Guess her Age

The answers may surprise you!

Other urls found in this thread: Article JOFHS.pdf





73 ?

20 something but she has down syndrome

12 years of age is my guess. Do I win?

you win!


uhhhh 14?

I'm guessing she's Russian.


Oh I saw her in some girl model feed, shes 15

That's not the face of a 15 year old. Article JOFHS.pdf
That maps kind of bs

Go look her up lulu bonfils

shes 16 now

16 now, not when that image was made.

There was a blonde freshman girl with big tits like this who used to ride my bus that wanted my cock, so I'm going to say 13-15.

LOOK at her face. She's a kid.

I know, and she looked very similar to the girl I described. Only my girl was hotter, with full lips, longer hair, and makeup. She always wore this red t-shirt that made her perky big tits really stand out, too.

can you always tell just by the face?

Yes. Always.

okay try this

Image too small and not sharp. Try again.


Image is pretty soft. I'd say 13-19.














































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It looks like someone photoshopped a child's head on a grown woman's body. The child's head is probably 12. But the woman's body is 26.

you da boss

It's possible, but it's also possible it's not. There are 9 year old girls getting pregnant these days.


she'll look 40 when she's 20, thats not a good deal.

would fuck but definitely not wife


Big boobs are almost always fucking gross.

I used to date a 15-year-old with huge tits. That was fine but when she turned 16 and 17 they were way too big. Even so, loved the shit out of her, but don't miss her now.

KGB propaganda


That's fucking disgusting. People are living in poverty and yet these chinks have the audacity to eat this much.

