of the world, he's right. You need to have a plan for winter that isn't "will eat lettuce and strawberries". It's flesh, milk, and produce that will store. That's how we did it when we lived in sight of the glaciers and that's how we should still do it today. It's what's right for us, not "pick a banana from the tree, Ooga".

You are profoundly ignorant on the state of current technology and permaculture. You should look into aquaponics. You won't, but you should.

Does anyone suspect that the reason the left is so big on this is that after they win the transgender fight they want to go on to fight for transspecies

But you understand his point is that a global economy is what allows us to not live in connection with the cool climate natural to us and to instead be a vegan – a diet only really suitable for tropical humans? Even if you're only a localvore and even if you only use foods that are native to your cool weather area, you're still dependent on tons of modern cultivation and/or refrigeration – modern technology – that requires very large supply chains.

This is why fancy tropical food was a treat for aristocrats only until a few hundred years ago. It wasn't within the reach of those without an empire or tremendous wealth.

Cancer is caused by pollution and a crisis of consciousness.

If you need current technology than you how the hell will you make it in your log cabin????????

It's not natural to you. It's dependent on a bunch of shit that has a cost in many ways. See Deep Ecology for details.

Again, you're wrong.


Daily reminder that Hitler, Himmler, Hess and Goebbels all did their best to follow a vegetarian diet. The fact that the supposed "natsocs" on here don't understand that part of National Socialism is caring for the environment, and by extension your fellow animals, is really quite sad.

Every time I just think, just imagine how strong he'd be if he'd eat food for which his genetics were adapted. Mmmm… another vanilla soy and pea protein shake. So much better than a bloody rib eye steak.



Wow. Someones jelly.

I am a robot. I wouldn't make it

No they didn't. That's just bullshit.

You absolutely can care for animals while still being an omnivore. A great deal of our intelligence and social behavior comes from our history of hunting big game such as mammoths together. It's a big part of why we have such a kinship with dogs. This empathy and sensitivity is a major part of what has really allowed us to be compassionate to the suffering of other animals and to each other.


top kek.
not everybody wins the lottery, lad.
that's why we need roids and meats.

case in point. im a 160 lb meat eating manlet and i deadlift that much

You're not going to make it.

"Speaking alongside Cameron, Schwarzenegger reports health benefits of cutting down his meat and dairy intake on the advice of doctors. “I’m slowly getting off meat,” he says, “and I tell you: I feel fantastic.”"

just make the cows drink their own piss

problem solved


They can also sequester radionuclides and break down mineral oil.

Search Paul Stamets.

Was meant to include "mycelium is intelligent".

cow piss is a wonderful fertilizer for vegetables.

Well, I'm convinced. You clearly don't know Arnie.

Also an excellent shower for Africans.

Monoculture and current methods destroy the mycelial mat and other subsystems which allow that post-burn regeneration… Sorry tech fuck.

Meat and the amino acids and proteins in meat like cows and buffalo helps with brain development.

Lacking protein at critical times in the womb and childhood starves the brain and stunts growth.

You can image why the Jews want to make you eat less red meat

The bad part of meat comes from cooking it, its meant to be eaten raw or close to raw. We of course cannot do that due to the processing and packaging methods. If it were local it would be less of a problem.

finally his gyno is caught up to him.

Nice. An equivalent of going nuh-uh and dismissing the argument. Yes, they did. Its well known. Hitler started getting serious about it past 1942, and actually sought to shut down the slaughterhouses after the war but could not do anything due to the needs of his soldiers.
Also look up Nazi beans (not saying soy is good, but I also don't think they understood the estrogenic effects at the time and therefore soy must've looked good on the surface as a protein-rich food).


I do hunt my own meat. Grow it too. I only eat meat that I have harvested myself, and I eat plenty.

What now, faggot?

This is the book that started my redpill journey

Says the asshole who told people not to drink milk.

Says the asshole who said that drinking alcohol was good for gains.

I don't know what he has left to gain though, Arnold used to constantly tell lies to confound his competition so that he could stay on the top, like telling people to always do 2 more reps than their maximum so that they can injure themselves and be out for months.

Oh my God, are you really going to lecture me about Hitler? Hitler was hardcore, very spartan and definitely an animal lover, but a vegetarian he was not.

There is more current-day propaganda about Hitler than any other personality in history other than Jesus. There is only one test that consistently works for knowing if something about the Third Reich's inner world was true:

Was it published before Reich fell and was whoever published it in good graces with the Reich?

