Vote Loki #3 Storytime

You guys remember this one, right? Loki runs for president, the writing's not amazing but not shit, but the art more than fills the Modern Marvel Shit Quota for the series?

The guy who did the first two issues apparently couldn't stand looking at this eyesore anymore, but I'm the type that tends to get morbidly curious. Let's see what happens next!

Oh, good. I was considering doing it myself if it didn't show up soon. It looks like shit, but I'm curious where the writer is going with it.



anyone got a quick recap of what happened in issue 2? not sure if I read it or not.

Thor was a cunt (who can't read), reporter found some cult shit going on at Loki's campaign HQ, but he made it work for him because he's a fucking god.

That's the main reason I'm storytiming it, myself. There's just enough of an interesting story for me to want to keep reading.

…Though it probably helps that I have a high tolerance for shit art.


Wait, so what the fuck happened in Secret Wars? Doom doesn't even run his country anymore?

And that's the end of this month's issue of Vote Loki.

What did you think, Holla Forums? Personally, I can't help but note that for a guy whose whole campaign platform is built around lying to the public, he's told surprisingly few actual falsehoods.


I'm pretty sure if a candidate went over to a shithole like Latveria and killed a shitton of bitches, a lot of us would vote for him, too.

I can't tell if the writer intentionally makes the average person retarded or if the hilarity of this all actually escapes them.

From what I can tell from Wikipedia? Reed acquired omnipotence, used his new god-powers to fix Doom's face, and now Doom is supposedly dead, but was revealed to secretly be alive in an Iron Man story.

He's made the choice to deliberately stay away from the Latverian throne, because he has higher ambitions or some bullshit like that. And if that seems inconsistent with Doom's prior characterization to you, just remember that you only have Brian Michael Bendis to blame.

someone brought this up in the last thread but it would be interesting to see how loki takes to having to take the oath of office.

or if they even address that at all.

They gave Hastings such an amazing artist on Gwenpool, I guess they said "you haven't have TWO good artists, we don't have that many to go around!".

has the next issue of gwenpool dropped yet?

Issue #4 is out, if anyone else wants to storytime it. It's a 'Gwenpool makes quips while engaging in single combat with MODOK' story.

Who do you think is more to blame for how bad this series looks, by the way? Foss's lines aren't that great to start with, but Chuckry and Rosenberg are the ones that handled the coloring, and half the time it looks like they just used the fill tool in MS paint.

I'm tempted to say the linework, because they probably ask for it to be colored a certain way. I don't think you could color it in a way where it just saves the look of the book somehow.

Cool. Does anyone have the posts of the user's version of loki: president of america?

Maybe they removed Doom from Latveria just to not give Fox anything interesting to write?

Sonnuva bitch… that makes perfect sense, actually. And by making him the "new Iron Man" they surround him with characters they own the movie rights to, making adapting anything else he does also unusable without drastic changes.

I wish they'd just get the rights back so we can stop this stupidity.

Well, maybe after the Fantastic 4 flop they would sell the rights back like how Sony sell Spiderman's rights.

Well, Sony is working with Marvel, so they still own the movie rights. But Fox fucked up way too far with Fant4stic, I wouldn't want them to profit at all from any future FF movie. Even the earlier two FF movies they did were huge disappointments, only elevated much beyond Fant4stic because they were watchable at all.

Anyway… is Loki supposed to be a Strawman for Trump?

i don't know. I think he's just dicking around as a presidential candidate.

That and if he were a Trump strawman they would 've made it more obvious given Marvels current writers abilities to do "satire".

It seems to be more about candidates in general. This whole election has been a circus anyway, so it fits.

nothing too obvious yet, so i kinda doubt it? seems about right

The main girl character seems like a bitch though, just doen't like loki for some reason? I don't really remember her reasoning. Maybe she'll do a 180 and vote for him in the end? It would be a testament to the power of loki's silver tongue, and an interesting development

It'd be funny that when Loki becomes president he actually does a lot of good things and not villain stuff.

Her house got destroyed when she was a kid due to Loki and the Avengers having a brawl - Stark donating a large sum promptly after to rebuild everything. So instead of blaming the corrupt Mayor who siphoned shitloads of those funds to his own personal savings and basically left the entire District homeless - or the Avengers themselves for not trying to draw Loki out somewhere where there wouldn't be too much collateral damage at least - she just focuses on El Presidente because "MUH VILLAINS!"

If anything is a strawman in this comic its Nisa being a strawmen of the average Big Two voter while Loki is just pissing around cause hes bored.

So, Trump?

I root for Loki to teach that bitch where is her place…

Is that bad?

Loki does supervillain stuff and still ends up better than most Presidents, calling it now.

Kinda funny given the whole thing with Thor being heir to Asgard. (eventually)

Fuck off redditor.

Written by tumblr, for tumblr.

Name one thing Trump lied about.

I'd love if he invaded Asgard FOR AMERICA and succeeded in LIBERATING IT.

To be fair, she started her journalistic career by writing an expose that got the corrupt mayor sent to prison.

I know you're baiting, but I meant that Loki's statement of his campaign platform was literally him declaring 'I'm going to lie to your face, America, and you're going to love it.'

And yet, while he's twisted his words and tricked people into coming away with the wrong impression, he hasn't actually directly contradicted himself or told any outright falsehoods. Is he saving the outright lies for when he gets into the oval office, or what?

nah that's red skull

I guess after a LITERAL NAZI, you could call this a subtle commentary, but only in those relative terms. Also, how is a non-citizen able to run for candidacy? Did Reed screw up the Constitution when he pieced the world back together?