Memorize this. You'll need it later.

Money and favors among his pals. He's always been a shill. I'm old enough to remember him and Bush being besties. But I still love him, degenerate though he is.

And that's Bush I, youngins.

These are Jewish scams, not real things.

Not really. 99% of vegans are faggots. This is just reality. I have never even met a vegan who wasn't a dysgenic subhuman.

This is false. Africans - especially those in arid lands practically only eat meat and no veggies. They even have a word for their grill: Braai.

Average american consumes 500l of water per day. That's 10 times more than beef. Just kill yourself, do world a favor.

Most aid to Africa comes from Christfags. Modern Christians worship niggers and spend 90% of their time planning mission trips to Africa to feed niggers and convert them to Christcuckoldry.

No. Vegan bullshit is like rhetorical bullshit "stuff that isn't".

E.g. soy masquerading as meat. Quorn, which isn't. Tofu, which isn't. (Tofu in old China is a disgusting, rotten plant, just like in my listing, not what you could by at wholefoods). Sausages without any animal in it. Döner/Dürüm without meat and yogurt.This is vegan bullshit to me.

Plants? Eat as much as you want. In fact, the more we eat plants, the more we shit and the more substrate to capture baby pill hormones and micro plastics is in the sewer, the better it burns afterwards. Just take care of phytotoxins and -hormones. Each plant has its own preparation needs and cooking methods. Most traditional recipes are there for a reason.

Nomadic African herdsmen are a very small percentage of Africans and were influenced directly by the Middle Eastern civilized people they came into contact with. The general diet of Africa is exactly what I described as you can verify for yourself by looking at national consumption rates.

500 liters of water is more volume than the human body. Do you even math?

Feeding animals with soy isn't right either. The problem is population growth. You can't feed 700 Million Europeans properly without protein input from abroad. Immigration is imperialism.

For starters, your phosphate will wear out.

Now go and study some geology, you cunt.

This is an interesting argument. It puts the birth rate crisis in a new perspective for sure. Why do we need to have millions of immigrants? If our needs are more modest, more sustainable, can't we allow the population bulge of older people to peacefully die out and find a better equilibrium?

That guy is a twink and his lifts are worse than mine in high school (at same weight).

This is false. Hitler ate vegetarian for a year or two on doctor's orders. None of the others you claim here had anything to do with it.

And veganism is bad for the environment. And eating animals and caring about them are not mutually exclusive. You care about an animal in their capacity as animals. That means as prey. Self-actualization for a cow means being eaten by a higher animal. This is the cosmic order.

vegan shits are expensive.
meat is cheaper.

Let's put our bloated federal government to any use and let's look at the numbers:

I am sure your bloated federal government has similar numbers and tables. Look it up.

Thats what I am saying too!

You buy once or twice a week prime meat and your done nutritionally.

Or you buy processed meat for the same price or the mentioned vegan shit.

They need more water to support more immigrants.

That's the total amount of water used by that country divided by the population, not the amount of water actually consumed by a given person, you fucking vegan moron


If you sit at the computer everyday without ever working out, once or twice a week of meat is enough for you. If you work out or your physical work is intesive, then you need much more than that. Not only to stay alive, but also to grow muscles from your input work.

Why would the Swiss worry about their water usage? Have you been to the alps? Keeping their water clean, absolutely, but why not use the snow melt for good things??

We can't compare water consumption in that sense from Ethiopia with Switzerland. Some places (SW America comes to mind) are not suited towards having huge populations. It's only possible through overuse of resources. Even places with abundant water like Switzerland or Minnesota can still be over taxed – but they will likely be hurting more from water pollution before drought.

Over population is a plague that comes from urbanization.

Go look up how many people like in New Delhi, in Nairobi, in Istanbul, in Beijing, in Los Angeles, in Mexico City. It's insane and absolutely not sustainable – furthermore, it's the worst of people that are most overfed.

Nature must be allowed to restore the balance and humanitarian Feed the Hungry or Water to Africa missions are literally against nature. European people are relatively scarce and by far the most likely to behave responsibly once we get off the technology train.

The solution to oil cars sure as fuck isn't electric ones, just like solar panels are not the cure for coal plants.

I'm off topic and I can't even remember if I'm agreeing with you or telling you to fuck off. Oh well, we all get old.

You know, before someone accuses me, I am one. And proud of it, because I invented it on my own, before some feminist leftie man-cunt at the university threw it at my head. I was baffled. This is a thing? Well then, let's dive in.
I am talking about

My very near family knows I would endorse the bombing of all big cities abroad (without fallout, understandably) and the total prohibition of growth in numbers for the next 1000 years in Europe. Because we had a kitchen garden, because we know how tedious and resource intensive it is to grow stuff. In polite circles, I tend to shut up. Polite circles don't get it anyway. I heard once Strategie Ost/Lebensraum was because the Nazis thought that there would never be enough fertilizers to feed the German Volk. Curiously, we never heard about this in school.

The problem are Asians. They just suck the middle east dry until there is no oil left and from that point on, Arabs will inundate Europe by about 100 Million. It will happen. Thanks to the US Marines for doing the dirty work which would have been the task of Chindia. Where do the shitskins want to go? Shanghai or Berlin? Hyderabad or Rome? China smelled it and culled the rural dunces, before they went Übertechniker. Well done, kikes, well done.

What is the difference between dirty water out of your weewee and dirty water out of a pipe? None. It is used up and the Germans, French and Italians downstream have to deal with it.

I worked on construction and many immigrants mix vegetables and some bacon/ham. There are many tasty salads especially Eastern Europeans eat, because they can be heated or they eat it cold. But all in all, this is a strawmen. I would never curtail consumption of a man actually needing it. We have a million fat office drones. They are the problem.

Because whole Europe drinks it downstream? Read up on the Swiss inland lakes, they went tits up, look it up here, I don't find sources right now in English:

We blow air 24/7 into the lakes, because they went anoxic decades ago. The Rhine was empty, also because of Schweizerhalle. We blow Billions into the water infrastructure so that Europe downstream can use it. I sometimes jokingly say we should just shit into the Rhine until Germany cedes "immigration rights" off Switzerland. Heil Trump etc

It isn't off topic. Build the fucking wall already.

I did not know there such problems with the Alpine water supply. I thought most of the pollution in Europe had been addressed in the 70s-90s and that things were pretty green again. Of course, I'm just being a fool to not consider what impact immigration has had as well.

If you have not seen it already, I'd recommend
I'm sure that Rosenberg (as well as Hitler, of course) would be an eco-Fascist as well these days.

I don't eat meat because milk is better.


Is it common for a vegan's diet to cause them to smell like shit? Had a co-worker in my last job that was vegan and smelt like an old wet diaper. Could smell the fucker from a room away.


Vitamin deficiency is not good for you.

Milk and eggs are the nectar of the gods.

some more.

Do countries like Egypt or Saudi Arabia in any scenario have any future?

Wait, there are no problems with the supply, there is plently of fresh, untainted water, but we take pristine water supply seriously. Each commune owns and has to provide its own water network, supply and reserves (in the country of Nestlé, a true jewish strategy). The problem is downstream. upstream communes would pollute downstream communes and countries. Calculated over decades, those billions are still less than having a nation wide pipeline system. The water supply redundancy we have is unique. Some hundreds here shouldn't drink, a mile further they can.

This is my prime example why libertarianism does not work. There are regulations about when and under what weather conditions exactly a farmer can fertilize his very own soil. Libertarianism may work in rural Minnesota where one person per square mile searches for the true American spirit, but not here and not in most areas on this world.

Good for you. And good for the milk lake we still have.

Maybe a weirdo. I don't know any vegans personally - blessed I am - but those are much heavier in smelliness. This and curry. Fucking Indians.

eh, forgot.

Also tofu and starches are pretty bland by themselves. Vegan food tends to have lots of garlic, peppers, and other stinky foods. I used to eat garlic every day and boy did my wife notice when I stopped.

I see now regarding the water supply. Thank you. Libertarianism is just selfishness enshrined, and I'm saying that as someone who lives in the panhandle of Idaho – a libertarian "paradise". How many old tire burn piles, fertilizer run offs, and filthy ATVs do you want your neighbor to have?

m8 you can get a gallon of milk off about three cows or ten goats

Anyone with a reasonable amount of land (50+ acres) can get milk easily.

I guess you don't know the expressions Butter mountains and milk lakes.

We seriously overproduced during the eighties and those were the terms describing it. Then the subsidies schemes changed and exports went ballistic, especially to China. Somehow they love clean milk powder. 50+ acres…

To return to the subject of the thread: Say to vegans that as long as they vote in parties who subsidize animal protein export to Africa, I rather eat it myself.