It's really sad that these writers are looking down on the American public for being plebs and uncritically getting swept away by populist candidates, but they deliver this message through populist media and expect you to uncritically follow their world view. Any nuanced examination of the factors at work, and the narrative falls to pieces.

Read the other issues. It explains his citizen bullshit (which the reporter is trying to disprove) and he's a very much targeted at both candidates.

Or read the thread where we already talked about how that's not what this particular book is. Don't feel victimized over everything.

I thought he was just a parody of politicians in general?

No, that would be MODOK

remember when marvel did satire without the subtlety of a steel hammer in a china shop?

No, not really

Of course she does. I don't know why anyone who supports Trump would be mad at this. This has the same level of insult as saying "you eat boogers and you're smelly."

It's more about being mad at the fact that this is what Marvel has devolved to.

Ugh, I've seen that image so many times, but no one has ever even said what book it's from.

Call me when Loki has to cover up some sort of email scandal, explain why a blowjob isn't sex, or builds his platform on untenable socialist policies. His campaign ("…lie to your face, etc.") mirrors Trumps, "I could shoot someone in the street and people would vote for me"; his brusque take on global conflict echoes Trump's tough-guy persona; and lastly, Marvel has a pretty strong ideological leaning, so it's not like people are tilting at windmills.

If this were not being released in an election year, I would find it a bit more plausible that this is a neutral call to be more critical of candidates, but considering the current climate and Marvel's track record, political motivation is the most probable scenario.

The only technically neutral point you could pick out would probably be the anti-populist angle, which would target Trump and Sanders (but Bernie wasn't actually a Democrat, he just used them).

Hasn't this been going on for years now? It's not like Marvel suddenly ran into a brick wall and has been churning out masterpiece after masterpiece. If anything, at this point I EXPECT Marvel to continue doing comics with as little subtlety as a bull in a china shop.

Of course this is politically motivated. It's obvious that Marvel has their panties in a twist that a big, evil, mean man like Trump has gained so much support. Could you imagine how much salt we'll be able to collect from Marvel once he becomes president? Not only Marvel, but every piece of liberal media will be pouring with salt for 4 years (maybe even 8).

You're drawing comparisons seemingly because you feel victimized, or trying to white knight for Trump. Loki is being pretty much portrayed as mocking to politicians in general. The parallels between him and Trump are mostly stuff that is just in character for Loki (though all politicians are liars to varying degrees, so that's not as on the nose as you claim). I'm not even saying the writer isn't Liberal, MOST ARE, but he's not giving a skewed propaganda piece unless you WANT to see that in the first place.

And why the fuck would they run an election comic anytime except in or around the election year, regardless of content? Whatever the end result of the story, I'm pretty sure that's the only reason the pitch was approved.

And since Loki has been a supervillain, he's technically been in fights, something that makes him nothing like Trump

Please let Loki win. Please don't let Loki somehow be "outsmarted" by this poorly drawn bitch.

It's Marvel, of course the strong independent womyn is going to beat the evil white male.

Loki is much more likable and interesting than her. And he killed the shit out of those dirty Latverians.

Does that mean Loki would win if he turned himself back into a chick again?
I mean, he's trans, and that trumps hetero womyn, doesn't it?

I'm drawing conclusions based on MODAAK and Sam Wilson's Red Skull. Inductive logic, sure, but not a leap. I don't feel victimized, I feel you're giving them too much credit.

Because I'm holding out hope for an ounce of creativity, as opposed to bandwagon productions that leech off whatever holds the public's attention. Because you have something to say about a corrupt and shameless system as a whole, rather than a shallow attempt to influence readers to vote for your candidate.

Don't count on it, the reporter is clearly Hispanic, so even if they matched off on vaginas, she still has more priority on the progressive stack.

Read some old Cap. If you don't like the modern stuff, just go read the 80s stuff, both for better quality of writing and a perspective on what is and isn't out of character for guys like Red Skull. If you are still insulted that a man who can twist any belief system can twist your beliefs, then you might have an unrealistic opinion of your belief system.

That's pretty funny.

He can run in the US because he is a US citizen. He's a legend that was given shape by American collective thought, and so he was "born" in the United States.

no he's norwegian

I mean that that's the rationale that is used in-universe.

Sony didn't sell the rights at all. It's pretty much simply a joint venture. You can bet your ass Captain America or Iron Man will have a short cameo in the next Spiderman movie.

One of the first comics i've ever read was Transmetropolitan. Remember the storyline were Spider tried to bring down the Smiler from Presidency? It was funny and smart and weird.

I liked comics back then. I want those times back.

Hm… wasn't The Beast an analogy of Clinton and The Smiler an analogy of Bush?

I thought it was "Old School Corruption" and "Newage Constitution Destruction"

Is jsut that the Smiler's policies were really similar to Bush policies. All about 'religious alternatives', 'controling information for national security' and a lot of shit like that.

Besides, Bush fucked up the world a lot. Also he is guilty of fucking up so much Obama got into office.

With Warren Eliis there's always some fucking message or analogy, you just never know which.

Anyway this comic just reminded me of Transmet were the Politician was actually smart. Devious. Utterly insane. Evil.

Here Loki just does - what? Put on some cargopants and lead a handfull of rebels to a gun that conviniently blows everybody up? That's it. That was the clever scheme of the Trickstergod. Wow.

Nice i should really check out Transmetropolitan.

Why are you editorializing for hacks? You're attributing nuanced thought to their depictions, like they aren't the equivalent of teenagers taking potshots at whatever is on the prime time news.

I think the implication was that getting caught doing it on camera (and the resulting public relations boost for his campaign) was also part of his master plan.

Smiler and Beast were more expies of Kennedy and Nixon, as Spider was Hunter S. Thompson.