The great plains disagree, pussy

the world is overpopulated goyim! consider suicide

This. Right here.


You're late. I already established we need to kill them off. Why do you write such nonsense?

I can't make heads or tails of what you said.

Can you please provide some sources to the contrary? Everything I looked at, even of you were to dismiss Table Talks, points to Hitler being vegetarian towards the end of his life. I'm genuinely curious now.

He didn't eat meat due to medical issues.

1. Sauce
2. Doesn't that just show that meat is unhealthy?
3. What about Hess, Himmler, etc.?


Nice digits but you're wrong.

You've obviously made your mind up so I won't explain.

I can't say conclusively that he was not a vegetarian when he died, but we know he for sure that:
He was not a vegetarian for at least most of his life
His concern for animal welfare was often incorrectly assumed to mean he was a vegetarian when he was definitely not
He was famously spartan in his diet and eschewed luxurious eating habits (some antihitler propaganda disputes this of course)
There is no evidence unhandled by the allies that he was a vegetarian at the time of his death

So I think the balance of probability is that he was not a vegetarian though quite likely ate simple vegetarian fare.

I eat piggies and fruit. Best diet ever.


Sounds delicious. Apples and ham are heaven.

Hitler wasn't a voluntary vegetarian you absolute niggerjew. He had to due to health problems.

And also even then he kept eating his favorite meat dish on occasions.

Well, a chunk of Plebbit migrated here, so we have to de-homofy them first.


It takes a cuck to become a vegan.

It takes a man to kill an animal and fucking eat it, ya low-test beta cuck.

Those are 'Evangelists'.

And you are confusing 'judeo-Christianity' with Christendom.

This 'judeo-Christianity' is what led to cuckoldry, while Christendom is what led to stable societies and conquest.

But i can tell you're a salty 'atheist' anyway, so nevermind.

A pound of beef does not equal the same amount of food as a pound of wheat. That's why you're a lying kike.

Honest question from a former Christian:
Do you think European society would not have been at least as creative and stable if they had remained pagan or were, say, Zoroastrians? Part of why I ask this is Christianity has been common in many nonwhite areas for centuries, yet none of them appear to have developed a European spirit.

Haha, no. It would have become mudskin too, as the combined effort were half driven by Rome and financed by The Church.

Your brain is broken, not "just fine."

It takes two to tango. Europeans merely received an ingredient by which they thrived.

Btw i'm not Christian, we had mandatory Bible study in school.

Which is why i'm so pissed off when 'atheists', who revere science, refuse to do their homework when 'criticizing' Christianity.

Ok, thanks.

0/10, apply yourself.

>Attack them, not the billions spent by us world governments on "famine relief"

It's because they aren't European. I think European society would have been essentially the same — perhaps a little better, perhaps a little worse — because culture molds the religion, not the other way around.

Christian charity is a staple of the west, good people doing good things for others. When the government took over their jobs (food banks, soup kitchens, in between houses) with food stamps, welfare and section 9? housing, the kind hearted people still wanted to keep doing nice things. They were tricked into giving to Africans instead is all.

Remove government welfare and you'll have white for white charity again.

And meat eaters don't rely on a global economy?

(((they))) think they've got funs on lock down so now they're going after big guys.

They started attacking protein sometime last year and are continuing with their "toxic masculinity" garbage.

This will be further pushed with soy as it makes men significantly more feminine, lowers testosterone and increase estrogen in men.

We're males here and don't want to be women, so that's not helping your case.

Laugh my arse off when I hear of these vegans getting ecoli from their organic products tbh

Right on the money. Vegan "bodybuilders" are a joke, it takes them like 5 years to get to the stage that isn't even peak condition of someone who eats meat. Vegans are delusional. These "Aryanist" types of people are cancer to the cause. This is literally where they're getting their retarded ideas from, just check the site out.

Looks good from the front page, yes? Keep looking through and you'll see how sneaky these fuckers are.

No. Imperialism is not a bad thing when supriors do it either. If niggers can't manage resources properly and we know they can't because they can't manage the vast resources they have in their own countries then why is it so bad when whitey or chinky goes over and does it to improve their conditions?

That doesn't mean the first world should be flooded with niggers, fuck any stinky lefty saying otherwise, they're retards who've proven themselves to be sell outs to the working class and hypocrites, nobody should care about their opinion on anything.


That's just runners man. But vegans are still fucking stupid.

Without a meat trade, a whole lotta animals would be extinct. Just like without those breeders in Africa who keep reserves for big game to be hunted, a whole lotta big African animals would be extinct.

Good one!

A more effeminate, insufferable bunch of faggots do not exist.

A sensible diet has a balance of meat, vegetables, fruits and grains.

The most important thing is to eat clean, unprocessed food with as little ingredients as possible, and cook it yourself.

Avoid chemicals and preservative as much as possible and you'll be golden.

That and refined sugar.

By that I mean to avoid refined sugar of course.

i already said they should do it calorie for calorie.
that's why you're a buck-toothed mouth-breather with no reading comprehension

this is some reverse psychology bullshit

Your shilling has been exposed on here too many times to count

Vegans are liars more interested in signalling their pathological altruism than in any discussion of biology.

They are always convinced by the Liberal death cult meme that the only way the Earth can survive is if Whites, and only Whites, stop having babies and only eat vegetables, contrary to the process we know that gave us large brains from evolutionary biology. Truly, who could be behind such an idea, and why could they want such a thing?

Although of course they couch this in arguments which essentially amount to applying the cancer of philosophical Universalism to the concept of natural rights.

Here's the unavoidable long and short: if you truly are compelled not to eat animals because your empathy is that overactive, you are defective. Your brain is malfunctioning and interrupting your natural diet. If you were any other animal, this would be lethal for you.

I am the only one who see this as a call for moderation?
It's known since Antiquity that almost everything is both remedy and poison depending of the dosage.
Lack of meat is unhealthy, so is excess of meat
We're neither carnivorous or herbivorous. We're omnivorous..

Did you even read the first post where OP posted an example of exactly that, or are you just here to shitpost?

actually you can very well live on a 100% meat diet, if its prepared and consumed properly.

if you live on a 100% vegetable diet, without fancy supplements, and living a working lifestyle, you will die.

Agricultural is the most destructive force on the environment. That's why agricultural societies last between 800 and 2000 years then break down and resort to cannibalism.

Moderation is for weak-minded faggots. If you aren't a nigger in the tropics, your ancestors probably ate nothing but meat of all kinds, a few herbs, and a root or two until a thousand or two years ago. Pretty fucking close to carnivorous.

nah m8, you can live on a meat diet pretty much as long as you get enough fat and a surplus or occasional organs/whole animals. You don't have to do shit to prepare it or eat it a certain way. You'd probably have to make sure you get some additional salt depending on your water supply, blood consumption, etc.

It's almost like they want to pull a cuckifornia and force water into reserves while causing drought in other places.
It's also in human biology. Sharp front teeth, canines, and our digestive system as a whole are designed for it.

Low BF% will make anyone look good faggot.

Wake me up when these Vegans can squat more than 2 plaet.

"B-But I just want to be lean and toned I don't want to be some huge freak with giant muscles I just want to have gay sex bro!"
t. goy

Look again.

someone understands.

then please shill, tell me why you are able to go to wholefoods and buy garden of life brand organic vegan methylcobalamin b12 spray?

if everyone in this thread did their own research, you would discover everyone here is a shill

I'm going to tell you why this thread was made
I'm also going to tell you why the shills are here

ask yourself, why are threads of this theme suddenly flooded with people with strong opinions desperately aimed at aggressively convincing you "meat is actually okay, trust us! part of a hulthy brekfest™"

why are vegans constantly being demonized as some skinny weak faggots just because they eat plants and avoid things they know to be bad for them?

vegans who speak up just to be insulted and organized away as just another stereotypical vegan faggit for no conforming to the mindset that even if it's normal, it should just be accepted as healthy.

just do your own fucking research. do it for you.

just look at this shit
their job is to sell you things, but their biggest job is to Sell YOU. you are the product, and your mind is the product. they are your biggest drug dealers.

Manlet muscles don't count!

I love fucking with the shills

The thing about "a diet of meat, grains, veggies, fruit" etc is that the meat doesn't contribute to the healthfulness, it's the plant foods. "Health-conscious meat eaters" or "meat minimalists" are people who rarely eat meat, but on occasion do, and they still often struggle to keep up health-wise with people who cut the junk out entirely.




Probably because you are, and you're obvious outsiders acting like we are the shills.

just quit taking your supps and die already


this post makes me consider the possibility and even erase all doubts that viral shill marketing is truly a thing.

people have been trying to eat healthier, and so much so successfully that someone actually needs to go up to them and tell them something that attempts to imply eating a healthy plant based diet isn't cool.

what a surreal snapshot of the world we live in today. we and our children are the future and it is as bright as we make it. eat healthy and be against those that would rather have you fat, stupid, and ignorant. you all hold it in your hands.

when did I tell you not to buy land?

when did I tell you not to grow your own food?

I'm actually trying to prevent you from being enslaved.

oh sure, just eat monsanto right guis?

Do your bosses give you extra money when your shillposts get based digits like that?

wow you sure showed me. I'm skinny and a vegan. wow what a crime.


I guess the shills have adopted using responses normally guided towards them when they shill, and now use them to try to discredit people who oppose them. very cute.

top kek

I would just like everyone to really take a step back and think about what you have seen here today.

People angry about what other people do or don't' eat? Yeah. It really makes you think.

Does anyone know by the names of this guys images where he came from?

Being skinny and vegan makes you weak, and weakness is a crime.

That's almost what the shills say when they spam racemixing threads.

well we all know that a whole-food plant-based diet is healthy and that a diet full of meat and dairy products is not healthy. what's funny to me is just how many shills will step up to try and convince others of the opposite. "hey hey just eat a little meat you need it!" - bullshitters

look at the facts I presented.

keep up the good fight dude.

Doesn't seem that way. Most people I know eat meat (including me). I'm not unhealthy nor are most the people I know and the ones that are unhealthy eat tons of junk and drink like retards.

I'll never stop eating animal flesh, you fucking kikes.

I have hope.

maybe you just don't eat that much meat. do you eat alot of veg? more veg than meat?

this is the dumbest fucking picture I've ever seen

especially since he is arguing against meat

first of all, the globalist elite douchebastards that so desperately want you to be fat, sick and stupid by convincing you to eat the shittest of the shit that the world has to offer are the same morons who want to trick you into focusing all your anger and frustration towards a generalized religious group of bearded oyveys blessing some halla bread while the few tops of corporations and government who impersonate jewish folk to perpetuate this meme just continue to rape your mind and rape your freedom every day with that red white and blue dick


the prevalence of the word "meatcuck" should immediately alert you to the presence of Holla Forums and that you should sage, sir

this is the dumbest post I have ever seen

Oh no fucking worries dr.gregor is only a real doctor.


The problem is sugar and overloading on carbs, not meat you dumb fucking cucks.


Shill detected who doesn't know shit.

The Jews themselves want all meat outlawed for the Noahides and have admitted so themselves:

All of you shills will be executed on the day of the rope, and your bodies fed to starving hogs, and then we'll slaughter the hogs and enjoy some pulled-pork sandwiches.

the fucking water cycle for vegan food freshly delivered to your favorite hipster bio store is probably worse

I just realized that this thread is a slider thread designed to knock
back down, which both need to be stickied.

a very controversial thread indeed, designed to create much arguing even though we know plant based diets are healthy and meat/dairy/fish is not.

the shills counted on that knowing that healthy and aware anons would fight back and post the truth, making this thread keep the top page, when it really shouldn't be.

I post this with sage because I want those threads to get the attention they deserve. God bless you all.


Was that a driveby shilling?

I used to call vegans vegetarians to fuck with them and their signalling, but how come people to don't call them herbivores?

It actually started as a better thread.
You can also tell because they will have multiple one line replies in a row.

no i didn't, I never looked at a single one of them

kek, well shilled

so now I'm saging what I've realized to be a slide thread, and the shills are now bumping the thread because they know I'm saging. they know they've been figured out.


Majority of African growth occurs in Africa and is due to food. Most Christian charity money doesn't go to food — mainly into the pockets of charity leaders, but then also into wastes of time like building irrigation for the niggers which they then destroy — whereas government aid does. World governments supply food and troops, and are responsible for most growth in Africa.

and the thread continues to be pushed on…


What interest would (((they))) have if the goyim stopped eating meat?

Meat eaters have higher IQs and more aggression and are thus seen as a thread to the Jewish world order.

They did the same thing in the first couple of decades of the Soviet Union, jacked up the prices and reduced availability of beef claiming it wasn't good for you, meanwhile they were eating it themselves.

"they" want you to eat meat so that you will be sick fat and stupid.

There is an underground push of a kind going on here in Belgrade at the moment.
Literally every single empty wall everywhere is littered with "go vegan" or "friends not meal" gratifies and they are written in fucking English.

And by removing proteins and shit that are actually good for your brain, heart and body, things only found in animal products and meat that are needed for a human body to function properly is somehow going to make me not sick and stupid?
Fuck off retard.

Yeah it's Jews and their Marxist shabbos goyim.

Off-topic but do you think they're going to find a way to blame you for the coming world war?

see? this is proof that "they" want you to believe you can only get protein and vitamins from meat and animal products.

did you know that even if you completely avoid soy- that nuts, beans, hemp seed, peas, and many other plant foods contain protein, as well as a shit load more fiber and vitamins than meat does?

This is what we're going to do to you.

Veganism is for feminists and nu-males.

Also, it should be noted that all of these are loaded with phytoestrogens that turn you into an effeminate faggot.

If the world war didn't break out in 1999 especially when nato bombed a fucking Chinese embassy in Serbia, killing it's staff members and diplomats, it isn't going to start because of us either.
There is also the fact that since the last democratically elected president was kidnapped by unknown people in black bandannas in the middle of the night and extradited to Hague to be tried for "war crimes", we have pretty much been a colony for almost 16 years now.
Just a month ago our (((parliament))) adopted a special international law that now allows nato and it's soldier unlimited freedom of movement across the country, they are also completely exempt from the law even on our territory for any crime, they can also commandeer vehicles, civilian and military, occupy buildings, again civilian and military even if it means kicking people out and they have completely free air space, which is funny because our president at the time called that paper an offer of capitulation and refused to sign it, triggering a three month long NATO bombing campaign, the cause for troubles weren't The West trying to protect muh albanians or humanitarian intervention, it was because our country refused to sign it's sovereignty away and was bombed into submission for it, incidentally, americans immediately built Bondsteel base on Kosovo, the moment they "liberated" it from us.
Every single law in this country in the past decade or so has been drafted and adopted in the USA and British embassy and our (((politicians))) have been extremely good goy the moment this "migrant" "crisis" started, even if the people told them to close the fucking borders and not let subhumans in, many of them talk about how we too should let them stay and have us help with our demographic situation, the moment i heard that on tv i almost shat myself.

>as a shit load more fiber
Yeah, I'd hate for my food to have too many nutrients, I better fill in some of it with indegestible crap

le meme food. Tell me about quinoa and amaranth next.

Hemp seed was sold in bags from the co-op back in the day. For chickens. Because it's fucking bird seed.


If that's "proof" to you then I hate to see what you call evidence.

Nobody is trash talking vegetables you retard and you should always make sure that they are a part of your diet ALONGSIDE meat and animal products.
You know, balanced and versatile diet and all that shit.

I don't actually think that the next war would be started because serbs, but think tptb would find it funny to excuse it with some event again.

I'm 1/4 Serb myself, definitely not a hater.

Serbia cannot catch a break. I grew up visiting my baba every sunday, she sat in front of the TV with a stern face watching her homeland be bombed on cnn. I didn't understand what I was watching then

you realize that phytoestrogen means plant estrogens which are poorly absorbed by our human, mammalian bodies, correct? and that milk has a shitload of estrogen, since it's literally lactation from a hormonal pregnant female animal.

hemp seeds are loaded with magnesium

That is okay, i too didn't realize a lot of things until i came to this place.


yes i know he's a faggot but sometimes you just gotta fight fire with fire

Don't know, don't care.

There's water nearby that has enough that people will shit themselves from drinking it, I don't know how important magnesium is unless you are eating garbage or plant sources that tie up the absorbtion.

Besides, animals got magnesium in them. Eat the animals.

I laughed irl, thanks. Your shilling is ridiculous.

It's unfortunate that many on the right feel like they must neglect their health to be masculine.

no thanks

you mean to tell me that every person in america has a water source near them high in magnesium? where is this?

I rather get my magnesium from fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. why would I eat something that will give me heart disease and high cholesterol when I get can eat veggies and get everything I need?

The jews actually want people eating meat. It keeps them sick and going to Jewish doctors. It keeps them in poor health so they can't fight back. The meat and dairy industries have huge power and control in the west, and the jews are involved with that. Just like they are in every other area. There is no wide spread Jewish agenda to spread veganism, because, as I said, they don't want us to be healthy. And veganism IS healthy.

Hows the weather in Tel Aviv?

Look out your window.

vegan user here, I get what you are saying but
these fake jews who are a globalist satanic cult, impersonate jewish people so that they can keep using them as a scape goat, so that everyone keeps their attention on jewish people, but never pay attention to the people in charge.

So you're a christfag who likes jews, great.

I thought you were saging to not slide more important threads, weakling

Also cranked out this little OC for just such an occasion

no. actually jewish person fighting the fake jewish corporation shills who want you to be unhealthy

legit my fault, forgot. you shills bumped it alot anyways.

and I found this for you

I'll just leave this here.

Please share with us the ideal number of jewish people for Earth to have.

it's like watching a fat person tell me "ugh my genetics are awful" as they chug a soda. then they tell me "hey buddy, it's totally okay if you drink just a little soda but ONLY sometimes or it's bad for you! they say this because they want to bring everyone else down to their level and feel less bad about themselves and usually don't even realize that they are subconsciously projecting bad advice unto others.

but you know what? FUCK IT. I'm not eating any meat.

people bitch and moan and say "veginz r mentul" but that's all they can fucking say. I'll say hi to you in a few years when you have all those health problems you could have avoided.

This. I'm going to age great. I love being healthy.

vegans are crazy gay faggots

you have no argument :)

what the fuck? did this thread just get edited back to the way it was -100 posts ago?

nevermind. severe glitch.

so does veganism rewire your brain so that you think this is a good look for people?

fuck off, we're full


OP here. Holy shit that's a lot of faggoty. The article I posted is being spread all over the place and is one of the most read on that site. If you want to be a vegan, go ahead, but this whole save the world by eating like an Ethiopian thing as bullshit as conserving water in Olympic National Park.

Good lord, you're like living evidence for the correlation between veganism and weak thinking transcarrot buggers.

1928 was a long time ago. The meat those two guys ate was natural. What is considered meat now has human fingers in it drowned in chemicals. No thanks.


A diet of Mexican fingers dipped in growth hormone will make you obese and your kids gay.


Oy vey goyim! Yes eat lots of expensive greens from the jewpermarket and become an unmasculine sissy while Tyrone and Jamal eat meat and can take over more easily. The easiest way to take over a country is to turn it's men into weaklings. Vegan? NEVER!

lmao that kike top comment

Vegans are faggots and one look at their weird fucked up skin is enough for anyone with common sense to say no thanks.

When it comes to nutrition, local farmer's markets are a gift from god himself. No jews adding phosphates, HFCS, nitrates (besides sodium nitrate AKA salt), or any other industrial garbage the kikes see fit to feed the goyim. Muscles get worked and there's less incentive to just blindly fatten thanks to ranges for the animals to dick around in. Makes meat tastier without a doubt. Hormones are hit and miss, but hey, can't be worse than industrial meat. Then you have the crops that grow naturally rather than radically altered life cycles via lights and genetic modification. Shit is a hell of a lot more nutritious due to being more compact rather than bloated to increase volume, and longer times absorbing nutrients from soil. Pesticides are along the lines as meat hormones, can't be any fucking worse that the mass-produced alternative. Basically the bumpkin grown shit is both tastier and healthier.

But, that isn't the best reason to shop around farmer's markets for your meat&veg. The best reason is having the opportunity to talk to the producers themselves. Very easy to establish SHTF connections, and bulk discounts if you're a regular buyer. That, and that little extra money you spend is going directly to your fellow countrymen, rather than beaners and international jewcorps who use their revenue to push for globalism. That instills a community bond. Community bonds breed nationalism. Nationalism breeds, well, you should know the answer to that one by now.

tl;dr: Merchants can go gas themselves, buy your shit at farmer's markets.

Do you shills really think that just making shit up works? This is BLM calling white people pigs tier shit.

Why does all of this water shit matter? Water is recycled by the ecosystem. It's a renewable resource.

Are vegans just being retarded as usual?

Later on she proceeds to suck milk from her dyke partners over stimulated ( resulting in lactation ) nipples.

Yeah I'm sure the Jews are st home koshering tofu as we eat meat.

Fucking idiot. Cholesterol is needed for vitamin D production. Without it you will developed diabetes and cancer.

People on statin drugs confirm the studies that show vitamin D protect ts against diabetes. They develop diabetes at higher rsates because statin drugs interfere with cholesterol production needed to produce vitamin D.

Now go suck an dick.

You're fucking retarded